Thursday, September 4, 2008

Heavy losses for both sides in Wanni fighting

The Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has lost around 30 soldiers in Nachchikuda and Akkarayankulam during the last three days fighting. LTTE fighters broke through the SLA FDL in two locations initially before the army was able to halt the advance. The LTTE itself has lost around 50 of its fighters during the counterattack against SLA forces advancing north. In addition, they've managed to capture a substantial amount of arms and ammunition as well.

The LTTE has handed over the bodies of 19 SLA soldiers fallen during battle at Nachchikudah and Akkarayankulama via the ICRC. The SLA has handed over 22 bodies of LTTE cadres earlier yesterday including the 12 killed in eastern province and 10 more killed in Mallavi.

Even larger battles will erupt between the two warring parties as SLA inches closer to the LTTE strongholds in Kilinochchi and Mullaithiv.


  1. //deekirata balloth sakki lu.//

    Inteligent tigers seems doesn't know what is 'dee kiri' or what is 'ballo'. Its good knowing little sinhala than knowing nothing. But It is much better knowing you know little and use English to write more clearly and properly.

  2. UDAYA Nanayakkaraka Udema Wachana Gilagena TNL eke katha kala. Pow kiyala hithuna. they havent slept for days from monday...

    Situation is worst.

    tention Tention Tention...

  3. Well Mr Ninja... Will teach you one by one. Girawata wage kiyala dennam.... PLEASE wait...

  4. (In addition, they've managed to capture a substantial amount of arms and ammunition as well...)

    DN, who, the LTTE? How can one remove weapons from an opposing force in a battleground?

  5. What happened in Nachchikua or Akkarayankulam is not a surprise. Similar thing happened many times earlier in Mannar and Vavnia fronts. (Check tamilnut if you forgot the propaganda.) SLA is fighting in a continuous time and LTTE give heavy resisitance in selected times.

    So far own casualties were around 5 KIA per day while around 15 LTTE KIA. Time to time SLA may get high casualties. But SLA need to keep the 'trend' unharmed.

    LTTE withdrawed (of course tactically) and save lives of elite caders to fight another day and that day has come. So we may expecct little higher own casualties but need to make sure we get LTTE hard core cadres on these battles.

    LTTE need to have a beleif that they can defend thier land. Then only they fight and then only SLA can kill them and then only SLA can end the war. So as long as LTTE put increased strength, I think that is what SLA expected and its upto SLA to finsh them off. Surprise is if LTTE stop fighting and do some thing else.

  6. slotter,
    yes the LTTE. Most were captured when they broke through the FDL.

  7. SLA never over run LTTE Positions ya. When LTTE withdraw their Areas, then SLA go IN there and celebrate. SLA Could not BREAK through and attack and come back.

  8. Super Human the SLPF

    Here we go..

  9. //Sinhala Racism will never learn, it has to be taught the hard way..// -sharp

    //Will teach you one by one.//-tiger

    Whole ezam project has turned to a tution class.



  11. AS MR Says. Api LTTEyata Therena basawen Uththara denawa.

    den "UTHA"RENAWA"

    SLA Strategy Upside Down. SLA started we don't want the Land we Kill more Carders. but the end of the day LTTE saved their lives and given you the land to raise temporary Flags.

    Api kiyana dewal NEWEI. ohela Kiyapuwama thama

  12. too bad DN is strugling to keep up their news real[which is fake lol]
    btw aisthiri or any donkey we may call while you calling our mommas, in the vanni your boys calling for their mommas too in their pain in their ass cause while running away from tigers, they shoot directly to their ass , btw did u ever seen a footage from jeyasiguru endings, oh man very sad, i feel sorry for u punchi malli... , btw you did nothing to your country except you talking like this , but we arent like you, thats the diffrent from you and me , you cunt

  13. Tiger-The-IntelliGent good timing bro, its pounding time for some uneducated bitches , who thinks they are winning, where they have been lured. tigers croutch for a reason to for the cunts who called them selfs SLA

  14. The Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam, on Wednesday recovered further 10 dead bodies of the SLA soldiers, in addition to the 19 bodies handed over to the ICRC, from the battlefield after Tuesday s heavy fighting on two fronts in Vanni. 45 Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers were killed and more than 51 wounded in Naachchikkudaa when Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) confronted the SLA in a stiff fighting throughout Monday night, and on Tuesday, 30 more SLA soldiers were killed and 50 wounded in another front, between Akkaraayan and Vannearikkulam, where Tiger fighters fought against the SLA from 5:30 a.m. till 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, LTTE officials in Vanni told TamilNet.
    Dead bodies of SLA soldiers were still scattered around in the no-man zone between the front line of the SLA and the LTTE, according to the latest updates.

    19 bodies, 12 from Vannearikkulam and 7 from Naachchikkudaa, were handed over to the ICRC by the Tigers on Wednesday. Arrangements were under way to hand over the remaining 10 bodies, on Thursday, according to the LTTE officials.

    Tiger officials further provided details of identification tags of four dead soldiers to the media with photographs from the battlefield. The tags were: S-353204, S-366377, 366401 and 65235.

    Earlier, on Tuesday, LTTE officials told TamilNet that two PK-LMGs, three AK-LMGs, two RPGs, one shoulder fired LAW were among the arms, ammunition and accessories seized by the Tigers. However, sources close to LTTE on Wednesday said the Tigers had seized more weapons from the SLA.

    The LTTE has not provided details of their casualties.

    The fighting in Vanni has intensified as the Tigers, who avoided stiff confrontations against the advancing SLA for a while, stepped up defensive engagement on Monday.

    The LTTE fighters, engaged in fortifying different defence lines in the area, confronted the SLA units that simultaneously attempted to advance from 8th, 9th and 10th Mile Posts, located between Vannearikkulam and Akkaraayan.

    Seven SLA bodies were earlier reported recovered in the clearing operation between Muzhangkaavil and Naachchikkudaa. Three SLA bodies, destroyed beyond identification, were buried in Naachchikkudaa. 10 more SLA bodies were recovered in Vannearikkulam and brought to Kilinochchi on Tuesday. 2 bodies were brought in later. 10 more bodies were brought from battlefield on Wednesday.

    LTTE s NGO and U.N. Liaison Officer M. Pavarasan handed over the 19 dead bodies to the ICRC, which facilitates the process of handing over the mortal remains of combatants between the LTTE and the SLA.

    What ever said and done. On My Point of view, I feel sorry for their families. My deepest sympathies.

    Responsibility is the GOVT

  15. Dai Pulli macchan, en ithila vacchu engala pei kaature ?

    Vennum enda naat' k pongo Anga poi unda virath' kaativdu

  16. slotter,

    "How can one remove weapons from an opposing force in a battleground?"

    When retreating, they are likely to leave heavy equipment behind that is likely to slow them down. 'Heavy equipment' includes weapons as well, if necessary. Also, weapons of killed enemies can be captured.

  17. In a war certain battles will be lost as well as won.. But frequency of how many battle are one will determine the fate of the war. While SLA claims 10 wins if LTTE Claims 2 then SLA has nothing to worry about.

    Personally I am glad SLA has to fight hard now. Was waiting when LTTE release their full thrust.. Now even though with losses SLA FDL were not overrun all together. That means LTTE may not have the capability to push back SLA.

    :) And we all know what that means.

    As long as SLA is not pushed back considerably we have the advantage..

  18. Defencenet, Tamilnet captions this photo as 'col' Banu inspecting seized weapons, could you tell us which one is banu? Thanks.


  19. Also in those photos they have some of the extra large claymores, I thought those were usually manufactured by the LTTE, does the SLA use these homemade type claymores also? Or have they planted some of their own. Thanks.

  20. What intelligent tiger syas is same as stupid tigers say.

    When eight wikets gone, 100s to score, a last man score a boundary, some people shout like they are going to win. This is the same diaspora who saw 1000+ troops KIA in a single night. Their happiness now is more than those days.

    If you look at LTTE propaganda carefully you will see they are kind of dissapointed with their perfomance. Probably, they put maximum possible strength in a single front, used elite cadres but couldn't do the damage they expected. Just managed to locate few SLA bodies and whepons while suffering high own casualties.

    On the other hand reguler SLA troops managed to minimise own damages compared previous (pre-2005) situations.

  21. Some small news...

    Gothabayah Rajapaske dies at 3:34 after car bomb explosion.

    8 SLA soldiers killed, 14 injured in Paalamoaddai, Vavuniyaa

    Claymore attack in Jaffna kills SLA soldier

    STF units caught in crossfire in Ampaa'rai - LTTE

    Tigers seize large number of weapons from SLA in Vanni clashes

    Tigers locate 29 SLA bodies, 75 SLA killed, 100 wounded in Vanni

    Blogger Ninja said...

    What happened in Nachchikua or Akkarayankulam is not a surprise. Similar thing happened many times earlier in Mannar and Vavnia fronts. (Check tamilnut if you forgot the propaganda.) SLA is fighting in a continu"...

    - I sense utter desperation and your bladder shivering in fear of what is happening. While you shiver, you are trying to boost the morale of your Singala racists - I don't know if I should consider you a racist, but I hope you will see clearly now when the Tigers don't allow the SLA to advance and rather kill them off.

    A false sense of power and victory leads to utter defeat. Jasiukuru learned the hard way, now all the new recruits and the older soldiers who forgot jaysikjrui now learn again the hard way.

    Please rest assured this is just a defensive Tiger Liberator engagement with SLA and it is not any form of counter-attack...well atleast not yet. Attacks are taking place in Jaffna in the North, the South, The East and the West, all in small scale, can't be considered operations, but rather the slow awakening of the Battle Machine of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

    Random attacks everywhere, will lead to unexpected/expected unstoppable concentrated attacks on SLA positions in unimaginable scale with the toys LTTE has been hiding - no I am not talking about air planes or chem weapons. Something much more with fireworks.

    The Time has come. You have walked far into the Tiger's den to return. Stay, Fight, and die.

    Tamil traitors die whether LTTE wins or SLA wins remotely. There is no escape for you. You know that : ).

    Wijayapala - I hope I have not insulted you, what were your questions that you were seeking answers from me? I will gladly answer them.

    Mr. Ass, I am still waiting on you to share the real death toll on the SLA soldiers, Navy you may have been informed of in SL - And I know there was a briefing on the ground situation - so spill it or I will, but it will be more credible coming from you - although strange. Atleast lower it by 75%( for peace of mind of Sinhala racists) when you state it and also state the LTTE losses as well, that way your fellow Sinhala racists will beleive it. But you state LTTE is massacred and SLA army losses are what the Def Dept. reports, is hard to digest even for the highly racism motivated Sinhala dillusionals.

    Eelam is a tuition and examination for Sinhala racists.

    take care,
    P.S sorry about the first statement, i know it is not so funny.

    ---SHARP >>>

  22. Ohoma giya ethi kiyala sathutu wena Ninja.
    On the other hand regular SLA troops managed to minimize own damages compared previous (pre-2005) situations.

    Who cares about LTTE Causalities. they have 5000k or less cadres neda?

    BTW: 250,000 SLPF trying to kill 5000 LTTE caders. Good effort. Ya Man

  23. Thanks Defencenet for the update;

    This is something we expected and it is what called the the scenario of challenges. We had a similar experience near Thunukkai, a few weeks back, and won; we will win again and prevail. This will not shake off the army's ultimate goal - Killinochchi.

  24. Sharp

    We will see.. Just because LTTE attacked once doesnt mean SLA will pack up and leave..

    The road may be hard to travel but our boy will march to Poonerine very soon. We Slaute all those soilder who laid thier live thier death will not be in vain.

    We all can see in the near future what will happen.

  25. //I sense utter desperation and your bladder shivering in fear of what is happening. While you shiver, you are trying to boost the morale of your Singala racists - I don't know if I should consider you a racist, but I hope you will see clearly now when the Tigers don't allow the SLA to advance and rather kill them off.//

    Do you think SLA troops read this blog and go to fight? I don't think so. Their moral depends on things relevent for them and I don't think this blog is one.

    I am racist or not will depend on your defintion of racist. (Anyway I don't need your or any one else certificates.)

    Tigers not allowing SLA advance - this was your initial dream. You lived in this dream for months in Adampan. Now you again live in same dream in Nachchikuda. You are right or wrong? wait and see.

  26. //Ohoma giya ethi kiyala sathutu wena Ninja.//

    I am not a person to be happy when another person is dead (unlike some of you.) But it seems you have some hidden worry about 'ohoma giya eka gena'.

    //This is something we expected ..//

    Obviously. Who expected to fight a war, take K'chi etc without LTTE resistance or own casualties?




  28. Guys, an updated map of the war zone can be found here:

    It seems they update it regularly..


  29. Oh, man this site has become a zoo. A donkey thinks he is intelligent. An idiot thinks he is very Sharp.
    Quite understandable. All of them think Prabha the child killer pig is the god.

  30. for guys based in and around Colombo,
    there's mineral water bottle collection drive initiated by two guys on a sri lankan automotive website...
    they are collecting these to be handed over to the Kuruwita SLA base and the water is for troops fighting on pooneryn sector.
    If you can...please visit the site, get the details and join in for this worthy cause...
    I know i'm in :)

  31. Lets Look back..


    And Very SOON..


  32. Hel Ninja.

    i am not happy to see these, BUT Knowing that LTTE will counter attack. Y the SLPF waited till LTTE attacks that's the issue. SLPF has AA Batteries but Dont know how to use either Proved "M" at Trinco. Api gahanakang gondai "Api raja killo" if LTTE attacks "Netta pkue gahagena Duwanawa"

    My concern is, all these time SLA only attacked and moved forward mean time LTTE defended/Slowed advancing troops while building another FDL to counter. SLA didnt counter attack they just pounding all Ammo's to LTTE FDL's ya, and moving.

    "Learn to Counter attack the counter attack" where SLA weak on that. am i wrong?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Mali - Difference between SLPF and the LTTE

    SLA Captures like this

    SLA captures the house while one one is at home or attack and chase them out and go in to the house

    BUT da LTTE. they come in to your house while u are at the house. and take all your furniture too. Reddhath galawagena yanawo.

  35. it is good that tigers are resisting.

    it enables SLDFs to HARVEST more and more tigers than allow them to hide within the sarees and sarongs of civilians.

    nachchikuda seems to be VERY important for tigers. that's why they think its worth the fight.

  36. Tiger-the-inteligent..
    spot on mate
    last time when a group from from sothiya band came to my house, MAGE REDDHATH GALEWWA,MAGE MAS POLLE RASATH BALUWA.....

  37. sharp,

    Isn't it too early to celebrate for you folks? Defending that FDL is an absolute must if you want to save Pooneryn. So far what you've done is to maybe push SLA several meters back. Anyways we at least accept there are casualties while 'promedia' seems to have forgotten the 60 odd freedom fighters who gave their lives for eezhazm.

    Bhanu is the guy next to the tree (2nd from left).

  38. first of all this defencenet guy cant even spell the country that they invading its call vanni , not Wanni lol

  39. @Tiger-The-IntelliGent

    If there is nobody in the house to defend it that means they are not confident that they can hold the house. Hence SLA can march in with no resistance.

    Attacking while house is defened means sacrifising resources. Human life and ammunition.

    to be honest LTTE was not capturing SLA house. vise versa.. LTTE was defending its last big houses which SLA is pouding. SO on SLA side we have to take chances if we are drive away the LTTE. Attacking SLA FDL is one way to stop them moving. But i feel in the coming weeks LTTE will abondon this house also

    LOL :)

  40. "SLA captures the house while one one is at home or attack and chase them out and go in to the house

    BUT da LTTE. they come in to your house while u are at the house."

    It seems that fleeing and leaving your territory to the enemy is OK, but resisting an enemy attack without falling back (while inflicting heavy casualties to the enemy) is bad. I guess SLA should have run back all the way to Colombo when LTTE attacked, and then maybe these people would have been happy and said "SLA didn't suffer casualties, they withdrew their forces in time". Hamudawata waradinakal balagena inna ewunta kata arinna kalin oluwa pawichchi karanna hithune ne wage

    Our army is led by people who have studied and practiced military strategy, have spent many years serving in the army gaining immense experience and respect from their troops and also achieved miraculous victories that even international defence analysts have commended very highly. Now why do some people think that they know better than them?

  41. this foolish tiger tail holders are just wasting their time,money and breadth by supporting Prabha.

    He is not a good man and is more dangerous to our people than any sinhala could be.

    Better that we save our self respect by killing him ourself and then negotiating a deal from a position of power.

    These tiger supporters are totally useless and failed people.

    Why aren't they in the battlefront ?

    Why some poor kid who just wants to study and support his parents ?

    I never talked about support or anything. One day I decided why our people are fighting without me and I joined in.

    After some time I decided this war is wrong and decided better to fight LTTE from within.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. "first of all this defencenet guy cant even spell the country that they invading its call vanni , not Wanni lol"

    Wow, that's something big isn't it? That's really relevant here. BTW, I hate to remind this, but some people had trouble recently trying to figure out what was the correct spelling for eelam (whether it was Eezham, ezham, elam or eelam)

  44. All the LTTE supporters, Di-ass-pora and terrorists sympathizers:

    U have reach ur climax so fast! This called “pre-mature ejaculation “

    When u have short dicks and on top of it u have “pre-mature ejaculation “ is a sad story!

    The easiest way to over come “pre-mature ejaculation “ is when u fcuking a goat, cow or chicken or a another ponnaya (if u can’t find a ponnaya (race does not matter and nothing wrong being a ponnaya too) go in front of the mirror and w@nk) is to think about the war!

    Don’t think too much about the soft fur or wings rubbing ur b@lls and short d#ck but think about bomb exploding, bullets going through ur brain, shell hit u in ur nuts, mortar stuck in ur ars@ and pain.

    I guarantee u can hold ur climax for extra 2 minutes by judging how fast u reach the climax after shooting few solders!

    So u’ll have ur longest s@x romp ever lasting 3 minutes altogether! Cow or Goat or Chicken will get the climax this time too!

  45. Moshe,
    You are correct. They can't run forever. They have to defend this area irrespective of whatever the cost would be. If they loose they are done. I think LTTE knows it (But not these unintelligent donkeys who think they are intelligent).
    So, yes. It is (child killer pig) harvesting time.

  46. "chamal:
    but some people had trouble recently trying to figure out what was the correct spelling for eelam (whether it was Eezham, ezham, elam or eelam)"

    lol... Good one mate!

  47. Ninja said,

    [When nine wickets gone, 300s to score, a last man score a boundary, some people shout like they are going to win.]

    What a way to explain the present situation. :) Short and sweet...

    Diaspora people are almost like Indian Cricket fans.. :)

    Its too late now. If still LTTE thinking to establish the Ealam their killing ratio should be at least 200 soldiers to 1 LTTE carder per day. But it doesn't happen now.

  48. I guess SLA should have run back all the way to Colombo when LTTE attacked. No Its Wrong Calculation dear.

    its like this.
    I guess SLA WILL run back all the way to Colombo when LTTE attacked.

    What ever... this war needs an End. ASAP

  49. hemantha you dare to go to omantha? biatchee..

  50. Tiger-the-Inteliigent:
    As you said LTTE only withdrawn and not SLA gained. Why LTTE has sacrifised so many lifes to withdraw. It quite strange theory in war fare? Isn't it?. Next time could you please ask them to withdraw killinochchi as well. That will save big human loses for them. Otherwise you will this childish argument over and over again.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. it was on tamilnet, i swear its true lol

  53. Piyal

    As you said LTTE only withdrawn and not SLA gained. Why LTTE has sacrificed so many lifes to withdraw.

    Ohelata ona ona widihata deela yannae netho. Apita onanam thiyagannawa, nethetham deela yanawa.



    Don't Under estimate enemy
    you are on a childish argument. "M"

  54. Bandara,
    "hemantha you dare to go to omantha? biatchee.."

    You better go there right now bitchie. Otherwise you will have to do it as a prisoner or a carcass.

  55. hi defencenet, any chance of reinforcments from jaffna making a landing on pooneryn or devil's point?

    do sldf have the resources to support a large contingent a troops if they were to make a landing? is it even possible to move large numbers of reinforcements considering things like ltte suicide boats, artillery? why havn't we seen sla trying to bypass the nagarkovil fdl by making an amphibious landing? is it because of ltte artillery?

  56. Tiger-The-IntelliGent said...
    da LTTE. they come in to your house while u are at the house. and take all your furniture too. Reddhath galawagena yanawo.
    UNDERSTAND SIR? least one place where LTTE have manage to come with all guns blazing and re-capture since 2004 ?.seems that all these tamilnadu films has ruined your brains..(if you guys still have ones)

  57. Whta's the Meaning of this? Now its happening opposite ha..

    Tuesday, December 11, 2007
    No Dying for Our land. Let them Die for Theirs

    The Sri Lanka Army has advanced and spread across the entire Manthai Area by yesterday. The LTTE launched five counter attacks to retake the Manthai FDL which were all repulsed by the Army. The Army's motto for these undeclared and unnamed operations is 'Don't Die for Our Land. Let Them Die for Theirs'. The motto signifies the strategic objective of not fighting for control over land and forcing the Tigers to defend their own. The strategy has yielded significant successes.

  58. How come suddenly, exaggeration became Heavy loss?

    Defencenet try to maintain his credibility..ha.

  59. The screeching and hooting of the Tamil baboons seems to have gone up a notch.

  60. wondering where the Fuk is Shyam and bahirav. are they shot at the mission?

  61. The old blogger created a new ID and named it as
    Tiger-The-Intelligent and was trying to fool the other bloggers.
    Its really a Crime.. :)

    Mr Archangel said [...seems that all these tamilnadu films has ruined your brains..(if you guys still have ones)]

    Hak Hak Hak ..... :)

  62. "How come suddenly, exaggeration became Heavy loss?"

    Last time we checked, 30 KIA was not equal to 75KIA (TN figures).

  63. Tiger the Intelligent, Bandara
    it's better you start your talks
    end of the November

  64. Gota Stopped giving us deadlines (officially)

    now you are giving them the DEADlines

    it's better you start your talks
    end of the November

  65. we can rename the Wanni as Vanni
    what do you say?

  66. Crimewatch,
    The weapons captured by the LTTE within the last 3 days are insignificant..since they dont include missiles.So many of our brave heroes dying is sad but they seem to be taking the LTTE with them.they are more interested in killing LTTE cadres than anything else.for an advancing army their casualties are pretty low which is great.If they are doing what i think they are doing..i expected about a 50 a day due to mines at least.I suspect that these battle-hardened LTTE cadres are the ones the army facing also. May all our heroes attain nibbana.According to my lord the Lord Buddha-"nibbanan paraman sukam"

  67. the only reason the tigers were unable to capture more weapons is that they assumed the FDL is "static" as before and not fluid.I think they expected to capture some mech units for the benefit of this diasphora/to be used in future since this entire game is about money and nothing else.

  68. [[CriMeWatCh said...

    wondering where the Fuk is Shyam and bahirav. are they shot at the mission?]]

    They died and born again as Tiger the Intelligent and Bandara

  69. [They died and born again as Tiger the Intelligent and Bandara]

    Actually same scum with many identities. He/She is "PULLI" and clearly has no brain!!

    Guys, please ignore this moron until the end of this game. Ignore spammer's posts!!

  70. puli said,

    How come suddenly, exaggeration became Heavy loss?

    Defencenet try to maintain his credibility..ha.

    Keeping your own losses at an imaginary zero, is also a part of exaggeration.

    When did Tamilnet or Puthinam last admit their own losses?

    Transmigration does not take place overnight in the event of death of the brutes to equal the numbers.

    Even if it is the case, blatant murderes do not get qualified to be borne again in human form on this planet.

    Tamil Tigers and their yes men are re-writing the divine code as well then, after laying the hands upon criminal code and moral code, decades ago.

    Very interesting and funny development.

    Keep dreaming and wetting the what lies underneath!

  71. The best the TN can do is picture a lot of ammo, (whose it is, unknown, yet presumed captured from SLA) and no weapons worth even talking about.

    The hooting and crowing purposely ignores the death count; unaffordably higher for the LTTE than SLA.

    None of this is going to change the final outcome of this war. The best (or worst) depending on whose side you are, is a tightly bunched and power-packed LTTE holding down Mullaitivu to Elephant Pass, while threatening Trinco.

    That would be a very difficult situ for the SL forces to fight their way thru.

  72. DefenceNet,

    This looks like a decisive phase like Adamapan-Madu breakthrough? At this point, LTTE seems to de deploying do-or-die counter attacks, 18 alone yesterday. Nevertheless, these are the terrorists we could have killed in the past with behind the line SF and Commando ops. I hope that we will encounter and kill hardcore as many as we can have in these skirmishes. If so, the rest will go little smoother. What is your view on our chances of success?

  73. DefenceNet,

    Why are wenot putting enough emphasis to the Mulathivu front?

  74. LTTE will win few battles. SLA will win the war.


  75. LTTE will win few battles. SLA will win the war.

  76. A Black Hole in our own planet

    For those who are not very familiar with quantum physics, the phenomenon of Black Hole may not sound different from a hole that is black; our ex Chrandrika is renowned for having two, according to her ex’s. But for those who are enthusiastic about physics, it rekindles a mixture of fright and awe.

    Albert Einstein predicted theoretically – of course, intuitively - the existence of black holes in our universe and later the powerful telescopes and some other secondary effects confirmed the fact that they do exist.

    A black hole literally sucks up everything in its vicinity like a giant universal octopus; nothing escapes from this pulling power - planets, stars, solar systems, and even galaxies. Since light does not escape a black hole either, it appears to be black and sounds pretty dreadful too.

    So, the prospect of having one black hole in Milkyway Galaxy let alone our own Solar System, makes your hair stand on head. We don't want to be sucked into a dark hole and then to be crushed like mined meat, do we?

    The scientists at the CERN -European Nuclear Research Institute - are accused of modelling this scary scenario on our own planet: two sets of scientist have taken the former bunch to courts over endangering our lives.

    The folks at CERN have created a 17-mile underground tube - of course, a very sophisticated and costly one - along the Swiss-French border to accelerate particles - to observer sub atomic particles that so far did exist only in the imagination of some physics folks.

    That is all well; scientist who don't agree with them - there are many respected ones - fear this tube can create a black hole in the earth - in the worst case scenario, in addition to environment disasters.

    It things develop to that end, the black hole has the potential to suck up our own planet - a bit at a time - and send us to oblivion.

    The project is going to be launched on 10 Sep 2008, if the courts give it the green light. As particles accelerate faster and faster, the much-feared Black Hole may be created in earnest, starting at the France-Switzerland border. If everything goes to plan, even Qrious have a few weeks left before having a taste of this great suction force. Of course, starting from Europe, it will stretch out its tentacles in all directions; so for all folks, it is not a matter of, if, but when, as far as the doomsday is concerned. Brace youselves for the worst, folks: enjoy the life; worship your gods or appease daemons; sing hymns to Sai Baba; follow the Bible or Holy Quran.

    Even if we come to an end in a Black Hole, this is the most expensive way of committing collective suicide - the project cost 8 billion US Dollars. I wish these European folks consulted Velupillai Prabhakaran through their contacts at first; I am sure he has better and cost-effective way of wiping people off the planet.

    Qrious does admit that he got a bit petrified with the prospect of annihilation this way. Since we have been through bad patches thanks to Tamil Tigers, the fear died down gradually and an impetus started developing in its place.

    I had an idea of creating a Black Hole in Killinochchi just to suck up Tigers leaving the civilians unscathed.

    I decided to do a Newton - sitting under an apple tree to come up with the theory. On second thoughts, I decided to sit under a chestnut tree instead, as the prospect of hitting by an apple scared me to the core. I can put up with the pain caused by a chestnut which is lighter and small.

    The next challenge to overcome was the distraction caused by European lasses who sunbathe in their knickers, next to where I lie down. Fortunately, they do not pose an erotic threat: full blown nudity is less erotic than partial nudity, in my experience; if you don't agree with me, just take a trip down the Hikkaduwa beach and see it for yourself.

    After overcoming these two potential hurdles, I am in for a great discovery.

    If you see a headline that depicts a running man chanting End-of-Eelam, End-of-Eelam, there is a strong chance that could be your beloved Qrious on the brink of a great discovery. I will make sure that I am not another Archimedes to avoid embarrassment.

    Bless him - of course, in your own ways!

  77. From the

    Tiger Transmissions Admit Heavy Casualties; Intelligence Leader Among the Felled

    KILINOCHCHI: LATEST MONITORED ENEMY transmissions in WANNI confirmed that a total of twenty-two Tiger terrorists, including one LTTE intelligence leader have perished in the VANNARIKULAM clashes on Tuesday (3) in the KILINOCHCHI District where ferocious battles for supremacy took place.

    Terrorist transmissions further admitted over seventy-four Tiger terrorists have suffered serious injuries as a result of those clashes. Their intelligence leader cum leader for fighting cadres on the ground ‘Lieutenant Colonel’ NEELAVAN had fallen dead during the clashes, it has been announced by Tigers.

    Meanwhile, troops in those areas are presently engaged in clearing and consolidating their positions after fierce rounds of fighting in the past three days. However, troops confirmed that enemy casualties are much more higher than what they have claimed so far.

    Troops Fight Fearlessly; Several More Soldiers Went Missing Expected Back

    WANNI & NORTH: INTENSE FIGHTING that continued in VANNARIKULAM, ANDANKULAM, AKKARAYANNAGAR in the past thirty-six hours ending Thursday (4) morning eliminated about eighteen more Tiger terrorists who went on resisting advancing troops of the Task Force I and II. At least three terrorists suffered injuries.

    Several brave soldiers while fearlessly fighting the enemy in those areas and deep north in NACHCHIKUDA areas in the past 36 hours have so far failed to join their fellow soldiers, despite searches being conducted in those areas. Troops maintain some of those soldiers during the course of LTTE resistance would have tactically avoided the enemy thrust or fallen victim to the enemy. However, confirmation on the fate of those casualties is yet to be ascertained.

    Wednesday’s clashes injured ten more soldiers while fighting bravely against the troops. Two more soldiers fighting in the south of ANDANKULAM and AKKARAYANNAGAR have so far failed to join the rest of the troops after they were inducted to the battle field.

    Meanwhile, several rounds of clashes that erupted in the north of PALAMODDAI between 8.00 a.m. – 1.15 p.m. on Wednesday (3) deprived the LTTE of about eight more terrorists in the WANNI sector. Those dead include the ones who were felled in NAVATKULAM area as well.

    One Icom set and one telescope belonging to the terrorists were afterwards recovered by the clearing troops.

    In the meantime, explosion of an anti personnel mine in PERIYAPANDIVIRICHCHAN area in the VAVUNIYA sector injured one soldier on Wednesday (3).

    Meanwhile, separate confrontations that occurred in NAGAR KOVIL and MUHAMALE defences in the JAFFNA peninsula on Wednesday (3), killed at least three terrorists, the JAFFNA military sources confirmed.

  78. Blogger CriMeWatCh said...

    wondering where the Fu* is Shyam and bahirav. are they shot at the mission?

    September 4, 2008 3:03 PM


    tiger intelligence center(East Kilinochchi) released this information

    they have joined the operation north of Malavi

    they were both spotted together @ Kokavil training for the mission last Monday

    the mission is to recapture Malavi

    latest status is unknown

    we have to wait till they report back


  79. Buddhist monk attacks a Durka Hindu Temple

  80. Tiger-The-Un-IntelliGent, not-so-sharp and others!

    Playing with words will not change anything.

    Enjoy it while the thrill lasts.

    It won't be long.... wait and see.

    Take Care

  81. Tropicalstorm,

    You have asked from Asithri what you think about McCain-Palin combo.

    I have a small comment. I watched the convention and it was like a KKK annual convention, except they did not have masks on. I saw three black people, and one agent from an LTTE front organisation sitting there.

    Looks like they are trying the same thing they did at Hilary's with McCain-Palin too thinking that McCain-Palin would help their false cause.

  82. Withdraw Withdraw & Withdraw... from the east, from the west from 3 districts.... now with no where to withdraw except a capsule of cyanide, then the LTTE pussys' have to stay and fight/ forced to fight!... Do or Die... for the LTTE so last swipe of the Pussys' before they take a bullet to the head.

    Wake up you terrorist who still have their head stuck up their Ass! Pull your head out and smell the fresh are and wakeup to reality.

    The LTTE will resist before Poonareen, Kilinochchi and Mulativu fall. They will resit before they are defeated... they will fight rigorously to their death, but they will never win, VICTORY IS ASSURED FOR THE SLA... but there is a cost a cost for the Valiant Sri Lankan Soldiers and the People, but Victory Assured!

  83. hakim, "victory is assured" is this jeyasukuriya 2? or ahgkni kela 2.

  84. Infinity,
    many thanks for the links.

  85. My personal feeling is that Army is not using the element of 'surprise' in this latest wave. In addition, I believe that we should be laying more and more 'ambushes' rather than going on plain offensives.

  86. Hey, noone is celebrating the small victories LTTE has achieved. It is simply being stated that they massacred the SLA troops and denied them advancement. It may seem like celebration, when the future is foretold with it to Sinhala Racists.

    Remember there are dead LTTE cadres as well and leaders, but the same thing happened before, but had no effect on the LTTE and its fighting power.

    Balraj, Karuna may be gone, they may have lead the previous assaults - but you forget that it is in the secondary batch leaders of the teams to lead them after getting instructions from the higher level leaders.

    Bascially, there are several more leaders as Karuna and Balraj, not known to Sinhala Racist Radar..well yet. Many sub-team leaders are still there as well to carry out similar but better attacks this time around. Sorry to spoil your mood.

    Keep in mind LTTE allows for the army to take entire large areas inclunding KN, MT before.

    Only, to comeback and chop down the army after setting it up.

    So, there is no huge surprise in LTTE letting the army advance after heavy confrontations - it lowers the SLA morale slowly when they see many of their dead fellow fighters vs the land they got allowed to advance on. It is basically tendering the meat before cutting into it. I hope Sinhala racists realize that.

    Until then, for your sanity, may Sinhala racists praise them selves and hope for the best. Since hoping is the only thing left for you in the upcoming events.

    take care,

    P.S. I am still waiting for Ass to post the real figures of the dead SLA and the other faceless and graveless soldiers who have perished. You owe it to the general Sinhala people alteast to provide them the truth, regardless of what the Def Dept requested of you.

  87. A rare photograph. The guy was killed by LTTE.
    click here

  88. DW Reporting,

    "Heavy fighting. 50 SLA KIA. 120 WIA"

    What are the actual figures?!

  89. Nice article on Defencewire.The casualties of 50KIA is from 3 locations not one.It seems like the idea was to break this part of FDL and attack forces from rear.Seems like Jayasikuru is NOT repeating itself..TOO BAD..BOO HOO HOO..According to DefenceWire the LTTE have used some of their most experienced cadres for the op.The death toll could have been in the 100's if not for the non-static FDL concept.(However my canadian sources say that the actual death toll is 5000KIA).We need to use the SLAF now to help troops.However i am worried about the fact that so many troops seem to fail to link up with the main groups..I hope the instructors will look into this.May our heroes attend nibbana and god guide our forces to military victory.
    On a must happier is nice to see the reps of the eastern province attending a conference on agricultural loans..what a happy sight.their faces say it all.I hope they will get much much more help than now....way to go Mr President!!

  90. Srilankan-

    "However i am worried about the fact that so many troops seem to fail to link up with the main groups."

    Bro, wonder our intelligence got leaked out before the mission.
    However we have to expect high casualty while we get closer to wipe out terrorists.

  91. Perein,
    Bro i dont think it was an inteligence leak because these ops are planned according to battlefield conditions which change on a daily basis and if there is a mole he will be detected very quickly.He may also place his own life at risk.These new tactics are working very well for us relatively speaking.Fully agree on an increase in casualties as we get closer to the bastion of "human rights"-killinochchi.I suspect this attack which resulted in 50KIA was definitely an attempt to breach the FDL and attak forces from rear.Its the ancient "jayasikuru" way of thinking...they wanted to trap a 1000 soldiers..or at least kill say 80 P.O.W's the "humane way" by doing a "stabbing barathanatyum" similar to muhamalai.

  92. "The equitable tertiary education system of the 1970s allocated equitable number of free university education opportunities to all the districts of the country. Obviously this resulted in a reduction in the number of students getting into universities from the Jaffna district. However, it similarly affected Colombo, Galle, Kandy and Matara districts that were Sinhala majority. On the other hand the system allowed higher number of opportunities to students in Batticaloa, Vavuniya, Mannar, Trincomalee, Nuwara Eliya and Mulaitivu that are Tamil majority areas. Today there are Tamil (students) only universities in the country but there aren’t any Sinhala (students) only universities! Also it is no secret that the percentage of Tamil undergraduates (excluding Upcountry Tamils) in universities is far higher than their population percentage. Amidst the war the government has spent a disproportionately larger amount of taxpayers’ money (than collection) on North-East education. Thankfully these good deeds have not been looked at from a race-based point of view."
    -Thomas John Pulle

    click here

  93. hemantha,

    an excellent article from lanka guardian.


  94. Bandara

    Obviously you must be affected by some inferiority complex of great magnitude that you need to cloak your identity under the guise of an entirely different ethnic group. Does sounding Sinhala make you feel superior to the guy in the mirror? That brings out the true podiyen in you.

    secondly, Vanni/Wanni is not a country. It is a part of Sri Lanka and will always be. Some of us really do not care much abt the way things are spelt, and infact really have no interest in figuring out how every corner of a malarial jungle is named. Just the fight is exciting.

    There were many detractors to a military thrust by the SLG against the LTTE, particularly by the Norwegians and other interested parties. Their 'specialists' told us an attempt to retake the East would cost XXXX soldiers' lives and an attempt to take the north, XX,XXX.

    These numbers were calibereted to discourage the SLG and build up a fear psychosis. Quite obviously it didn't work, and the numbers have proven completely false in battle field experience.

    The next threat was against civillian casualties. The threat of potential war crimes prosecution was presented almost convincingly. Again the lies didn't work, the threats fell apart. Nevertheless the SLA practices remarkable avoidance strategies which are proving very effective in avoiding civillian death. The suffering however is immense and unfortunately unavoidable as long as the LTTE continues to forcibly "represent and save the Tamils" from themselves.

    These people's hideous karma, for supporting and nurturing a racist terror group is well deserved, nevertheless. That's universal justice for you.

    Tactically, it is better for the SLA that the LTTE comes out to fight. The UN and other International organizations are watching the human shields practices of the LTTE and that bestows direct and indirect advantages to the SL Defence Forces. Specialized urban combat training and weapons is one of them. There's plenty more.

    welcome to the EndGame. It's a huge slippery slope, at the end of which lies a bottomless pit. Enjoy the one-way ride!

  95. Have you noticed that there were number of LTTE scum came here taking Sinhalese sounding names.....

    They really have a huge inferiority complexity...

  96. Ado mate,

    ”secondly, Vanni/Wanni is not a country. It is a part of Sri Lanka and will always be. Some of us really do not care much abt the way things are spelt, and infact really have no interest in figuring out how every corner of a malarial jungle is named. Just the fight is exciting.”

    - You are right, it is not a country, but rather an integral part of Tamil Eelam in the North-East- the traditional and birth right lands of the Tamils before colonisation which merged your Sinhala Kingdom and the Tamil Kingdom under one administration.

    -The power Sinhalese enjoy today and the failed state of Sri Lanka was built on seriously flawed principles and under enforced oppressive laws. It is clearly an illegitimate state. But with time, the fact has been lost as it is the case with the ever speeding time. Sinhala racist are apes gone wild with the new land under their rule given to them by their white rulers.

    ”These numbers were calibereted to discourage the SLG and build up a fear psychosis. Quite obviously it didn't work, and the numbers have proven completely false in battle field experience. “

    - Yes it has proven false. The exact number of dead SLA is unprecedented, however you only see the numbers published by the Def Dept. and they only allow their news to reach the Sinhalese living in the city, the slums and villages. The ratio of soldiers from the villages and the slums are much higher compared to ones from the city. Noone hears the cries of the Sinhala mothers who don’t know the fate of their sons. That is why you have many deserters in the SLA.

    ”The next threat was against civillian casualties. The threat of potential war crimes prosecution was presented almost convincingly. Again the lies didn't work, the threats fell apart. Nevertheless the SLA practices remarkable avoidance strategies which are proving very effective in avoiding civillian death. The suffering however is immense and unfortunately unavoidable as long as the LTTE continues to forcibly "represent and save the Tamils" from themselves.”

    - Given the fact you hug the government and all positions in it – the truth never gets out, so you spend millions in USD trying to prostitute yourselves and propaganda in trying to convince the certain fools that your are a flower in the rubbish.

    ” welcome to the EndGame. It's a huge slippery slope, at the end of which lies a bottomless pit. Enjoy the one-way ride!”

    - yes say that to your fellow passengers on the same ride. There is a reason the Liberation Leader said this was the final war. – There is a big reason for this. When it happens and your jaw drops hitting your toes, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

    - SHARP >>>>

    P.S. Mr. Ass, atleast share in private what you learned in SL to your fellow racists in here. Don't you think atleast DN deserves to know, after all the hard work he's been putting in?

  97. I just read a story of how Tamils in Colombo live in fear of the security forces. *snigger*

    Serves them right, I say.

    Hey sharp, just this year so far 600 Tamil guys just disappeared from Jaffna :) Now that's an unprecedented number hehe

  98. Sharp the LTTE Terrorist,

    I would like to remind you that, despite your bravado, you are mere nothing. As terrorists holding to certain parts of Sri Lanka at gun point, you are nothing more than terrorists. You own nothing and you are going to get nothing other than your other than your own destruction. Your rightful place is the unmarked graves reserved for faceless terrorists. Sooner or later, petty LTTE scum like you will face justice. Barking will not make you anything better; you are just a terrorists who deliberately kill innocent civilians. Please act knowing where you are going to end up.

  99. [The power Sinhalese enjoy today and the failed state of Sri Lanka was built on seriously flawed principles and under enforced oppressive laws. It is clearly an illegitimate state.]

    My poor fellow, below are some images of Sri Lankan President and the first lady meeting with world leaders. Post some links of the fat pig or his fat lady meeting with a world leader and we can continue this discussion.

    With President Bush:

    President Mahinda Rajapaksa greets Morits Leuenberger, President of Switzerland:,%20President%20of%20Switzerland.&tle=President's%20official%20visit%20to%20the%20USA.

    First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa with First Ladies at the Luncheon by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's wife. At right is US First Lady Laura Bush:'s%20wife.%20At%20right%20is%20US%20First%20Lady%20Laura%20Bush.&tle=President's%20official%20visit%20to%20the%20USA.

    President bilateral meeting with Mr. Jens Stoltenberg Prime Minister of Norway:'s%20official%20visit%20to%20the%20USA.

    President With Chinese leadres:

  100. By the way, why are these terrorist supporters in a jubilant mood? Don't you poor fellows know that stealing government property is a major crime? Another crime added to the long list of crimes with which these goons will be soon charged with. Also remember aiding and abetting criminals is a crime in itself.


  101. Banda-aera (Banda's screw),

    using confusing names is not going to save your sorry arse. there was another FAMOUS monkey which tried that here until he was scrwed allaround.

    we don't care about the ethnicity. we are only after FACTUAL statements. if vezapillai makes a FACTUAL STATEMENT we still accept it and if SF makes a bullshit statement we reject it.

    too much inhaling the chemicals of your profession has affected your inner skull vacuum.

  102. Strange article from lankaenews who usually anti-war.

    Eighteen people forcibly held by LTTE in Vanni cross to government territory

    People will flee even though LTTE fires at them when forces arrive in Vanni

    (Lanka-e-News, Sept. 04, 2008, 7.55 pM)

    Eighteen civilians held by LTTE forcibly in Vanni without allowing crossing to government territory arrived in Vavuniya in boats.

    A Navy patrol boat came across these 18 people that belonged to five families who lived in Pudukudiirippu were sailing in a boat belonged to them towards Pulmuddai.

    As they said that they were fleeing to government territory without permission from LTTE to save their lives, Navy handed over these war refugees to Trincomalee police.

    They have now been brought to Punthottam refugee camp in Vavuniya for temporary settlement. Vavuniya District Secretariat is providing them relief.

    They described the situation in Vanni as follows;

    "Army shells from all directions to LTTE targets. People are scared. Government helicopters distributed leaflets advising us to cross to their territory for safety. But LTTE does not allow us to go. They want us to stay there in bunkers. There are around 300,000 people living in fear. They too want to come to Vavuniya. But LTTE does not allow them to cross."

    "They will flee even though the LTTE fire at them when the Army arrives in close to Kilinochchi. While the residents of Kilinochchi and Mulaithivu live in their homes, the refugees who came from Mannar spend difficult lives under trees and tents. Mosquitoes bite them and rains drip them. Diseases are spreading. But they have no option. LTTE does not allow them to flee."

    "We started our journey around 2 AM. A group ordered us to stop in the middle of the sea. We thought they were LTTE. If it was so they would have killed us. But it was Navy. We showed our identity cards and described what happened to us. They searched us and handed over to the Trincomalee police station."

    "We are fishermen. We know only that. Therefore we asked to send us to Puttalam or Negambo. But police sent us to Vavuniya. Now we stay in a refugee camp. We do not like to stay here. We want to go somewhere to carry on our industry. But safeguarding lives at least in this way is better."

    Look at those people. Should these people die just to give mental satisfaction for diaspora? I hope the "racist sinhala modayas gevernemnt" will give all the facilities and a better life to these innocent tamil people.

  103. If I may add something new to the discussion, the casualty figures for the SLA are not good, but,look at it from well-known military axiom, "Lanchester's N-Squared Law of Combat".

    The LTTE still faces annihilation and military defeat if the SLA maintain pressure and concentration. It might seem heartless to reduce the combat deaths of our soldiers to an equation (and that is not my intention), but I'm certain that SLA command are well aware of this military equation.

    Basically it states the following points:

    "...the attrition rate of the combatants is proportional to the number of troops of the opposing side" and,

    ..."a superior force should always choose to fight under the N-Squared law, because the end result will leave the victor with a greater number of survivors than when fighting under the Linear law..

    For the LTTE to gain its objectives, it will try to do the following .."for an inferior force, there is an opportunity for winning by using a tactical device to split the larger opposing force and annihilate each section of the enemy in sequence.

    The LTTE have repeated tried to gain local superiority (in firepower, men, etc) to try to defeat the SLA by splitting the larger force. Sometimes it succeeds, but ultimate success for the LTTE is only guaranteed if it can repeatedly split and destroy. I don't think that's likely under the current force structure and leadership of the SLA.

    Also, the LTTE are now fighting as a conventional force with the all of the advantages and disadvantages that it brings.

    More info here:

    A Model of 21st Century Counterinsurgency Warfare

    and here: (Wikipedia)

  104. [Banda-aera (Banda's screw),

    using confusing names is not going to save your sorry arse.]

    Moshe Dyan, old chap, this Kalathonia is abusing a very much loved Sinhalese name given to our beloved heros like Konnapu Bandara and Madduma Bandara. He is probably one of those fellows with a name like Ponna Lingam or something who ran away from the terrorist FDL leaving behind a pair of worn Bata slippers.


  105. Shar-up your arse

    [Mr. Ass, atleast share in private what you learned in SL to your fellow racists in here.]

    Prized sakkiliya, if you insist, I will do it…so here it goes…btw no need to say it in private…transparency is to be cherished at all times!

    What I learned on my recent visit to SL was that your filthy crotch-rot infested mother was a cheap Jaffna whore and your father was a rich, but a ponna Jaffna pimp and you actually are by-product of a TamilNadu Dalit going “all night” on your mother!

    Aha, see OaOA…he’s ever so obliging…ever so accommodating…ever so humble...

    OaO Asithri

  106. Lord Konnappu

    [this Kalathonia is abusing a very much loved Sinhalese name given to our beloved heros like Konnapu Bandara and Madduma Bandara. He is probably one of those fellows with a name like Ponna Lingam or something who ran away from the terrorist FDL leaving behind a pair of worn Bata slippers]


    My Lord, you make me go into hysterics!!!

    OaO Asithri

  107. TropicalS

    [What do you think of the McCain-Palin combo? She's a peach and they definitely offer no kisses and hugs to terrorists..]

    Right on brother! I for one am solidly behind McCain-Palin combo as I don't see any other choice.

    Obama-Biden to me is another 9/11 waiting to happen (like how it happened after the cigar abusing Clinton) as frankly, these Democrats have proven bloody inept at dealing with terrorists!

    However, we Sri Lankans must not depend on either side to save our skin...we must concentrate on liquidating the filthy LTTE bastards/bitches with extreme prejudice - pronto! (using the Chinese, Russian, Pakistani and Israeli deadliest of the deadly weapons)

    OaO Asithri

  108. OaO Asithri, dear chap, SL government should keep track of all overseas terrorist supporters like this fellow and arrest them the moment they set foot on our fair shores. I say, put them to work in prison chain-gangs rebuilding roads and such public infrastructure they helped to destroy. Exactly the way our ancient kings built religious edifices like Demala maha saya.


  109. Hakim

    [VICTORY IS ASSURED FOR THE SLA... but there is a cost a cost for the Valiant Sri Lankan Soldiers and the People, but Victory Assured]

    Assalamu Alilkum Wa Rahmatulah Wa Barakatuh!

    Well spoken my wise SL brother!

    OaO Asithri

  110. sharp ge demala pootiya hamathanama...

  111. OK, quiz time…

    What van burst all four tires while speeding today?



    ‘Lieutenant Colonel’ NEELAVAN

    Ouch! LMSSAO!!!

    OaO Asithri

  112. OK time to go make my online investment desposit to the WTM fund...and hope for the -50,000% return as usual!

    :( :( :(

    Catch you patriots later...

    OaO Asithri

  113. cheers konappu bandara. they stole our land, so stealing our names is next to nothing for them.


    i think Hakim is connected to SLDFs. great guy.

    its a shame that he visits here only too seldom.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Living in denial and thumping key-boards do not help when the proof tells a different story; the tamils who can get away from 'eelam' run for their lives the moment they get a chance.

    Others living in govt controlled areas will not move in to 'eelam' even if their lives depended on it.

    Nada. Illai. No-way-thosai.

  116. Asithri

    Palin is so hot, I think of her when doing my wife....

  117. Sharp, Sharp, Sharp...Sharp..

    hmm, not even in one of your desperate bladder shivering responses to me, have any one of you shown any grasp of what I wrote. Dear god, it is as if I am on a 3D plane and and you are in 2D. Some I must say are definetly in 1 D.

    These responses are case in point on how Sinhala Racists cannot deal with different ideas, opinions, simply put Sinhala racists are un-deomcratic barbarians who have be given the rein by invading europeans. This is why you are headed for multi-faceted disaster as Sri Lanka will cease to exist after you lose the war. You will be left with a severely corrupt and in-fighting politicians, ruined and dampned economy, normal Sinhala man/woman frustration, bankrupt departments of state and all hell will come twirling down, unfortunately.

    Note until now, how the war was never brought to Colombo as the SLA brought it to the Tamil heartlands.

    Even with all the hostility, the Liberation Fighters had never brought the war as bad to Colombo. - Imagine their self-control was lost?

    And who knows, with all the lies the government is spilling every day, it is easy for them to setup bombs in colombo and blame it on LTTE to get political mileage.

    Anyways, these are food for ..umm your thought....if possible.

    Again, especially Mr. Ass.. I hope you will reveal the truth about the real figures of SLA dead and the constant complaints lodged by many village families and from the slums... but those of you living elsewhere won't know it will you?

    -Take Care,
    SHARP >>>>

  118. Sharp, again I think you have bigger things to worry like the 300 000 destitute Tamils in the vanni currently living under trees and on government food rations. What are those baboons going to do when the bombs start falling down on them?

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. Check this site out... it gives a Summary of the daily progress made on the war front superimposed on a map of sri lanka

  121. Sharp;

    Look up these words in a dictionary;


  122. Dear Mango,

    "If I may add something new to the discussion, the casualty figures for the SLA are not good, but,look at it from well-known military axiom, "Lanchester's N-Squared Law of Combat"."

    I'm glad that you're reading about military and counterinsurgency theory. This sort of attitude is 10,000 times more useful than the mindless chest-thumping some of us tend to do.

    If you have a choice between reading military theory and military history (namely Sri Lankan history), go for the latter but do not ignore the former. Human activity in general is difficult to break down into scientific principles, but war is particularly difficult given that it is essentially a contest of wills. A theory can work in one situation but will flop in another.

    Western COIN theory for example cannot entirely apply to wars such as our own because the SLA is not an expeditionary force. The Sri Lankan war for the most part cannot be compared with Vietnam- the Vietnamese Communists were a far more formidable and resourceful adversary than the LTTE, and the US had far more political vulnerabilities than the SL govt. despite its superior firepower.

    The Lanchester equations have been hyped by western (esp British) military theorists but their utility has never been proven. If you're interested in the topic of conventional military effectiveness, I recommend a book called Military Power by Stephen Biddle. A lot of what he says- the use of small units, defense in depth, combined arms etc.- mirrors the developments that the SLA has made over the last few years.

  123. Revy Revy Revy...! I think you are naive and ignorant to make these silly comments about Lanka - history. There is no point of educating you, since you keep on believing what you want to believe, but believes of yours never change history of Sri Lanka.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. guys be honest and think who is brave to kill a 1% tigers u are spending 3% SLA shame first of all, then still u gonna loose this battkle against that 1% tigers , u morons never gonna learn from the experiences

  126. Dude, not only 3% we even give our 100% if it’s necessary; against any Son of bitch who stand up against mother Lanka.

  127. yo {wijayapala } i saw your reall identity you mother fucker, your leader actually got ass fucked in the london jail , ask him how was that experience gone lol... we really gave him a reall expericences. btw your so called moron leader has licking the singalese ass for the money and brain washed you people, as we call you "eddappans" , remember boy when we got this Sla on the run , next thing is you people, btw we never let down the eastern brothers they are still a backbone of the tamiltigers, karuna was in prabha's mind as second leader, but karuna wants that leadership so badly, so he had been lured byt the ROW and the singalese gov , in tamils opinion Ranil is master, and evil talented president than mahinda, no wonder we let him elct that dumb arese. we even love our singlase when the war is over and we will pray to be peacefull nation , we never hated the singalese but their GOV. but we never forgive you people like eddapans for sure!, eelam vellum athai kalam sollumadi.. biatchh..

  128. Banda,

    What is this 1% and 3%. What is the base for these products??

  129. i meant to say 3% because the war is about 3 to 1 estimation comparings, so you are saying 100 to 1 bring it on then , our boys will get more expericences,
    you can ask any international media about the tigers elite groups
    they have exp in atleast 50 small battles and 2 major battles in their lifetime in each member, no wonder prabha named them charles antony , they didnt even int the battlefield because they dont need them their for unexperinced only 2 month trained sla soldiers, they will be there when they need it , they will answer the call soon, wait and see, that time DN post nothing but the pictures of losing grounds and the sla dead bodies handed over by tigers

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. i never knew that when i use the bandara, which is hilarious name in tamil lol, there is one person already exist call konnuka bandara or something lol
    by the mr ass[Asithri] dont fool your self low life dickhead by saying u ahve money and stuffs you are the person who licks ass for the money dont you, i will give you money will you lick my ass too biatch...
    your dickhead wont shore so quickly till the SLA on the run dont try to be smart on the net, we know you in the reall life..

  132. Banda_ra,

    Ethayume puriyawillai...

    Is this (present situation) what you were expecting 2 1/2 years ago..?

  133. Defence Net,

    It's been awhile since I last logged on to this blog... it's sad to see whats happened to it... nothing of military value just pointless chatter... So sad.

  134. //you did nothing to your country except you talking like this , but we arent like you, thats the diffrent from you and me//

    What you did? Put a claymore in a public bus? Or some credit card thing?

    //i never knew that when i use the bandara, which is hilarious name in tamil//

    Can someone (B#1/Riyaz) who knows tamil tell us what’s that hilarious meaning?

    //i meant to say 3% because the war is about 3 to 1 estimation comparings..//

    ok, he 'knows' math too !!!


    //hmm, not even in one of your desperate bladder shivering responses to me, have any one of you shown any grasp of what I wrote. Dear god, it is as if I am on a 3D plane and and you are in 2D. Some I must say are definetly in 1 D. These responses are case in point on how Sinhala Racists ..//

    You are probably in the wrong blog.

    How really that 3D 'plane' looks like? I know about 2D plane. Is the third dimension in your 3D plane totally about "sinhala racism"?

    You are so smart, perfect and know every thing. "Sinhala racists" can't even understand your super arguments. (So how come responses? !!) If you know the meaning of 'modaya' you should know "sinhala modays" can't understand your teaching lesson whether it is in a blog or a bomb.

    So why do you waste your time here keep writing (actually, repeating) crap? You really have nothing else to do? No one in your family listen to you?

    BTW, Can you just try (say 5 mins per day) to think about human beings without considering races? Just try.

    If one reads your replies to wijyapala it reminds something like 'janahanda' where some stupid politico repeat same useless, meaningless, baseless crap while thinking he 'wins'. So You may not bother to reply me.

  135. Jonathan

    //it's sad to see whats happened to it... nothing of military value just pointless chatter... So sad.//

    We all like to live peacefully, travel in a bus without fear of bombs etc. But tigers interrupt.

    Blog is spposed to be for defence related discussions. But tigers interrupt.

    Main road or online, tigers are same. We have to live with them.

  136. Ninja please if you dont mind tell you real place of living, so i can greet you and give you some respect for your reply.

    btw do you really know how the tamil tigers and tamil people stand together, know the reason why tamil tigers always win!.
    fool go educate your father[s],your fucking brothers and sisters first atleast the can understand the 21st century
    you cannot win against the freedom strugle it will happen when it happens. you know the countries that have been happend, for your education purpose take the united states America,[washington was a terrorist to the britosh, nelson mandela was terrorist to the british, chegu-varo was terrorist to the america, and many many countries heroes are terrorist , prabha is also terrorist to the srilankans, but in few months, years tamiltigers will be the heroes who won the nation for the tamils.
    so quit talking about terrorist and try to learn some history

  137. Ninja,

    There is no such hilarious meaning for the name 'Bandara' in tamil.

    That's why i told him
    "Ethayume puriyawillai..."

    and i asked from Mr Bandara,
    "Is this (present situation) what you were expecting 2 1/2 years ago..?"

    still pending reply.. :(

  138. //i never knew that when i use the bandara, which is hilarious name in tamil..//

    //There is no such hilarious meaning for the name 'Bandara' in tamil.//

    So he lied.!!!

    //fool go educate your father[s],your fucking brothers and sisters first ..//

    Unfortunately, I avoid using 'colorfull' langauage here (may be becuz I am 'uneducated').

    //do you really know how the tamil tigers and tamil people stand together..//

    I know, if you don't know ask from Karuna.

    //.. but in few months, years tamiltigers will be the heroes who won the nation for the tamils.//

    few months, years, decades, milaniums... before that try to defend the peelaam bikini.

  139. ninja,

    Nice answers :)

    "but in few months, years tamiltigers will be the heroes who won the nation for the tamils"

    Good luck to LTTE, to go try in Canada/ Malaysia/ Norway after getting kicked out of Sri Lanka. Maybe they'll find a 'nation' there. A genuine, historical 'motherland', just like they have here.

    I guess we'll have to expect more flames from this LTTE keyboard commando... he might be more use to his 'nation' if he was in an FDL using a T-56 instead of a keyboard, but I guess every little bit helps

  140. Chamal

    Actually LTTE has a good chance if they try ezaam in Canada. They just need to do it democratic way, without using terror.


    Following is the most intelligent thing I ever read in these two blogs, from a tamil guy.

    //Better that we save our self respect by killing him (VP) ourself and then negotiating a deal from a position of power.// -Kaatikuddupaan

    The best thing for LTTE (and tamils) is to stop fighting and negotiate with GSL in democratic process, with IC help. (I mean honest nnegotiation, not the pretending one they do all the time.) Unfortunately, diaspora need more tamil youth to be dead for their mental pleassure (like what they had yesterday.)

  141. you must come out from your dream world boy because the death tall is not the ltte its actually for SLA , and many have been deserted or missing in action , read the latest news, unfortuanately defencenet wont put those news lol, the commander of SLA hoping those missing soldiers would come back to his positions lol... do you think they will come? alive ? LMAO

  142. bandara (Eelam psychopath),
    Since DN's news is false and inaccurate, why don't you start your own blog/ news site and post 'true and accurate' news on your own!

    I remember DN has earlier even agreed to add a link in this blog to such site, so that you will have more visitors.

    What do you think about that?

    Don't you think you should counter these false news items and info by your own sources?

  143. Pandara,

    You didn't answer my question yet. :(

    We will see if the Thalaivar going to stay in the country until the war is over. :\

    Ellarukkum paniyaram than kadaisila... lol

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Ninja, don’t be stupid enough to chat with lunatics,
    IM TELLING YOU ALL… just try to make this place once again a heaven for some rational topics
    These arguments are just like watching 7.30 to 9.00 Sirasa Drama set, why can’t you guys find your own place or use your e-mail facility to do these conversations
    Somehow for sometime DefenceNet reduce the postings per time ratio but it seems defencewire has started doing a good

  146. Well done! DefenceNet!

    Please try to block the crappy / porn bloggers from posting here.

  147. Macchan Kaattikuduppaan, sorry 'Mama' Kaattikuduppaan,

    Kommavai eththanai Sinhalavanukku Koottikuduththani?

    ha haa!

  148. Apart from the terrorist supporters jumping up and down, no sensible blogger here has shown any dismay, surprise or excitement regarding the latest military developments. Why? Simply because we were expecting this to be the trend as SLDF closes in. The military chiefs have all been saying this for a while that they would expect the kill ratio to take a dip as the LTTE goes through the “cornered rat” syndrome. As someone mentioned, the tail-enders have scored a boundary and the losing team supporters are celebrating – so be it, for a wee while.

    All must realise that this is NOT because LTTE has suddenly become strategically or militarily better; they are merely doing exactly what anyone would do with their backs to the wall. It is do or die time for them since fatty has left them with no choice.

    What any sensible human being must accept is that even if as Tamilnut says 75 SLA killed (or indeed 750 KIA), SLDF will continue to advance without hindrance. Why? Because SLDF have no deficiencies with manpower, hardware, supply routes, leadership, backing of the IC or any other resource required for the total annihilation of the LTTE. It is the LTTE who are overwhelmingly restricted in all these areas and cannot sustain a military operation for long. The final celebrations belong to SLDF and Sri Lankans of all ethnicities who desire a united Sri Lanka; all 25,332 square miles of it.

    Anyone who cannot grasp this simple common-sense argument is indeed thick as planks, brain washed to the point of mental derangement or both.

  149. guys
    don't waste time arguing with morons
    any sensible fella with at least a pea sized brain would understand the fact that there will be instances of SLDF taking larger numbers of casualties in certain battles.
    not all battles will go in our way.
    As sad as the losses are...SLDF will not be backing down just because they lost these brave troops..
    we lost over 300 in now famous Muhamalai debacle but did it stop us from kicking ltte butt???
    Were our troops demoralized???
    This is just another road hump on our way to victory and no army in the world can have 100% success rate in every single mission they undertake..
    Hopefully SLDF will learn from their mistakes and out smart, out maneuver the enemy
    there's only one way this war is going to end and that's when every last ltte scum is buried in a shallow grave...

  150. Pakka-Lanka -
    Very Well said bro. I hope those terrorists suppoters will see the facts. (Yet again they have not seen those facts during last what ever the time).

  151. Wijeya,

    This pointless hurling insults at strangers on internet forums is such waste of valuable time. Anyway, the SLA has progressed immensely since 2001. I may've already mentioned this, but this is what I wrote then, on Lankaweb:

    Our war is unique and whilst other like Vietnam, Malaya and Algeria offer pointers, glib comparisons cannot be made so easily. As you know, all of the counterinsurgency theory and discussions of weapons systems will be to no avail without an equitable political solution. But that can only be achieved after the barrier to a lasting solution, the military capability of the LTTE, is destroyed.

    I know its easy for us armchair warriors to say, but the SLA has to keep up the pressure and not relent in the face of this setback.

    I found this very interesting document written by a US soldier about the SLA. Parts of it are outdated and inaccurate, but its better than nothing. Many of his conclusions have been overtaken by the creation of more combat effective SLA.

    You can download the entire PDF file here:
    Sri Lanka’s Military: The Search For A Mission (2004)

  152. Perein,

    Cheers bro.

    Sadly, the hardcore supporters have somehow made themselves immune to reality and have little hope of rehabilitation.

    Do mark my words bruv…even after fatty's demise, they will not believe it. Remember those stories of Japanese who refused to accept the fact even years after the war was finished that the war was indeed over and Japan was on the losing side?

    Even the fighting LTTE cadres (conscripted or otherwise) don’t believe they are going to win!- the mountain of Bata’s they “tactically” leave behind bear testimony to that. But these LTTE supporters of the Diaspora kind continue to live in blatant denial of LTTE’s imminent demise; they continue to live in their (stupid, unjust, unfair and unrealistic) dream world which they have spent their livelihoods to try and make real. Pro LTTE media (puthinam, Tamilnut, etc.) give the donkeys enough carrots to salivate after and sand to build their castles with. Dream on…the imbeciles….

    Patriots, have those Alidon ready with their wicks primed….

    Jaya apitai Siri Lankavey!

  153. Guys,

    Duleep De Chikera - an Archbishop with an agenda

    The Church in Srilanka does not seem to be short of folks who are no strangers to controversy. With the liberation of Mannar sector, famously political Rev Rayappu has gone into forced-solitude; taken in his place is, his Anglican counterpart in Colombo, Rev Duleep De Chikera, who smiles like a trapped shark inside a fishing net, when his divine mind and poorly-guarded mouth are notoriously out-of-step - gasping for air of cheap publicity and populism.

    De Chikera may proudly say that he is different from Rev Rayappu by making a theological distinction: Rev Rayappu, a Catholic, believes in Virgin Mary and De Chikera, an Anglican does not believe in her. De Chikera, instead, believes in the ex-virgin Mathivathini, the wife of Velupillai. De Chikera's determination to give the savages respite at the slightest opportunity, shows where his loyalties really lie.

    Both Rev Rayappu and Rev Chikera have one thing in common; both don't give a damn about what the Bible explicitly says about the good governance:

    In the Bible - Romans Chapter 13 Verse 1 and 2 - the word of God goes as follows:

    1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

    2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

    The good Lord knew that the removal of existing institutes leads to certain anarchy. That is why, time and again, He said that these institutes must be protected at all times.

    Of course, democratically elected governments are not perfect; no is the divinely inspired institutes called the Church. That does not warrant the destruction of both.

    An impartial observer can collect bad things for both camps: the politicians in the government may be corrupt and the hierarchy in the church may be obsessed with sexuality of the junior priests; some politicians do stray from the wedlock and so do the priests if they are allowed to marry or they are supposed to practise celibacy. The list goes on and on; no one wants to take the lid off a can of worms.

    The plight of civilians in Vanni arose as a result of the break-down of the civilian institutes. Against this background, Rev De Chikera wants to boost the sagging morale of the Tiger terrorists. By doing so, he contradicts the teaching of the very book, that he says, he is committed to follow to the letter. No other rational argument can explain his desire to open up peace zones in the trouble spots at the eleventh hour; we have been there before, Reverend!

    De Chikera's desire to elevate a terrorist outfit to the level of a legitimate government is, in the context of Biblical teachings, is not divine. Since in the eyes of God, everything is black or white with no room for grey, De Chikera's attempt, by default, becomes classified as outright evil.

    As this is the case, the followers of these priests must look into this disturbing phenomenon of the Sri Lankan church.

    What has driven these high priests to behave in clear breach of Biblical guidelines? Is that the funding from questionable sources or dwindling numbers in the Church audience that is the root cause?

    Whatever is the reason, the damage they inflict on the great institutes is irreparable. The silly stance taken by De Chikera and Rayppu is going to haunt them for years to come.

    Neither De Chikera nor Rayappu has the divine privilege to interpret the great book, the Bible, to appease their sentiments. Its teaching is simple enough for any folk with an ounce of commonsense to understand. If they think the audience they cater for is so gullible, it is also a miscalculation of epic proportion; this is 21st Century and not the middle ages.

    It is high time both De Chikera and Rayappu stopped pulling theological wool over the eyes of the hapless congregation - and for God's sake.

  154. Mango,

    ‘Enjoyed reading your little post above. Your arguments are just too profound for some of the LTTE supporting dimwits to get their two brain cells around, unfortunately.

    I don’t need to agree with you to enjoy your posts with well laid out arguments and counter arguments. Debating for or against a point is one thing but almost all of the LTTE supporting bloggers here only display the depths of their depravity.

  155. Rt Reverend Qurious,

    Having enjoyed it enormously, I exhale a heartfelt “Amen” to your sermon from the depths of my being.

    I wish all men in cloth would preach like you do, your eminence...

  156. sometimes this could be happened even with US led NATOforces


  157. I wish all men in cloth would preach like you do, your eminence...


  158. qrious,
    I was waiting for this!!

    I will also join with the others and say,

  159. Infinity,
    Many thanks for all your links.

  160. Qrious,
    After all that ranting above, a breath of fresh air.!


  161. defencenet,

    tamilnet speaks of a 89 death toll, are they still referring to the previous clash or is this a new confrontation?


  162. இலங்கை நாட்டுப் பிரஜைகள் ஒவ்வொருவரையும் அரசு 1,75,000 ரூபா கடனாளியாக மாற்றியுள்ளது
    seems like srilanka getting bankrupt it self already lol, cant wait to see the end..

  163. yo MR Ass [Asithiri] why dont you help your motherland from this bankrupt with your rich and your team mates who shouts a lot. biatch...

  164. Guys,
    Watch this animation from Good to see MOD using modern technology to explain this eelam project.

    Terrorist Activities and Government Humanitarian Efforts 1981 to 2008


  165. mango,

    that guys article you provided the link to... is informative.. but not very optimistic about the forces... according to him after the ltte is destroyed.. the navy and air force will resort to just taxi services and will not be able to defend the country...

    knowing how somethings work .. i can see that happen.. but I HOPE.. I really hope that we will have some solid .. relatively selfless leaders who will keep things on track.

    thanks DN for your tireless updating

  166. pakka-Lanka, NOLTTE=Peace, perein, su,no-mess

    Thank you for your respective comments. May the good Lord bless you all!

  167. guys,

    there is an intersting macromedia based document in

    the work is impressive. however, there are a few errors.

    when highlighting liberated areas in the past, it colours a larger area than really liberated.

    the percentage calculation also raises some questions.

    but great effort by

  168. The following article quotes BBC Sandeshaya:

    Minister admits rights violations

    “Human rights violations are occurring in Sri Lanka, a senior government minister has admitted. Minister in charge of Investment Development, Prof. GL Peiris, told BBC Sandeshaya that the international community should understand the context in which these abuses taking place”

    If you listen today’s sandeshaya – a very painful experience I must say, just did it for the country – there’s no mention of this, he only talks about the working conditions in SL factories and British aid?
    What’s up?
    Over to you UKHC ( or anyone connected with it), please check this out before the Prof leaves the UK.

  169. Ares,
    "tamilnet speaks of a 89 death toll, are they still referring to the previous clash or is this a new confrontation?"

    Previous confrontation.
    SLA has lost around 70 soldiers in the past week's fighting in three fronts in Wanni. Around 175 more have been wounded. More than half the wounded are p3 (walking wounded).

  170. Dear Pandara,

    "i never knew that when i use the bandara, which is hilarious name in tamil lol,"

    Well there are many things which you apparently don't know and will never learn on your own dear Pandara. Bandara is not a Tamil name at all. It is a Sinhala name that Wanni Tamils adopted to show their allegiance to Kandy before the colonial era. The Tamil hero Pandara Vanniyan who fought the British had been a supporter of the Sinhala Kandyan kingdom.

    "as we call you "eddappans" , remember boy when we got this Sla on the run , next thing is you people,"

    I am not Tamil and I find it quite pitiable how eager you are to kill your own Tamil people. With dumbasses like yourself, the Sinhalese only need to sit back and watch you self-destruct. I wasn't a Karuna supporter either, but if he makes you piss in your pants the way that you just demonstrated then perhaps I should reconsider my position.

    I don't know what "eddappan" means but clearly you qualify for the title "dumbassappan."

    "btw we never let down the eastern brothers they are still a backbone of the tamiltigers,"

    Correction: eastern brothers were the backbone/most important cannon fodder of the LTTE until they realized that they would be cleaning the toilets of the Jaffna Tamils in an independent Eelam. That is when they ditched Thalaivar's Bloated Fat Ass (with your lips attached to it of course) and elected Pillayan as Chief Minister. Now they are our brothers.

    Maybe one day you can smarten up and fix northern-eastern relations by offering to clean eastern brothers' toilets.

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. "Heavy losses for both sides in Wanni fighting"

    Good to see LTTE giving a fair fight to the SLDF... than unfairly targeting civilians travelling in buses.

    As far as the Sri Lankans are concerned...these are expected sacrifices.... well worth the price.

    There's a bonus too... all these sacrifices give added credibility for the GOSL to persue the military option.

  173. Bandara wrote: [chegu-varo]

    Wow! What the fcuk is this? This LTTE shit-hookworm must be crucified for defaming the indomitable Ernesto "Che" Guevara by calling him “Chegu-varo”…just shows the bastard’s imbecilic disposition. May be we should have this bugger preserved in another Formaldehyde vat, next the hard-core LTTE MF also immersed in a Formaldehyde vat, in our national museum to show what a LTTE terrorist Ponna was and what a LTTE brainless Ponna was!


    OaO Asithri

  174. [PakaL said: Rt Reverend Qurious, Having enjoyed it enormously, I exhale a heartfelt “Amen” to your sermon from the depths of my being.]

    Me too brother!

    I even went a step further and silently said “Lord, say the word and I shall be healed” …given the caliber of person OaOA has been thus far on planet Earth (and I ain’t done yet…)…!!!

    :)) :)) :))

    OaO Asithri

    p.s. Yes, I have taken part in ALL religious rituals…and I recite phrases from them with the greatest admiration and not with any sense of ridicule or blasphemy. I believe all religious philosophies teach the meritorious but it is the humans who give vile interpretations such teachings to destroy each other.

  175. DefenceNet,

    You need not elaborate if it is sensitive; do we have a strategy to counter LTTE earth bunds at 100m spacing. Do(have) we revise(d) our plan after the latest skirmishes? I guess that slow attrition is the best strategy to weardown LTTE hardcore mostly with deep battlespace operations along with SF and LRRP ops. Please keep us enlightened about the general direction.


  176. Bandara

    [yo MR Ass [Asithiri] why dont you help your motherland from this bankrupt with your rich and your team mates who shouts a lot. biatch...]

    Not sure who my “team mates” you refer to here are, but I do have some great team mates these days…so, now that you broached the subject kaka-podiyen, let me tell you…

    Today, my “team mates” also consist of some great SL Tamils who are as determined as I am to liquidate the LTTE for good! Admittedly 4 out of the 5 closest are from the East (one, a female, is a sight to behold…if you saw her, even being the Ponna you are, I am sure you will have a droopy but a permanent erection!) and another female, from Jaffna (and although she is not a “stunner,” is a very learned woman, an academic actually in a leading university but I will not anymore for obvious reasons).

    So racist LTTE mother-s*domizer, how does that grab you? I guess not too well!!!

    Now that you had a bellyful from humble OaOA, be a good podien and go wanker yourself to sleep!


    OaO Asithri

  177. [Correction: eastern brothers were the backbone/most important cannon fodder of the LTTE until they realized that they would be cleaning the toilets of the Jaffna Tamils in an independent Eelam. That is when they ditched Thalaivar's Bloated Fat Ass (with your lips attached to it of course) and elected Pillayan as Chief Minister. Now they are our brothers.]

    Mmmm…..interesting times…an aberration or a concedable counter-prove?

    As the immortal “Police” said, “I’ll be waaatching you!


    OaO Asithri

  178. OK got to go ready to go hump the fat mules dressed in red & is Friday evening in my neck of the woods and as the good book said, "man does not live by bread alone"...and so does not this man-and-some OaOA...!!!

    LMSSAO!!! bloody cheeky aha???

    Catch you patriotic bros/sis later...

    OaO Asithri

  179. UNESCO throws out pro-LTTE wart-hogs from conference. And that is after they even hired two white skin to provide credibility!!

    Slaughtered in Mullaitivu and Killi, LTTE still hiding behind civillians, while talking bravado. Every bully is a coward hiding behind someone's skirt.

    Even the Norwegians are in a huff. Apparently they thought that "once the LTTE becomes powerful and a docile Ranil comes into power, a sustainable peace could be worked out". And that was against the will of the majority of the people of the country. Now the Norwegians are in a huff because Prez Mahinda wouldn't give a crap for them.

    More goodies are coming. There'll probably be more Mig27s coming in after the Mig29s.


  180. Forgot to leave one last word...

    Evidently, SLA has taken deliver of some "hardware" from a very friendly country and I am told the Sakkilinochhi-proper liberation (the Grand Finale) will see a new kind of "punishment", don't touch that dial/remote!

    OaO Asithri

  181. bandara

    Your rage and raving are both understandable.

    Given the Freudian fact that you chose to decorate yourself with a Sinhala name which is definitely a sign of some form of inferiority complex (let's hope its not self-loathing..)your hatred of the sinhala bloggers is quite obviously genuine rage against not being included in the club you so badly want to belong to.

    There are women like you who hate men, and the cause is known as 'penis envy'.

    Yours seems to be a combination of both.

  182. Post-conflict SLDF;

    Jobs offered to a large number of experienced troops in UN peace-keeping missions and a couple of other very interesting assignments on offer by 'big borther' as well.

  183. Hey TropicalS

    Man, what you said about Palin is very true...she is Peach...a 10+ white hottie for sure

    However bro I am of a different my view, nothing comes close to the 10+ Indian my view, they are the most beautiful creatures on this planet...

    Just my view bro...well, after a couple of beers I concede this view does tend to get somewhat diluted...especially when the "opportunity" presents itself!


    Must really run now...

    OaO Asithri

  184. Looks like SLDF is ignoring the prospects to bring in some of the senior LTTe guys who were negotiating deals sometime ago.

    There were quite a few who wanted out at least an year ago, but the SLA wanted them to stay where they are; for greater intelligence and utility.

    These guys could be used for rebellion/sabotage purposes as well as assasination of the heirarchy.

  185. Patriots

    Please note.
    The tigers are loosing heavily and they know it. They sense the final reunion with their beloved Elam, Peelam, Ezham, Eelam or Nolam in sweet Hell pretty soon. They are twitching in their last death throes
    They have sent the Internet tigers to invade our blogdspots to try to breathe some fire into their failed dream struggle
    You see a bunch of old Internet tiger farts logging in with different ID’s trying to create confusion in our blog. You LTTE AF’s (A=animal) can try your premature ejaculations on your leaders fat ass. He might enjoy the quick treat in his lonely rat bunker both as entertainment and nourishment for the Nolam struggle.
    You see the net tigers pee and poo all over the blog hoping to slowdown the SLA onslaught.
    You LTTE maggots! We will not be deterred by you old farts. We will kill you all and make your dead bodies fertile our land for the future SRI LANKAN generations. That goes for the Internet tigers too. We keep track of you. We have unmarked graves reserved for you
    All you have to do is to look at the shrinking Nolam map and make your bets. How soon is Elam, PeeZam, Eelam, Nolam map going to be consumed by the black hole of Mrs. Fat Pig. The death bells are ringing for you LTTE maggots and you know it.
    You can change your name to Bandara from Ponnaya but the end result is the same. Your wet dream will end with a wet mark on your palm in the shape of Nolam for you to carry to your unmarked graves and we will appreciate your contribution to fertile our land with your Nolam bodies as fertilizer for future SRI LANKA


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