Friday, September 19, 2008

Misinformation surrounding gas attack

On the 16th of this month, 16 soldiers of the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) deployed on the frontline were evacuated from the battlefield after they showed signs of breathing difficulty. Initially it looked as if the tigers had used a chemical weapon on the advancing troops. It was later revealed that what the tigers used was CS gas, a non lethal agent that is even used in riot control.

Meanwhile several media institutions published a different story regarding the incident. The following is quoted from The HIndu: “However, a Special Forces soldier in the northern war zone told The Associated Press on Wednesday that a group of his comrades were hit by what appeared to be a burn agent loaded into a shoulder-fired rocket during a battle in the Kilinochchi district on Monday.”. We at DefenceNet would like to confirm that there is no truth whatsoever to this media report. No SLA deaths were caused due to a chemical attack and even the 16 soldiers affected by CS gas have returned to battlefield.

However the fact that LTTE has not used a lethal chemical so far does not mean there is no risk from such an attack. LTTE has repeatedly proven that they will take whatever steps necessary to ensure their organization's survival. Therefore precautions must be taken to face such an attack (if it ever materializes). Gas masks have been issued to several units (but not all) on the Wanni frontline following the CS gas attack. Whether the currently issued gas masks would be effective in the event of LTTE using a more powerful chemical remains to be seen.

Meanwhile more than 25 sea tigers have been confirmed killed in yesterday's sea battle. Sea tigers lost 3 large vessels and 7 smaller craft at the hands of Navy’s SBS (Special Boat Squadron) and newly formed RABS (Rapid Action Boat Squadron). RABS was formed with the intention of boosting Navy’s capabilities to execute rapid attacks in shallow and deep waters. RABS uses fast and easily maneuverable locally built craft in most of their operations. Apart from the ability to execute quick attacks, RABS will be an immense help in combating one of the deadliest weapons of sea tigers – Explosive laden boats manned by suicide cadres.




  2. Thank you DW.
    Is there any video footage of yesterday's Navy sea battle please?

  3. I think the SLA had breathing difficulties due to their own farts its worse than the gas attacks.

    Acithiri now has the opportunity to show his generosity.



    HA HA HA...HOOOO : )

    ANE GONO...!!!

  6. hey check this video an old video LTTE shoots a SLAF chopper ...

  7. Guys do you think even if you arrested Velupillai Pirbakaran and Pottu Amman everything will come to an end. Wake up from your dreams.

    Its a struggle for freedom not for Prabha. It will continue until our motherland will be freed. Even if you captured whole Eelam, struggle will continue.

  8. shaym

    you think we all foolish like Damala haththa in the world?

    You LTTE always trying to glorify your victories showing fake pictures & films …good try…

  9. Pulli-
    Did you say "Struggle" ... Ouch.. is Eelam struggling to keep up the earlier robbed land?




  12. puli,

    no doubt you will continue to struggle... unless you decide to accept the karma.

    pirabakoran can't win you an eelam nor his son.

    keep on struggling!

  13. Puli.. OMG

    "Guys do you think even if you arrested Velupillai Pirbakaran and Pottu Amman everything will come to an end."

    Looks like Despora is relizing that war is coming to a close.. yes you can struggle from abroad but poeple here would just settle for time of peace..

  14. Guys,
    What do you think about this????

  15. Asithri,
    Thanks for the prompt response bro, I guess I'll be awaiting your "pigeon mail". I look forward to meeting a fellow Sri Lankan that keeps these sorry ass LTTE bata boys in check.
    Soon DN blog will be used to discuss post LTTE plans for our country. DefenceNet, thanks for your service to our country.

    FOR WHAT...??
    FOR A LOST CAUSE...!!!

  17. //hey check this video an old video LTTE shoots a SLAF chopper ...//

    Diaspora and kids old funny video clips. Ya, good old days...not gonna coma again...

    //Guys do you think even if you arrested Velupillai Pirbakaran and Pottu Amman everything will come to an end. Wake up from your dreams.Its a struggle for freedom not for Prabha. It will continue until our motherland will be freed. Even if you captured whole Eelam, struggle will continue.//

    Ya, peelam is struggling now...whole world knows...Why did diaspora wake up from the dream and think potta amman and vezapillai arrested..? Forigners should not be allowed to do terrorist investment/ business in SL.

  18. The latest Peelam Slogan..

    "Free our Peelam!"

    It is like "Free my Willy" (sic. I want to f*ck Sri Lanka)

    Hak! Hak! Hak!

  19. remains of a plane engine and parachute found in nachchikuda

  20. Puli,

    "Guys do you think even if you arrested Velupillai Pirbakaran and Pottu Amman everything will come to an end. Wake up from your dreams."

    "Even if you captured whole Eelam, struggle will continue."

    Wow wow wow!! Look at this! 6 months ago they were talking about the impossibility of capturing even an inch of their so called homeland.

    Now they talk about 'arresting VP /Pottu' and 'capturing the whole Eelam'

  21. Well done SLDF!
    Well done MR!
    Well done SF!

    You all have proved them that LTTE can be defeated!

    Even the diaspora concludes it! Well done again!

  22. Guys, guys, guys, hold your horses please. Before we jump to conclusions about the outcome of the war, we need to see the execution of operation "Red Birds". Where is Kuttu these days to enlighten us about the progress of the said operation?

  23. Strain created by muzzle break of 20mm (twin barrel) automatic cannon fitted to the "Arrow" boats might be creating lot of pressure on the hull (metal fatigue). How fast are these ? Is this fire power enough to blow a suicide boat ?

  24. mohomad

    kuttu was always talking about this operation red bird. May be he was killed in the downed zlin. Poor fellow.

  25. The LTTE has done more harm to the Tamil people than good. Yes it brought to our notice their problems. But of late it has been misguided by extreme power probably the cause of its destruction.

    Although it is still too early to celebrate, victory seems inevitable. What a waste of resources and lives.

    Once all this fighting is over once wound heal it'll be time to stand up again as one.

  26. some very interesting news. soldiers operating near nachchikuda have found an aircraft engine & parts + a parachute hanging off a tree. air force is investigating. can you shed some light on this defencenet?

  27. Some armchair, money making cowards of their Diaspora is hatching a plot for their people in Wanni,who are already suffering under the jackboots of the wanni fascists to hold a mass demonstration in wanni to seek the attention and sympathy for their desperate cause. It could be a mass demonstration in killinorchi,distruction of public property or mass starvation to death or large scale suicide attempt by cyanide. This was revealed by a person who is in touch with their folks back there, folks that are desperately helpless. I think UN should get them out to the cleared areas.

  28. Moshe Dyan said:

    "the MAIN reason for the difference is the FOCUS. lalith, JRJ, IPKF, RP (though less) concentrated on killing the max while CBK was trying to force the LTTE to negotiations. capturing jaffna and kili were classic examples of this STUPID strategy."

    This is not true. Chandrika's PA govt. fought a high-intensity war in Jaffna and the Wanni in the late 1990s with the intent that traveling up the A9 road to divide the LTTE heartland would force the Tigers to battle where they would be killed. Her strategy, certainly much more than the IPKF or Premadasa's was based on attrition- facing the LTTE's strength with the SLA's strength, and counting on the SLA's superior manpower and firepower to win.

    The problem with pure attrition warfare is that it can cut both ways. A lot of Tigers were killed in Jayasikurui, but an equal amount of SLA was killed and recruitment/morale was at a dismal level. The LTTE in the meantime refilled its ranks with easterners. The individual SLA soldier was not equal to the individual Tiger because the SLA had very low quality leadership which was not able to raise the fighting ability of the army.

    For all his talk about attrition and killing the enemy, the truth is that Fonseka has tailored his strategy towards attacking the LTTE's weak areas. The East was weakest so it was taken first. Mannar was next weakest so it came second. This "peeling the onion" approach is the essence of maneuver warfare where you force the decisive battle at a time and place of your choosing, maximizing your advantages while minimizing the enemy's.

    By the time that Fonseka moves against "terror capital" in Mullaitivu, there will be a land link to Jaffna. The LTTE will be more or less surrounded and it will face the double burden of keeping the civilian population hostage in the jungles while fighting the SLA at the same time. LTTE morale will plummet just like in Vakarai and SLA casualties will probably be fewer as a result. It is possible that there may be large-scale surrenders from the LTTE in such a hopeless stage.

    This is the reason why unlike some others here I do not worry and fret about the govt's strategy. Even if the SLA does not totally defeat the LTTE, there is no way that the LTTE can ever make a comeback from the situation it is in now.

  29. su, No-Mess, Observer thanks mates for the admiration.

    pakka_lanka thank you too for the comments; yes, VP has a bit of a struggle before disguise himself as someone. Since he is divine in the eyes of some of his followers, he can't take the human form while indulging in the act.

    If he wants to go demonic, I suggest our own Reeri Yaka - the role compatible with what he has been doing during the past thirty-odd years.


    The Rivira defence column talks about an interesting thing; the black Tiger gang that attacked Vaunia camp actually acted like couples while staying closer to the camp. They had committed the act together as couples on the bank of a tank and left a sticky legacy behind for the sake of Eelam!!!

  30. "IF mulaitivu falls b4 kili, tigers trapped in killi would be totally without additional supplies provided 58 closes the rest of the western coastline. then it will be a much easy (and a pleasurable) task ANNIHILATING them."

    If the SLA had targeted Mullaitivu as the main effort, the LTTE would have simply moved its infrastructure the same way it did in 1995 after being ousted from Jaffna. Even with the SLA controlling Elephant Pass, the LTTE was able to flee into the Wanni mostly intact and be able to launch a massive assault against Mullaitivu SLA base in 1996.

    "ranil PONNAYA said there is nothing to CRWO ABOUT capturing a jungle when the thoppigala jungle was captured. little the PONNAYA realised that jungles are MUCH more important to tigers than towns!!"

    That is true, but only a MODAYA would overlook the fact that the SLA saved Thoppigala for last.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Wijayapala,
    in 1995 the ltte was able to withdraw mainly intact due to the Lack of resources to the SL NAVY isnt that so?
    As I know they fleed not seperately as a group, but with the jaffna residents to have that human shield to stop any air attack or artillery attacks, Am I wrong? (Though the jaffna residets later returned understanding that the fact that Army is not a threat to them...)

    Hey Guys,
    Check the year 5 Results!!
    Girls Are the Best!!!
    But only 15,000 were able to gain Scholrships while another 15,000 able to go to other Schools. So seems 30,000 have passed out of about 3,00,000 !!! (the pass mark was set at mere 117)

  33. Hey Guys,
    Yesterday in "Wanni meheyuma" the Kokavil Rupavahini Antenna was shown. (Captured and used by ltte from 1990 onwards..)

    The troops were on to Kakavil and was on what seems like a road.
    Is this the Former Rail road?
    In maps the rail road do take a turn to the West before Kokavil and then goes on a bend to Reach Kakavil..
    Any one with an Idea?

  34. puli

    Your bravado is based on the belief that we, the majority would go to sleep once this war is over and your podiyens can get started all over again.

    I'm sure ther'd still be plenty of ammo left over when this is over.

    Talk to the JVP and ask them abt the tyres..

  35. Debris of an aircraft and a abandoned parachute were found in the Nachchakudai area by the 58 divisions attached to the Sri Lanka Army. Among these were engine parts, the rear part of an air craft and a parachute which was hanging on a tree were discovered during a search operation in the area, SLA sources said today.
    DW can you verify this please.

  36. It looks like the SLAF missed the real target; the pilot.

  37. TS,
    This cant be the plane hit by the AirForce..
    This is Nachchikuda!! Not Mulaitivu Jungle where the Takaran plane was seen going in to flames..
    Maybe an old SL plane..
    There was an earlier discovery of debris of a fallen SL plane stored near a ltte camp. (Rupavahini showed the footage about two monthes ago as I remember)
    So this could also be a simmilar thing....

  38. LTTE plans to respond INGO withdrawal by mass fast unto death. deadly plan

    //“I think Tamil Eelam does exist already. It exists in the hearts and minds of every single Tamil expatriate. It is a reality.”//

    Well we don't care elaam exists in heart or aresehole of tamizhs as long as it is not in SL.

    //..told this at a book launch event in Oslo, Norway. The book “Tamils in Sri Lanka - A Comprehensive History (C.300 B.C. - 2000 A.D.)” ..//

    Actually 300BC to 1700AD they were empty pages.

    The person who make vezapillai a hero within 24 hrs to the IC by her infamous interveiw now says what tamiz can do for elaam “It is your excellence. Whatever you do,..".

    Tamil Eelam does exist already - Anita Pratap

    A 'concerned tamiz' is worrying about not having a written history for Dutugamunu Elara war from tamiz side. He was wondering while modayas has written the history from thier side how come much superior tamiz were unable to write down it. So he needs history of current war to be written in tamiz side. History, it is said, is written by the victors..

    An interview with former Black Sea Tiger in the LTTE naval Wing

    (part 2) Q.Do you think V. Prabakaran can win Eelam? A.No. It is just a dream.

    sama sabapathila upset ekelu..-Rivira

    CFA time MOD didn't know even how many NGOs went to north (not what they took)

    Black tigers had sex as 5 couples... Actually in Colombo you can see couples under umbrellas. LTTE can use this to planning, messeging etc..Rivira defence column

  39. no bullshit can dispute factual numbers.

    war casualties,
    1983-1994 - 50k = 4,500 annually
    1994-2001 - 15k = 2,100 annually.

    CBK had few patches of CHASE AWAY wars. these were larger than b4 no doubt but going by the casualties, not larger. that's all. that's was bcos of the purpose which was to force LTTE to negotiations not to wipe them out.

    even the jaffna taking killed less than 3,000. jayasikurui also had VERY low deaths comparative to the pre-1994 era.

    tigers CANNOT relocate their infrastructure to kili from mulaitivu. kili is their POLITICAL capital whereas mula is their military capital.

    mula was not captured b4 but kili was captured. a good indication is the need to have VERY special approval to travel to mula during 2002-2006. that was the importance LTTE gave to their MILITARY capital whereas RANIL PONNAYA opened checkpoints like his arse is opened for anyone to whack!!

  40. Mi-24s had carried out a night raid at 7:45 pm last night. fantastic.

    to hell with the dangers of night time riads for tigers, etc.

    well done; the way to go.

    there are 12 hours of relative safety for tigers now and i'm sure they plan their high level meetings, etc. during that break.

    they MUST be attacked at night as well.

  41. where the hell is kumullamunnai???

    LTTE claims SLDFs had fired arti to this joint 2 days ago damaging civilian property. SLDFs had attacked from the weli-oya region.

    lankaguardian reports a large scale fast-unto-death campaign to be launched in vanni. unfortunately civilians are forced at gun point.

    but GOSL should not change a thing! if they die themselves, so be it!!

    if GOSL change battle plans LTTE will spread this "successful" strategy elsewhere as well.

  42. Moshe,

    Lankaguardian is just another mouthpiece for the LTTE. I saw the news item - fast unto death en masse.

    We were warned by Mr Nadesan that the army would be taught a lesson in the event of them stepping into Killinochchi and as usual the media circus made it headlines. Late Thamil Selvam used to issue threats as well.

    Now threats have becomes fasts; I can assure you that fasts will be farce.

    Why the hell the civilians leave if they really want to die? They can just sit in a shower of artillery shells.

    Vanni civilians are not stupid; they don't want to die. They want to live a good life.

    Tigers are going pious by embarking on fasts, then. That is not their cup of tea and let' wait and see, taking things with a pinch of salt.

    I am waiting to see the day Madonna becomes a fully-pledged nun.

  43. tamilnet reports 'YOUTH' but 30 years old.

    Tamil propaganda machine!

    SL Police arrest Tamil youth returned from abroad
    [TamilNet, Saturday, 20 September 2008, 10:59 GMT]
    A 30-year-old Tamil man who returned from abroad was arrested by the Sri Lankan Police on September 12 while he was staying in a lodge located in Maradana. He is still being held in detention in the police station without any reason or any charge, according to complaints lodged by his father to the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL).

    Komalan Shanmuganathan, a resident of Koappaay in Jaffna district had been working in Doha, the capital of Qatar. He returned from Doha in January, got married in March, and was about to return back to Doha for work, his father, K.Shanmuganathan stated in his complaint, appealing the HRCSL to get his son released.

  44. Lankaputhra
    It is to be expected for the gosl to question some of the returnees from abroad as it is part of the terrorists scheme to send people abroad to work, earn money for them and then return to serve them back in SL.They will definitely have another front open in our areas which will be subversive. Most of the ‘volunteers’ do minor jobs like cleaners and salesmen in shops and malls. They being used to the new found lives abroad finding it difficult to adapt to the harsh and dangerous life back in SL.I have come across many over the years in UK and I can see them changing their attitudes towards us and only the hardcore and brainwashed that might find their way to SL to serve their masters and the others are just innocent coming back to see their folks back. Our authorities have a difficult task to sort them out. I keep telling my Tamil friends that may had any links and turned away from this absurd terrorist cause to keep away from the island until some sort of normality is brought to the island. I think the media has now come to know their latest plot for mass starvation etc as their helpless kin living abroad is now reacting to it and we have asked them to complain to the local MPs about this impending disaster perpetrated by the despotic bunch inWanni.

  45. qrious,

    "I can assure you that fasts will be farce."

    well said, mate.

    there is another reason for the FAST which falls in the 21st anniversary of a "mala perethaya" who died supposedly fasting in 1987.

    there is a third reason. that is to show to the outside world that GOSL has evicted aid groups from vanni, attacked convoys and stopped food supply.

    anyway i agree that this time it will be a farce.

    however, in the REMOTE event it DOES go ahead, still it will be fantastic. less casualties DUE TO SLA attacks and less displaced!

    if stupidity can kill, fast-unto-death is one such method. a forced fast will definitely be a farce.

  46. Guys,
    The British Minister Lord Malloch-Brown experienced ugly scenes of rowdy behaviour by LTTE men, at a meeting held in London on 15th September. Though the meeting was called by Rt Hon Garath Thomas MP specifically for the Harrow Tamil residents, the LTTE front British Tamil Forum (BTF) gave extensive publicity in the LTTE sympathetic websites with its Chair’s message for all the Tamils across the UK to attend.

    The next day BBC Sinhala ran a story “GSP+ ‘tool to put pressure’ on Lanka” and ending the article with a brief mention of the British position on the Tamil government in exile.

    The link below to Tamil Affairs gives a detailed report of what happened at this event.

    Meeting addressed by Rt Hon Lord Malloch Brown

    Just imagine if this happened in Colombo – BBC Sinhala would have run this as a BREAKING NEWS story, with journalist assaulted / no freedom of speech etc.

    (no blue shift yet with BBC Sinhala then…)

  47. No Mess
    Your link to the article by Jayadevan is exactly what happened there as we too had people there.Mr Jayadevan is very anti LTTE since the tigers locked him up in Vanni over the ownership of the Temple in Wembly.He was locked up with another person from PLOTE who is also campaigning against the tigers in UK.They are all friends of the MPs mentioned. These MPs are victims of the circumstances specially with a large Tamil population in their areas. I am sure likes of Jaydevan will persuade the misguided Tamils to move away from the tiger clutches. I not sure if Mr Jayadevan is for a united island, perhaps tow Karuna’s line with respect to politics in SL.

  48. "1983-1994 - 50k = 4,500 annually"

    Is there ANY sort of evidence whatsoever which would back such an idiotic claim???? 4,500 annually for that time frame would've equaled nearly **50,000 people**. Were there even that many Tamil rebels in those first 11 years of the war???? The SLA had a total of 50,000 soldiers until Premadasa. The LTTE did not have more than 5000 members total at any given time until the early 1990s.

    These numbers can only be justified if they include Tamil civilians who were killed by the security forces in that very dark period when the military had to expand rapidly with little training. The SLA in those years was an ineffective military organization except under certain individual leaders such as Kobbekaduwa and Janaka Perera (if you don't believe me, you can ask David Blacker who had served in Elephant Pass in the early 1990s).

    The Indians themselves acknowledge that they killed 2000-2500 Tigers TOTAL between 1987 and 1990. The SLA did not kill many rebels in Eelam War I because it was in a period of rapid growth from a nearly non-existent entity. Until 1986, the various Tamil groups cooperated and confined the SLA in Jaffna.

    "CBK had few patches of CHASE AWAY wars. these were larger than b4 no doubt but going by the casualties, not larger."

    Wrong. Before Chandrika, the SLA did not even have heavy artillery to inflict heavy casualties let alone airpower.

    "tigers CANNOT relocate their infrastructure to kili from mulaitivu."

    They've done it before. I already mentioned the move from Jaffna to Wanni. The LTTE had also moved entire ordnance factories from TN to Sri Lanka after killing Rajiv Gandhi.

  49. Su,

    "in 1995 the ltte was able to withdraw mainly intact due to the Lack of resources to the SL NAVY isnt that so?"

    Yes. I had also heard that Chandrika had allowed them to escape. However, the LTTE had built up a preexisting infrastructure in the Wanni before Riviresa which was able to absorb what the Jaffna Tigers brought.

    "As I know they fleed not seperately as a group, but with the jaffna residents to have that human shield to stop any air attack or artillery attacks, Am I wrong?"

    No you are correct. Some of these residents were able to escape, but many families remained in the Wanni until the 2002 CFA.

    Even with the vastly improved SLAF today, it would be difficult to interdict the movement of infrastructure from east to west in the Wanni.

  50. Ninja,

    //..told this at a book launch event in Oslo, Norway. The book “Tamils in Sri Lanka - A Comprehensive History (C.300 B.C. - 2000 A.D.)” ..//

    "Actually 300BC to 1700AD they were empty pages.

    Are you saying that Tamils did not have a history in SL until 1700 AD?????

  51. Is it the LTTE air craft that went down??

    Aircraft engine found in Nachchikuda.

  52. Kevin
    After a LTTE cockup like this, we should have got the story to the national papers in the UK. Then the Great British Public would have understood whether the LTTE are the ‘sole representatives’ of the Tamil People.

    UKHC had ample warning of this event, and from past experience the result was expected.

  53. How many times they targeting Praba .. ?

  54. @ Shyam: "How many times they targeting Praba .. ?"

    Till we roast him.

    PS, Have you managed to get into Dwaraka's pants yet?

  55. Mohammed,

    Or till he becomes “VAPORISED PRABHAKARAN”

  56. Mohammed,
    Just saw your profile, now I understand why you want him roasted!

  57. TS

    [I'm sure ther'd still be plenty of ammo left over when this is over.

    Talk to the JVP and ask them abt the tyres..]

    Spot on bro!

    Yep any roaming in the cities/villages will be cherry picked and put on tyres (guaranteed).

    As for the cowards who run to the jungle…

    Actually, as Comm. SF said, while the raw recruits and heroic-idiots will perish in the FDLs, the crafty hardcore motherfcukers will run into the jungle. That is actually great as today SLA Special Forces are regarded as on of the best in the world when it comes to eradicating terras-in-jungle (they did it so damn well in the East I hear even the US SF have had discussions with them on some of the finer points of “execution”:))

    OaO Asithri

  58. Moshe

    Kumulamunai is above Nayaru NE of the top of Nayaru lagoon and is stratgeicaly important location
    I do rememebr reading either on DN or DW that Kumulamunia is the gateway to Mulaitivu as the capture bing some strategic locations within Arti range.

    let me try and find the write up

    defence .lk' sprgress maps of the mulativu front shows Kumalamunai just above the areas captured - look at map2 here

  59. Wijayapala,
    What I wanted to clear was that ltte Sucessfully Relocating from Jaffna was due to the facts of
    1. Low resources at that time to NAVY
    2. Tigers travelling with the Civilian Shield ruling out ARMY Arti attacks (This will be a concern in the current context also..)
    But what Moshe says,
    tigers CANNOT relocate their infrastructure to kili from mulaitivu. kili is their POLITICAL capital whereas mula is their military capital....the need to have VERY special approval to travel to mula during 2002-2006. that was the importance LTTE gave.. Has a valid point.As kili has not been Hidden in a sense like Mula.
    So I cant understand what you mean byIf the SLA had targeted Mullaitivu as the main effort, the LTTE would have simply moved its infrastructure the same way it did in 1995 after being ousted from Jaffna.but to where? Kili?
    But I do love this System of attack which is like the "Kiribath" system used by King Dutugamunu..

  60. Saw some question about the discovery of parts of an aircraft and a parachute...

    So I talked to “Colombo”…evidently, investigation is still ongoing, but right now I am told this appears to be a badly destroyed “small plane” and likely a LTTE “takaran” plane (SLAF does not have similar grade “small planes”) that had crashed awhile back (the only mystery is there are some minor discrepancies with the so far witnessed “takaran” planes I am told…no, I didn’t ask what those were and was not told either).

    In any case, per SLAF no SLAF craft has gone missing in that area and it is believed that this is likely LTTE crop-duster takaran that had limped back after an “attack” and being hit by SLDF ground fire earlier, had crashed in the LTTE occupied area prior to being able to land.

    This view is plausible as the LTTE “takarans” are known to hug the coast at very low altitude when coming and going back after "attacks" (and hence why it was found in NacchiK).

    OaO Asithri

  61. no_sess:

    Wild boar (Col Soosai) on the spit is my particular favorite.

  62. “We don’t want to end up in a situation like in Iraq when you’re moving fast, but you left behind a whole army who will resort to guerrilla tactics,” Fonseka told Reuters in an interview at the Army Headquarters….

    All that is being worked towards finally clearing them off altogether. They can’t say ‘we are pulling back’, or this is a tactical withdrawal. You can’t have a tactical withdrawal for one and a half years…

    Just now they are fighting face-to-face, because we are fighting the Kilinochchi defence line, so the killing rate is very high. So I don’t know how long they can afford to resist like this,” Fonseka said.

    How true!

    Bravo Gen. Fonseka!

    OaO Asithri

  63. Hey Guys (with the exception of Shyam, still undecided whether you are worthy of the male species, besides you have one ball only):

    Have you seen the pro LTTE press lately. Gone are the days of "SLA advances thrawted". No they play the tune of IDP suffering, Humanitarian Disasters, displacement, civilians killed in shelling and bombings, crying over lack of INGOs, body of "youths" washed ashore etc. Seems they are done with "thrawting", time to play innocent victims.

  64. MohammedZ

    Pottagey Ammata done medium-rare from a PrettyKfir/Foxy MiG PGM would be my favorite!

    OaO Asithri

  65. MZ

    Yep, gone are the days of "LTTE made a tactical withdrawal" too in the pro-LTTE media.

    Agree now it's all about the human-rights/civilian suffering card that is being played. Another sign they know LTTE motherfcukers' dream of forming the racist "thamileelam" has gone down the toilet!


    OaO Asithri

  66. @ OaO Asithri:

    Soon we will all be having wild boar roast dinners. LTTE will eventually tactically withdraw into the Indian Ocean. There they will start thrawting barnacle advances.

    PS, if you are UK bound anytime, send us an e-mail. We will take you to our favorite curry place.


    PS, Kuttu, we miss you.

  67. Guys,

    With regard to the aircraft that has been found in Nacchikuda area, I go with asithri's interpretation.

    This is likely to be one came down due to ground fire on an earlier occassion. The pilot may have made an abortive attempt to come down in a parachute; if it was ended up on a tree top, his success of survival was not very high.

    Despite the embarassment suffered by the SLAF for not bringing down earlier on, I was surprised these tincans escapted unscathed. Even supersonic jets had few holes when the Tigers fired at them and so the reverse must be true as well.

    At the moment, the benefit of the doubt leans heavily in our favour. Let's wait and see the official explanation.

    With the destruction of Vanni Tech, the publication of photographs has paused; my man in Vanni says the phones are not working and he can't get any information.

    The success of air raids show that the LTTE who was good at placing moles in the enemy camp, is beginning to feel the enemy is also capable of reciprocrating it. With the arrival of air-burst bombs, the so-called anti aircraft units that operate near significant bunkers become defunct. So, the commander of SLAF has every reason to believe that they can get Prabha in a matter of days.

    Fast unto farce may be the final gamble of the brutes. We know Prabha is a self-confessed criminal. However, we don't know when he became the self-appointed sage to launch non-violent campaings.

  68. The updated map poses some interesting questions, especially abt the LTTE cadres now getting cornered in pooneryn area.

    As the northern thrust is likely to encircle them and prevent any eggress towards the Vanni, the only escape would be via the sea, sailing all the way past the Jaffna peninsular, unless they decide to brave the Killai lagoon kill zone, to reach E'Pass. Quite clearly it would be advantageous for the LTTE to withdraw the Pooneryn cadres before full scale slaughter, and so Pooneryn should become an easy target at low cost.

    Whether the SLA wants to let them live to fight another day or not is what remains to be seen. Right now it may be better to take them out, rather than allow a big build up in Mullaitivu.

    An amphi landing from the north anyone?

  69. News is that the Mig29s have landed.

    So have some very special fire works...

  70. As everone else does, I miss Kuttu too.

    Kuttu is fun; we need him here. I am sure Kuttu is reading our posts, but doesn't make his presence felt.

    Kuttu made a little mistake with that red bird mission and the embarassment kept him from contributing.

    My advice to Kuttu is that he is still not as embarassed as Prabhakaran who said the Eelam will be won in the sea.

    So, come on mate; just visit us. Let's have some fun.

  71. //Are you saying that Tamils did not have a history in SL until 1700 AD?????//


    Not exactly. I am not history expert. But I really don't think you can track tamils history until 300BC from today's SL tamils. Until where you can track it I am not sure, may be until 1400AD.

    I however note that in sinhala history the world "demala" /tamil was used in broad sense. egsample- Refering Prothaugeese also as tamils on time. (which book- can't remember) Let us know your veiw.

  72. Did not notice this video was uploaded to until now:

    This includes UAV footage of the airstrike on one of LTTE leader's safe houses.
    Footage from 00.00 to 00.22 is taken from a recently acquired (post Anuradhapura attack) UAV. 00.23 to 00.50 shows footage captured using an older IAI Searcher variant.

    Notice the difference in video quality :)

  73. Once again nice article by Dayan Jayathilake.

    Hope relevent people take note of this writers views...

  74. don't our SF carry gas masks and NBC suits in their bergens?
    they should be prepared for anything so they should carry them

  75. Evidently, the following is from a few months back, showing the first ever use of a “Ground Missile” by the SLA. As you will notice, it has some awesome punch that pretty much decimated the LTTE outpost, including even the tall coconut trees in the immediate vicinity.

    DefenceNet, would you know what kind of weapon this is?

    I don’t recall seeing any discussion about this previously here but would apologize if it did appear and I just happened to miss it.

    OaO Asithri

  76. Su,

    "So I cant understand what you mean by If the SLA had targeted Mullaitivu as the main effort, the LTTE would have simply moved its infrastructure the same way it did in 1995 after being ousted from Jaffna.but to where? Kili?"

    The point I was making is that the Tigers are very good at moving stuff away from what's being threatened. Even with a weak SLN, the LTTE still had to move many things by sea (and I think they also used Pooneryn, but I'm not exactly sure when the SLA vacated from Pooneryn).

    If Fonseka had made Mullaitivu the main effort, the Tigers would have moved their infrastructure into the jungles west of the A9 highway (not necessarily to Kilinochchi town). Mallavi for example became the LTTE's administrative center after the SLA took Kilinochchi town in 1996 Sath Jaya. They would not have needed civilian human shields because there is enough jungle cover in the Wanni to hide their movements.

    With the west coast under SLA/SLN hands, it will be impossible for the LTTE to relocate in any significant manner to Tamil Nadu, or for refugees to flood TN en masse and create a political situation for India to pull the plug on this offensive. The LTTE had chosen Mullaitivu region as its military center because it is accessible to the Indian Ocean where the large supply ships would bring weapons. However, if it is true that all these supply ships were sunk, then Mullaitivu coast has lost its strategic value and trapping the LTTE there would be the best course for the govt.

    This is the reason why I think Gotabhaya & Friends have gotten their strategy correct. The best strategies are generally NOT top secret plans which the enemy must not learn about, but rather they should be tailored to the enemy's weaknesses so that the enemy cannot do much even if he learns everything about your strategy.

    The essence of good strategy is minimizing your enemy's options (while maximizing your options, if possible). Attacking Eastern Province 1st and then taking Mannar has limited the LTTE's options. It was very obvious what the SLA was doing but the LTTE didn't have many options to react. It made no difference whether LTTE intelligence wing got all of Gotabhaya's plans straight off his desk.

    The only thing that may save the LTTE is if the economy collapses due to Mahinda's poor governance. That is why LTTE (and its supporters like Tamilnet) is trying to link the human rights situation with the economy (hence the relevance of GSP+). However, I have a feeling that Gotabhaya won't allow the war to end, even if the economy collapses and a new government comes to power. We'll just have to wait and see how that turns out.

    In the meantime, the battlefield situation will not change very much. Pro-LTTE dumbasses are claiming that the SLA is getting itself into a Jayasikurui situation by "spreading" itself thin in the Wanni. They don't realize that 1) high SLA recruitment is ensuring that SLA can hold the territory it captures and 2) low LTTE recruitment reduces options because losses cannot be easily replaced.

    In this sense, it makes no difference whether the LTTE is defeated while making a desperate counteroffensive against the SLA at Kilinochchi, or if it hunkers down for a bloody defensive showdown in the Mullaitivu jungles.

  77. Shan,

    thank you, mate. that helps.

    i noticed that you are very good at locating info; may be it has got something to do with your work???

  78. Asithri bro,

    It is Chinese Red Arrow

    It's variant call Baktar-Shikan

    Ask Nemesis, he will tell all about it :-)

  79. Worth the read

  80. Ninja,

    "But I really don't think you can track tamils history until 300BC from today's SL tamils. Until where you can track it I am not sure, may be until 1400AD."

    I'm sure that whatever was published in Norway is "patriotic" rubbish, since no credible historical analysis ever traces all the way to the present or the recent past (although I should see the book first before passing final judgement). However, K. Indrapala recently wrote an excellent history of Tamils in SL from 300 BCE to 1200 CE which I would highly recommend.

    We have to be careful what we think and write. Saying that a Tamil history book until 1700 CE would be empty is pretty much the same as saying that Tamils have no history in Sri Lanka. Similarly, we can't lump all Tamil diaspora as mindless LTTE supporters in the same way that all Sinhala people cannot be blamed for anti-Tamil violence.

    "I however note that in sinhala history the world "demala" /tamil was used in broad sense. egsample- Refering Prothaugeese also as tamils on time. (which book- can't remember) Let us know your veiw."

    I don't think the Portuguese were referred to as "demala" although I can be mistaken. You are correct though that we broadly call Indians as demala. For example, we call Telugu-speaking people "andhra demala" even though they are not Tamils. Some Sinhala people can be very ignorant, and i believe that this started in the colonial era. During my grandmother's time it was commonly believed that all Indians were Tamils, and that Siddhartha Gautama was a Sinhala because otherwise he would have been a Tamil!

    I strongly think we need to examine how we use terms. "Demala" to my ears sounds like a harmless term to call Tamils, but the truth is that many of us have used it as a derogatory term (i.e. "demalavage kathakaranawa."). It is claimed that "ponna" and "ponnaya" mean gay/homosexual in Sinhala (appropriate for Ranil, although being a homosexual does not necessarily translate into being a weak or sellout leader like Ranil was), but I've never come across these terms in any Sinhala-English or English-Sinhala dictionary. However, those terms ARE DEFINITELY REAL TAMIL NAMES (i.e. Ponna Wignaraja, a development specialist), and any Tamil who hears these terms used in this manner will probably get offended.

  81. [[I don't think the Portuguese were referred to as "demala" although I can be mistaken.]]

    This is true. In history books, the word "Demala" was used to refer any foreign invaders whereas the word "Soli" was used to specifically refer "Chola" kingdom. Similarly, the word "Niganta" (Jain) was used to refer religions other than Buddhism.

    Eg. In Rajavaliya book, Portuguese are refered as "Demala". "Chandrabhanu" (a Malay (Javaka) king who formed the Jaffna kingdom after the Polonnaru era), Shen Ho (Chinese invader), Pandaya and Kerala invaders were also referred as "Demala".

    Similaly, In many Indian histry books, the word "Yonaka" (Muslim) was used to refer any invader including Portuguese.

  82. OMG! Finally I got to know it was a Training Program. :)

    Around 8:20 am huge explosion sounds and the firing sounds from inside the Colombo Harbor. And then we could see SLAF Free-fall Parachute Team in the sky.

  83. wijeyapala,

    I like the discussion you carry forward. I am of mixed origin and I have a really thick skin to take many insults. However, I don't expect the same thick skin from everybody. How and when a Tamil Sri Lankan feels that they are insulted is something all Sinhala Sri Lankans should be aware of. The points you bring forward should be sincerely discussed in Sri Lanka in the healing process of the ethnic rift. I hope that the Sinhala Sri Lankans should take step back and be more flexible in establishing our new Sri Lankan identity which will be carried forward. We need to give up the petty racial politics. It is very unfortunate that we don't have enough Tamil Sri Lankans in our force. Ideally, we should absorb all TMVP cadre to our forces. If we do so, we will soon see Muththiah Muralidarans and Russel Arnolds of SLA fighting for Sri Lanka. Eventhough this is not the most appropriate place, what you do and the way you do is very healthy for harmony in Sri Lankan society. Please carry forward you discussion. More power to you.

  84. It says that LTTE has kept all the Sat Phones of NGOs returning from Killinochchi.

    Sat phones are useless when the service is cut off and their Hardware Identification Code is delisted.

    What I am not clear is whether the UN and other NGOs planning to NOT to cut off the phones giving LTTE free use of them.

  85. Wijayapala

    //Saying that a Tamil history book until 1700 CE would be empty is pretty much the same as saying that Tamils have no history in Sri Lanka.//

    When I said that it was kind of exageration and I think you got my point. If I explain more: Obviuosly, sinhalese has relationships with tamils and through out the history. It could be in the means of invasions, immigrations, political marriges, tradings, educational events etc. Whoever came to SL as a tamil and didn't go back it is highly likely after one or two generations they became sinhalese via marriges and absorbed to sinhala socaity.

    Thus there is a tamil history in SL in those time period. And not only tamils but also other south indian communities also have some thing there and some others from other countries. Any of these is not a continuous flow of history of any such community until few hundred years back, probably until 1400AD, my gestimate.

    //I don't think the Portuguese were referred to as "demala" although I can be mistaken.//

    Unfortunately, I don't have the reference but I beleive it was Rajavaliya or at least one such history writer did that. This is well known among history guys ( I am not) to show that the word "demala" was used not just to refer tamils but basically any one from out side (invadors). You can compare this with how the reom "kotiya" is used among sinhalese in today.

    //However, those terms ARE DEFINITELY REAL TAMIL NAMES (i.e. Ponna Wignaraja, a development specialist), and any Tamil who hears these terms used in this manner will probably get offended.//

    Well, I really don't know the origin of 'ponnaya' or how long back it came to usage or any meaning in tamil langauge. In generel, between two langauges you can have word with same pronounciation in one langauge it is a good word and in the other it is a slang. So in this case no one can ask to avoid usinng that word in either langauge. In our case, practicaly tamils need to understand in present day sinhala people use such a word as slang there is no need to relate it to his own life. Sinhalese use 'ponnaya' to insult another sinhalese or when they speek in sinhala. If there is a tamil with the name Mr.Ponnaya he just need to realize this part of converstaion is not relating to my name which is tamil since these sinhala people speek in non-tamil langauge. But I also know some sinhalese make fun of such tamil names due the same reason: they failed to understand it is a different langauge and that's their lack of knowledge and hence a natural uneduacted reaction.

    You guys may find this is also interesting; small article Tamils lost their own country to build India

  86. See parabha's comment also.

  87. This pic on Tamilnet shows how pathetic LTTE's situation is....[Photo:%20LTTE]

    A function attended by LTTE leader is held in a fully covered room. I doubt it has a proper air circulation at all. All the coloured cheap curtains (or saris ?) remind me of mobile theatres in remote Sri Lankan villages.

    They have nothing but a boring picture of their hero covered only with a dull garland. It is questionable how respectful to have a cheap bulb decoration as seen on the pic.

    Most probably Fakakaran is praying for an extra day to his life to be discontinued pretty soon.


  88. TN reports heavy fighting in kilinochchi.

    any news DN?

  89. I believe if the current trend continues in the Wanni front, the black tigers whom VP groomed for special attacks will turn on him. VP, you are incompetent, should go. What happened to your macho talk of last Maveerar day?

    It is good if he can kill himself.

  90. [[Heavy fighting breaks out in southwest frontiers of Ki'linochchi district]]
    - Tamilnut

    An other defeat for SLA and a tactically withdrawal for LPPE?

  91. Guys,

    This is just for physics enthusiasts like me:

    Last week I wrote two posts on this Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland that had been making headlines - for creating a Black Hole on earth to suck us all up.

    I ended up my post saying whatever the hype, this may end up as yet another farce.

    And it has. The collider has broken down with an unidentified electrical fault and will be out of work for months - just a week after all that euphoria.

    Oh my god! Billions of money; and our tax!!!

    Folks with beards and glasses make themselves laughing stock.

    Poor physics! pesudo-scientists!!

  92. Guys,

    Athas admitted to that embarassing blunder - INDRA Rada - in today' column, after we pointed it out. I think he reads this blog.

    Is that the only thing that he got wrong?

    I don't think so; a catalogue of wrong assesments.

    He has to bite his own words in the next few months.

  93. MZ,

    Eagles are landing on VP's ass everyday.

    Have a look at this article:

    Some here were espousing the virtues of "multicultural" and "prosperous" Singapore. Looks like they are pissing of their minorities. Tamils were up in arms over the Sinhala only act, now they have another act to be up in arms about. Anyone for declaring Eelam in Singapore?

  94. Athas my friend, welcome to DN. It’s good to see you correct your mistake from last week –

    “Four Indira II radars (named after late Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi) were gifted to Sri Lanka”

    It’s obvious this is not a typo. So could you please let us know whether you just made it up or your contact ( who could not be named for obvious reasons) said so.

  95. No_Mess,

    That was a genuine mistake. This was stated by an Indian technician working at the Vavuniya Radar station.

    I should have verified his claims before publishing.

  96. According to the battlefield reports, troops of 57 division are currently engaged in a fierce battle against the terrorists in the Kokavil area. Available information reveal over a dozen of LTTE cadres have been killed so far during these clashes.

  97. The M230 has less recoil than the 23mm and can be mounted on a buffered pilet mount, Fire power wise the ATK M230 in a naval mount could be the ideal solution for the arrows & IPC's. It could be also used to compliment the FAC's armament and even be mounted on Naval rotor craft in a future fleet air arm. Cost & if it will be sold to us is a question. The M230 + GAU-19/M-134D combination could yield a real killer for small boat operations with the RABS & SBS in swarm attacks.

    Just a though, open to views :)

  98. mia,

    If this was a genuine mistake, please tell us how you came up with the elaborate story about Indira Gandhi? Obviously, you don't need a a military insider for that piece.

    One more thing, welcome to the era of internet publishing. Whatever you say and publish will be dissected and put under the microscope by 100s if not 1000s of people who know how to read. There is little or no room for fiction these days reporting. You get caught once and you will be toast forever.

  99. sam,

    this MIA is a bullshiter.

    there is no proof he is the man we are refering to.

    i'm no fan of iqbal athas, but i don't buy that he will totally lose his credibility. as long as his employer hasn't any MAJOR problem with his misrepresentations (which are not earth shattering), he will bounce back.

    anyway he is KNOWN to write with vengence and hatred towards valiant troops which has made him a lesser being than what he projects himself.

  100. friends pls write to the idiots at bbc and point out their title for this new article is blatantly incorrect. they r saying the gosl has ordered a 'tamil census'. gosl never odered a 'tamil census, rather they ordered a census of all persons who have traveled from war affected regions.

  101. The Negombo Police station is one of the most corrupted Police Stations in the country.

    90% of Heroine come to Sri Lanka with the sponsorship of Negombo Police.

    These officers live on the salaries paid by the narcotic king-pings that include mass Kassippu producers.

    Corrupted Negombo Police officers are good friends of LTTE and their goons.

    Now they have killed a man, because he has made a complain about the Police.

    This is serious stuff. very serious stuff that letting Police think that 'they are the law'.

    Gota should prevent such incidents too.. Else, the whole country would be in trouble..

  102. Wijayapala,
    I still think the two options of
    1.Attacking Mulaitivu
    2.Attacking Kilinochchi
    Both has Positives as well as some Negatives..
    The Advantages of Western sea denial & a Possible land route to Jaffna Surely would have change the balance leading to the Current situation. But the IDP problem, though they would not be Going to Tamilnadu, LTTE will take them to the very end of there Tactical Withdrawal..With NO UN presence to atleast say in a Slight voice about the harresements and Use of force by ltte, Next phase will be troublesome with ltte retreating to the Best suited terrains of the Mulaitivu with the People as the Shield.

    But Yes what ever the ltte do, it will only lengthen the litle time it will have till the Forces get to them...
    (But this "TIME" could be a concern as the so called IC who dont see things happening in Palastine, Iraq or even in Afganistan Could come with some intervention to give Saline to the ltte when it is in the DEATH BED Saying OH Kosovo !! OH Darfur !!...)

  103. ITN NEWS says,
    Another one of those 14 bases is captured.. (By 14th Wijayabahu..)
    Has rooms Under 20feet & etc..
    Anyone knows the Name of this base?

  104. moshe,

    I am not sure either this is the real man or not. Nevertheless you know to what MIA stands for if this is the real man. Given the nature of no-holds-barred discussions here, I sincerely don't believe that he would identify himself only to get even more scrutinized. However, if the real man has access to the internet, he should be reading this blog. My intention here is to put him at his right place.

  105. MIA --> Mohammed Iqbal Athas

  106. Heavy battle in Vanni fronts since 5.30 am and it still continues any related info ..?

  107. Hey Shyam..

    oooooh really...???
    you get all the hot hot news...impressive...!!!
    : )

  108. MIA - “That was a genuine mistake. This was stated by an Indian technician working at the Vavuniya Radar station.
    I should have verified his claims before publishing”

    Athas my friend, you should really check your sources, especially if they are disgruntled defence workers. As my mate Priyath Liyanage would say: check twice and publish once. Otherwise you’ll end up apologising to the whole world.

    Unlike the BBC, you cannot delete the apology after few hours. It will be archived and you will lose your credibility. If you need any help, just ask. We have all sorts of experts here at DN.

    BTW, if you have made up any stories in the past, now is the time to come out and admit them to Mr GR. From what I have read recently, he is in a good mood these days.

  109. I know that most defence analysts in this blog are living overseas. They don't feel the pain of war. They have taken sides in the mostly Sinhala-Tamil ethnic conflict.

    As a moderate Muslim I need not take a side. At Wijaya newspapaers we report what people want to hear (the truth). That is why our newspapers are so popular.

    I reported on military matters at a time no one had the courage to do so. The few trivial mistakes I made are nothing compared to some grave mistakes committed by those who are paid by the taxpayers. I have reported these without any fear at grave risk to my life and my family.

    Anyway I will be moving up the career. I have been nominated to take the reporting tasks of the whole India-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Western China-Sri Lanka region at Janes. God willing, I can move ahead than stuck in a place where truth has become the main casualty.

    If my articles are so biased, how come the world's most respected Janes Defence hire me?

    There was a big cry over a trivial mistake over the identification of a plane following the Anuradhapura air force base attack last year. What they failed to see was the grave mistake by MOD which said only 8 planes were destroyed when they knew very well the number was 32.

    Dear Sam, no mess,
    I am in the right place. It is only human to make genuine mistakes. These mistakes didn't cost anything for the country or the security forces. They didn't even affect my credibility as you know. If I'm so wrong as some people say, why do they take the trouble to write about me? Can't they simply ignore me?

    Dear Moshe,
    You have some very intersting things to say about military matters. It is better for you not to talk about other matters. You may know that Moshe Dayan was a complete failure in 1973 and it is better that you change your profile to something Sri Lankan if you are a Sri Lankan.

  110. mamma mia,

    don't con you son of swwine.

    if you are the real IA, you will never create a profile "MIA".

    and what are you doing so early in the morning? don't tell me you are saying your prayers.

    please stop posting crap here.

    point taken.

    no my friend. this is a con man. don't believe him.

  111. mamma mia,

    i create any profile i like and that is not your momma's concern.

  112. MIA

    Did you say you are Iqbal Athas? Some guys here seems think otherwise. Why don't you give some handy surprise? Let us know the last sentence in your coming sunday defence column. Or write about Moshey Dyan or DN blog.

  113. mia,

    I am in the right place. It is only human to make genuine mistakes. These mistakes didn't cost anything for the country or the security forces. They didn't even affect my credibility as you know. If I'm so wrong as some people say, why do they take the trouble to write about me? Can't they simply ignore me.

    You little nitwit, do you call writing anti-Sri Lankan garbage to be the write place to be? I have read your articles since the onset of the modern conflict. You need not to take any side, just take the side of Sri Lanka, the country we all belong to. Anybody who takes the side of LTTE, the party who wants to divide Sri Lanka are not on our side. However, anybody is at liberty to take the side of innocent Tamil Sri Lankans.

    As a moderate Muslim I need not take a side. At Wijaya newspapaers we report what people want to hear (the truth). That is why our newspapers are so popular.

    You have the uncanny ability to be the ultimate optimist for LTTE. The subtle message you try to disseminate in you articles (blathering) is that eventhough SLA has beaten LTTE this much, you can never beat them since they are invincible. In essence you act as an effective agent of LTTE to demoralize the Sri Lankan public. That is where I see the problem.

    Your style of reporting is neither objective nor unbiased. So is your Wijaya Publications. In the recent past, Wijaya started a strange practice of lumping SLA and LTTE casualties together. Is this what you call unbiased reporting. Once again, there is only one side you can take as a citizen of Sri Lanka. That is the side of Sri Lanka. One note on this subject, you got to be very delusional to think that Wijaya is very popular. However, I believe that Wijaya is well known to be controversial.

    Anyway I will be moving up the career. I have been nominated to take the reporting tasks of the whole India-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Western China-Sri Lanka region at Janes. God willing, I can move ahead than stuck in a place where truth has become the main casualty.

    You have come this far by publishing a blend of facts and fiction. If you want to be that morally right journalist, please fess up all of your old imaginative pieces. By the way, i didn't know that Janes has a comedy section. In that case, it will be good for the readers of Janes. Also, your lack of credibility will be further contrasted by an international audience in the future. Good luck with Janes.

    As a moderate Muslim I need not take a side.

    Fear not, nobody will gage Sri Lankan Muslims by your standards. We have bigger heroes like Col. Muthalif, Col. Lafir, Capt. Nilam etc to look up to.

    For a moment I thought that you are an impersonator. May be it is true and you are damn good impersonator. You style of blathering above is remarkable close to Athas' Situation Report style.

    Just cut the crap and tell us what made you to cook the story of "Indira Radar." We all know that you don't need a military insider to find what Indra Radar is. In addition, you need to fess up to all of your past cooked up stories.

    MIA, Welcome to the world of interactive reporting.

  114. MIA,

    Assuming that you are the real Iqbal Athas (did not know that your first name begins with "M," I also make mistakes)...

    First I would like to thank you for exposing the corruption in the SLAF in the late 1990s. Also for bringing up Daya Sandagiri's dirty deals and the business with the recent MiG-27s. I know that it was that last crookedness which got you in trouble with Uncle Gota. I also remember that you criticized the UNF govt. for neglecting the security forces to appease the Tigers.

    There are some Sri Lankans who only like to hear good news, and when somebody presents bad news then they shoot the messenger. I agree that you have made minor errors, but in general I've found your column to be better than the Upali defense columns which only give "good news" (even though I prefer Upali group in general to the Wijaya group) and definitely preferable to the utter crap on government sources.

    Having said that, let's look at some of your comments:

    "I know that most defence analysts in this blog are living overseas. They don't feel the pain of war. They have taken sides in the mostly Sinhala-Tamil ethnic conflict.

    As a moderate Muslim I need not take a side.

    I agree with you that most expatriates, whether Sinhala or Tamils, are pretty clueless and really don't give a damn how many people get killed in this war. However, I had gotten the impression from your writings that you want the govt. to win, even though you write critical things such as exposing corruption.

    Surely you know that this current war is not simply an "ethnic conflict" between two communities. We don't need this sort of garbage anthropological explanation. This war is primarily over sovereignty between a government and an insurgent organization, although there is certainly an ethnic dimension. As a "moderate Muslim" or whatever you are, you can't be "neutral" because the aforementioned insurgent organization has no qualms about wiping out Muslims from the N-E, fundamentalist or not.

    "Anyway I will be moving up the career. I have been nominated to take the reporting tasks of the whole India-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Western China-Sri Lanka region at Janes. God willing, I can move ahead than stuck in a place where truth has become the main casualty."

    Is this how you view reporting on this war- simply as part of your career???? You became a journalist simply for career prospects?

    "If my articles are so biased, how come the world's most respected Janes Defence hire me?"

    This one is easy to answer. Even the big "respected" name brands will prefer suck-ups and gophers to talented but independent thinkers. Of course it helps to be a smart suck-up than a dumb suck-up. You could've gotten the job simply by delivering the right flattery at the right time to the right person. You can use your "moderate Muslim" name to show that Jane's is not filled with culturally-ignorant white people.

    Your friend Anthony Davis wrote some total rubbish in JIR that 2000 Sea Tigers were killed in the tsunami. This is JIR which costs hundreds of US dollars to get a subscription. Yet DBS Jeyaraj in his **free** tamilweek website pointed out that the Sea Tigers are barracked far inland and also beach their vessels ashore.

    Bottom line is that moving up in Jane's may be good for your career but it will not necessarily make you a credible journalist. I will take credibility any day over name brand.

    Anyway I hope that I misinterpreted you (or that you're not the real IA), and that you're not really a career-minded sycophant who will sell out just to get ahead.

  115. This is what the Navy’s most decorated officer has to say,

    “The secret of my success during confrontations is the fact that I’m the only OIC who has a loudspeaker in my craft” said the Commander. He said that he describes his tactics with the rest of is men so that they know what strategy he uses against the enemy, making them better prepared to face the challenge. Another trick is that the Commander fights at a close range of 1000m where the usual distance is 2000m. “I’ve even fought at a distance of 400m but have never been intimidated by the enemy”, said Cdr Asoka Wijesiriwardane."

    If each and every Dvora and OPV had a "Mega Phone" or "Loudspeakers" how many lives could have been saved? Until now, I thought a Loudspeaker is a 'standard feature' of any Naval Patrol Vessel. This is pathetic.

    Sometimes back also I mentioned that each of the patrol boats should have a Personal Communication mechanism. Each sailor should have wearable Personal Communicators. They are very cheap.

    In the US, every Motorbike Gang has their own Personal Communicators that can be bought very cheaply in the open market.

    Now there are many communicators that scrambles communications and can be heard by the group members only.

    We need to purchase such sets for each NPV.

  116. If MIA is indeed Iqbal Athas his account should be thouroughly verified that it is indeed his. The Account holder himself can take an appropriate measure to confirm this.

    Otherwise there can be a number of implications here where someone else is impersonating him and some others reply to "MIA" and all sorts of legal ramifications coming up and possibly this MIA taking unfair and undeserved advantage for his posts based on Iqbal Athas's perceived credibility.

    But I expect this to go on unatteneded as always it has been on these blogs.

  117. May be mia is the real one.

    I guess he couldn't take the bashing going on blogs any more and decided to justify himself.

    I wonder whether he will become MIA (Missing In Action) in a while.

  118. 16 dead: 7 LTTE bodies found - Ki'chi. Regeional LTTE leader dead - Vavunia

  119. Athas is just delivering content to an audience which hopes to read using colored glasses - demand and supply.

    Even though open minded people will question his credibility, his devoted audience will just gulp it down. Those idiots will then go on critisizing everything the military is doing based on what they read.

    Don't forget that there are so many watching 'goo depaya' everyday on goo channel.

  120. Pulidevan,

    How can you continue your Elam struggle? Even you guys are confused. Now it is scattered into various other fights like Elam, Eelam, Ezham, Tamil Ezham, Thamil Ezham,.......

    You don't know where you want to go! That is the Elam bullshit.

    There is a good saying in Sinhala, "daenagena giyoth katharagama, nodena giyoth atharamaga".

    If you know where you are going you may reach Katharagama; otherwise you will get lost.

    How true about the Elam struggle? Most Elam fighters don't know what the fcuk they are fighting for!

    It is good. The DIE-ASS-PORA will think they fight for Tamil Elam when they will one day actually fight against the LTTE. It's not too far away.

  121. Good to read


  122. Dear Tropical Storm and his fans,

    //I'm sure ther'd still be plenty of ammo left over when this is over.

    Talk to the JVP and ask them abt the tyres..//

    LTTE is not a JVP or UNP or SLFP. LTTE is LTTE. We wont tire even if your show your tyres.

    BTW how many sinhalees mainly innocent students were killed of these tyeres. I want know this for my records.

  123. Dear Mohmad Zubair,

    Of course, Shyam's male organ is differnet from yours ( I suppose he has a complete one).

    PS. I am not a gay

  124. Dear Wijepala,

    I read some of your facts given in the latest post: especially about the corruption that exited in the defence establishment, in general.

    It was true and the patriotic citizens were aware of some of them and cursed on the culprits for diabolical acts.

    Athas didn't make a journalistic mistake by highlighting them.

    Unfortunately, these are not the only institutes that were corrupt. Some of our Buddhist institutes, temples, churches and even mosques are in the same situation and devotees are well aware of them. However, they don't call for dismantling these institutes because of the existing corruption and malpractices. They know very well, may be instinctively, that the absence of the religious institutes despite being corrupt to the core, will herald an era of anarchy, which is far worse than the living with the corrupt age-old institutes.

    This is the same with the defence establishment. We couldn't ditch them just because they were corrupt; if they collapsed, the consequences would be unimaginable. For instance, what would it be like the country without a border force or navy? - a haven for pirates.

    Despite the inevitable malpractices, both religious institutes and defence establishment render yeomen service in maintaining the social fabric. Take them off the equation; the society will collapse in a heap of disorder.

    The mistake Athas has been making was to focus just on this aspect while keeping an eye on his selected audience. He never cared about the sensitivity of bereaved families in the defence establishment due to loss of loved ones for doing their duty. In short, it was all about doom and gloom. Athas was disproportionately concentrate on one aspect of the military while deliberately eclipsing the achievement of the armed forces: the enhanced discipline; dedication; civilian protection; minimizing collateral damage.

    Athas was very strangely silent on child recruitement, holding people against their will, arbitray tax collection and summary executions. He knew his fate lay inside the pistol bullet, if he went that far.

    Our armed forces have a better track record – during the last four years – in protecting civilians than the Nato in Afghanistan. Every week there is news about Afghan civilian casualties due to failed air strikes. We don’t hear about Vanni any more. Even Tigers don’t make such claims, unless a DPU miss the intended target, which was relatively rare.

    Athas took a gamble and so did his publishers – purely for commercial reasons. It paid off in the distant past, but not any more. There were times his column disappeared from radar, citing various risks. By the end of this year, its relevance will gradual cease – both for him, his publisher and the obvious audience he catered for.

    Nowhere in his columns, did he predict the state of the Tigers as they are in now. Nor did he foresee the irreversible progress made by the armed forces during the last two years. That is the issue for folks with an ounce of commonsense.

    So, Athas has a responsibility to answer his audience on these two counts. If they believed what Athas has been saying, word for word, they may be in for a very rude awakening indeed.

    Athas could not dilute our optimism; we, patriots, made up our mind even before reading his columns; some just give up on reading them, because the gist was a foregone conclusion.

    Athas is someone who will be compelled to board the gravy train of irrelevance with fellow scribes who inflated the capability of an outfit at the expense of legitimate armed forces of a country. I wish he waved a white flag instead of the one with that dreaded snarling animal in a red background.

    Thank you and take care.



    This will break your heart..

    Fallen Tamil hero...

  126. Strong suspicion...

    MIA = Wijaypala

    Wijaypala = MIA

  127. Qurious,

    Pukka response...!

    I take my hat off to your post above. IA should take your article as a shining example of how to write facts - if he ever cares for that sort of reporting.

  128. qrious

    top notch mate, salute you

  129. Qurious,

    Good reply, very well said brother.

    [Pakka-Lanka said...

    Strong suspicion...

    MIA = Wijaypala]

    He might be the person.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. TRUE SRI LANKAN said...

    "Matale seems to be having a lot of LTTE precense. People be on the alert!..."

    All the Tamils in SRILANKA are LTTE suspects ...but unfortunately there are sinhala kotti too ...

  132. Defencewire said...
    Large amounts of weapons and more than 30 dead bodies uncovered in Mankulam. It is not known whether Col Bhau was killed or injured.? but one of the heavy weight is gone in Mankulam

  133. That is fake defencewire. Any big news like that will come in the form of a new article.

  134. something tells me LTTE barbarian beasts will try to attack a religious shrine.

    barbarians have done that in the past.

  135. LTTE assassinates Hindu Priests at their will, but never touches Catholic or Christian Priests?

    Servant does not touches the Master?



  137. Watch this for the last time. You want be able to see this again.

  138. shyam said

    All the Tamils in SRILANKA are LTTE suspects ...but unfortunately there are sinhala kotti too ...

    Now including Devananda,Karuna as well..he he he

  139. Good point r*fad

    this is what we should far LTTE killed only hindu Priests....

    but big ? ...

    religion & politics and now terrorism...

  140. Phantom-x,

    There are two more slightly less harmful traitors apparently..

    One of the persons is real Mr Brown aka Dulith Herath of LNP. This is if the below article is correct

    Have a look at this article


    Read news from all the reliable defence news sources in a single window.

    *Latest news form,, DW, DN
    *Easy to identify newest articles
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    *Read latest comments in descending order
    *No room for spammers
    *Aggregated RSS2.0 feed.
    *Easy to identify BOGUS comments by EELAMISTS.

    More and more features including IM alerts are coming soon

  142. Observer,

    Thank you for exposing Dulith Herath (Viran Brown aka Mr.Brown) and the lesser known charachter Sanjaya Senanayake. I think their main objective is to tarnish our countries image. must be getting money from Fat Pig and Co.

    Brownla wage un unge Ammawa wikunala aapu un, Hena gahanna oone ookunta me karana dewal walata...!!!

  143. Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Burghers all unite...!!!

    Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus all unite...!!!

    SLFP, UNP, JVP, JHU all unite...!!!

    To Defeat our Common Enemy "The LTTE"...!!!

    Our Motherland needs us. shed all the petty Racial,Religious,Political, differences. Our gallant soldiers are sacrificing their lives for us, to make a better and safer tomorrow. please do whatever you can to eradicate this menace from earth...!!! we are in a critical juncture, Donate to Api wenuwen Api, Educate your friends, collegues, counter Pro LTTE mis-information machine, write blogs etc.
    They are sacrificing their today, for our tomorrow...!!!

  144. Hey Guys,

    Think little bit openly. I have read LNP for many many years.

    Yes it is a fact that LNP publishes many articles from TamilNet, BBC etc.

    Do not think it is great?

    LNP provides a forum to trash these Tamilnet and BBC rubbish. Who else provides such opportunity?

    I have no comments about Lankaenews, as I hardly visit that site. Your comments may be true about Lankaenews, but I disagree about LNP.

    LNP is a great forum to trash misinformation. It is not Mr. Brown's fault that the forum is heavily infested by the Peelamists.

    Guys, I am asking again for you to reconsider your views about LNP.

    BTW, I have no association with running or operating LNP or with Mr. Brown.

  145. Phanthom

    Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus all unite...!!!

    SLFP, UNP, JVP, JHU all unite...!!!
    It’s very well said than done because the reason is the politicians, religious paternity of the major type and high rankers of the uniform seems to have all the say in the country and we are left to our own devices and thugs of the people in powe seem to run loose and without the protection of the SC we would be a lawless country. I was there during the two elections canvassing for the party in power and was disgusted to see the unnecessary violence.
    In spite of pleading with prez,our principal of our collage in Kandy was asked leave the country on charges that was not proved or unfounded, just because he did not give in to unreasonable demands and intrusion into it’s running by the none christian lobby and the powerful politicians who want their kin admitted through the back door.
    Also there are many more grievances we feel as Christians which we will not mention for the sake of unity of our land during the crucial time when our young are putting their lives on line against the ruthless enemy. We are very sad to say the least, thus jeopardizing the unity of the island.

  146. All the best for SL Forces and may all u return safely to ur loved once after done the good deeds!

    Boys, I am raped by the revolution of Black Tigers had s@x before getting killed.

    If u guys remember it was none other than AmmaGahai who first pointed-out that (5 x Female and 5 x Male) Black Tigers had a s@x romp before getting killed by SL AF on my MasterCard advertisement!!

    Another thing AmmaGahai pointed out earlier was that LTTE guys are suffering from “Premature Ejaculation”!! Lot of proof coming out these days that VP is suffering from “Premature Ejaculation” very badly.

    As u guys noticed, recently SLAF bombed few of the Brothels VP frequently visited in Wanni but some how missed to hit VP.

    Seems like we are getting correct ground intelligence as soon as VP go inside the Brothel but by the time Super Sonic Jets get off from Colombo and reached Wanni VP already had emptied his wrinkle-bag and left the Brothel!

    Can Mosh/Katti or some one good with defense things tell me how many seconds/mints will take a Mig 7 to reach Wanni from Colombo?

    My guss is it is under 3 mints!! So, inside 3 mints VP take off his Pajamas, take off Gona cloths and Bling, Bling, empty his wrinkle-bag, put pajama back and off to Pejaro!!

    Quicker than his legendry gun dismantle/assemble timing anyway!! Ha ha ha

    Seems like every body in LTTE having s@x these days! Nothing wrong with that anyway! If I know I am getting killed tomorrow then ofcoz I’ll hump anyone and anything near me!!!

  147. puli

    As usual you miss the jungle for the trees.

    If you think random acts of rebellion can or will succeed when so much better organized LTTE military machine failed, you are day dreaming, or on some high quality weed.

    When the fighting is over, the penetration by intelligence into these areas are going to be so comprehensive, a sneeze would be noticed.

  148. LOL. This is hilarious. Bling bling may take 3 seconds. LOL.

    But buddy we need part2 ok?

  149. Attention dia-ass-pora, please don't beleive this propaganda.

    “What is being destroyed is the de facto State of Tamil Eelam, built by Tamils in the North, with significant help from the expatriate Tamils, both financial and physical. It is this that the GOSL is now about to destroy and reduce to dust.”

    This is another "sinhalas modayas". I am sure inteligent tamizhs diaspora will not listen to this "sinhala modaya". full text We all know what is constructed in peelaam was rat holes and cemetries only.

  150. Inside of a Twisted Mind: Praba… Part 2 –

    Continuing from Part 1 (Credits, Romance, Mahathaya & Amman story) …. Quick flash back : I went to Wanni to get a one-on-one with VP as I didn’t like the book “Inside an Elusive Mind” and VP looked well and fat and eating very well and he had a “Suicide Case” massaging his legs….

    Premadasa Killing:

    According to Pottu, after seeing Premadasa’s wife on TV few times, VP got horny and had a crush (she was not bad for her age if anyone remembers and there wasn’t any LTTE girl to match her fair skin, big Ars@ and the R@ck so can’t blame VP too much).

    One day when Premadasa called VP for a quick chat, VP said : Preme … u got a BOMB down there ha?? Send the BOMB to the jungle and I’ll lie-down my weapon! “

    Premadasa being a modaya misunderstood this and sent a truck load of bombs and weapons to Wanni! VP got so pissed-off on top of horny lost his cool and called his paper delivery man who was a “Suicide Case” and sent to Colombo on his paper delivery vehicle/bicycle. The rest well documented.

    Chandrika Story:

    On the time when Chandrika first float in to politics (when she was bit young), just like any other “Over 28” guy in Sri Lanka VP got so horny and start doing “Monkey Business” in and out of the bunker. According to Pottu, he got enough CCTV footages from these days to prove that “Prabakaran is a W@nker”!!!!!

    So, every time VP sees Chandrika and her Buriya (belly button) on TV he gets shaking and wants to kill Lalith and Gamini to impress Chandrika. Once Chandrika became President, VP called her:

    VP: ahhh Thangachiiii….. kohomada?? Buriya eliyeda??? mawa mathakada??? I kapeesh Lalith and Gamini for u!!! Soooo, Wanna come to the Jungle??? I’ll lie-down my weapon!!!

    Just like a typical hot women, with out missing a beat Chandrika said:

    Chandrika: “Fcuk-off u fat pig! Unless I am hallucinating, there is no way u gonna fcuk me” and winked @ Sana boy! Sanath Gunathilaka ofcoz!!!!!

    VP got so humiliated he sent partially blind “women Suicide Case” to kill Chandrika.

    Why got Pissed-off with Mahinda:

    After few “Wanni Specials” or “Liquid Dynamite” as some call it (AKA Kassippu) VP got bit vocal.

    This was my last question : Why did u get pissed-off with Mahinda??” VP took his gun off the hip and seems like he is getting bit agitated and said :

    VP: Look at Mahinda bugger… not much different from me! He even looks like me!!! Only different: he is better looking, tall, fair skinned and been to the school… big deal!!! But, why I got really pissed-off with him is …..bugger married a “Miss Sri Lanka” and I … I….I…..ggrrrrrr … BAAANG!!! VP shot his own foot!!


    P.S. LTTE di-ass-pora, don’t worry about VP’s foot. Actually he missed the foot and hit the “Suicide Case” who was massaging his leg !!! ha ha ha! Yes, I was lucky “Suicide Case” wasn’t wearing a vest. Yes, “Suicide Case” survived and he lived to die in another day for VP! Sad ha? Yeh…. that’s fcuking life. When you sleep with a dog, u’ll wake up with fleas!!!!

    Susai is the noticeable absentee and I learned that VP sent him to clean the pool.

    “poosary @ the kovil” have asked VP to name his son starting with letter - C - and so he named him after “Charles of UK” and now worried he will never get the crown just like “Charles of UK”. And also to name daughter starting with letter – D - and he want to name her Diana after Diana 0f UK ofcoz. Now he is glad he didn’t and me too!

    4 x “Imaran Pade” guys: letters are with Norway guys and they will send it to u soon with some money and thanks for the support anyway.

  151. AmmaG

    [Seems like every body in LTTE having s@x these days! Nothing wrong with that anyway! If I know I am getting killed tomorrow then ofcoz I’ll hump anyone and anything near me!!!]

    Quite so! I for one, as declared uninhibitedly in this blog earlier, love s@x with chunky dark ugly mules dressed in red and yellow…kinky you might say, but well, each to his/her own is the mantra these days uh?


    OaO Asithri

  152. Qrious

    [Athas was disproportionately concentrate on one aspect of the military while deliberately eclipsing the achievement of the armed forces: the enhanced discipline; dedication; civilian protection; minimizing collateral damage.]

    How true! This fcuking parasite who sucked and drank the blood of Sri Lanka to elevate his career never had a good word for the SLDF, at least since MR GOSL was formed! This proves this traitorous MF was either batting for Ranil the filthy Ponnaya or he had been “gotten to” and was on the payroll of the LTTE (“same difference” as we say here! LMSSAO!)

    [Our armed forces have a better track record – during the last four years – in protecting civilians than the Nato in Afghanistan. Every week there is news about Afghan civilian casualties due to failed air strikes.]

    Well said bro. Time the hypocritical white gooks realized this!

    [Athas is someone who will be compelled to board the gravy train of irrelevance with fellow scribes who inflated the capability of an outfit at the expense of legitimate armed forces of a country.]

    Not only fellow warped-minded scribes, this is exactly what Ranil the Ponna bitch said and Chandrika the Docile bitch said! I suggest these two bitchies get together, have a good bloody drink and copulate in the most unusual fashion (, please no elaboration needed; LMSSAO!) before admitting the rest of us humble SL populace that they were WRONG!

    OaO Asithri

  153. So what happened to the LTTE undercover MIA hooker, the self-declared "defense analyst" here?

    I don't see the she-male bithch here anymore. Now I wonder who prematurely castrated the bitch...??? Damn it, can not a man have his joy in unhindered glee?

    OaOA is going to be mad with the well-intended patriot who did this bit*h he wanted a piece of the action!

    MIA puss-puss…if you are still around, come in fairy…OaOA loves ya and will love ya until your death do us part!

    :)) :)) :))

    OaO Asithri

  154. Curious,

    "Some of our Buddhist institutes, temples, churches and even mosques are in the same situation and devotees are well aware of them. However, they don't call for dismantling these institutes because of the existing corruption and malpractices."

    Who is calling for the dismantling of Sri Lanka's defense establishment (aside from Paikiasothy's "civil society" crowd)?

    "Athas was disproportionately concentrate on one aspect of the military while deliberately eclipsing the achievement of the armed forces: the enhanced discipline; dedication; civilian protection; minimizing collateral damage."

    This is how I learned about the Vakarai battle and the role that both the SF and the regular soldiers played in routing the Tigers (before I had heard about DN, who was not yet online):

    Can you show me in the previous articles where Iqbal downplays what the SLA did at Vakarai?

    "He never cared about the sensitivity of bereaved families in the defence establishment due to loss of loved ones for doing their duty."

    And how is the defense establishment helping the bereaving families of soldiers from the villages by covering up corruption taking place at the top???? Do you think that remaining silent over disasters like Mihin Air which are ultimately sucking resources away from the war effort will help the soldiers????

    My impression has been that while Iqbal could be scathing of senior officials (who have generally been responsible for the debacles over the last 25 years), he has never questioned the fighting ability of the Sri Lankan soldier. If I am wrong, please show me one of his articles where he does so.

    "Nowhere in his columns, did he predict the state of the Tigers as they are in now. Nor did he foresee the irreversible progress made by the armed forces during the last two years."

    Can you post a link to an article of any defense columnist who DID predict what is happening right now?

    I for one am glad that the Tigers got a surprise.

    "Athas could not dilute our optimism; we, patriots, made up our mind even before reading his columns;"

    I would like to know whether or not "patriots" have even read his articles. The same Iqbal had criticized the UNF govt. for neglecting the country's security; one of the previous article cites a US military report about the LTTE's buildup in Trinco.

    Here he criticizes the SLMM (very telling of the Norwegians' attitude during the CFA):

    And here's a meeting with Mahinda (in better days):

  155. ho ho!!

    mia no longer mia!

    now gloves have come off.

    things started happening when pakkalanka mounted what he STRONGLY suspected as mia's arsee!!

    momma mia!

  156. OK, OaOA is known for not throwing punches or “beating about the mulberry bush”…nor is he on a popularity contest in this blog (yep, he’s not a politician yet; LMSSAO!!!) so here goes something that is bound to be somewhat controversial …


    [I was there during the two elections canvassing for the party in power and was disgusted to see the unnecessary violence.]

    It’s funny you say this as I was there myself lending material/moral support to the ruling party and witnessed violence from ALL quarters.

    The RW UNP arseholes did their best to threaten, frighten, and even bribe the populace to vote against MR GOSL in these elections (so that upon winning, they can destroy the morale of the fighting forces by saying “war is not the answer, but peace” and give a lifeline to the LTTE MFs) and there were number of times they too resorted to sheer violence and got arrested. However, yes, there was violence from the GOSL side as well and in all fairness to the Police, I did witness incidences where they too got arrested (and rightfully so). The point here is that the arrests SL police made were not only from the RW’s Urine Pee party, but from the GOSL side as well.

    Now besides this “election violence” which is nothing new to our perfectly peaceful motherland ;) I am a tad worried about the following from you:

    [In spite of pleading with prez,our principal of our collage in Kandy was asked leave the country on charges that was not proved or unfounded, just because he did not give in to unreasonable demands and intrusion into it’s running by the none christian lobby and the powerful politicians who want their kin admitted through the back door.]

    Now now Kevin…let us be sure here shall we?

    Are you not the same guy who said in this blog how you can vouch for your "family friend" J. S. Tissainayagam who was arrested by the SL AT Police sleuths for being an undercover agent for the LTTE?

    You swore at that time that he was innocent and even wanted us to pick up his cause – which I almost did by personally calling Colombo. Alas, something told me to hold-off and jumping jackflash, it came out in not-too-late-order how much of a LTTE mole this bastard was and as such, how he was now worthy of full prosecution under the laws of our land!

    Therefore, Kevin, as much as I like you and respect you as patriot (which is not what’s in question here - I assure you), I caution you to take things with the “utmost caution” when it comes to our national security.

    I am sure we all can say some wonderful stories about our wonderful “Tamil friends” who did “this and that” and then did “that and this,” but at the end of the day mate, what we all need to bear in mind is that Sri Lanka’s TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY & NATIONAL SECURITY is SACRED and NOTHING (in my view, not even any GOD belonging to anybody!) should take precedence over it!

    OaO Asithri

  157. This is very interesting...
    suspence, action, drama...
    love stories, betrayals, double games, impersonations....
    all here in DN

    who needs tv.


  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. Bloody hell…mamma MIA has turned out to be the discarded douche bag we suspected all along!

    The once seemingly erudite “defense analyst” who changed overnight once MR GOSL was formed and started doing his bloody best to demoralize the SL defense establishment (for $$$ what else) with his doom & gloom predictions has now been laid bare!!!

    [And how is the defense establishment helping the bereaving families of soldiers from the villages by covering up corruption taking place at the top???? Do you think that remaining silent over disasters like Mihin Air which are ultimately sucking resources away from the war effort will help the soldiers????]

    So, Wijeyballa, now we are worried about the “corruption taking place at the top” uh? How sweet…how much this is like the MIA=Iqbal Athas!!! Wow!!!

    For good measure, I see “Mihin Air” was also thrown into the equation (which has nothing to do with the “defense establishment”)…wow!!!

    A word of kind advice from humble OaOA…

    How about MIA=WijeBalla=IA (real or unreal, who gives a flying fcuk I say)…why don’t you first bend down at the SLN jetty in Colombo facing the sea and pick up that gleaming coin…LMSSAO!!!

    Bloody filthy anti-SL scumbag…you thought you were clever uh? You forget that some of us in this blog are actually the ones who have reached the pinnacle…an enviable stature in the “mightiest of the mighty” in the Western world’s business/technology/intelligence spheres and no, we did not get there by sucking eggs laid by your type of filthy gook!!!


    OaO Asithri

  160. OAOA said,

    "Sri Lanka’s TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY & NATIONAL SECURITY is SACRED and NOTHING should take precedence over it!"

    Yes Asithri my brother; this is THE right attitude and this should prevail OVER EVERYTHING.

    a small e.g.

    ppl talk about human rights which is a good thing. but what they don't understand is that there are things called FUNADAMENTAL RIGHTS which are ENFORCABLE (unlike HR), which are NOT ARBITRARY and ARE EQUAL FOR EVERYONE (unfortunately HRs are NOT even discussed that way).

    so FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS must be protected FIRST above HRs. how to protect FRs??? by protecting the COUNTRY and its CONSTITUTION because those are the things that SUSTAIN FRs.

    destroying the pillars of FRs for HRs is therefore the STUPIDEST thing to do.

    BTW FYI, NO god has ever advocated division of this country. i'm sure gods don't want ppl in this island to get visas to visit them!!!!!

  161. OK, one last word...before I fly away into the night (for “night duty” :)

    Heard today SLA has taken delivery of some "goodies" that should just about now be reaching Vavuniya...some cool, deadly stuff I am told.

    Stay tuned for some illuminating (in more ways than one I am told!), fireworks...

    :)) :)) :))

    Catch you patriots later...TC

    OaO Asithri

  162. Well seems that small ltte group in YALA has fired upon the SLDFs..

    A soldier is said to be injured & taken to hospital.

    Mosquito bites continues...
    But has to be CAREFULL...

  163. guys,

    our fears are CONFIRMED!!

    and i'm sure the writer of the article in TN reads DW & DN.

    we (i) SUSPECTED that the term THAMIZ EEXHAM is used to BULLSHIT the world that tamils in SL are different to tamils in tamil homeland (tamil nadu).

    we guessed right.

    there is a new article in TN by that same AKAZAAN which i bashed here a few months ago. BTW his correct name should be akalan.

    he says,
    "The instances cited above imply that in the earliest available Tamil usages the word Eezham not only stood for the geographical identity of the island but also denoted the ethnic and cultural identity of the Tamils coming from that island, differentiating them from the Tamils of the mainland."

    what fcuking bastards are these tamilnett toilet cleaners???

    in their fcuking logic, tamil nadu is the homeland of tamils BUT thamiz eezham is the homeland of thamiz (SL ones) who are different!!!!!

    screww thamiz eezham to such an extent their zeds become els!!!!!!

  164. Boneheads that couldn't eat their own words are trying to justify Thamizh Eezham.

    'Thamizh Eezham is a geographical as well as political term. It indicates the geographical regions belonging to Tamils in Eezham, the Tamil homeland in Eezham and the political goal of nation state aspired by the Tamils of Eezham.'


    TamilNut Anonymoused

  165. The SLA is at the doorsteps of Kili and Tamilnut is blabbering on about the etymology of Eelam, what great timing.

  166. Inside Sri Lanka: Part 3 of our invesigative series
    Stewart Bell, National Post
    Published: Monday, September 22, 2008

    TRINCOMALEE, Sri Lanka -- Supreme Commander Pillaiyan has spent most of his life wearing the jungle camouflage uniform of the Tamil Tigers.

    He joined the guerrillas at age 16, angry at the hardships faced by Sri Lanka's Tamil minority and the rough way they were treated by the country's armed forces.

    But four years ago, disillusioned with the Tamil Tigers' longtime leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, he was among thousands of guerrillas who defected to the government side.

    He now wears a beige safari suit and black loafers and serves as Chief Minister of Sri Lanka's Eastern Province, although he still answers to his nom de guerre, Pillaiyan.

    In an interview at his ultra-secure headquarters on Trincomalee harbour, he said that Tamil Tigers supporters in countries like Canada are misguided and should stop sending money to the separatist rebels.

    "A lot of these people who keep shouting ‘we want a separate state' are not aware of what the conditions are here," said Pillaiyan, whose real name is Sivanesathurai Santhirakanthan.

    That view was echoed by his former commander, Colonel Karuna Amman, who also left the Tigers to help the government.

    Colonel Karuna said money sent from abroad to help civilians in guerrilla-held areas was routinely used to buy arms. He called Canada the number one source of external income for the guerrillas, followed by Switzerland.

    He said while Canadians might believe the money they send to Tiger-controlled areas is being used for humanitarian aid, Prabakaran uses it all to buy military hardware instead.

    "They use all the money for the war," he said, the first senior guerrilla to speak publicly about the Tamil Tigers' reliance on cash from Canada. "They didn't give anything to the people."

    The money from overseas feeds not civilians but a procurement network that buys weapons, often from former Soviet countries, and ships them to the island, he said.

    "They have a lot of money. They bought many ships for smuggling arms," he said. "Diaspora people, they don't understand what is happening in Sri Lanka."

    Trincomalee is a northern industrial city with a deep water harbour and long white sand beaches that were hammered by the Asian tsunami of December 26, 2004.

    The city sits at the top of the Eastern Province that encompasses the coastal fishing villages along the warm Indian Ocean. While many in the east are Tamils, there is also a large Muslim population, unlike northern regions such as Jaffna, which are almost exclusively Tamil.

    This used to be Tiger country.

    It was part of the crescent-shaped swath of Sri Lanka where the Tamil Tigers controlled territory they envisioned would become part of their independent state.

    All that changed in 2004 when Colonel Karuna, who was the eastern commander of the Tamil Tigers, defected to the government and took his 6,000 rebel fighters with him.

    It was a devastating loss for the Tamil Tigers. With Karuna's departure, the guerrillas lost the entire eastern branch of their territory.

    It has also cost Karuna; he is almost certainly near the top of the Tamil Tigers' list of assassination targets. To interview Karuna, the National Post was taken by van to a secure location in Colombo.

    Colonel Karuna is a controversial figure in Sri Lanka. He only recently returned to Colombo from the U.K., where he was briefly imprisoned for entering the country on a fake diplomatic passport he says was supplied by Sri Lankan officials.

    Britain deported him this summer, although human rights groups had urged the government to charge him with war crimes. His faction is allegedly responsible for murders, abductions, intimidation and child recruitment - allegations he denied in the interview.

    Karuna, who spent 22 years in the Tigers, said he broke with Prabhakaran in a dispute over Norwegian-brokered peace talks. Karuna thought there was a good deal on the table but Prabhakaran wanted to restart the war, he said. So Karuna announced he was leaving.

    "He got angry with me, but he's a very angry person," he said. "I told him, ‘I don't want to fight with you, we are brothers and sisters.'"

    Nonetheless, clashes soon erupted between the northern and eastern factions of the Tigers. The Sri Lankan military and Karuna's faction of ex-Tigers teamed and cleared the eastern province of rebels. Today the region is in government hands and development projects are underway.

    Karuna has since formed the Tamileela Peoples Liberation Tigers (TMVP), which in addition to being a paramilitary group, registered itself as a political party.

    When the government called a provincial election in the east in May, the TMVP fielded candidates and fared well enough that one of Karuna's commanders, Pillaiyan, was appointed chief minister.

    "Prabhakaran had no political vision," Pillaiyan said in an interview. "If the Sri Lankan Army hits, he wants to hit back. He really relished hitting back, fighting, rather than thinking politically, where do we go from here?"

    Pillaiyan knew where he wanted to go. He not only abandoned the rebels, he also entered politics. That a former child guerrilla is now in charge of one of Sri Lanka's most needy provinces has unnerved some. But others see it as a sign of hope that Tamil rebels can abandon the war and pursue their goals through other means.

    Pillaiyan, who has a Grade 8 education, said he was among a group of about 130 youths who joined the Tamil Tigers in the eastern city of Batticaloa at about the same time.

    In 1993, he was sent north to the Wanni for arms training. He spent the next four years with the rebels in Wanni and Jaffna before returning to Batticaloa, where he spent a year before going back north in 2000.

    His idealism began to wane when he noticed that guerrilla cadres from the east were doing most of the hard fighting, while northern Tigers like Prabhakaran seemed to stay safely away from the front. "There was this feeling among the cadres in the east that they were being used as cannon fodder," he said.

    In 2002, the Tamil Tigers entered into a ceasefire agreement with the government, but Pillaiyan said Prabhakaran simply used the lull to prepare for the next round of war.

    "The LTTE members of the east, since they had sacrificed more cadres, they were not keen on another fight and they felt the leadership was not leading them to any worthwhile point," he said.

    The east is no longer an active war zone but it has problems. Although a legitimate political party, the TMVP is still an armed faction with a militia that carries AK-47s. The TMVP has also been accused of election violations, forcible conscription of children and abductions of opponents.

    In addition, the Tamil Tigers have re-infiltrated fighters back into the east to attack TMVP supporters and security officers. Earlier this month, the Tigers bombed Trincomalee using a small aircraft.

    But the Tigers appear to have bigger problems than Karuna and Pillaiyan right now; an aggressive military advance has them backpedalling in their northern stronghold and possibly close to total collapse. Should the Tigers fall in the north, the government says it intends to replicate there what it has done in the Eastern Province: clear the region of any remaining guerrillas, hold elections and begin development work.

    "We will restore democracy, as we did in the east," said Palitha Kohona, the Sri Lankan Foreign Secretary. Funding for reconstruction and rehabilitation will quickly be made available, he added. "The goal is to give the young an alternative to violence in mosquito-infested jungles."

    After that, the government will try to address some of the long-term problems by giving the Tamil-dominated regions more autonomy, he said. "The idea is to devolve as much power as possible to the provinces."

    Just how much power can be a touchy subject: Tamils have been subjected to decades of repression under Sinhalese-dominated governments and want some degree of autonomy; at the same time, hardline members of the country's Sinhalese majority want to keep a strong central government and do not want to hand Tamils a de facto state.

    For the moment, Pillaiyan has more practical matters to deal with like what to do about the thousands of former Tamil Tigers fighters struggling to adjust to civilian life.

    "We have one major problem. That is how to take care of the cadres and their families...because not all of them have an education," he said. "The highest priority has to be given to that because they also bought into this."

    Another priority: resettling the thousands of families displaced by the fighting. On top of that, abductions and disappearances remain "a very serious problem for us," he said.

    Pillaiyan believes if he can succeed in the east, Tamil guerrillas will realize there is a better way, but he holds out no hope that Prabhakaran will surrender his dream of a Tamil homeland called Tamil Eelam.

    "Prabhakaran will not give up his thought of a Tamil Eelam. So long as Prabhakaran is there he will always want people to believe that he can deliver Tamil Eelam, and Tamil Eelam in his vision includes the east as well."

    But he believes the Tamil Tigers are almost finished, bottled up in the north, having lost 60% of their territory and running out of fighting men and women.

    "He can't go on like this because there is a limit to the manpower that he commands," Pillaiyan said. "Just by shortage of manpower he will lose."

  167. The info from both DefenseNet and DefenceWire is music to my ears.I cannot believe that SLanka has suffered this LTTE Barathanatyum Bshit for 30 yrs and has been the LTTE thaamil diasphora "playground" for the same amount of time.I cannot believe what i am reading..The next step of this EDUCATION..Lets hit these LTTE di-ass-phora buffoons where it really the western job market.Theruwan Saranai to our troops.Way to go Gen Fonseka...Way to go!!!.May GOD guide our forces to victory.

  168. Heavy fighting irrupted in Kokavil,Mankulam,Akkarayankulam.
    41 LTTE carders killed. 10 bodies recovered.

  169. lankaputhra,
    No offence to you.Screw this Fish 'n' chips and packet of crisps fucker Stewart.His biggest worry is peace in SLanka.May loose some income or job..He cant really report on georgia,iraq,Afganistan etc..wonder why..even if he is not assigned to this area.Without a job how can one go on holidays to those "exotic" locations around the world and educate ones kids?....he needs war situations in this world to justify his employment.

  170. SriLankan
    this is all about politics Canadian election is on the way...
    Do you think any country in this world really care about us?
    means Tamils or Sinhalese?
    Di-aaspora always put white figure in front to show that they are in their side..believe me it is not..The world knows Tamils (LTTE) are thieves and corrupted assH***

  171. lankaputhra,
    Fully agree mate.We have only "api wenuwen api".I have nothing against peace loving tamil people.However this LTTE di-ass-phora bullshit has gone on long enough.Hopefully we will see a new Slanka in the making.

  172. Asithri
    I am glad that you were there giving all the support at the two recent elections and we were there too, hardly had the time to our selves or to meet our own folks. We just wanted to make sure that the greens would not get in there.
    Point taken that there’s violence in both sides.UNP was known for it’s thughry from the time of our independence and SLFP being the party of the common man does not expect thugs and u/g gangsters like Mervin to speak for us or represent us in the streets. It was likes of us who went to the villages to speak to the people in EP(though I was in UK that time). where prez had to compel the MPs to go there to canvess.This time we were there personally, just as we did during CBK’s elections so after she was elected the notorious ones ruled the streets where you heard the Udatalawinna incident and we the party workers were punished by the enraged mobs whose votes we sought and my brother’s house was smashed by the people from Udatalawinna,where most of my humble workers came from, where we sought the votes from. Once in power nobody seems to cares for us but harm us in our day to day lives.
    You also mention about one Tissanyagam being a family friend and I am so sorry that you got that wrong there as I don’t know this guy, perhaps he is one of the teachers who is supposed to be a ltte man, so what has the innocent principal got to do with it? There are ltte plants every where in our country. we know what’s behind his expulsion, which we think is corruption which he tried to weed out, unfair requests by some powerful people to admit their children through the back door, trying to impose their dogma and ethos on that school by a notorious faction of the old boys. Also there is a case in courts against a person, with connections with the powerful who is trying to grab the collage land on a false deed etc.
    So my friend the principal seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and all this talk about national security is a lot of excuses to get ones own way in that prestigious collage.
    I also made an urgent request to the Prez in person when he was in London asking him to get Mervin off the backs of my dear friend in ward place where his goons have occupied her house in ward Place by force, a house her Sinhalese husband who had lived there all their lives, but they are still there and nothing is done and they have been threatened not to go to police or courts.Cinnoman garden police are scared to do any thing. If they lose their lives we will not let that go after all this woman’s brother campaigned for MR in places like Ampare and remote places in EP and in Kandy areas. We are vey angry that the government and our leaders have abandoned us. Meet me personally if you can and I will show how unhappy we are and I find it a mistake investing so much in SL.When you meet the Prez in NY ask him why he has not responded to our requests on the two matters and are we nobody?We don’t ask favours from them but justice and that’s all.

  173. Kevin,

    I'm just shocked at the way these politicians treat their own supporters!! Even though I'm not a contributor to DN and DW blogs I have read your previous contributions and its unlikely to me that you have any separatist agenda. If this is the kind of corrupt political leadership we have, we better throw them out sooner rather than later.
    I think our boys in the forces can accomplish their task without these political scum!

  174. Katch
    I am not critical of the MR government at all but sad and he is doing a good job giving the right support to our forces to finish these terrorist scum. These separatists have no justification for a separate state and I having business connections in UK,Singapore and Malaysia I must say how tolerant the majority Sinhalese are to the minorities in the island, which we can’t see the same level of tolerance and accommodation by the majority in other countries and if the Tamils can’t see that and that would be their folly. With respect to politicians worldwide they are not very honest must we have to make do with them and sincerely hope that they would be of some service to the people who put them there and to serve all the people irrespective of their political affiliations. We hope and pray that the people in power will do the best for our country and there are not to accumulate wealth for themselves. Must listen to the labour party conference speech our PM,bye!

  175. Asithri, Kevin,

    Saw your comments and counter comments about Trinity College Headmaster’s sudden and inexplicable deportation from Pukka(?) Land. Having my roots in Kanda Udarata and having some links with Trinity Lions I found the events surrounding this sudden deportation quite intriguing and did some research on it. Quite by a stroke of luck I managed to get some information out of a proverbial “horses” mouth which I could share with you if you email me – address on my blogger profile. Cheers.

  176. E'lu / He'la / Seeha'la / Simha'la / Sinhala / Salai / Seiladiba / Serendib / Ceylon
    (In MTL transliteration: Eḷu / Heḷa / Sīhaḷa / Simhaḷa / Siṅhaḷa)

    Among this group of words, the usage of Seeha'la is the earliest attested by epigraphical evidence. A second or third century AD inscription found at Nagarjunakonda of Andra Pradesh in India refers to a Buddhist monastery as Seeha'la Vihaara (monastery either built by people form Seeha'la or occupied by people from Seeha'la).

    - Tamilnut


  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. Prabha,

    What Tamil Nut is trying to do is to create a bogus case to differentiate Eela and Helu/Hela. In fact in the Indian identification of Hela Dveepa is Ela.

    The LTTE goons have fought 30 years to create a Hela Dveepa. Now they are like the Cat who shit on the rock. Trying to give a different meaning to Hela/Ela.

    What a bunch of fake jokers.. ? LOL!


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