Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kilinochchi under siege

Two of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA)’s offensive formations (57 division and 58 division) are now moving towards Kilinochchi in three directions. Heavy fighting has been raging across the southern and western borders of the town since Sunday (23rd). Both parties have suffered heavy casualties with around 50 SLA soldiers being killed and 120 more being injured. 10 other SLA personnel have gone missing in action (MIA). Exact LTTE casualties are not available as of this moment but intelligence units believe them to be over 50 KIA and 100+ WIA. Casualty figures are likely to rise as operations progress.

Bulk of the SLA casualties were caused by heavy weapons fire, mines and IEDs. In addition, advancing forces had to withstand several large scale counterattacks launched by the LTTE. Earlier, LTTE had deployed a significant number of experienced cadres to this area in a bid to prevent the fall of their de facto capital. Even amidst heavy resistance, forces have reached the newly constructed earth bund around most part of Kilinochchi. This is being attacked from the direction; Pudumurippukulam south, Akkarayakkulam north and Murukandi.  


  1. http://lttekillings.blogspot.com/

    Ltte killings

  2. thanks for the update DN. any news on national front?

  3. Thanks DefenceNet!

    Does this media blackout affect you and DefenceWire as well?

  4. Peter / Mahen,

    Would LTTE tactically withdraw from Kilinochchi also? As we have seen they have tactically withdrawn from large areas for the past 2 years.Entire East, Manna, Veddithalthiv, Nachchikuda, Poonarin...etc.
    With the way things are happening, they might be able to perform a Big Bang experiment in near future. Because our heroes will definitely capture Kilinochchi and other non-liberated areas.
    Once they do that, there will be no space for poor tigers to "tactically withdraw".
    That is they have to withdraw some mass(with or without VPs' ass) to a zero space and that is BIG BANG. Is that what you are planning for 27th Mr Peter.

  5. 2 more days only to fall nachchikuda back to LTTE hand.

  6. DN thanks for the update.

    According to this map;
    1. It seems 53 has advanced but not 55?
    2. TF3 is attacking north of A34 !!! Thus SLA expect LTTE to withdraw tacticaly from south of A34 !!! WOW!

    It is said SLA has already cleared A9 from Omanthe to Mankulam (via Puliyankulam) !

    Also, if LTTP is willing to sacrifice thier hardcore elite cadres to save K'chi, the best thing SLA can do is drag the fighting few weeks there elamizing them as many as possible. However, I guess VP just need to avoid falling K'chi before his B'day party. After the monkey dance LTTP will probably change thier tactics.

  7. The Battle Progress Map at Defence.lk has been updated. Among other developments is a large "Area of Influence".

  8. Alampil is inside the "Area of Influence". Meaning that it has de facto but not officially yet been captured?

  9. capture of mankulam has made areas south of the mankulam-mullathivu road untenable. Tamil Tigers are 'tactically withdrawing' from this area, defence.lk situation map has been updated to to show that large area is now now under the influence of SLA infiltration.

  10. Sirs, I am not a ladies dress maker who tries to do defence analysis, and i am actually attached to defence subject though I am not a Sri lankan.

    Again a "newly constructed earth bund!!!!"

    I can't understand why you guys let your enemy again and again construct earth bunds right in front of your nose, having MBRL, Heli gun ships, Kfirs, Migs etc. Making earth bunds is not easy and quick work. I dont know why you dont make any attempt to distroy their excavators and earth moving machinery at work. You know how much you guys struggle to pass earth bunds when its put up!

  11. Well I also don’t know exactly why but there must be a valid reason behind not been able to take those bunds out

    My assumptions..

    1. It is said that all the bunds are dug using civilians.. Not ltte carders.. And if SLAF goes and bomb, they show as civilians was attacked.

    2. The amount of damage done by SLAF bombs is not enough. I mean on an open field if you blow up a big hole then all you need is 10 men and in hours they can rebuild the bund again. Waist of our recourses. Same with bombing dirt runways.

  12. Loabi I guess was not talking about bombing the bunds, but the heavy machinery if at all any that is being used.

    Once the SLAF did bomb some excavators.

    Where is this situation map? Are you talking about the battle progress map? The south of A34 being untenable is true. It came straight from the mouth of General Fonseka (E kate masuran daanda watinawa!).

  13. Loabi

    SLA is not in a land aquiring business. They are not in a hurry either to go to K'chi. Their main objective is to annihilate tigers.

    LTTE want to keep the land they control and they are willing to die for that. Earth bund are to slowdown SLA advance.

    But these earth bunds pre-determine locations of fighting thus makes it easy for SLA to find and kill the tigers.

    Further, it is the same earth bunds SLA use (after capturing) for thier defences.

    But I don't think SLDF intentionaly let LTTE do earth bunds. They simply failed to destroy the machinary (given during the RW-CFA.)

  14. fair point on earth bunds but the problem is that sldf doesn't have enough resources to patrol skies 24/7 and tigers use the cover of darkness etc etc and do these things
    SLAF has been bombing them from time to time but my guess is that they are not capable of keeping a watch and attacking these things around the clock...

  15. Vaiko leaves for London for meeting on Lankan Tamils issue


  16. Thanks DN for the update.

  17. loabi

    it's basic attrition,sLA is in no hurry to capture territory and it doesn't make sense to do that without destroying the enemy.

    this is attrition at it's best

  18. perhaps, but its a costly attrition.....guess we can do nothing but ride it out at worst.

    while the focus is on the north, we should kick into higher gear around mankulam towards mulla,

  19. Ninja and Sri Lankikaya..

    Loabi must be laughing his arse off when he sees your reply.. U guys never want accept ur weakness..Good keep up.

    See how Ranil has anwered.. That might be the reality..


  20. At least four suspsected LTTE cadres were shot dead at Horowpathana in Anuradhaparura a short while ago, a military spokesman stated.

  21. Ado Amir,
    what vajira said is true. !
    bend over and suck your own balls.

  22. i don't hear any info that Kili is captured

  23. please keep this blog clean without profanity

  24. Ninja said...
    SLA is not in a land aquiring business. They are not in a hurry either to go to K'chi. Their main objective is to annihilate tigers.

    Sri Lankikaya said...
    it's basic attrition,sLA is in no hurry to capture territory and it doesn't make sense to do that without destroying the enemy.

    Thanks guys.

    If it is so, I must say are in the right path!!

    But we saw it otherwise when you over ran the point linking Jaffna around last week. You cut off all land routes and laid seige. According to you there were at least 150 LTTE holding the place that time. How many enemy bodies you got? 10? 15?(Maximum)! You didnt know they were going to use sea routes to escape? It doesnt seem to be a big coastal area either. But we saw flag hoisting, group photographs etc.

  25. Ninja said...

    But these earth bunds pre-determine locations of fighting thus makes it easy for SLA to find and kill the tigers.

    If it is favouring you, do you think your enemy will labour so much to do it?

    Also I see you always have very high losses of your men at earth bunds!

  26. Ado Amir,

    go and suck your VP's balls.

    ஆடொ கெரி வஷிகெ புத, VPட் புக டீபுன்க் கிஹின்

  27. Aiyo what happend to Amir? MIA or KIA

  28. Don't worry about Amir, he has gone to VP to get his daily Red Bird treatment. He will come back on 27TH @.

  29. hi bloggers,
    if ltte launch suiside air raid on muthurajawela oil stock (1,70,000 metric ton of oil) what are the precautions we have? can SLAF able to intercept and shoot down any ltte aircraft?

  30. Pakka-Lanka said...

    @ No_Mess (& all patriots),

    Thanks for those links. Except for MPs who wanted a post code, I have written to all

    write to all but no result

    another sorry lanka modaya

    moda sinhala tried to stop vaiko from going abroad but vaiko arrived in uk

    moda sinhala trying to stop events but all events will be successful

  31. sinhala modaya don't like mahen so they sockpuppet him

    how lame

  32. sinhala modaya don't like what peter posts so they sockpuppet him

    how lame

  33. Guys,

    The detection of a few beasts in Horowpathana area to cause mayhem against civilians follows a pattern when they are about to lose a significant stronghold. It is a reliable sign of getting hammered before giving up.

    We got another w***** in the name of Amir here writing the same boring stuff while ejaculating - prematurely of course - reciting the word - modhaya.

    The word modhaya which in Sinhalese means the enlightened one, when recited over 10 times expedited the annhilation by 100 fold; the fate of Mahen, Peter, Kuttu and alike speak for itself.

  34. sinhala rats reach Olumadu

    how long can they hold on to Olumadu ?


  35. @Loabi

    I agree with Malin, Ninja etc. Its just a waste of resources trying to bomb the earth bunt itself, especially if the SLA are far away. They can simply rebuild. Also the use of civilians make it a delicate matter. What should be done is the SLAF attack the strategic points of the bunt when the SLA is near so that it can be breeched.

    Bombing 24/7 is futile. It was demonstrated during the Vietnam War. The Americans used all their air power (B52's) to bomb the Ho-Chi-Min trail between North and South Vietnam but to no avail because the Viet-Cong had the trail up and running within 24 hours.

  36. @Amir Anna,

    Who said Olumadu is captured????


    Don't worry Hon. Thalaivar is already getting 1 million cadres ready for Tiger D-Day(R).

    The cadres are already ready in the Bay of Bengal. We will TACTICALLY RELOCATE(R) all our key cities and TACTICALLY WIDTHDRAW(R) from the rest to the Bay of Bengal.

    When the Moda Sinhalayas(TM) capture all of Tamizh Eezham we will launch Tiger D-Day(R).

  37. By the way, we have good news to all our Eelamoid brothers. The Pizza Joint we opened in Torontopuram (Future capital of NorthAmerican(R) Tamizh Eezham) is getting record profits.

    We will be able to afford all the weapons we need including buying a 1 billion USD B-2 stealth bomber for the TAF.

  38. DefenceNet,

    What is your take on Ranil Wickramasinghe's statement on stopping all the military ops after November 26 due to Indian pressure? Is this true or just a wet wild dream of Ranil.

  39. for cold news visit www.defence.lk


    sinhala rats bogged down

    in today's fighting more rats made the ultimate sacrifice & some are mia

  40. Aathaboothan said...

    Another "tactical withdrawl" by the peelamists

    modaya don't understand strategy


  41. Amir
    oh u probably do not understand the meaning of "tactical withdrawal"

  42. sltamilboy said

    Please join us protest against LTTE barbaric acts,

    modaya you wait till 27th to see LTTE barbaric acts

  43. Adhy appa, I have almost forgotten, time to see my Vesha appa VP, sorry guys, now I must go to VP he is waiting for me to suck his you know what.

  44. sinhala modaya now sockpuppeting me

    using fake id's are moda sinhala favorite pass time

    how lame

  45. get a life moda sinhala fake id pakaya

  46. to Amir

    ஆடொ ஆமிர், ஸொ வ்ஹட் அரெ யொஉ கொஇன்க் டொ. Pஅகய கொ அன்ட் ஸுக்க் யொஉர் VP'ஸ் பாஆல்ஸ்

  47. to Amir

    ஆமிர் பகய யொஉ டொன்’ட் ஹவெ அ லிஃபெ, யொஉ அரெ ட்ர்யின்க் டொ பெ அ Kஇன்க் ஹெரெ, புட் இன்னொகென்ட் டமில்ஸ் அரெ ஸுஃப்ஃபெரின்க் உன்டெர் VP’ஸ் ருலின்க், கொ அன்ட் ஹெல்ப் யொஉர் ப்ரொதெர்ஸ் அன்ட் ஸிஸ்டெர்ஸ்.

  48. LTTE found SLA coolies ....


  49. Shyam Bro,

    If you are attending Heroes Day functions on the 27th, I have an e-mail to send you. If you are not comfortable disclosing your e-mail, please send me a handshake e-mail to the one in my blog id and I will reply to you. Thanks.

  50. Defence Column said...

    Hi folks..

    About the casualty figures.. Yes there have been casualties,

    master copy paster pakaya Defence Column

    don't lie

    traitor !

    sinhala rats are moving fast with no casualties


  51. defencenet

    kilinochchi captured

    post the good news to sinhala modaya cult :))

  52. LOL!

    Looks like we have a New K(oolie)id on the Block who is a little high on Crack on his day off.

    I know its a little frustrating to see Mahaweli Oya (Mavilaru) to Punranna (Punarin) and Muwawewa (Mankulam) fall like dominoes.

    Anyway dream on when you can!

  53. red bird kuttu has come back.

    however he seems to be damn high.

    'he he' has become 'hikz hikz'

    may be he has gone to visit paiko and joined the tamiznadu kasiya union.


  54. ...WISHING YOU A BIRTHDAY with lot of success and whole world is waiting for your next victorious move ...Please make it quick ....

  55. @Shyam Anna

    Do not worry, Tiger D-Day(TM) will be launched soon. Just wait until the moda sinhalas conquer all of Tamizh Eezham.

    Remember Stalingrad?

    It will be just like that. The only difference is that our 1 million strong army will wipe out the sinhalayas from the Bay of Bengal.

  56. @All Eelam Anna's

    Hon. Thalaivar is having a little bit of trouble raising the army so please come and join us.

    The special TAF Charter Plane will come to pick you up where ever you are. Peter and Mahen annas will let you know the contact details. We don't want valuable keyboard warriors like you being WHITE VANNED(R).

  57. @Mahen Anna,

    From your picture I think you may have Gingivitis, better see Dr. Brian Seneviratne soon.


  59. Yeah,

    But I wonder how he will go...

    ".....Since Eelam has been now been TACTICALLY RELOCATED(TM) to an undisclosed location I would proudly announce that we have started our freedom struggle in Fiji, Mauritius and Norway....."

  60. http://transcurrents.com/tc/2008/11/post_87.html

    By D.B.S. Jeyaraj

    Humiliating LTTE

    Much propaganda mileage could be derived in the south from the spectacle of raising the flag in Kilinochchi on Maaveerar day.

    t was also another way of humiliating the LTTE and playing to the Sinhala chauvinist gallery.

    With these objectives in mind the armed forces have been tasked with the goal of seizing Kilinochchi by November 27th.

    Plans are afoot to hoist the lion flag in Kilinochchi at the same time that LTTE leader Prabakharan lights the sacrificial flame on Great heroes day.

    Already posters are being prepared to announce the capture of Kilinochchi on November 27th.

    Two Operations

    In order to achieve this objective by Nov 27th the armed forces have launched two major operations on Sunday November 23rd.

    In one operation soldiers of 58 division attempted to proceed along the axis of Paranthan – Poonagary road and move South – east towards Kilinochchi.

    The road is bi-sected at a place called Nalloor (not to be confused with Nallur in Jaffna) by the Kudamurutti river that falls into the Kilaly lagoon.

    Areas to the west of Kudamurutti are called Poonagary Nalloor and those to the east are called Paranthan Nalloor.

    The road also forks in this area with one branch going south –eastwards to Karadipokku junction close to Kilinochchi town and the main road going east reaching Paranthan at the 161st milepost on the A – 9.

    Paranthan lies four miles to the north of Kilinochchi.

    Task Force One.

    The LTTE offered stiff resistance to the 58 division attempting to reach Karadipokku junction in the Uruthirapuram – Kunchuparanthan area.

  61. ho..ho..ho

    another copy & post pakaya

  62. Tamlnut, Pee ter, BLUNT sharp, brainless Mahen & Amir you can write ,shout but real situation is We are killing your ltte & gaining ground every second, min, hour,day. If praba can survive until tomorrow this will his last mahapeeran speech before he gets the bullet from our army very soon.

  63. stf, u dimwit, "this will be his last bday"? isn't this the same dimwit statement u modhayas make every single year, i remember kottaibaya made the same promise last year...u sons of whores will never learn that the modhaya mahavamsa mentality can never conquer the thamizh race...the ltte is inflicting immense casualties on the pussies that are trying to come into the tiger den, the ltte is ready for a massive counter attack that will regain all the lost territory, this is going to send shockwaves to the modhaya population in the south like never before!

  64. @Thiru,


    If you want to see a dimwit, just look in the mirror!

  65. UPDATE:

    Nov 26, 2008 - DefenceLK - Killinochi captured and fully under troops control. Smaller battles are going on in and around the town. Stay tuned for updates...


    LOL...you dumb racist sinhala mthrfkr scum! Get off your bed, end ur dream and go wash ur self and ur soiled clothes n bed. hahahahahah,ahahahah I wonder....ahahhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahaha..... where all these fukkkers are.

    Selvi said...//

    - she/he/ IT, said alot of shit. Sad that a Sinhala homosexual with both organs is posing under a Tamil GIRLS name to make good cumbaks. Since it can't do it as a Sinhala modaya man.

    Hahaa, look at you homo reading me insult you. Now start typing bitch. NOW!

    Defence Column said...

    Hi folks..
    Guys... Keep the spirits high and urge our boys on......... TO DEATH. hahahhahahaha. Yes you guys will be sending alot of Sinhala spirits high after they die!

    Whatever you Racist Sinhala Scumbags do, please don't visit the pathivu website. You will piss ur pants.

    Once you are downtrodden in the defensive counters...SLA will be tired... then will come the waves of OFFENSIVES. IF YOU FEEL YOUR LOSING ALOT OF SLA GARBAGE NOW... WAIT FOR FULL SCAL COUNTERS...TIME HAS COME.

    Ritigala.. go wash ur face...you have my piss on your face.

  66. Thiru keep dreaming in your are baby cot while your uncle praba is reading you a bed time story. Don't forget your nappy though. How are you going to gain lost ground ? With your keyboard? you stupit dumb ass.

    Forget about regaining ground. There would't be enough tamil men left in Killonchchi for reproduction after shockwaves drop from the sky by our SLAF in few days. The only option your tangatchees have is to become lesbians.
    Because we don't want them & we have standards.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.


  69. Dear Patriots,
    Our MI chaps have done it again. Their crack agents have infiltrated fat boy's VOT staff and obtained an advance copy of his looser day speech. Here is a preview of the transcript for your eyes only:

    'My dear terrorist and overseas supporter morons,
    I am sun god. I will deliver Eelam to you.
    What... What is that sound? By Siva, the SLAF criminals have returned!
    Ade Appa, what is this world coming to? A murdering psychopath can't even deliver a speech in peace!
    Run, boys and girls! Run for your miserable lives!
    Boom! Kaboom! Boom!
    Amma, Appa, Andawane Saaamy...'

    [sudden break in recording]


  70. Sharp,
    Well your the epitome of knowledge regarding the war as your fighting right now..Did you gain education at Wathura-kakkusiya in Canada. .. i wonder..where nothing ever bad is going to happen to you..ever ever ever..Have fun and dont forget to LOL..damn..LOLOOOLLLOO..or any combination

  71. STF,
    There is a lot to be done after the end of military operations..Lets start hurting these LTTE di-ass-pora fuckers where it really counts shall we..on the overseas employment front..For us the LTTE must be strong for the next 100 yrs..

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Srilankan,

    After the war is over. There will be free Shuttle Service starting from Air Port just for all the Tamizh Di-Ass-Poras coming to Sri Lanka. It's called "The White Bird Transport Service". It guarantees a comfortable ride in a nice white van to peelam.

  75. MasterofAll,
    Do you think we want these LTTE di-ass-phora fellows in Slanka ever again..i certainly dont...Why should we spend our taxpayers money to even provide these di-ass-phora fellows with any comforts.They left Slanka many yrs ago..to enjoy the benefits in "paradise"..I am not speaking about those good tamil people who left Slanka after those horrible 1983 riots..they really had no choice..This LTTE crap started in 1948...yes 1948..in my opinion..when "paradise" was blooming with "prosperity" and "opportunity".Mind you these fellows used lax immigration laws of those countries in the good old days.so why leave it for Slanka now a poor agricultural country..no let them enjoy themselves forever in paradise...no need to come to slanka ever again..

  76. Srilankan,

    You are absolutely spot on bro!

  77. MasterofAll,
    Many thanks bro.One fact is for certain...these LTTE riff-raff have ruined that beautiful country switzerland for sure..beyond a resonable doubt...I was thinking how one of their weapons..that ever so wonderful.."thaaamilselvan smile"..aka.smile of a brainless jackass.. will help in solving this credit card crunch..now gripping paradise..wonder if it is possible to smile at this crunch...and it will be the good old days once again...

  78. Bunker monkey is expected to say 'nothing new, just send more cash, we are fcked as always..' and the nattami circus will start reading miracles into the monkey gibberish.

    BTW, it may be a good time for the blog admin to review the priviledges of the abusive posters and perhaps remove them permanently. Some of these moronic posters have not displayed any intellect and are only a nuisance and are best got rid of.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Is he at it again?

    Our leader of opposition seems to be at it again: explicitly showing what he is good at - spreading divisions.

    Ranil is an unpredictable enigma; just three weeks ago, he said the LTTE should be dealt with. Then he went to India, consulted the holy men, prayed incessantly and changed his tune again; spreading rumours of a forthcoming general election and a ceasefire.

    This is the behaviour of a man who presses his panic button as frequently as he farts to empty his tummy gases. He knows how high the stakes are going to be, both for him and his chums who lead the party now. So, something must be done before disappearing into political wilderness and irrelevance. Indulging in the same old stuff is, in his opinion – if you call it that way – his way of addressing the issue.

    I am sure the Indian astrologers may have warned this man about the crisis unfolding for him and his henchmen. His modus operandi reflects the fact that he is a man in a hurry.

    Unfortunately, his body language has not caught up with the perilous ambitions. A recent photograph in his party headquarters shows him in an exhausted form with the appearance of a man who failed his most beloved in the bed.

    Reciting the mantra - ceasefire – while using a bunch of traitors for the purpose is not clever politics; it is the final nail of the coffin of a catalogue of political disasters.

    I wish Indian deities dipped this man in a pit of s*** for cleansing purposes and then turned him into a stinking demon, so that vulnerable supporters are kept at bay.

  81. Guys,

    There is a serious risk of underground bunkers of the brutes getting flooded. The trenches do not serve their intended purpose either in the prevailing weather conditions.

    What a few days to celebrate a birthday and a special speech!!!

  82. the leader of the UNP before Ranil was Gamini Dissanayake, a brilliant man. GD was favorite to win the presidential election before Tamil Tigers murdered him. We all know what happened after that, Chandrika became president and later Ranil ponnaya whored out the the country to the fat bastard.

  83. The Security Forces have almost reached the LTTE stronghold of Kilinochchi. Despite heavy rain and the LTTE resistance, Army's Special Forces have advanced to the outskirts of Kilinochchi. Latest reports from the Northern front a short-while ago said the Security Forces are only two kilometers off the Kilinochchi south while the other brigades are around 4-5km from North and North-West if Kilinochchi. Unconfirmed reports said the Special Forces have reached Kilinochchi but a top Army official said those were mere speculations to connect with the LTTE's so-called Maha-Veer Day. "We have no such goals to suite LTTE celebrations. But the Forces are successfully marching forward," he said.

    Meanwhile, Minister Keheliya Rabulwella, the Government Defence Spokesman, said today that the fall of Kilinochchi is imminent. Addressing the weekly media briefing in Colombo today, the Minister said the Security Forces are making a steady progress despite Monsoon rains and they would liberate Kilinochchi at any moment.


  84. Will capturing Pooneryn and Killinochchi solve the Ethnic Issue?


  85. Shyam, "Will capturing Pooneryn and Killinochchi solve the Ethnic Issue?"

    It will certainly solve the hereditary dictatorship that is LTTE and liberate the tamils in his fief from the total lack of human rights there.

  86. Devils talking about the Human Rights ...hahahaha very funny

  87. Shyam,
    Why the sudden move about Ethnic Issue?
    Let's bring the issues to the table and discuss while wiping out the terror.

  88. Prabakaran's Computer Desktop


  89. Qrious,

    You said of RW "man who failed his most beloved in the bed" you mean Mangala?

  90. Loabi

    /If it is favouring you, do you think your enemy will labour so much to do it?/

    Enemy wanted (as I said) to stop SLA advance or slow down. If they didn't build earth bunds SLA would have advanced more rapidly. And some times what you do not expect may happan.

    /Also I see you always have very high losses of your men at earth bunds!/

    If you refering to Muhamale/ nagarkovil axis - yes and its not just due to earth bunds...its mainly becuz of territory. And its mostly near earth bunds troops fight and casualties are where they fight.

  91. /Why the sudden move about Ethnic Issue?/

    Ha Ha ade appa vena mokda karanava? api kewa thama mehema kemak...den yethin ethnic issue thama...vena mokada katha karanava..

  92. afte the war is over we have to deal with all traitors, give them comfotable white van ride. They include diaspora visiting Sri Lanka, our sinhala peace lovers and many journalists like Lasantha wickramasinha.
    we have to investigate each and every one, take their citizen ship out or just kill them.

  93. Shyam said...

    "Will capturing Pooneryn and Killinochchi solve the Ethnic Issue?"

    Certainly NO. Need to kill VP too.

  94. Mohamed Zubhair said,

    You said of RW "man who failed his most beloved in the bed" you mean Mangala?

    No, mate. I meant Maithri - the opposite of national hatred!

  95. We must introduce citizenship scheme (patriotism) for all our citizens and undergo small course or lesson when they becoming an adult (passing the school). Country must be treated as first priority no matter what your political view is. I believe that we have economic problem rather than ethnic issue. If the people are satisfied with their income or the jobs we might get less problem and issues of our own. If the war ended soon government must take care of all the people (Tamil, Muslims and Sinhalese) and their needs and implement national policy for education, security and infrastructure developments. The first priority would be developing roads and railway lines to link north to south. As general Fonseka treated terrorism with good plan, all intellectual must urge the government to establish feasible plan to tackle the corruption in the country.
    Also government can ask expatriates to help the country if possible with knowledge, capital or labor.
    I hope MR will be a great president after all…….

  96. moda Shyam,

    Learn Sinhala or go to Tamilnadu. That will solve ethnic problem for us.

    Few days ago this idiot was talking high on retaking Punarin. Wasn't you the one asked us to wait and see couple of months back?

  97. LTTE diehards are claiming that they have captured 50 SLA soldiers in recent fighting.

    It is likely they captured few. Their plan is to show these men during velus speach which will be broadcast tomorrow.


  98. Mahens promised LTTE couter attack few days after fall of Punareen didn't materialise.

    The guy seems to be ignoring the blogs DN and DW.

    Poor sods...

  99. Panther,

    Velu's desktop pics were hillarious..

    Keep them coming.

  100. Prabakaran’s 54th birthday celebrations cancelled


  101. Indian Navy

    The Indian navy has defended its action in sinking a ship near Somalia that maritime officials have confirmed was a hijacked Thai fishing boat.

    TN to SL : don't kill Indian (LTTP) fishermen in SL waters


  102. Crappy Indian chappathies killed the victim.

    They obviously thought they could beat the SLN in the naval ops game and failed big time, and now have shit to wash off. The big EU and US forces are going to tell the INS to hold off and not to do anything hasty...basically because they don't know what they are doing.

    When the Russian Spetznaz forces arrive in the scene, all hell will break loose. They will teach the Somalis a harsh lesson and the US and EU will whine, but will be secretly glad. Everyone will be happy for years to come.

  103. Glorious, bountiful, bellyful Chief Vagabanga Pukeymayil has 'tactically withdrawn' all celebrations, delivering the Big Bang and inventing the wheel for the Glorious, Peopolist, populist, socialist, capitalist, multinationalist, tamilnadist, Rupublikistan of eelamistanpukistan.

    Some chena bandas from the failed state of Silli Lanka have gained access to glorious Vegabanga's ass and are playing Bethoven's 5th symphony on it with their MBRLs..

  104. Modays wait till 27th
    It has already started
    sinhala rats, you will get more information soon .....

  105. Prabhakaran cancels birthday celebration as troops advance to his doorstep


  106. BBC has completely lost any semblance of neutrality:


    VP is "fearless", "Mr Prabhakaran's supporters argue that he fully embraced efforts to secure peace, pointing out that in 2002 he began de-commissioning arms","without his consent peace in Sri Lanka will never be attainable".

    Not a single mention of the terrorism that has caused the LTTE to be declared a terrorist organization in most parts of the world. Or the numerous ceasefire violations. Or killings of all tamils disagreeing with having a "sole representative" ignoring all human rights for his serfs.

  107. It is sad our political donkeys are waiting for an auspicious time to enter kilinorchi
    just as the past politicians have messed up the Jayasukini battle. These dammed idiots never learn. They must think of the poor lads suffering in the trenches while politicians are playing silly buggers with the lives of our brave soldiers, should be strongly condemned. We must not lose the momentum created by the recent victories and while the morale is high and while iron is hot we must strike and finish this for ever.

  108. Defence Column said...

    # 3 suspects in doctor's murder killed in shootout

    the suspects found coz the victim is a sinhala ... IF its a tamil there won't be any suspects ..

    How many suspects arrested by the police on the White van terrorism ...

  109. Kevin,

    Our SLDF bravehearts are giving vezapizza in all holes this time. What do you say?

  110. -10 minutes and counting...

    ha ha

    vezapizza must be having a nice level of blood pressure. hope the murderer won't die a quick death so soon. there are many things in line for him to enjoy.

    mahen can go jump into a open pit toilet

  111. Few minutes ago a well coordinated terrorist attack was conducted in the well known high profile sites in Mumbai and some places of India. over 10 innocent people were killed. Perhaps VP decided to celebrate his birthday in India too. It would be wise for Sri Lanka to be extra vigilant on the 27th as such coordinated attacks is a possibility. Hotels and rail, air ports may be targeted. They may have the backing of the IC to destabilize this are of the world. So the radar operators be extra vigilant for tin cans from the Vanni but also sea planes from the surrounding seas. Pitch battles are going on in various places in India at this moment.

  112. Last mile
    Yes the field commanders must coordinate at will a complete domination of that terrorist centre Killinorchi without waiting for politicians to dictate the pace. India is too pre occupied with her own problems now with it’s own terrorists attacking that country now.SL must ignore India and put in every effort to annihilate the terrorists in Vanni and this could be our luck and folly of the terrorists.

  113. Terror attacks in Mumbai; 16 dead, several injured

    Very bad news for VP. India can hardly demonstrate to its own terrorists that, yes, terror works. Do enough and you will get a separate state etc.

  114. NDTV : Upto 25 feared dead in Mumbai terror attacks

  115. Just now big blast in Taj hotel

  116. well cordinated attack covering major and famous locations

  117. Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 250 injured

  118. top police officers killed in Mumbai terror attacks

  119. Since VP has nothing good to speak to his flock he may find a way out using the recent attack on Mumbai, saying that as a mark of respect to the people died in India vp has decided not to celebrate his birthday on the 27th.what a clever PR stunt it would be to hoodwink their people and the world? This could be the work of Hindu fundamentalist who will not like US getting to close to India.

  120. Kevin,
    You said
    "It is sad our political donkeys are waiting for an auspicious time to enter kilinorchi"

    And this must be the 'Lanka enews' news item you were talking about

    "As the Minister stated that security forces were about to chase the LTTE from Kilinochchi, a journalist asked if there was a planned auspiciou time for that. The Minister said in response that the time would be auspicious to the entire country."

    Please read it carefully.

  121. Hi Fellas, isnt it time the Indian Govt got there head out their asses and help SLA destroy ltte now huh ? Look at Bombay, terrorist will always be terrorist now those asses in T'Nadu can kiss my ass & also hope 58 div will kill VP & pottu soon !

    Pound them SLA ! boys Pound them !

  122. those who spread rumours,

    please show some respect to our soldiers.

    capturing sakkilinochchi is part of a bigger strategy to wipe-out tigers and (peaceful) tamil seperatism.

    undue haste makes waste and what happens when the truth comes out? ppl get disappointed.

    in the 1967 war in israel, the then defence minister didn't tell the nation the good news of annihilating enemy forces until the "time was right" refering to safety and security reasons.

    that also enforced the credibility of the defence ministry.

    let the news come from NEWSCREATORS!!!

  123. "wipe-out tigers and (peaceful) tamil seperatism"

    - one militarily, the other politically.

  124. Hemantha
    "As the Minister stated that security forces were about to chase the LTTE from Kilinochchi, a…
    I don’t agree with the above statement, specially when we are facing a formidable enemy with huge cash bank, ever increasing. When Mervin Silva was doing the worst things our leaders reaction to it for divine intervention. This remind me of a joke my foreign born bill said. He said after father seeing his son being the last in the school race the explanation from his son for being the last in the race was that he was chasing the others. We seem to have a similar situation of chasing the enemy without wasting them. True battles will be in near future when we can’t chase them any more.
    I am very much against superstitions and they have no place in this day and age.

  125. Hostages still held and the Indian Rapid Action Force is sitting around in a white painted vehicle, one guy even digging his nose...

  126. kevin,

    "True battles will be in near future when we can’t chase them any more."

    cannot agree more. i've been saying this all along.

    we have postponed the problem which makes some sense bcos all the divisions can take on the tigers trapped into
    a small area. but then the battles will be fircer and we may not have the skill to fight a war that is not based on "chasing". civilians is another issue AGGREVATED bcos of the chase away strategy.

    also the chased tigers can infiltrate into other areas can create trouble.

    if we chase them to tamil nadu, that will be a crime. although the indian govt will take action against them ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF INDIA'S SATISFACTION (NOT SL), they can as they did in the 1970s come back to SL when there are no large scale offensives.

    depending on india for SL's security is absurd.

    "I am very much against superstitions and they have no place in this day and age."

    yes mate. war and superstitions don't go together. i'm also worried about TAMIL NADU astrologers DRIVING NATIONAL POLICY through VVIP devotees!!!!!!

  127. Kevin,
    Relax bro..lets get this war over first..then we have a lot to do..
    At the moment i dont give a shit about ethnic issues..These di-ass-phora fellows are citizens of other countries now NOT SLanka..so let them take up these ethnic issues with the authorities in their new "papadises"..Since SLanka has NOTHING to do with it.As for the peace loving Tamils actually living in SLanka we have to help them out the best we can right now and once this is over.We are one country..and these are citizens of our country..not some effing LTTE monkey working for a "prestigious" takeout in Canada.

  128. What the bloody fuick men..i am still awaiting those 10,000 body bags promised by that ignoramus Thaamilselvan and that kassippu huttha Bala the para balla..what went wrongmen?? .what the fk went wrong..??LOL..LOOLOOl..damn it.LOOLLLLOLLLLOL!! damn it..

  129. DC
    I am a bit upset about the link you put about ‘# The myth of secularism
    This is written by a very biased Nalin Silva,likes of him is inflaming the nation.
    One or two points upset me.
    He says that the British handed over the Sri Dalada Maligawa to the Diyawadena nilames.British did the proper thing as it is not the business of the government in power to run temples and churches unfortunately the present custodians the DN s are there to make money and are corrupt where recently threatened a monk for exposing this.
    Secondly he says a Muslim man was appointed as a revenue officer in Vellassa so where is his tolerance as a true Buddhist. Does non Buddhists have a stake in the country?
    Thirdly he refers to the House of parliament as a Christian institution or something to that effect but in reality people in UK don’t think so as they don’t attach every thing in life to any religion, but in true reality it so that the true concepts of Buddhism is practised there in that house than in Srilanka,because the upper house of the parliament have members of the major religions represented and being appointed which is the supreme body of the legislator of the land. Can Nalin say the same for Sri Lanka?
    He too says the convention signed by our forefathers in 1815 was a Sinhala –English agreement. This shows his warped mind and in his bigoted mind he sees life in black and white or Buddhism vs. Christianity. How sad!
    If not for the agreement in 1815 today we would have been part of TN and all signs of Buddhism would have vanished. If anyone reads DR Nihal Karunaratne’s book about Kandy’s history he says that Polonnaruwa was discovered after 300 years(of neglect) by the British. This was the extent to which the tyrants who ruled from Kandy went to the extent to destroy the Sinhalese kingdoms and it’s structures in the NW.Can we see any Palaces intact in Anuradapura?We call them ruins but who ruined it? It’s not the Brits as they installed the relics in Kandy, banished the tyrants out of the island to Vellore where they came from. Made our schools, roads, gave us something to live by like the tea, rubber and coconut estates and gave us our true independence since 1815 so free that a nutter was able to burn the Union Jack and got away with it without a punishment and finally when we asked the colonials to leave they left without a fuss, leaving us to make a mess of our country, but these pseudo nationalist will send their kin to the so called ‘Christian countries to study and settle. They make me sick. I would advocate secularsm in Sri Lanka which will save us from the mess we are in.

  130. I humbly request Rajini Kanth to evoke his superhuman powers and save India from the Daccan Mujaheddin!

    Fly like Superman, Walk though walls, Kill all the terrorists with one bullet (do that trick that made Newton faint...please please pleeeeaasee)

  131. Srilankan,
    Bro, that is not an open question. I do not think neither you or me should waste the time discussing it.
    It was threw towards Shyam to come back with info related to his own wording. He keep
    using the words with out knowing the meaning.

    As far as I'm concern, there is not ethnic issue in Sri Lankan.
    We all are happy to live together.

    Anyway good to hear from you. [ At least time to me ;) ]

  132. Need of the hour is the SLAF to take over and play a more active role in neutralising large terrorist formations.

    This is highly important in the Paranthan sector.

  133. Can't we Hire Mujahideen to get rid of TN Nidi & his jokers.

    I think we should have a good link with international Mafia to carry out assisnations outside SRILANKA who are against our National security

  134. Kevin,

    That Nalin's piece on secularism quite aptly had the effect of a sleeping pill. i couldn't keep my eyes open after the 4th paragraph.

    Not only does his thinking seem warped, but he sounds like a boring old fart.

  135.   Happy Burstday to You, Cry Baby!  

    Let me wish you, on behalf of all our bloggers, very happy Burstday to you, Velupillai!!

    You are one in a million chap: brave to the testicles; passionate about the Tamils; ambitious about uniting the Tamils world over; very conservative in thinking with the firm belief that the world beyond your bunker is still in the Stone Age; you are among the very few who think the armed operations – be it against the government or civilians - are carried out in the real world exactly the way Clint Eastwood does things on the silver screen.

    You have reached the remarkable age of 54, a period in which a donkey can be borne again twice by getting into the process of transmigration.

    You are an enviable chap in many ways: a Hindu by birth to a fairly decent parents; a wayward sailor by association with smugglers in Velvettithurai at a early age; a bookworm by implication as you have heaped lots of Film Fare magazines; suffering from the disease of the rich and famous, paranoia, by nature because you kept a knife under your pillow just in case someone wanted to strangled you, without knowing that your neck deserted the physique at a very early age. The impressive things that make you, who you are may run into thousands, if not millions.

    You created an organization with a penchant for loyalty and discipline. Your ability to deploy boys and girls in the same bunker speak for itself; there are no reports of them firing with each other inside the bunker!! The boys may play Peeping Tom when girls take a simple bath from a near-by tank: that does not amount to ill-discipline at all; it is a heightened state of alertness.

    As far as we know, everyone in your organization rigidly followed the code of conduct that you set out, until one little snag – you fell in love. We thought it was love at first sight; on the contrary, it was love at first splash, as it later transpired. The woman in question actually has thrown a bucket of water at you in a certain festival and you got smitten by the combination of mischief and beauty. That was the moment when your liberation streak took a tangential path almost into oblivion and then made a come back into the usual orbit – holding a whole a nation to ransom for decades. Anton Balasinghma was the chap who played the role of the fixer.

    In retrospect, there may be defining moments in your career: you started it off by sending a well-known Tamil called Alfred Doraiappa to his grave, just outside a temple by a rusty pistol; then you were instrumental in sending more Tamils into the same pit just by pinning a label, traitor on the upper garments of the victims; without stopping at that, you extended that skill into other places of worship too – mosques and temples; however, you spared the churches, because the Bishops in your region had forgiven you in advance for any mischief making – strictly interpreted the Bible; you bombed your way into the literary world – and booked a place in the Oxford Dictionary.

    Despite all these achievements, there is one thing that I want you to rectify, sir! Don’t be a cry baby! This trait can eclipse all you accumulated in the past fifty four years.

    You want your enemy to be exposed so that you can liquidate them and then deny your involvement. But you jealously shield yourself citing the security of your own self by hundreds of train carders, who should be in the battlefield. When you think you are under siege, you call the chums in the Tamil Nadu and threatened that you are going to commit suicide and mass hysteria in the state is about to break out. Then those aging chaps go to New Delhi by the plane loads to harass the Central Government. I can tell you, this aspect of your personality - although little known beyond your inner circle at present – if not corrected in someway, has the potential to cause to sever embarrassment to your otherwise remarkable legacy.

    The world is obsessed with carbon emission today; it may be news to you, because your green credentials are not well known apart from felling tall trees to make bunkers. You have accumulated enough merits to leave your Carbon Footprint on the collective psyche of South Asia, judging by the fire you caused by suicide bombings, destructing men, women, children, priests and fauna and flora too. All these events that you found funny in your bunker, did emit a lot of carbon and you are entitled to claim your share of the Carbon Footprint.

    Just look back at the path you travelled, sir. Robin Hood did stupid things, yet is qualified for partial veneration. Robbing Childhood will not let you leave the same legacy no matter how emotional you are going to be at this crucial juncture. Crying baby phenomenon is not for the faint-hearted, mate.

    You are about to spoil chequered legacy in a matter of days!! So, till then, Happy Burstday!!

  136. Made our schools, roads, gave us something to live by like the tea, rubber and coconut estates and gave us our true independence since 1815 …

    Buuruvo, Pirivene kiyanne mokakde kiyala dannevada ? Oya tea, rubber aenakang ape muthun miththo haamatheede hitiye ?

    Yako, oya Vanniya, Anuradhapuree kalae unee aga Nagaraya dakuneta gaenna unu nisa Demalungen baerenne. Aeemadde aava Portugeesi kaaroyoth.

    Maee Suddange kakussi hodnnag apita bana kiyanne gaththama nikamma api swargastha veneva… ! ! !

  137. Guys,

    Our great neighbour, despite the Southern pricks, has been on our side for centuries while sharing many things that we hold dear.

    It is sad the situation they are in despite the strenght of the armed forces and superior hardware.

    The shambolic police operation in Mumbai reflects India's vulnerability in great detail.

    The policemen don't look professional even in an emergency: spitting all over the place; pricking noses in the full glare of publicity; we cannot see a trace of patriotism except the haste to point a finger at Pakistan; I saw a soldier being forced down and ordered to shoot when he tried doing that while standing by his superiors - a severe embarassment, when played out on global TV screens.

    In any Indian institute, be it in the cricket team or finacial ministry or defence ministry, people are divided first along racial lines and then caste lines. They may disappear for a short time in a national emergency - but for a very short period. Then they are divided as usual. This dangerous tendency comes out in the open in protracted conflicts. The debacle they experience in Sri Lanka is a case in point, against the Tigers.

    It is a sheer waste of money and resources when India focuses on the macro side of its defences: warships; space race; nuclear armament. The micro side - attitudes, motivation, discipline - are dangerously on the low side. In short, they are very vulnerable to knee-jerk reaction. We were told the sank a pirate ship off Somalia, only to find out that it was actually a fishing vessel.

    The bombings in Mumbai shows how vulnerable this nation is despite it conventional strenght.

  138. Defence net
    Any major development in SL with respect to VP’s birthday? We pray that the day will pass peacefully.

    They have found a group of terrorists in Horowaptana,perhaps they have infiltrated South in large scale and I wouldn't be suprised if VP has shipted himself and his command to our areas in the south.

  139. Matrhamatica
    Oya enne koheda? Buruwo inne ahethami apita sudange kakussi hodanna uwamnawak naha egollo apit escola damme apita Honda rassawall karranna,honedde?Egena nogathi aya thami Buruvo ,api novai honde?

  140. අලස කුරුල්ලා - පකා-ලංකා විසින්

    සිසිර ඍතුව ගත කරනට දකුනු දෙස
    යාමට අදිමදි කල කුරුලා අලස
    සිසිල සුලඟ පරවන විට සුව පහස
    පමා වුවද ඇරඹිය උගෙ ගමන යස

    ගහ උඩ සීතලය ගුවනද ඊට වැඩී
    පියඹා යන නමුදු උනු නෑ සිසිල දැඩී
    අත්තටු අතර රැඳවුනු ඒ වතුර පිනී
    අයිස් බවට පත්විය දැන් ගමන බැරී

    අලස කුරුල්ලා අහසින් බිම වැටුනා
    සත් ගොවිපොලක මැද මිදුලක විත් රැඳුනා
    ගෙරියෙක් හෙලපු ගොම පිඬ උගෙ උඩ වැටුනා
    "වර්චස් වැඩේ" යයි කුරුලා හට කිවුනා

    වර්චස් වුවද උනු ගොම ගොඩ මැද කුරුලා
    ඉන්නා වුටදි එරෙහිව ගෙරි වෙත කිපිලා
    දැනුනා ගොමේ උනුසුම දැන් නැත සිසිලා
    කීමට පටන්ගති ගීයක් හොට ඇරලා

    සිටියා ගොවිපොලේ බළළෙක් නිදි කිරමින්
    කුතුහල් වුනා සිත උගෙ ඒ ගීත හඬින්
    දැක ඒ කුරුල්ලා ඉවතට ගෙන ඒ පිඬෙන්
    කෑවා කටට දෙකකට ඌ රස කරමින්

    කරුනු තුනකි මා මේ කවියෙන් කියනා
    පළමුව මෙයයි සිත් කර සොඳ සේ අසනා
    තමා පිටට වර්චස් නිරතුරු හෙලනා
    අය සතුරන්ම විය යුතු නැති බව පෙනෙනා

    දෙවැන්න මෙයයි අප කුරුලාගෙන් සොබනා
    ඉගෙනා ගන්න පාඩම සිත ගනින් මනා
    වර්චස් ගොඩින් වුව අප ඉවතට ගන්නා
    අය මිතුරන්ම විය යුතු නැත බල පෙන්නා

    සිහලුනි අනේ වසනා අප ලංකා සිරී
    වර්චස් ගොඩේ සිටියත් තොප දෙදන එරී
    පත්විය හැකිවෙනම් සැහිමට රැගෙන දිරී
    වසාගෙන සිටිනු කට නුඹ නොදී බෙරී

    ඉවරයි - නිමි - the end

  141. ndia is our friend, we are not against any country, remove the hindrance of ban: Pirapaharan
    [TamilNet, Thursday, 27 November 2008, 12:31 GMT]
    While conveying his love and gratitude to the people and leaders of Tamil Nadu and leaders of India who have grasped the heartbeat of Eezham Tamils and have come forward with timely support, the LTTE leader V.Pirapaharan in his Hero’s Day speech on Thursday requested them to voice firmly for Tamil Eelam and to undertake conducive measures to remove the ban, a great hindrance to amicable relationship between India and the LTTE. “At no stage did we ever consider India as an enemy force. Our people always consider India as our friend. They have great expectations that the Indian super power will take a positive stand on our national question”, he said. The LTTE leader also requested the world powers to remove the ban on it, citing that the LTTE never schemed any act against any country and the Tamil struggle is not against the geopolitical, national or economic interests of any country.

  142. Qrious
    Your observation about the Mumbai incident is spot on.
    We usually have drink at our business premises where there was a retired fire officer and he was horrified to see the fire tenders just idling while that building was in flames. They sprayed a bit of water and then sopped for a while until the fire restarted ferociously. The body language of the slain Anti terrorist chief tell how weak he was. He constantly shaking his head or tilting his head in agreement with people, expressing his subservient nature. I think it is very unprofessional to say the least, resulting in him getting killed in that hotel. There was another senior officer who thought he was at a Bollywood film set as soon as he jumped out of his car made himself known in front of the cameras just shouting and waving his hand in a worthless gesture. We in SL are far above the Indians, when we saw the activities of our police after the aftermath of Fernandopulle’s murder. How quickly our guys acted in a professional way and full marks to our lads.

  143. GTV, the London based LTTE terror TV channel broadcasted Velu’s speech today.

    What a cock-up it was. From the start the picture was blinking approximately once every second, loss of sound, loss of picture (once for more than one minute!) no lip sync throughout the broadcast… almost like somebody taking the piss. Or maybe they were really doing so, because now the speech is repeated with the following caption:
    “The content of this special broadcast has been edited to comply with the Anti-Terrorism guidelines of the Australian communications and Media Authority ”

  144. The Indian security forces driving around in a jeep opened fire on a crowd of civillians, resulting in a number of them getting injured and one guy ina blue shirt looking very dead, with a chest wound and lying very still with eyes open.

    These guys are so far behind the real world, the attackers could have simply dropped their weapons and walked away, without anyone knowing.

  145. Blogger TropicalStorm said...

    The Indian security forces driving around in a jeep opened fire on a crowd of civillians


    that was not Indian security forces

    the jeep was hijacked earlier by 2 terrorists

    then they were going around shooting in the streets

    after sometime police killed them

  146. Thank you for posting that Nalin De Silva article on secularism. He is spot on. Only an Anglican Christian can become the head of state of England. Britain does not officially celebrate any non-Christian holy day and provide national holidays for those days sacred to its non-Christian citizens. What do you have to say to that Kevin? Please tell me who are these "appointees" of various religions in the UK parliament? But look at Sri Lanka's parliament and you will find Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus and no doubt atheists as well.

    It's the same story in the USA. The USA currency carries "In God we Trust" on it and the Pledge of Allegiance has the words "One Nation Under God" - how is that being secular? The USA also only officially celebrates holy days of Christians. It's just too bad for the Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus. The official religion of Norway is Evangelical Lutheran and it is mandated that the majority in the parliament has to be from of this religion. Evangelicial Lutheran is the official religion of Denmark and Sweden as well.

    And the worst period of religious oppression in Sri Lanka was when Christians were ruling the land. Buddhists and Hindus were persecuted. Marriages weren't recognised if they weren't Christian. Buddhist holy days were banned. Couldn't get an education if you weren't Christian. Buddhist monks were killed. Hindu kovils were demolished. The list goes on and on.

    And Kevin you think the British built tea estates, roads, coconut plantations for the benefit of Sri Lankans? What a laugh mate! You think the Brits invaded other countries simply to offer the inhabitants a better life? All the tea plantations, coconut plantations and roads and rail were built to pour money into the coffers of Britain in far away Europe. How do you think the Brits paid for their industrial revolution and their grand buildings + wealth of their kings and queens? It's by stealing, raping, and looting other countries. The same goes for the Portuguese and Dutch.

    Before you get all huffy just realise that your ancestors were either Buddhists or Hindus and likely converted at the threat of death or so they could advance themselves and get a job or a priviledged position under the colonials.

    Come to think of it, it's no wonder the colonials favoured converts like you. You are still defending them and licking their boots long after their departure. You guys made the best servants, and the only "nutters" I can think of are those who sold their ancestral religion to what some invaders shoved down the throats of Sri Lanka's inhabitants.

    Christians didn't give too hoots about "secularism" when they were ruling Sri Lanka. They persecuted other religions in a most obnoxious way. What's ironic is that the Catholics who were busy persecuting Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims in the lowlands were then persecuted by the Protestant Dutch. And where did they come running to for safety? To the Buddhists in the central hills - the very people they had been persecuting all along. So IMO Christians really have no right to claim secularism now.

  147. The folks who seem to be anti-Sri Lankan include a heck of a lot of Christians like:

    Jehan Perera, Rohan Edirisinghe, Jayalath Jayawardana, Asanga Welikala, Elmore Perera, Basil Fernando, Austin Fernando, Sunila Abeysekera and that's only the tip of the iceberg

    Look at all the NGOs screaming at Sri Lanka and championing the LTTE and you'll find a very generous sprinkling of Christians. Look at the NPC (National Peace Council, Marga, ICES, Centre for Policy Alternatives and all the top honchos are Christians. I don't think there are any non-Christians in the NPC hierarchy.

    So instead of screaming at Nalin De Silva, why don't you do something about the dregs in your community, Kevin? Is that too much to ask?

  148. Saj,

    Real Sri Lankan Christians are aware of these facts. This Kevin character is a LTTE diehard pretending to be a Singhal Christian.

    His aim is to create a Buddhist/Christian conflict.

  149. Screenshot of prabha's desktop:

    Props to whoever created this

  150. Saj and Mathamatica
    To start with I am no ltte diehard and I don’t condone these terrorists so you got it wrong there like Nalin.
    With respect to our upper house here in UK we have given seats to clergy from the Budhist,Hindhu,Muslim.Jewish community. I see them sitting there saying nothing when it came to a debate regarding our problems in SL.Then whose fault is that? Don’t take my word but ask the Buddhist temple in Kingsbury so don’t bring discord between patriotic people and just because you may be Buddhists. Please don’t seek a privilege or monopoly over our affairs in SL.Our people too are in the battle front and have died. In due time a non Christian may be our MP and Obama is an example that this part of the world going that way. I am not a practicing Christian but more inclined to the Buddhist faith but not a follower of outdated rituals’ don’t believe that any religion should be divisive that split communities which Nalin is advocating.
    I think we have said enough over this as this is purely a defence blog. Ethnic harmony ought to be paramount in the defence of our country as disgruntled minorities can be a threat so why create discord by bringing a religion where one does not practice the way it’s meant to be practised?

  151. ho ho ho !

    Kilinochchi captured :)))

    defencewire/defencenet are not announcing this because they are traitors

  152. MathaMathica said...


    Real Sri Lankan Christians are aware of these facts. This Kevin character is a LTTE diehard pretending to be a Singhal Christian.

    His aim is to create a Buddhist/Christian conflict.

    traitor !

    kevin & moshe are faggots

  153. last_mile said...


    It is interesting how BBC sakkiliyas do it.

    moda sinhala gives a shit about BBC ?


  154. san said...

    I Think there is some link between Ltte and mujahideen who did mumbai attacks.

    moda sinhala comment of the day

  155. rider said...

    lol a cry baby nearing his death..

    30 years nearing his death


  156. Bro Nemesis,

    If you are still reading this blog, following is for you..

    We have seen from time to time again, LTTE is using Anti-Aircraft 5.0 guns on ground battles. Their long range is no match for T56s that our soldiers carry.

    What are your suggestions to utilise similar guns on the field for our guys. I know that our tanks are equipped with bigger guns, but they do not provide the real field mobility that LTTE getting with their Anti-Aircraft guns for field use.

    Your ideas much appreciated./windows mobile device center.

  157. moda sinhala NOLTTE=Peace

    supreme weapons analyst


  158. moda sinhala sockpuppeting me

    using fake id's are moda sinhala favorite pass time

  159. Kevin sounds exactly like BBC compounded by Raekasippu Joseph!

    Kevin man opened his big mouth about Brit magnanimity with outright denigration of whatever is SL tradition and also the way we are.

    And now, Kevin man tries to mount the moral pedestal.

    Karma is a universal law, no culprit escapes it. However, even Angulimala could rectify his ways.

  160. Mathamatica
    What the hell are talking about our tradition back in SL? Are you living in another planet? Our country is sinking corruption is rampant and don’t worry about my Karma and I have done enough to gain merit. You don’t know people like us, perhaps you don’ want to know about us as far as I am concerned you people are more lethal and dangerous than the Tamil tiger terrorists, as we have to put up with your nonsense daily in our lives. What ever world you are trying to create is narrow, outdated and unacceptable in this day and age. So please look around beyond that island and see for your selves how the world has changed. Christianity went through a very dark age and the cruelty to it’s own people was beyond belief and people here have shunned those times, churches are empty cardinals and bishops were either executed or jailed and we don’t condone those times and now we are at peace with our selves by not allowing that religion to get in our way and we don’t have our politicians crawling in to temples and churches but they practice their believes in word and deed in their daily lives and that makes the diffarance.look after the rampant ills where the elected MP are not accountable and pitilessly rob the coffers of the poor country. So preach to them not to likes of us as we are doing our part to our country. Why do we need suddas to divide and rule when we are doing it our selves?Good night!

  161. Amir, only you are intelligent, all others are MODAYAS

    Palyang Pakayo yanna

    டீப்ன் உபெ புக VP ட

  162. ponna Amir,

    actually now all the young Tamils living in VP’s area are REAL MODYAS, because there are all brain washed by VP and taken them for his service without giving them any education. Only AMIR is the Intelligent pakaya,

    pukama thama.

  163. The last days of the banana republic: live-ish from the eeelarm.

    This looks like an edited version of the start of the speech, and it gets worse.
    On the Satellite feed when the picture froze at 18:03:11, you could clearly see the Windows Media Player screen buttons at the bottom of the screen on pause…somebody is going to get his nuts crushed tomorrow for this cock-up!


  164. What the hell are talking about our tradition back in SL? Are you living in another planet? Our country is sinking corruption is rampant

    I thought your country is Grand Britain ! Stay there and keep away, farther the better. Without you, we have lesser problems to solve Mr. Rayappu BBC.

  165. Mathermatica
    Who the hell are you to tell me to keep away?Go find a life.

  166. Guys
    We know where the Diaspora gang is celebrating their hero’s birthday and I wonder why they are so secretive these days, running scared?

  167. Amir the original who posts all night thru;

    those pills your doctor gave need to be taken everyday...

  168. Defencenet

    Looks like it is time to get rid of yet another baboon infestation.
    This place is turning into a shitslinnging match.

  169. Big man Narayan is out of a job. It is also amusing to note that the Indian PM postponed accepting Mr.Patel's resignation, but did accept Narayan's promptly.

    Patel was the true gentleman, and was first to offer his resignation, and the Nariya followed when he could not withhold his, without risking a summary dismissal.

    A fall from such a height is almost always fatal, and thus we watch the fade-away of the arrogant, persistently anti-Sri Lankan politikka.


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