Friday, January 11, 2008

Fighting continues in Parappakandal

Heavy fighting was reported in areas ahead of Parappakandal for the third consecutive day where Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched a counterattack to regain lost territory in last week's battles. A group of SLA soldiers setting up defenses in newly captured areas came under an LTTE attack at around 1.30PM today (11th). The attack, which involved between 30-40  LTTE cadres, was successfully defended by the army. Two SLA personnel were killed and four more were injured in the incident while 8 LTTE cadres who took part in the counterattack have been killed.

LTTE has been repeatedly launching attacks on troops deployed in this area with the intention of recapturing lost ground. Although these operations have had little success in regaining territory, they have helped slow down (but not halt) the army advance into LTTE held territory in Mannar.


  1. Slow and Steady... no need to rush.


    How long would you say the attrition stage will last for?

    I know the final stages of the battleplan for guerilla warfare involve a switch to conventional tactics followed by the take over, but the current stage is probably the most significant.

    It must be carried out alongside the "hearts and minds" stage. Without this combination, we cannot gather enough intel.

    Remember, the main weapon we have is the Sri Lankan Tamil people in wanni.

    Intelligence is KEY.

    Good luck to our warriors.

  2. Defencenet-
    Is there a way we can find out who's in Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission and the country of origin.
    I'm sure we can get some local communities of those countries to back us up by talking to those guys.

  3. Thanks for the news DefenceNet. Kill as many of them as possible and march into Wanni. LTTE has to be eliminated. Every terrorist must die.


  4. "In the Vavuniya sector where the 57th Division of the Sri Lanka Army operates along with Special Forces, ground troops have advanced more than 10 Km ahead of their original FDL. They have regained more than 250 square Kilometres earlier held by the LTTE.

    In the Mannar sector the Task Force -1 or the 58 Division has already captured more than 40 square kilometres earlier held by the LTTE advancing towards North Mannar in three fronts, Parappakandal, Adampan and Neelachchenai"
    -Daily news

    Defencenet, are the above claims accurate? It's great if you can post a map showing the frontline shift (if possible).

    Following is the link.

    click here.

  5. hemantha:

    I would take daily news report with a grain of salt. If they went 10km ahead of FDL, that is pretty much it. I dont think LTTE would have bunkers that deep from their FDL.

  6. Onecountry,
    I know that the Army has advanced long distances at certain places. The Daily News is trying to give the notion that whole Vavuniya front has moved 10 km. Let's see what defencenet has to say.

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  9. Here is what I found out in

    "How could Sri Lankan armed forces hit at precise targets of the LTTE?

    Sri Lankan intelligence has made significant achievement in pinpointing and attacking specific targets. The recent killing of LTTE top leaders like Thamilchelvan, Charles and others are victories Sri Lanka did not experience in the scale it is enjoying at present.

    Though there are counter argument that death of Thamilchelvan is an internal work of the LTTE, and events unfolding since Thamilchelvan’s death makes one to believe that Sri Lankan intelligence has made significant inroads into LTTE controlled territories.

    The question arises whether Sri Lankan intelligence were able to carryout these operations single handily without any base level support from the LTTE is questionable. One needs to consider the pros and cons of circumstances helping the government forces.

    Since the latest unofficial warfare with the LTTE which started from November 2006, there have been large numbers of LTTE cadres leaving the movement. These are mainly young recruits. Some of them crossed the boarders without any difficulties, but couple of hundreds of them were mercilessly shot and killed by the army while they were crossing to the government side. Few of them were taken into custody and put through torture to extract information about the LTTE. Of these, few became regular operatives for the government intelligence service and the forces. Chances of these elements providing high level intelligence are questionable.

    Assuming that Thamilchelvan died in the precise bombing of the air force, one has to question how the government intelligence obtained the information about his whereabouts. Corroborating the news releases of the LTTE and the government on his death there is some doubt that the government forces knew Thamilchelvan will be at the location. However a target was found, even if the intelligence did not know Thamilchelvan is housed there and an attack had taken place at the precise location. This location would not have been known to the intelligence without any inside dealings with LTTE sources.

    Recent death of Charles and his team in the hands of the Deep Penetration Unit of the army give startling evidence that intelligence had firsthand information about the movements of the victims. The army intelligence must have been alerted by someone close to the hierarchy of the LTTE that Charles & Co are heading towards a particular area for them to plant the landmines and explode it at the right time.

    LTTE that thrived on the secrecy, loyalty and fear regime imposed by it for many years must now accept the reality that things are going wrong for it to exercise the level of controls it enjoyed before.

    It is known that LTTE did not have a cohesive structure. Those who have some internal knowledge of the functioning of the LTTE will say leaders under Pirabkaran were fighting among themselves to establish their own control of the movement. Pirabakaran guarded by five hundred odd elite cadres is a prisoner of his own. Though he has the overall control, his remote dealings with the command structure have helped infightings developing into fractional animosity. Karuna was one of the fractions before he left the LTTE. If he did not leave them at the opportune moment, he too would have been a victim of the factional infighting. Soosai’s near escape from death last year is another fact supporting this claim of factional fighting.

    Insiders say, since Karuna’s departure, there have been two main factions within the LTTE. One headed by Castro and the other by Tamilchelvan. Castro is supported by Tamilchelvan’s successor Nadesan. Tamilchelvan had a bigger support base which included LTTE’s Pottu Amman. There were reports that Castro has established his own intelligence setup within the LTTE. The bitter feud between Nadesan and Thamilchelvan in Geneva which lead to angry Nadesan packing his bags back to Vanni are well reported news confirming factional fights.

    With the demise of Tamilchelvan, Castro was able to further extend his power base. Death of Charles and Sri in the recent Deep Penetration Unit attack is body blow for Pottu Amman as both of them were highly admired by him for their loyal service. Both Charles and Sri were encountering difficulties with Castro’s men. Pottu Amman is the only leader in the LTTE at present from outside the LTTE’s traditional Valvettithurai (VVT). He is from Nallur- a place faraway from the Pirabakaran’s Valvettithurai. He is also the only upper class (Vellalan-farmer) Tamil in the LTTE. Most of the positions are at present controlled by chaps from Valvettithurai and Myliddy fishing villages.

    Elimination of Charles and Sri recently is major body blow for Pottu. Veerakathy Manivannan alias Castro is a disabled man needing day to day care and he is dependent on wheel chair to move around. But his eagerness to exert total control on the LTTE is feared by many in the LTTE. In the early 2000, he was purged from his rank following Anton Balasingam’s involvement. But within months he was elevated to the position of Head of International Finance.

    LTTE sources say Castro is the only person who could challenge Pirabakaran’s orders. There were occasions when he had barged into Pirabakaran’s place with persons whom the leader did not want to have dealings.

    Compelling circumstances are pointing the finger at Castro and his men for the debacles faced by the LTTE. But the LTTE is accusing the NGO’s for their predicament. Since Castro has established his overwhelming control of the LTTE, the NGO’s have become scapegoats to take the blame of the conspirators in the LTTE."

    Looks like our MI is working very well. Tumbs up for the SLDF!!!

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  14. The area captured is less than 250sq.Km. We have advanced several kms into wanni but not from all fronts. We'll post a map when we get tha chance

  15. Long live Special Forces

  16. David and few other bloggers have expressed their views on CFA and benefits it had brought about.

    Largely I have to disagree with you David (However I don't think my comments here will change your opinion, but to give a different perspective to your argument I am writing this)

    You say that the SLA was in a serious slump by 2001 which is only partially true. They had managed to withstand LTTE unceasing wave towards Jaffna and were recuperating by the time ceasefire was signed. On the other hand LTTE was in a bigger slump. Even Karuna Amman has confirmed this. As much as they managed to over run some military bases by 2001 they had fought for almost 6 years continuously with the SLA by that time, which would have taken a bigger toll on them than the SLA (a guerilla outfit fighting a conventional army).
    We had lost some battles but we were far from losing the war. If it was the case do you think VP would ever come for a CFA.

    So LTTE needed a break more than the SLA

    RW never signed the ceasefire with intentions of fighting another war. As a result SLDF's were severely crippled during that era in term of funding, training, moral, recruiting, etc, etc
    On the other hand LTTE had a proper plan to strengthen its capacity with recruitments (No. of carders were increased by more than 4 times)

    More than any of these things, LTTE used CFA to overcome serious Geo-Political fallout from the Al-Qaeda attack on 9-11.Instead they managed to develop a diplomatic face for them selves and were treated as equals (or even better) than the GOSL.

    what ever claims you have about the weaknesses in the government forces are not valid for our unconventional forces such as DPU. They had taken some serious targets (like Shankar) and were closing in on VP himself. CFA gave an opportunity to wipeout LTTE it's most feared foe.

    Only positive that came out of CFA was the breakaway of Karuna group. even that was not properly managed by then government. As a result out of more than 5000 cadres who were left with Karuna a large fraction returned to the Wanni outfit.

    I don't know how you have forgotten about the ISGA proposal. That was the next step in LTTE's plan. RW was about to begin discussions based on that when he lost power.

    So all in all CFA did not bring in, any benefits for us. Merely we have managed to overcome some of the biggest problems it caused through sheer determination and will not to give in for the terrorism.

    After saying all this I have to ask from you and any other bloggers, why we should hold on to any of these failed agreements we have entered after they have failed to deliver?

    Regarding the IC reaction on CFA abrogation, I must say what else would you expect. I think we should get away from this mentality. Those so called IC would never praise us for anything. On the other hand did they utter a word when LTTE continuously violated the CFA? Did they utter a word when LTTE ordered all EU monitors out of the country. Did they utter a word when LTTE walked away from talks since 1983 till 2006 on their own while the successive governments were doing everything to match their petty demands? What did this so called IC do when LTTE brutally killed the best FM that has ever being in this country? What did this IC do when their custodian of peace RW lost the presidential election b’cos LTTE brutally crushed the peoples franchise in 2005.

    If they were so keen to see peace in this country they would have acted then.

    All those countries that have banned LTTE has done only in the name. LTTE is fully operational in all those countries except India. Most of these bans have been imposed in order to justify their actions against some of the other organizations which could cause a threat to them like AlQaeda.

    These are some of my ideas. I think you might not like them. However I would request you not to reply in filth even if you don’t agree with some of these.

  17. DefenceNet,Wht the hell is dis??

    defenceline said...

    Breaking News.

    Sri Lankan soldiers pushed across the front lines and captured rebel-held Vanni and Kilinochchi as heavy artillery and mortar battles across the area left 747 LTTE dead, the military said

    is dis true???

  18. he's an LTTE lunatic who puts his sarcasm abt the defencenet's claims about the LTTE's casualties. He thinks that defencet's claims about his invincible bata slipper gang (makkal padei with special training in getting killed easily) is false.

    dont even bother asking a clarification about a claim by an LTTE fool. just ignore.
    REMEMBER according to tamilnet, all our kafirs are lost and all our dovras are sunk. and LTTE is still ruling the eastern province (which these poor toilet learners in norway also believe)

  19. Dulith,
    CFA has failed !.Deres no argument abt it,the only concern here is the timing.In the present situation, abolishing the CFA has provided LTTE a chance to portrait them selves as the victims not the criminals.Although a well designed and executed CFA could hav been a huge step towards a long lasting peace,the one we had was neither of that.

    The point is that we hav given IC,which is understandably pushing us towards a so called "negotiated settlement" a chance to interfere with our military advance. Last year IC only asked us to reenter to the peace processs coz dere was a CFA,at least in the papers.Bt nw they will call for CFA yet again,when sumthing huge happens which is a real possibility. We did not use the CFA to our advantage from the beginning and now when we were finally getting some use from it,MR decides to abolish it !.

  20. bentz,
    Account "defenceline" is not a one of our members. All official DefenceNet communications will be made via account "defencenet" with 11553575476849786179 at the end of profile URL.

    And Kilinochci and Wanni have not been captured. There is still a long way to go to reach them.

  21. Dulith,

    You have loads of wisdom.

    If ISGA were given, it would be the EELAM in another dress.

    I thank Chandrika for not letting it happen at the last moment (little forgiveness for her robbing the country wholesale with Ronnie Peiris).

    Now, the LTTE is doing their last consorted effort against GOSL. The whole world LTTE media, NGO, Checkbook Journalists are on all out war against GOSL.

    GOSL has not got someone who is in Kadir's capacity to counter those one by one taking up with world leaders and world bodies.

    The government is not using G. L. Peiris and Dayan Jayatilleke to their capacities for some reason.

    LTTE is going around the whole world creating a massive media campaign misleading the entire international community. GOSL also should invest heavily into countering the same. But, we are failing rapidly in that aspect.

    It is a real need of the hour to do really brainy stuff.

    A great Sri Lankan hero who lives in NY with his friends went and knelled the Associated Press and their Checkbook Journalists down. Now, at least we can see some un-twisted less anti-GOSL reports coming from them. It is a great thing.

    Likewise, LTTE is in every Human Right shackle. The biggest HR violators of this world are being followed and trusted by all these HR organisation and turn themselves against GOSL. These need to be countered by removing the sheep skin of LTTE wolf. GOSL, our Diplomatic missions should invest heavily on them.

    Lot to say man.. we all know our pains of suffering for three decades with these barbaric LTTE morons. They destroyed the future of this beautiful country for three decades. Need to bring Prabhakaran to Galle Face Green.....

  22. Ah sry guys,

    I didn't notice dat it was that lunatic again.

    Anyway Defenceline,u ll b able to post it again in the near future.u'll just have to do some minor changes (casuality figures of LTTE).

  23. SLAF pounds Sea Tiger base - Mullaithivu.

  24. MR chose to scrap the CFA to appease the JVP morons.

    David is right, the CFA did help us in the last couple of years. But the JVP clowns could not see this and put pressure on the GOSL during budget voting times.

    You see guys...MR's coalition was shaky and the JVP saw this weakness and used it to get something out of it, and they succeeded.

    MR did what he had to do to keep government into falling into the UNP direction again.

  25. A recommended reading in Asian Tribune..

  26. Dulith, thanks for the intelligent counterpoints. It's gratifying to know that there are some people on this blog capable of objective debate instead of just juvenile insults. So let me respond, point by point:

    "You say that the SLA was in a serious slump by 2001 which is only partially true. They had managed to withstand LTTE unceasing wave towards Jaffna and were recuperating by the time ceasefire was signed. On the other hand LTTE was in a bigger slump."

    I'm not saying that the LTTE did not need a break as well -- they did. That's one reason they returned to the table. Militarily, they had the upper hand, so it was a good time for a truce. On the other hand, I believe that elements within the LTTE (like Anton Balasingham) recognised the fact that they couldn't capture the entire NE militarily (they just didn't have the numbers) and that eventually negotiations and a political solution would have to be undertaken (at the very least to receive IC recognition for Eelam). So these elements were pushing within the LTTE for aa truce, knowing that Ranil W was open to a political solution and a federal system. VP and other military minds in the LTTE acceded to this as they realised that they'd had a spate of military successes and needed breathing space before the next stage.

    So both sides needed a break, but our side had just suffered defeats while their side had been reasonably victorious.

    "As much as they managed to over run some military bases by 2001 they had fought for almost 6 years continuously with the SLA by that time, which would have taken a bigger toll on them than the SLA"

    This is arguable. Going on percentage, the LTTE had lost more overall, but if you just took the fighting troops of both sides, the Army had lost more. Also, Army recruitment had almost completely dried up, while LTTE recruits (both volunteers and conscripts) were pouring in.

    "We had lost some battles but we were far from losing the war"

    The war will never be lost for us on the battlefield, for the simple reason that the LTTE just doesn't have the numbers to defeat the Army on the ground. However, if enough casualties are inflicted and bases captured, the democratic GoSL cannot garner enough popular support to hold onto power. This has been repeatedly demonstrated, with major bases falling and the GoSL then agreeing to a truce (Pooneryn, EPS, etc)

    "RW never signed the ceasefire with intentions of fighting another war."

    This is immaterial. RW's reasons have nothing to do with the military need of the day. RW may not have wanted the war to continue, but he wasn't stupid enough to think that he might not ge it anyway. My argument isn't about whether the CFA was correct or not, but whether it was necessary or not. What the intention of the CFA was does not matter in hindsight, because my point is that without the CFA, we wouldn't have had the breathing space to launch the offensives we did last year. We made good use of the CFA, and we should've continued to make capital of it.

    "As a result SLDF's were severely crippled during that era in term of funding, training, moral, recruiting, etc, etc"

    Again, arguable. Sure, funding was cut, but not training. Loss of morale and recruiting numbers was more a result of sensationalist media reporting of LTTE violations. And once RW lost the election to MR, things changed drastically. So why didn't MR pull out of the CFA as soon as he was on the throne? If the CFA was useless, why did he abide by it for so long? Because it gave us the veneer of peacefulness and a cover for our operations.

    "More than any of these things, LTTE used CFA to overcome serious Geo-Political fallout from the Al-Qaeda attack on 9-11.Instead they managed to develop a diplomatic face for them selves and were treated as equals (or even better) than the GOSL."

    That was the GoSL's own fault. It should have made use of the CFA to gain ground internationally. Citing misuse of truce time isn't proving that that time is useless -- just that we wasted it.

    "what ever claims you have about the weaknesses in the government forces are not valid for our unconventional forces such as DPU. They had taken some serious targets (like Shankar) and were closing in on VP himself. CFA gave an opportunity to wipeout LTTE it's most feared foe."

    Yes, the LRRPs were building themselves up and had successes, but we couldn't have reversed the NE situation just with the LRRPs. And the latter could have continued its successes under the cover of the CFA (as they did in the last two years). The disbandment of LRRP ops was due to lack of communication between the JOC and the MoD, and the selfish ambition of certain cops. If the JoC had kept the GoSL fully informed on LRRP ops, there would've been no panic and no raid on the saafehouse. The problem was the military no longer trusted the GoSL and vice versa. So it wasn't the fault of the CFA, but the chaaos within the establishment that was the problem -- implementation.

    "Only positive that came out of CFA was the breakaway of Karuna group."

    And this is a very big positive. Without the TMVP there would have been no victory in the East, and without the CFA there would have been no TMVP.

    Most of your points, Dulith, point to mistakes by RW and the UNP, and you're right that mistakes were made. However, that doesn't change the necessity of the CFA at the time. The next govt made good use of the CFA, and should have continued to do so insteaad of withdrawing.

    "I don't know how you have forgotten about the ISGA proposal. That was the next step in LTTE's plan. RW was about to begin discussions based on that when he lost power."

    I have not forgotten it. I didn't mention it 'cos it's irrelevant to the debate on whether the CFA was a useful time for the GoSL or not. The UNP was defeated and the ISGA rejected, but the CFA was maintained because it was useful to us.

    "So all in all CFA did not bring in, any benefits for us. Merely we have managed to overcome some of the biggest problems it caused through sheer determination and will not to give in for the terrorism."

    I have already pointed out the benefits we gained. There were many more we could have gained as well if the UNP hadn't been so spineless. The big problems we overcame were within our own establishment, and those weaknesses have nothing to do with the CFA, just the implementation of it.

    "After saying all this I have to ask from you and any other bloggers, why we should hold on to any of these failed agreements we have entered after they have failed to deliver?"

    As I've told you already, the MR GoSL hung on to the CFA cos it served our purpose, giving us the time we needed and the facade of peacability. When MR took over, people were claamouring for him to reataliate militarily, but he didn't. Why didn't he? Because we needed the time. Once we had regaained our strength, the violence volume was gradually turned up. So let me answer your question with a question. What do we gain by withdrawing from the CFA? In war you never do anything without a reason. The gain is in political popularity for the Rajapakses. That is all. Militarily, it's a mistake, because it's sending a threat out to the LTTE. Why do you threaten? You threaten only if you cannot act. If you are going to act, you don't bother with threats, because a threat is a warning.

    "Regarding the IC reaction on CFA abrogation, I must say what else would you expect. I think we should get away from this mentality. Those so called IC would never praise us for anything. On the other hand did they utter a word when LTTE continuously violated the CFA"

    This is a war, not a pissing contest, and if you're going to get hurt and angry at the actions of the IC, you don't have the maturity to be a government. You can't take things personally. I have already explained how countries like the US were able to quietly back us because we were (on paper) committed to peace. There are many such things going on in the real halls of power in the US and EU. You can't react to the sensationalism of the media. Saying the IC doesn't care for us, so we won't care about them is juvenile. We have to care about the IC, every 3rd World country must if it doesn't want to be a Zimbabwe. One of the unwritten rules of the world is that the 1st World is instinctively sympaathetic to groups fighting 3rd World governments. You have to accept thaat, and plot your course taking it into account. Fight it, and your people suffer, like Zimbabwe and Serbia and Iraq.

    "Did they utter a word when LTTE walked away from talks since 1983 till 2006 on their own while the successive governments were doing everything to match their petty demands?"

    They did. Please go back and read those reports from those periods. Memory fades with time, but reality doesn't.

    "What did this so called IC do when LTTE brutally killed the best FM that has ever being in this country? "

    They banned them, and froze their bank accounts. They provided us with advice and military aid.

    "If they were so keen to see peace in this country they would have acted then."

    How would you have wanted them to act? Invade the NE like the IPKF? Bomb Kilinochchi like they did Baghdad? Be realistic, this isn't a movie. For the IC, things are not as cut-and-dried as we would like it to be, and we aren't necessarily seen always as the good guys. So you need to work within that reality, not stand on a soapbox and demand everyone listen.

    "All those countries that have banned LTTE has done only in the name."

    This is a blanket statement that doesn't reflect reality, Dulith. Some countries have been tougher on the Tigers than others. And a ban can't be taken as a fait accompli; it's an ongong process that we need to contribute to; so when you evict Pettah Tamils or intimidate the media, even our allies wonder if they're on the right side.

  27. This is a war, not a pissing contest, and if you're going to get hurt and angry at the actions of the IC, you don't have the maturity to be a government. You can't take things personally

    Exactly DB, this is what our ppl doesn't understand.A legitimate govt cant act like school boys.They must use a strategy to face these issues.

  28. CFA helped for both sides. Specially when under RW, it helped LTTE, but after MR take over it helped SLDF. This CFA was a preperation for a Achievement/WAR.
    Its like warm up for a match.
    Now match has already started.
    Presently SLDF are hitting 6s & 4s for all the balls.
    Even another six was hit, hits not a breaking News for us.

    But LTTE in a critical situation now. There are number of Made in overs. If LTTE mange to get a single, it will be a breaking News for all and all the LTTE supporters
    will be happy and insult nti-LTTEs.

    But at the end of the day who is the winner????

  29. Hey, CFA (and its withdrawal) was good or bad, right or wrong, now it is over.
    What now has started is the LTTE propaganda;"see, we love CFA, we want to negotiate, we need peace but GOSL abandond it and seeks a military solution. We are good, GOSL is bad, so help us, accept eelam...".
    It is good to discuss all the aspects of CFA. But we need a stratergy for the next step too; For the post CFA period, propaganda and counter propaganda purposes. Obviously we are in the receiving end in the international platform. Thus need hard and handy work.

  30. adding to earlier comment;

    As usual this government first jump and then think. (if they ever think) This has worked so far for them but not garanteed all the time. They can't undo CFA decesion. Thus atleast now they should plan things in (technically) new background.

  31. DefenceNet
    sorry but this is off the topic.
    the user "specialforces" on LNP has revealed some startling news on his page and the man his been quite accurate with his info all these times...
    here's his post
    "folks I`m reporting some dreaded developments which have taken place in Colombo following Intel reports.the top brass of intelligence agencies have recommended to the govt for the closure of schools.

    i am not going to reveal the duration here but I`m only saying that it will be a revisit for the second world war.

    heavy battles are to be fought ahead in Colombo and elsewhere with the intel agencies obtaining highly credible information that the ltte is planning big as the final showdown begins.parliament will be prorogued with the latest development of the ltte targeting political leaders and the govt has taken a decision in principle to use its deadliest fire power in vanni (air) which has not been hitherto used in what is promised to be a series of tit for tat bloody attacks. "

    to your knowledge, is there any truth to this?
    if it's sensitive info you don't have to answer... just delete this entry

  32. Guys,
    Today FBI has exposed LTTE terrorists in an unprecedented manner today. Needless to say Hilary Clinton's comments about LTTE would be utterly humiliated by this.

    GOSL should take the maximum advantage of this.

    Please read,

  33. Only those who support the LTTE in their other posts say the CFA was good!!!

    What a co-incident!


    Think mates.

    If LTTE supporters support the CFA, SL supporters must see it as a ploy. In hebrew there is a saying, "my enemy's enemy is my friend".

    CFA has eliminated undue witnesses as per GK Ponnamballam. This says alot from the mounth of the one time praba's son-in-law to be that the LTTE is fighting a losing battle where the Vanni will be made a graveyard and there will be no witnesses!

    The LTTE was weak in 2001 faced with extinction in the war on terror not by the US but by SL which could have raped it when the world was on fire. It escaped thanks to the CFA.

    But the real good of the CFA is yet to come. Tigers brought a large haul of bombs to colombo thanks directly to the CFA. The real score of the CFA will be seen when that happens.

  34. on cfa...
    i agree on david's views...
    don't think anyone can have a proper answer to why the government moved away from cfa at this juncture and give any thing for the ltte'rs to use for their gain...
    why couldn't we continue what we were doing with CFA on paper :)
    would be great to hear if anyone can provide what we gained by scrapping CFA now...

  35. During the JVP uprising also schools were closed from september 1988 to january 1989; again may 1989 to september 1989.

    But the JVP terrorists were successfully routed. The same will happen to the LTTE.

    Can you remmeber how peaceful it was immediately after crushing the JVP; unfortunately we sent back the IPKF. Had they stayed, it would have been great at least for a few more years.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Oh please MD,

    Just read our posts b4 u say sumthin like dat!!! ppl like u who cant stand other ppls ideologies r a disgrace to the blogsphere. Every 1 who has a slightest difference with u is a terrorist according to u !!! Come on mate show some brains !!!!

  38. There is no contest between right and wrong.

    The CFA is wrong, illegal and disastrous. Unfortunately illegal stuff rule lanka.

    Aren't the LTTE want the CFA?

    Do the govt. want the CFA?

    This explains a lot.

    Only the braindead (including Nadesan, Praba) will support the dead CFA.

    It must be burried at least now.

    If the CFA was any beneficial the US, etc. would AT THE VERY LEAST CONSIDER a similar CFA for their wars in Afghanistan!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Also please read in detail what Kadirgamar, Anadasangaree, Devananda had to say about the CFA. They are the political giants who would not let down the Tamils and the nation both.

    They were the most against the CFA; why? please think?

    Why Anandasanagree won the madanajith peace prize for being vehemantly against the CFA?

    Why did he supported the abbrogation?

    Ridiculous how political nobodies trying to beat Kadir/sangaree/devananda.

  41. Moshe Dyan,
    All the UNP Supporters in this blog will comment in favor of CFA.
    and all the Anti-UNP and the bloggers who are expecting real military victory, comments against the CFA.

  42. oh c'mon guys...
    we also used the CFA to our advantage and we could've used it for more...
    at war you should only do things if it benefits you and abolishing CFA at this juncture hasn't got us anything extra...
    why couldn't we have the CFA in paper like we did and kept on attacking the ltte like we were doing...

    CFA was abolished only to please some stupid propaganda goals and so far there's no proper strategy behind that action...

    if we made any gains whatsoever by abolishing the CFA now...i'd love to know :)

    LNP is

  43. Moshe

    The world sees the issues in shades of grey not black and white. In the eyes of the IC our civil war is no different.

    The US could do as it pleased in the war on terror because they were the sole superpower and a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY.

  44. b#1
    your wrong mate.
    this is not about UNPers and anti-UNPers... this is about what's right for Sri Lanka and it's people.

    There are no arguments on the fact that CFA favored the ltte and they used it to the max...
    but we also gained something out of it and we were doing quite well even with the CFA on as a cover...
    We need the IC support like it or not and holding onto CFA was a nice way to keep things quiet on that front while kicking the living daylights out of the tigers...
    when we could've used the extra cushioning given by the CFA...why ban it now?

  45. Would be great to hear if anyone can provide what we gained by scrapping CFA now...

    1)We gained by nullifying the legitimacy granted to LTTE to lay claim on all areas that came under their control under the CFA including the now liberated areas and any area that will be liberated in the future.

    2) By abolishing foreign countries to provide diplomatic rights to the LTTE

    3) We shed the equal status given to LTTE in comparison with the GOSL

    4) We blocked the ability of Norway or any other country from providing diplomatic protection to VP or any other fleeing terrorists.

    5) We protested against Norway's partial facilitation in this Boru Peace process.

    6) We stopped one excuse for foreigners from just walking into vanni and meeting LTTE leaders

    7) We gave a strong signal to our armed forces that their sacrifices will not be betrayed (Once again)

    8) We blocked RW from simply going back to where he stopped in the eventuality that there is a government change.

    9) We removed one more hurdle in banning LTTE

    10) We paved way to pack all the foreigners who are here in the name of CFA (NGO's,SLMM,Etc,etc)and send them home

    Aren't these enough gains? Tell me you patriots.

  46. What was happening in 2001/02 and who was winning/losing when the CFA was signed is now history. What is more important is what we do now. Abolishing the CFA at this stage has no benefit to SL. Its purely a political move to please the JVP and in the process gives more weight to LTTE propaganda. We could have kept the CFA and carried on any amount of military operations under the guise of "humanitarian operations" etc.

  47. Wow...
    Anti Aircraft ammunition in Colombo ?...
    Let's keep eye on all... Let's not give the last laugh to terrorists.

  48. Coming back to the discussion on what could be used to prevent suicide boat attacks...

    Anyone care to comment on using two small boats loaded with explosives and remote controlled to ram against suicide boats?

  49. ranil,
    "the user "specialforces" on LNP has revealed some startling news on his page and the man his been quite accurate with his info all these times...
    here's his post"

    Some of the information in that post are correct but we cannot confirm all.

    LTTE has plans to attack Colombo and that's confirmed. We warned about that here:

    Closure of schools- This too is still being considered and no official decision has been taken. But it's most likely that they will be closed down for some time. (Next Monday the 14th - 1 day before Thai Pongal and 2 days before the CFA officially ends, has already been declared as a school holiday)

    Airstrikes- There have been few airstrikes on targets in the north and we did not see any details of these either on nor More information cannot be revealed in this regard.

    We cannot confirm the info about injuries to LTTE leader or the ones that involve foreign country's stance towards Sri Lanka. All we have regarding those are unconfirmed info.

    But as we said before, heaviest battles of Eeelam War 4 are yet to b fought.

  50. kiri
    i'm no naval expert but i do recreational sailing so here's my 2 cents...
    If you have seen footage of suicide boats in action... these things are very fast and highly agile...
    a radio controlled drone type of a boat will struggle to keep up with such crafts for many reasons. for starters the radio controller operator will not get the full "feel" of his craft when compared to much more direct control the suicide cadres have on there boats...
    this might be one reason that tigers themselves have not used this technique even against slower moving larger naval vessels...
    And a smaller radio controlled boat will not handle choppy seas so in order to be sea worthy and be accurate you would need a larger boat...
    so personally i see lot of issues with implementing such a thing when possible gains outnumber the difficulties and conventional weapons might be more effective overall when compared to this...

  51. Kiri,

    That is as impractical as trying to use remote control planes to knock down an incoming missile. Why bother trying to invent weapons when they already have weapons for the job?

    Secondly, if you want to ram a boat against an LTTE vessel, it would have to be as big as the LTTE boat itself. It would need to have similar engines to be fast enough to catch up and large enough to carry sufficient explosives. You are better off just buying a proper missile.

  52. DefenceNet
    thanks for the update and reply.
    guess things will get lot worse before it gets any better :(
    Hope we won't loose too many of out brave troops...
    Hope at least this time for better or worse...we'll be able to finish this

  53. Taming the Tamil Tigers
    From Here in the U.S.
    They are among the most dangerous and deadly extremists in the world. They have murdered some 4,000 people in the past two years alone and have inspired terrorist groups like al Qaeda. And they have operatives here in our own backyard. Learn how we are working to stop the Tamil Tigers. Full Story

    Source :

  54. What FBI says about Tamil Tigers
    THIS IS GREAT NEWS that USA is taking no half measures with terrorists.

    THNX soorapappa for the link

  55. Thanks Soroppa and IE,

    FBI asks help to provide to LTTE men in the USA through

    We all know one or two... and let them know.

    This terrorism should be eliminated for good.

  56. Bringing in the APRC proposals on Jan 23 is a good move by the GOSL...Everyone will talk about the APRC proposals instead of CFA...

    Good move.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.


  61. SLAF must do the talking in Wanni..Sending SLA in to LTTE mine fields is a Sin...

    Instead they should send a massive buldozer with a barriers made up of used TRUCK tyres fully inflated with air(better still with heavy non explosive gas other than usual air ).The tyre barriers must be placed infront and back as well as on the sides to absorb the damage from explosives.This is what the Australian Army did in Vietnam.They used this method to distroy 50000 mines planted by their own soldiers in and around a camp..The reason for the distruction of mines was, they lost the mine field MAP and the mines had to be distroyed in order to prevent accidential explosions.I saw a documentary in regards to this and how it was done...
    The massive old rusty truck can be used instead of a bulldozer...The fully inflated tyres will absorb any explosions...This is worth a try rather than sending those BRAVE men to their deaths..I have seen several dozens of unused SLA vehicles close to their camp in Colombo Fort.They can use these unused rusty vehicles which are rusting due to various reasons.)

    The above method can be used to detonate LTTE mines and booby traps in the Killali defences or else where..

    Making the truck remotely controlled is not a difficult task ...

  62. I fully agree that LTTE mine fields are not fully controlled environments for the above method..But worth a a try ..Don't you think so??

  63. There are rumours about schools going to be closed for 3 months, while the government is targeting to finish the war in those 3 months! Hope this is not true.... setting our people a time limit like this is crazy, we might win, but will suffer heavy casualties. Let's hope it is only a false alarm.

  64. Bomb Explosion in Colombo Fort Railway station
    [January 11, 2008]

    A bomb explosion has taken place in the Colombo fort railway station around 7.35 this evening. According to the available information the explosion has occurred on the fourth railway platform . Police suspects that the explosion was caused by a parcel bomb. One person has suffered minor injuries due to the explosion

  65. Might be bridges next,must be vigilant.

  66. A list of evils of the CFA. Not exhaustive.

    CFA created lawlessness
    1. CFA violated the constitution and many other laws that were put in place after extensive thought by mainly JRJ and his team to defend the country and its people from terrorists, et al. Checks and balances were also put in place to force adherence to lawfulness. This was completely destroyed by the CFA which never had any legal standing in SL. Major rifts were created between the 3 branches of the govt. The dispute in little lanka was converted to a conflict between two nations (one de jure and the other de facto). International conflicts are much worse than internal conflicts.
    2. CFA recognized LTTE controlled areas as a separate de facto state. This stopped all law enforcement beyond govt. controlled areas as long as the CFA was to be adhered to. Police stations returned complainants of child soldiers in places like Batti where previously the police and army could exert law and order.
    3. This international conflict became unsolvable as there was no legitimacy for one party and it started acting up irresponsibly. It is like North Korea where there was nothing the IC could do to handle it until it voluntarily (supported by carrots and sticks) gave up nuke tests. Without a CFA the IC would never had to worry about the wishes of the LTTE’s de facto state
    4. All foreign VIPs visited the LTTE unless stopped by the govt (to the dismay of the IC). This reinforced the notion of a separate state further.
    5. CFA created GOSL area, LTTE area and a no-man’s land (NL); this NL became the breeding ground of other terror groups. TMVP was one such product; the CFA multiplied the number of terror groups. Another Muslim group was also present when the govt. could not do anything to stop the serial killing of Muslims during CFA.
    6. CFA made NGOs in N-E uncontrollable as many started to report to LTTE and not the GOSL. They brought war material, telecom equip. for tigers and the govt. was tied to the CFA that for the sake of ‘peace’ had to ignore such acts.
    7. CFA took away all checkpoints that were a part of the City’s law enforcement (not only against terrorists) without any security assessment. A large number of bombs and sleepers crept to areas outside war zones. Their true strength is undeniably yet to be seen.
    8. The CFA contained a section demanding the govt. to dismantle the LRRP. The elitist security force in the country was thus dismantled; national security went to dogs.
    9. CFA allowed the LTTE to collect ransom along main highways and elsewhere from visitors and there was nothing the govt could do to stop that. Billions were collected and went into terror acts.
    10. CFA imposed a ban on the govt. from carrying out development work through its agencies functioning in LTTE controlled areas (including the RDA, etc.). Under development was a root cause of this war and it further strengthened the LTTE position
    11. Foreign donors had to give the TRO indirect funding as they recognized a de facto separate state. By the time they realized that TRO money went into buying 32,000 mortars, etc. etc. it was too late. TRO got money from 2002 to 2007 November from the US until its assets were frozen.
    12. CFA became the criteria for foreign aid to SL. This was the most powerful tool the IC used to force SL to comply. Also the CFA caused a split in aids SL would get as the de facto state also got some.
    13. CFA created an environment of impunity where any group could do anything especially in the no-man’s land (this was created by the CFA although not recognized by the CFA) and in each other’s territory. Of course acts in one’s own territory were out of the question.
    14. The CFA created a major regional rift between Northerners and Easterners. A large number of Jaffna intellectuals (and others) were killed in the East and in Colombo. This problem is set to escalate in time to come making it impossible to find an amicable solution for N-E even when the war is over as infighting has already broken out among the two main tamil communities in the N-E with historical under-the -carpet grudges.
    15. A toothless SLMM replaced the armed police force as the point of making grievances. Many deaths were not even recorded by SLMM (some brought coffins to SLMM) and police also redirected people to SLMM. Today it has become more difficult than in 2001 to bring Tamils to police stations to handle their grievances for which they pay a tax to the govt. The CFA created distance is taking a heavy toll. TMVP should not be allowed to exploit this.

    CFA destroyed the Tamil democratic movement
    16. CFA recognized the LTTE as the SOLE REPRESENTATIVE of the Tamils. All tamil democratic forces were made irrelevant. In finding a political solution, it is these Tamil democrats who would become vital. The IC was forced to recognize Tamil and LTTE as same.
    17. Almost all moderate tamil legislators were killed during the CFA - UNP tamil candidates for Batti in 2004; Kadir, Joseph, Raviraj, Maheswaran, etc. This further enforced the LTTE as the SR and caused any future attempts for political solutions impossible.
    18. CFA forced the UNP not to field Tamils for Jaffna, etc. going by the SR claim. This directly resulted in returning ultra extremist Tamil MPs to parliament. The vote base for Mahes, etc. were destroyed and replace by a TNA one.
    19. Extremism crept into parliament first from the Tamil side (TNA took all UNP, SLFP, TULF and some EPDP seats). This was also reflected in the Sinhala and Muslim camps. Almost one third of today’s parliament comprise of extremists making it impossible to find political solutions.
    20. The SR claim and its respect mainly from the UNP (a MoU was signed) helped tigers to block voters from voting for the UNP in 2005 which was seen as a moderate party then. The IC criticized this but had to accept this as a result of contracting with a terror group. The UNP, CWC, UPF, WPF, TNA, SLMC all had MoUs with the LTTE as the CFA recognized them as the SR and rulers of the de facto state.
    21. Ask any LTTE supporter and he will tell you that LTTE and Tamil people are one and the same. But factually it is not so. The CFA legitimized this LTTE claim. Sections of the IC started to increasingly refer to the LTTE as Tamils and vice versa as they were the de facto rulers of the Tamil mono-ethnic de facto state recognized by the CFA.
    22. Tamil democratic movements (TULF UK, etc.) abroad were the most harmed. They became just offices without any recognition both by the IC and the Tamil Diaspora.

    CFA strengthened the LTTE militarily as never before
    23. The govt was deterred from carrying out military operations by the CFA. Although the 2005 elect ‘hardline’ govt was an exception, both previous administrations strictly honored this as SLMM’s recommendations were like God’s say for donors. LTTE brought shiploads of weapons (only a few were destroyed). The present Navy commander was warned by Ranil not to engage the tigers at sea! Tigers assembled an air force thanks directly and solely for the CFA. LTTE’s mortar and arti capabilities increased by many fold.
    24. The CFA paved the way for Manirasakulam, Muttur, etc. new LTTE camps
    25. CFA allowed more than enough time to regroup and recruit its cadres. A mad rush for recruiting children was undertaken and there was nothing the govt. could do to maintain peace and goodwill at the same time until a hardliner took office. Also the LTTE bought enough time for many of its children to become adults as thee CFA held for almost 6 years; even a twelve year old could have turned 18 by then!!
    26. LTTE engaged in direct arms import and negotiations with foreign arms suppliers. Part govt. owned arms producers like NORINCO - China had no hesitation in providing arms to representatives of a de facto state.
    27. LTTE delegations were sent on foreign trips at public expense with no return. They visited arms suppliers in Norway, South Africa, Croatia, etc.
    28. LTTE dismantled not only the Colombo based LRRP but also many other mainly tamil anti-LTTE militant groups.
    29. Ships that did not fly the TE flag were plundered by the LTTE with impunity and stole their valuables including radars and there was nothing the GOSL could do.
    30. CFA violations by the GOSL (mainly in offensive operations) were overly highlighted to the IC by the SLMM. Other HR violations by the GOSL were also overly emphasized thanks to SLMM’s first hand accounts.
    31. SLAF bombings on LTTE areas were promptly visited by the SLMM and recorded. This heavily deterred the GOSL from carrying out some planned air strikes especially in important locations obviously located among civilian settlements. At times tigers sent SLMM officers to potential air attack locations to actively stop the SLAF.
    32. Sencholai terror camp was converted to an orphanage by the SLMM. If not for the injured children who escaped and hospitalized, the IC would have believed this and SL would face a heavy war crime charge.
    33. Army had to scale down their operations to give an impression of ‘retaliation’ or ‘neutralisation’ than an offensive operation as offensive operations stood out most noticeably in SLMM’s record to the account of GOSL. The IC placed heavy reliance on ‘independent’ SLMM as other journalists were bared from Vanni by both groups.
    34. From 2002 to early 2004, the GOSL did not contract for major military purchases to sustain the CFA goodwill. It took a long time to rectify the situation in 2006. It also took a long waiting time to get firefinders, etc. Had there been a proper war plan from 2002, this would never have happened. The govt. by taking on the easy east first minimized this planning disaster.

    Lost opportunities thanks to the CFA
    35. All ceasefires must be bargained from a position of strength. In 2002 SL was in a position of strength vis-à-vis the LTTE. After the july 2001 attack, the LTTE didn’t launch any major attacks but the army was continuing small scale operations. LTTE leaders were dead scared of the LRRP and refused to comeout of their foxholes (refer. Wikipedia - LRRP). However, the political leadership was at its weakest partly due to Ranil (a weak leader) and partly due to infighting between the executive and the legislature. A war on terror had started and the LTTE was desperately seeking shelter. SL could have bargained adequately for a pole position. Whenever Israel goes to a ceasefire it actively CAPITALISE on military gains and the world order. There by each ceasefire with Palestine strengthens Israel’s position, not undermine it.
    36. After the CFA, the clam that existed from July 2001 to Feb 2002 on the LTTE front shattered as tigers could do whatever they wanted. A CFA breakdown would have been a deadly blow to the UNP govt and it did EVERYTHING to keep it going by pleasing the LTTE in EVERY WAY imaginable.
    37. By 2001 the LRRP was closing in on LTTE leaders; they successfully took the life of Shankar the TAF guy. Had that operation delayed by just 4 months he would be saved by the CFA and SL would have completely lost its air superiority to this innovative tiger. Russian Shmels were procured at great effort and were left to decay without use. These cannot be purchased in the open market and SL needs diplomatic efforts to get them again.
    38. The war on terror provided SL an ideal opportunity to crush the tigers. But the CFA saved them. Indonesia, Philippines, Congo, India, Pakistan used the war on terror to crush terrorists in their countries. As usual SL lagged behind. Good thinking by the LTTE and no thinking by the GOSL.
    39. The tsunami brought hope again. Aceh in Indonesia used the tsunami to disarms Aceh terrorists and many hoped the same will happen in SL. But there was the CFA and the govt. was committed to honour it. GOSL didn’t even move in to CFA’s de facto TE let alone disarm the LTTE or get them to talks.
    40. The JVP that talk nonsense now were actually backing the CFA from 2004 May to March 2005. CFA violations by the GOSL became minimum during that time!! The extremist politics that resulted from the lawlessness brought about by the CFA strengthened the likes of JVP/JHU/TNA. They will ensure that no political solution will be passed in SL. Had there been no CFA, TNA would not be so strong, moderate Tamil MPs would come from N-E, JVP would have run out of ammunitions (at least part of it), JHU would never be there.

    Continuation of the CFA
    41. CFA made the internal conflict an international conflict. According to international war laws, no country can colonies another country’s captured area. However this does not apply to internal conflicts. (refer warcrimes Geneve and wikipedia - warcrimes). Today colonization of the east is a major agitation run by pro-LTTE groups abroad. If the CFA did not recognize a separate territory within SL, this claim could never be made. However, the GOSL is continuing with its ‘settlements’. It can continue regardless, but this creates a lot of confusion in IC. The IC’s apprehension of SL’s conflict has always been highly inadequate. This always helped the LTTE. Unless officially invalidated, the colonization of the East and the North become warcrimes in the eyes of an outsider who considers (going by the CFA) that there IS a de facto LTTE area with separate jurisdictions and civil administrations.
    42. Misusing a “flag” of truce is a warcrime. “Flag” is not per se a flag only and can be any instrument by which a party signals to the other warring party it is not going to attack and seek reciprocal action. The CFA was a tool of truce that actually stopped the army from carrying out large scale operations. Now the attrition warfare stage is changing and large scale military operations are needed to get into deep Vanni. The govt. must officially annul the CFA to avoid all confusion that can go against it in the event of a large scale offensive. Some Serbian officers were charged for unleashing violence during ceasefires. Although this is not at all practical in SL as violence was part of the CFA from day one, large scale military offensives will certainly take the GOSL beyond the line in the sand. Arguably, they may be committing a warcrime if tools of a truce was held out while waging large scale open warfare.
    43. The SLMM in Vanni is a big disadvantage to war games in Vanni. They are not only witnesses to a bloody war that is yet to unfold, but also ‘adjudicators’ of methods and tools used by the SLDFs. They cannot be ‘eliminated’ as the LTTE (and others!) eliminated aid workers, Catholic priests, etc. Hence only an official ending of the CFA can send them. LTTE understand this too well. It made two separate pleadings. One - continue the CFA and they will 100% adhere to it this time. Two - Norwegians to continue.
    44. CFA continues to recognize a separate de facto state controlled by the LTTE. CFA also recognizes the fact that LTTE has a right to rule its territory just as GOSL has a right to rule its territory. The IC has placed faith in the CFA although it was illegal as per SL law. The SL territorial law became immaterial for the IC after the CFA. Therefore, attacking the heartland of LTTE controlled area will never be accepted by the IC as long as the CFA is in place and the government purports to adhere to it as it declared from time to time.
    45. The LTTE was planning to declare a UDI on the 18th January 2008. The CFA officially ends on 16th January, narrowly escaping the LTTE attempt to continue from one platform to another. An UDI from a status of a de facto state as officially recognized by the GOSL is an easier jump than a leap by a political non-entity. As the GOSL knew the LTTE’s plan of a pre-planned UDI on 18 January, some late planning seems to have gone in annulling the CFA before hand.
    46. Norway came to the CFA with its own agenda. It had Tamil voters back home heavily aligned to LTTE. It is like asking Ricky Ponting whether his team mate took the catch cleanly!! Therefore Norway always had a protectionist approach towards the LTTE. Cognizant of this fact, in 2006 LTTE sent off all other Scandinavian monitors but not Norway!!
    47. Norway had other interests in SL like oil. Two Norwegian oil companies were charged by the US for providing material support for terrorists (not LTTE). But this justifies their overall alignment to the de facto rulers of where oil is. Australia followed a similar strategy in East Timor but it was like a SLMM with teeth where they mediated in ET in 2001. Now Australia companies are drilling oil in ET seas! But ET citizens are the poorest in the world.

    Contrary to some predictors of diplomatic events, Sri Lanka did well in managing foreign relations in its favour. When Tamil Chelvam was killed no one thought the US will freeze TRO funds. How the IC especially the US works is different to popular belief. They seek a solution to conflicts and support any movement that gathers strength (unless it is against their interests of course). But SL must up its HR record.
    FBI tries to reiterate the ruthlessness of tigers. Does this show the failure of our diplomats? I think so.

  67. Fantastic article moshe!!great reading...

  68. "The LTTE was weak in 2001 faced with extinction in the war on terror not by the US but by SL which could have raped it when the world was on fire. It escaped thanks to the CFA."

    Stop displaying your idiocy, Moshe and stop insulting Moshe Dayan. You're making him also look like aan idiot. As has already been pointed out, the Army had just taken massive losses and was in no position to "rape" anyone (as you so smartly put it).

    "Tigers brought a large haul of bombs to colombo thanks directly to the CFA."

    It wasn't because of the CFA, dickhead, it was because of the UNP. Are you too thick to understand the difference between the CFA and its implementation? Jesus, what an idiot.

    "If the CFA was any beneficial the US, etc. would AT THE VERY LEAST CONSIDER a similar CFA for their wars in Afghanistan!"

    The US hasn't lost major bases, nor haas it run out of money. How much more foolishness are you going to display here, Moshe?

    Until idiots like you can distinguish that I (and some others here) are not debating the CFA correctness but it's necessity, we'll continue to see the uninformed opinions like Moshe's.

    "All the UNP Supporters in this blog will comment in favor of CFA."

    Very mature statement B#1. When are you sitting for your O/Ls btw?

  69. Diluth,

    "1)We gained by nullifying the legitimacy granted to LTTE to lay claim on all areas that came under their control under the CFA"

    The LTTE had no LEGITIMATE right to those areas under the CFA. The latter was a TEMPORARY measure ONLY. So we have gained nothing.

    "2) By abolishing foreign countries to provide diplomatic rights to the LTTE"

    This had ALREADY been done DURING the CFA, due to the banning of the LTTE in most parts of the world. It was the reason why the LTTE demaanded that EU citizens with the SLMM leave. So we have gained nothing.

    "3) We shed the equal status given to LTTE in comparison with the GOSL"

    There was no such equal status given to the LTTE. Please quote any clause in the CFA that gives such equality. So we have gained nothing.

    "4) We blocked the ability of Norway or any other country from providing diplomatic protection to VP or any other fleeing terrorists."

    We have not. Norway had no ability to provide diplomatic protection to the LTTE under the CFA. Since the LTTE hasn't been banned either in Norway or SL, Norway has the ability to continue any dealings with the LTTE. So we have gained nothing.

    "5) We protested against Norway's partial facilitation in this Boru Peace process."

    We've been protesting this for years, and the withdrawal from the CFA will not change anything. So we have gained nothing.

    "6) We stopped one excuse for foreigners from just walking into vanni and meeting LTTE leaders"

    They could not just walk into the Vanni anyway. That was prevented by our military ops, not by withdrawing from the CFA. So we have gained nothing.

    "7) We gave a strong signal to our armed forces that their sacrifices will not be betrayed (Once again)"

    We have not, since at anytime the GoSL could change and new agreements can be signed. The operations in the NE gave the strongest messaage to the armed forces, over the last year, and was reflected in massively increased recruitment. So we have gained nothing.

    "9) We removed one more hurdle in banning LTTE"

    Banning the LTTE in SL will gain us nothing, so here too we have gained nothing.

    "8) We blocked RW from simply going back to where he stopped in the eventuality that there is a government change."

    We haven't. If he's re-elected, he can just go back to implementing the CFA. So we have gained nothing.

    "10) We paved way to pack all the foreigners who are here in the name of CFA (NGO's,SLMM,Etc,etc)and send them home"

    Except for the SLMM, no NGO is here in the name of the CFA, so it doesn't help us to pack them off. So we have gained nothing.

    I hope it's now clear that we have gaained nothing by withdrawing from the CFA.

  70. "CFA created lawlessness"

    What nonsense. SL has been (and is) very lawless anyway. Corruption amongst politicians, the civil and government services, customs and excise, the police force etc is rife. To say that the CFA created lawlessness is downright stupid. Do you live in SL, Moshe?

    1. "This was completely destroyed by the CFA which never had any legal standing in SL. "

    Truces and ceasefires do not have to be constitutional or approved by courts. They're temporary measures designed to halt violence and war.

    2. "CFA recognized LTTE controlled areas as a separate de facto state. "

    It did not. The CFA specifically stated for instance that the LTTE could not operate in the seas around the NE. A de facto state would have that right. On the contrary the MoD had insisted (long before the CFA) that NE residents must have official permission to travel south. In other words a visa. So the de facto state you claim if at all was created long before the CFA. So at most the CFA acknowledged that the GoSL was unable to control certain areas of the country.

    "This stopped all law enforcement beyond govt. controlled areas as long as the CFA was to be adhered to"

    Prior to the CFA there was NO law enforcement outside GoSL areas. So your problem is that the CFA acknowledged this. Embarrassing, I know, but a fact.

    "Police stations returned complainants of child soldiers in places like Batti where previously the police and army could exert law and order. "

    This was mostly after the TMVP split, when Karuna started conscripting children in the Battti area, and the GoSL decided to turn a blind eye.

    3. "This international conflict became unsolvable as there was no legitimacy for one party and it started acting up irresponsibly."

    To the contrary, the CFA enabled both parties to talk on an equal footing, while recognising only the legitimacy of the GoSL.

    "It is like North Korea where there was nothing the IC could do to handle it until it voluntarily (supported by carrots and sticks) gave up nuke tests."

    :) That is probably the most absurd example you could've picked. There was no open conflict between N Korea and the IC. There were also many things the IC could do about N Korea which they were unwilling to. In SL, the LTTE had fought the GoSL to aa stand still and the latter had no choice but to agree to a truce.

    5. "CFA created GOSL area, LTTE area and a no-man’s land (NL)"

    Rubbish. There already was an LTTE area, a GoSL area, and a no-man's land long before the CFA. The laatter just recognised that fact, one which most right-wingers refused to acknowledge. The hatred you have for the CFA is the fact that this was embarrassingly proven to you.

    "his NL became the breeding ground of other terror groups. TMVP was one such product; the CFA multiplied the number of terror groups."

    Again Moshe you display your ignorance of even recent SL history. It wasn't the CFA that CREATED the TMVP. The CFA gave Military Intelligence the opportunity to tempt Karuna away, a fact you should be thankful for, because without the TMVP we wouldn't have captured the East, just as without Dougie's EPDP we wouldn't be having the successes we see in the North.

    6." CFA made NGOs in N-E uncontrollable as many started to report to LTTE and not the GOSL."

    NGOs operating in LTTE areas never reported to the GoSL before the CFA and were basically uncontrolled. I myself have watched through a scope as French MSF personnel treated LTTE battlefield casualties close to Vasavilan in '91. During the CFA the media was able to highlight this embarrassing fact, which many people (like you, I presume) didn't know before.

    "They brought war material, telecom equip. for tigers and the govt. was tied to the CFA that for the sake of ‘peace’ had to ignore such acts."

    In fact, large consignments of equipment destined for the LTTE were brought in through the Colombo Port (including it's suspected, the LTTE aircraft), thanks to corrupt politicians, police officers, aand customs. This had nothing to do with NGOs or the CFA.

    "7. CFA took away all checkpoints that were a part of the City’s law enforcement (not only against terrorists) without any security assessment."

    Again, utter nonsense. Please quote to me the CFA clause that forbids Colombo checkpoints. This was a decision of the GoSL. But since you earlier claimed that the CFA was unconstitutional, you must be pleased to know that the checkpoints were also unconstitutional according to the SC and ordered removed last month.

    "8. The CFA contained a section demanding the govt. to dismantle the LRRP. The elitist security force in the country was thus dismantled; national security went to dogs."

    Ha ha your ignorance seems to have no limits. Please tell me which claause of the CFA states that LRRP units must be disbanded. The CFA stated that neither the LTTE nor the GoSL may undertake military operations within the other's territory. Both sides ignored this and continued. The LRRPs were dispanded because of a lack of communication between the MoD, the police, and the politicians, resulting in a police raid on a LRRP safehouse and a resultant conspiracy theory.

    "9. CFA allowed the LTTE to collect ransom along main highways and elsewhere from visitors and there was nothing the govt could do to stop that. Billions were collected and went into terror acts."

    The LTTE has always extorted taxes (both here and abroad) and no one could stop it (least of all the GoSL). Did you think LTTE extortion started with the CFA? :)

    "10. CFA imposed a ban on the govt. from carrying out development work through its agencies functioning in LTTE controlled areas (including the RDA, etc.)."

    This is incorrect. RDA carried out work in the Vavuniya area (for example) in 2002 aand 2003. You may check with the RDA for exact dates and locations. However, the LTTE refused to allow Army personnel to provide RDA with security, and once the TMVP-LTTE fighting started, the RDA refused to continue work.

    "12. CFA became the criteria for foreign aid to SL. This was the most powerful tool the IC used to force SL to comply."

    So? Are you saying that once we signed the CFA we should've refused to abide by it?

    I'm afraid Moshe, that I haven't the time to wade through the rest of your long list of nonsense. I'm sorry, but it's mostly rubbish, and the stuff a teenager would come up with. Going by the above, it looks like you haven't a clue about the CFA and the ground realities in SL. I have indulged you by responding to twelve of your points, but I haven't the paatience to go further. I hope you'll educate yourself a bit on the subject before just wasting time. Maybe then we can discuss it again, but at the moment it's absurd 'cos you don't know what you're talking about.

  71. blacklightarrow,

    I read the long list of points - pro and agnist CFA, both by you and Moshedyan.

    Your arguments appeal to our heads, but not our hearts. Moshedyan may not have got his title right, but his points are correct. You proved he got the title of his article wrong and have been partially successful in that mission.

    CFA was a recipe for disaster; yes some may argue it saved some lives. It is more appropriate to say that it prolonged the life span of some humans - not saved.

    CFA created an atmosphere that is conducive for the outfit to flourish on all fronts by sly means - military, economic, logistic and to some extent even diplomatic until it was blown up quite spectacularly. It belittled an armed force that is both professional, legitimate and accountable to the citizens of all races. CFA provided a shield for the outfit to carry out assasinations of ministers, generals with impunity.

    So, as far as the outfit is concerned, CFA was a very constructive one - at least in the short term.

    In my view, everyone signed this document in good faith, except Prabhakaran; he made up his mind to fool everyone by pretending his desire for peace while acquiring arms for the next phase of the war. He had the blessings of a weaker political climate and the dubious diplomats, to pursue this dangerous goal. He went along that line thinking he will be victorious in the end.

    The split of Karuna faction was the first bad omen for him, followed by a chain of stupid moves: the assasination of Kadiragamar, Mavilaru fiasco and the attempted murder of Devananda, to name but few.

    He thought he will weather the storm and he got it completely wrong; the outfit was banned in most European nations, as a result.

    The problem with VP is his background: ill-educated fantasit, a convert to 'freedom fighter' from a committed smuggler, who even abandoned his parents; contradict the very rules he wants others to adhere to - marriage and sex; sending children to their death, while bringin up his own in luxury and with maximum protection.

    His achievement are passing the zero mark of an index of sanity; the day it is heading towards negative is not far.

    Yes, in a way, CFA hastened the things in that direction.

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