A disaster was averted today when Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troops uncovered a Claymore mine from a suburb in Jaffna. The speciality of this mine was its weight. The mine weighed 25KG, marking it one of the heaviest of the type to be found in the history of Eelam Wars.
It is a well known fact that LTTE uses claymore mines to attack military convoys and VVIP escorts as well as civilian targets such as buses and trains. Average weight of the mines they have so far used hovers around the 10Kg mark. The mine uncovered today surpasses this margin by a good 15Kg. The 25kg mine, if exploded in a populated area, could have caused widespread destruction to both lives and property.
25KG !
ReplyDeleteOOOOOOH !
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBelow is not really related to defence.
However if any of our ex-force members are interested, I'm sure there are enough people to train them.
golden year of lankan IT industry
Let me know if I can help any way since have number of years outsourcing experience in hand.
ReplyDeletethanks for the info mate.
"ts the sesame seed oil culture and mentality. There is something inherently wrong with these people. Jaffna should be isolated and treated like a lunatic asylum."
Undercover LTTE cadres smuggle these weapons in. Something is wrong with the LTTE yes. But not with majority of the population in Jaffna that are civilians.
ReplyDeleteAll news related to the ongoing offensives.
Among senior military officials implicated by the Commission are former commander of the Army Lt. General Lionel Balagalla, Former Commander of the Navy and Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Daya Sandagiri and former Air Force Commander Air Vice Marshal Jayalath Weerakkody and several other senior military officials involved in the procurement process.
By Ranga Jayasuriya
@ LBN / Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Presidential Commiss-ion which investigated the procurement of arms for the Sri Lankan armed forces during the period of 2000 to 2005 has ruled that allegations against the ex commanders of the Sri Lankan Army, Navy, Air Force and several other senior officers have been established, LAKBIMAnEWS learnt.
“Tender procedures had not been followed, apparently no tenders had been called at all in certain incidents,” a well placed Commission source said. “Most of the time, the procurement process had been conducted arbitrarily under the pretext of national security, “ he said. The three member Presidential Commission chaired by Justice Shirani Thilakawardene last week presented its report to the President.
Among senior military officials implicated by the Commission are former commander of the Army Lt. General Lionel Balagalla, Former Commander of the Navy and Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Daya Sandagiri and former Air Force Commander Air Vice Marshal Jayalath Weerakkody and several other senior military officials involved in the procurement process.
According to findings, the Sri Lankan Navy has ordered and paid the Colombo Dockyard Ltd for a fleet of ten Dvora Fast Attack Craft with the specified craft length of 27 meters. However, the craft the SLN received was three meters short of the specifications mentioned in the tenders.
“No gainsaying that these FACs are of inferior quality,” quipped a naval official.
In another incident, the SLN under its former Commander Admiral Sandagiri had pursued a deal to purchase archaic 30 mm Oerlikon (GCM-A/A32) gun systems to mount on Naval Dvora Fast Attack Craft. The supplier was UK’s Royal Ordinance. The deal was abandoned after Admiral Sandagiri’s successor, Vice Admiral Vasantha Karannagoda wrote to the President expressing strong reservations about the deal. The SLN later purchased much superior Bush Master 30 mm gun systems at one forth of the cost of the Oerlikon system.
The Presidential Commission was appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to investigate the procurement of arms for the three Armed Forces during the period 2000-2005.
ReplyDeleteI read comments by various readers over the last few weeks and can not believe how impatient some of them are. I don't know why do they want our soldiers to march into LTTE territory at F1 speeds.
The same situation was there when our forces were marking time before the final thrust to liberate the MavilAru anicut.
Also on the verge of Vakarei liberation people were starting to question their ability.
People couldn't wait until Army gradually moved to liberate the Thoppigala.
This is war, not sports. Wait and see. As long as casualties are minimum and their is a goal in sight you should be happy.
ReplyDeleteSome of you wondered as to how the savages man five fronts simultaneously when the numbers are down as reported.
All-out-war has not broken out at any of the fronts yet and the attacks are still carried out by especially trained small teams. In short, the army has gone into guerilla mode, when terrorists were on conventional mode - running civilian administration; use of artillery and tanks, even if they are captured ones; running an air force with the world's shortest and most inhospitable runway, to name but a few. This is something long overdue and the guy or the team who came up with this strategy is a genious in the making, who can be elevated to the ranks of Napoleon, Wellington and Lord Nelson.
So, the number game is not an issue yet; the battle plan has made the savages guessing what the army was up to - months, at least. They are no-where near craking that code.
Yes, folks all I can say is the battle field is as hot has the private parts of female savages, fuelled by eastrogen. The issue is how we deal with them; in both cases, the choice of weapon and its role in combat, is crystal clear, isn't it? So, let them take the plunge.
I did not see anyone single out David Blacker for using filth?
ReplyDeleteHowever I am ashamed to say that I enjoy this battle between Asithri and Blacker. I am even more ashamed to say if you can eliminate your mothers / relatives and other people from your colourful expletives and simply take apart only yourselves I wouldn't mind too much of it..
ReplyDeleteI am with you; we never thought army made what they did in the East. I must confess I was one them.
They conqured Mavil Aru, after a great battle, followed by Sampur, Vakarai. The army claimed 90% was under its contrlol only to ridiculed by the UNP, and the foreign media. Then came the mortar attack on the ambassadors on landing in Batticoloa. We lost morale and hope; gloom broke out in the country and army was picked on again for raising false hopes. Then came the Thoppigala victory. We were jubilant again.
Our emotions have never been consistent. So, that is where a correction is needed, not the strategy of the army that is based on experience and intelligence. So, far there is no reason to believe they got everything wrong - far from it.
ReplyDeleteDo n't take it too serious mate. It's easy any one to type than getting something done.
Unfortunately they type fast than they can think.
I hope the security forces stop trusting the priests up north. Six soldiers dead because they wanted them to clean and reconstruct the church. These priests have more than enough money to hire workers to do something like that, why do they demand the free services of the security forces?
ReplyDeleteFully agreed mate. From my point I started to ignore those personal conversations.
Some times too many Defence experts are too dangerous for blog as well as country.
ReplyDeleteAny idea what their target was? Was it a tank or something, to use such a huge bomb?
ReplyDelete"25kg claymore mine uncovered in Jaffna"
Did our officers get some info from civilians related to above mine?
ReplyDeleteHey guys its from jaffna or Ampara .. defence.lk says a huge weapon dump was captured by the STF in AMPARA
Here's the inventory.
ReplyDeleteMan 04 25 Kg Claymore Mines!
The one in Jaffna could be meant to be used at an opportune moment for an appropriate target.
Item Quantity
T-56 ammunition 99000
RPG rounds 70
RPG chargers 75
AP mines 259
AP fuses 13 boxes
Bangalore Torpedo 17
MPMG tripod 01
MPMG 900
Electrical Detonators 250
Non electrical detonators
Claymore mines (25kg) 04
Land mines 15kg) 03)
Motorbikes 03
discovery on 1 25kg claymore in jaffna and 4 more in Ampara are two separate incidents.
ReplyDeleteWas this claymore ready to blow, or was it hidden somewhere? It's not clear....
What damage can this claymore mine do?
ReplyDeleteThalladi church damaged in LTTE artillery attack- Mannar
ReplyDeletedefence.lk 'These soldiers were participating in a "Shramadana" campaign as the request made by the Rev. Father of the St. Sebastian church, security sources further said'
why Rev. is not making any comments on this? it's so sad...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBro-What has happened to Mr Brown.
Has he lost fiercely debatable articles?
ReplyDeleteI found this
ReplyDeleteThis is how the spineless TAMILEDITORS report yeasterdays artilary attack on church which killed 6 valiant soldiers.
This is what the GOSL should counter with right propaganda.
ReplyDeleteThis is why some people find the Hon MR so threatening.The point is once this LTTE affair is over some people are scared that all their crooked deals since 1970 will come to light.The reason some want to come to power is so that they can whitewash these details.They should be perseuted and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.The chances are under cross examination they will reveal a mass web of corruption at the uppermost levels during 2000-2005.
I am just worried for the presidents life.I am also worried for Mr Muralitharan.He is a prime target for the LTTE because he is a symbol of unity of our peoples and also a tamil citizen not to mention a wizz at cricket.
ReplyDeleteAny news about the casualty counts of the 59th division would be greatly appreciated.Pls keep us updated when you have the time and info.
Hey guys thats true SLA using the church as a cover ..in Sampur also they made camps inside the hospital territory..there two doubts that make sure the SLA using the church for undercover
ReplyDelete1. there wasn't any civilian injured in that incident.. hows that possible when a arti fire hits the church; there were only soldiers around there. It says there was Shramadana campaign ; so there must be civilians or the father should be there.
2. The Father didn't comment in this incident why is that.....? confusing
ReplyDeleteMannar Assistant Diocesan Bishop condemns the LTTE attack at the cathedral
(Lanka-e-News, 2008 Feb 13, 2.50 PM) Mannar Assistant Diocesan Bishop Rev. Victor Sobei has condemned the LTTE mortar and artillery attack on February 12th morning at St. Sebastian Cathedral in Thalladi, Mannar.
He says that the firing damaged the church building immensely although civilians and priests wee not harmed.
Six Army soldiers of Thaladi camp who were clearing the church building on a request from the priests were killed and further ten were injured in the incident. Rev. Sobei expresses the condolence to the Army.
-Dinasena Rathugamage-Vavuniya-
ReplyDeleteyou mean the LTTE arti fire hit the church only ...? but the military spokes person said the shells were fall around the THALLADI base(not inside the base) soldiers who are on duty in out side post also killed and injured due to this attack ...
its still confusing
ReplyDeleteyou mean the LTTE arti fire hit the church only ...?
Nobody says it. I haven't seen any report saying 'only church hits'
Maybe LTTE knows that solders are in the church premises that time.
ReplyDeleteMost of you were pretty downbeat recently. You don't have to be.
According to my man, the forces are ready to land in Vanni heartland in April. Prabhakaran & Comapany Ltd need more than a miracle to turn things otherwise.
Yes, we were led to believe by a section of the media that it has reached a stalemate, because forces maintain a dignified silence.
Sometimes silence can speak louder than words and the above spectacle is a case in point.
ReplyDeleteThats not easy coz LTTE also mined their cost line and the sea tigers also watching the SLN's activities... for that SLA must have a elite unit like MARINES(USA) ... but SLA still don't have
ReplyDeleteIs capturing Vanni really make us win ? I dont think LTTE have big stllements their. If we captute the vanni LTTE carders will dissolve amoneg the civiliance or to the jungle. Dont forget, small teams can do lot of damages than we imagine. Think what happend in Yala & Buthala.
I think what we need is destroy as much as fighters & weapons. Then prevent regaining & let it die naturally
ReplyDeleteBro you have made my day.
"Thats not easy coz LTTE also mined their cost line and the sea tigers also watching the SLN's activities... for that SLA must have a elite unit like MARINES(USA) ... but SLA still don't have"
What is this bloody cost line, you are referring to? Is it the cleavage in the middle of Soosai's arse?
ReplyDeleteThe priests who actively encourage terrorism must be confined to a different sector and named them as Pather Neyyos.
If you know any Sinhales bloke, ask him to reverse the two words in rhyme!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure mate; no figment of imagination, I assure you.
ReplyDeleteJust what we've been waiting for,finally..hope those criminals will be severely punished for swindling public funds!!..
David blacker,c'mon dude,don't get provoked by arse's like arse-i-try(hehe)..you are much better than that!!comeback & blog @ defnet.. :)
Germany halts aid to SL. Prepares to force EU to imply sanctions on SL.
ReplyDeleteMembers of the current EU-troika (germany, france and uk?) plans visit to SL in March.
SLA - rush into vanni or die slowly by sactions.
ReplyDeleteBro, I hardly read the LNP mate. Just filter out what only needed.
btw, what's ur mail address pls?
ReplyDeleteOur forces use small groups instead of conventional war tactics to avoid large casualties. This method is so far great. However, I guess it may take at least two years, to capture whole north (if we advance, with small groups).
But one has to remember that TIME is another important factor. As war extends, people may change their mind (this happened in history several times). International pressure may build up. In long run, military, economic, civil targets may be attacked.
This came into my mind when I saw the headline of pro-UNP site http://www.lankaenews.com/Sinhala/news.php?id=4441
(LEN seems to be so excited with this!) .
ReplyDeleteDid'nt the LTTE use 30-50kg RDX filled shape charge barrel mines to knock out IPKF T-72 MBTs?
We have to keep this place with out getting disturbed by unwanted visitors.
I'm sure my bro's an sis's do know who are the unwanted strangers.
We have to keep this place with out getting disturbed by unwanted visitors.
I'm sure my bro's an sis's do know who are the unwanted strangers."
Wow? How do you define strangers?
Is this blog only for you and few of your friends? I read the blog regularly, but I comment only if I need to say someting.
I feel I am a stranger!
ReplyDeleteSorry, that does not apply to you. This goes long way.. I'm sure if you read some previous articles and comments you will see what I mean.
ReplyDeleteOk. Thanks. I undestand.
ReplyDeleteI'm also same as Saduni. I was upset too.
the boss ;
ReplyDeleteGOSL thinks that they can fool the IC as they fooling their own people ...everyone knows thats GOSl never give a proper political solution for tamils...
I think our guys just started their activities and the SLA just started to knowing about LTTE is ...i don't know what the SLA thinking about LTTE ...
From the previous thread,
It is a shame that you had use such foul language to reply to my post. In doing so you have managed to denigrate this great site.
I never (and have never) said that the capture of Thppigala was a waste! The whole point of my post was to explain the importance of publicising the true losses of the encounters. The MOD is simply treating the sacrifices of these valiant soldiers as spent shell cartridges!
A death of a soldier is merely the final culmination of the vast array of sacrifices a soldier CHOOSES to make in the name of something greater than themselves. They have left their parents, children, family and everything they have ever known for one chance to make a difference not for themselves but for a nation and a generation yet to be born! Its all well good for us arm-chair generals to comment on the events of the conflict from far away in foreign nations but the sacrifices of these young sons of the nation MUST be publicised for the simple reason that a nation and a people will be indebted to these heroes for generations to come and erecting a monument to an unknown number of casualties after the war is criminal!
I might be the only person who feels this way but this is my view and I felt obliged to make them known to my fellow bloggers on this great site.
Thank you
Saduni ;
ReplyDeleteyeah is that the idea that SLA have to beat the LTTE ...thats why LTTE avoid casualties and using the SLA's tactics to beat them in Mannar ... thats the peace of shit ... doing a war slowly sucks the economy...
ReplyDeletemate, do n't worry carry on as normal.
That only applied some brain washed time wasters.
Hey boss u hear this ...the SLA intelligent is shocked after the examined the arti shells ..LTTE have named them as samathanam 2005(Peace 2005) hehehe nice name haa...And they using 40 barrel MBRLS ...!
ReplyDeleteAnother impotent news from AFB have said that the SLA couldn't over run LTTE's territory ....
“...thats why LTTE avoid casualties and using the SLA's tactics to beat them in Mannar ..”
ReplyDeleteThere are few occasions where army lost few of their men. But needless to say that overall, ltte is being beaten so hard. Army tactics are proven to be successful (otherwise they will change their tactics).
“. thats the peace of shit ... doing a war slowly sucks the economy..”
Unfortunate for you, people are so determined. They bear economic hardships and willing to see the end of this war. Remember, war is not something new to people. They live for longtime under war.
Saduni ;
ReplyDeleteI just wanna know how many times the SLA changed their tctics and won the war b4 peace talks ahhh...
"Unfortunate for you, people are so determined. They bear economic hardships and willing to see the end of this war. Remember, war is not something new to people. They live for longtime under war."
Ohh really you people thinks that you all are living in USA or UK ahhh ..its srilanka you all are living in loans from other countries if it continues you all have to sell you country to another ... do u know recently GOSL gave 900 acer to INDIA for some industrial research center
ReplyDeleteno point of answering him. he is providing baseless rubbish. God knows, how he got those facts
ReplyDeleteI would like to believe you when you say that MR is going somthing to tackle corruption in the past years and glad to see in the blog that some armed forces chief’s are under this scrutiny. I am also glad that his brother’s explanation of the MIG deal, which he has correctly explained. I and my friends worked tirelessly for his election in god forsaken places in the East and other areas known to us for the very reason that he will have no nonsense approach to the terrorists and the rampant corruption in the state that is impeding the economy and well being of the country and it’s citizens. As far as we are concerned he has not shown much, when we still see the likes of Mervin Silva still at large and recent occurrence that happened out side my friend’s complex in Kandy where his life was to have been threatened by two vehicles deliberately brought there by persons attached to the security of the country. Instead of dealing head on with the culprits,.Mr or his officials have harmed his business by closing the whole road, putting so many people’s livelihoods in jeopardy and sometimes we wonder if he is in charge of the affairs in the country.
"900 acer to INDIA for some industrial research center"
ReplyDeleteCreates jobs and other academic opportunities.
ReplyDelete"no point of answering him. he is providing baseless rubbish. God knows, how he got those facts"
Mate, Now you do know who i meant by strangers....
machang ,
ReplyDeleteIts in news paper (virekesari)...hey anybody watch the SL vs India match; did u notices any EELAM supporters ahhh
the people who missed the eelam supporters still have chances they can see them on 15 th match SL/AUS
ReplyDeletethe link is
ReplyDeleteSome of your posts are full of misinformation. Either use a credible source or do not post at all. You cant get on our good side by posting one good comment and posting 10 more with statistics pulled out from your own behind.
And we request all our bloggers not to use foul language. this blog is read by all age groups.
ReplyDeleteHe probably got that information from the same place that told him that MBRLs fire artillery shells! LOL..
I thought rocket launchers fired rockets...
Shyam said:
"the SLA intelligent is shocked after the examined the arti shells ..LTTE have named them as samathanam 2005(Peace 2005) hehehe nice name haa...And they using 40 barrel MBRLS ...!"
It seems now LTTE is now adhereing some new methods to attack the forces. They are getting used to our tactics and war methods. 25KG bomb is the best example. Then they will use some chemical substances against the forces. We must remeber our enemy is still more powerful in military terms and tactics. The worst thing is that they are not governed by any war rules.
ReplyDeleteSo I think now we need to change the war strategy. Mass scale destruction to the enemy will lead to the end of this war. That kind of destruction has led the 2nd world war to end.
SnakeVI ,
ReplyDeleteHey if you know tamil then read this out or just get some help from the blog people; some of them know tamil
i don't want to lie in this forum and Indian gov confirmed this news via KALAIGER TV (its a indian channel)
ReplyDeleteWill give you my e-mail shortly.Please bear with me for now.
I know what your saying.He just cant do as he pleases while this war is on.He better shape up (which i think he will)after this is over.We need to end this war first by taking these guys out and take it from there.
I am keeping my fingers crossed.This part of the country is just one large minefield.We need to have the help of surrendered cadres for maps of minefields some of which the army has got i suspect.
Mr.Shyam, why don't you ask your TamilNut to create a blog for terrorists like yourself?
ReplyDeleteLTTE's Path to freedom (death)
Tuth about LTTE Child soldiers
No future left but fear and tears..her eyes says everything..
Were we born to be killed?
While some of our own people comfortably living abroad, we have to fight a meaningless war for a cause which is never going to be true....
Shouldn't i be holding books in my hand instead of this gun???
where r they taking us? to school?
we can feel ur pain....
LTTE - oh noo...we r not recruiting child soldiers...
when can i go to school?
Shyam said...
ReplyDeleteSri Lanka's Supreme Court Wednesday directed the Attorney General (AG) to appoint a committee to look into the grievances, ......
This shows the maturity of the institutions in Sri Lanka, which is still a vibrant democracy depsite a serious terrorist problem. Can you name any other country in the world where the head of state, leaders of the opposition, numerous ministers, numerous legislators have been assasinated by a terrorist organization and a plaintiff is able to bring such a suit. In the USA, some people have been locked away for more than 7 years and the Supreme Court has still not ruled whether they have jurisdiction in those matters.
LTTE - we love child flesh...
180 civilians killed over last six weeks in Sri Lanka: ICRC
Germany wants sanctions if Sri Lanka continues war
Does anyone know if the police stations in the eastern province have bikes for transport?.This is essential specially now because i predict that close to the elections in the eastern province we are going to encounter our bata slipper pistol gang friends with the intent of disrupting the elections.Enough money should be kept aside to chase the pistol gangs across srilanka if necesary and ensure we kill them and not let them escape.I recommend shooting them in the pelvic area with fragmentation bullets.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell us if these German sanctions will adversely affect the war against the LTTE?
Also how possible, considering Germany is one of the G8, that others will follow placing sanctions on Sri Lanka?
They are basically saying "children, no more candy if you don't stop fighting." And say that the war is affecting the lives of the people. It is, but placing sanctions is not going to help either, because we are not your children and we are fighting till the end this time.
My guess is, this will probably affect our economy, but what to do? Maybe some support from other parts of the world would be necessary.
It is a damn shame we dont have the likes of murtah and riggs in the police force.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think the Hon president is cultivating as many friends as he can?..F.x-IRAN..none of these EU countries are helping us as much as IRAN with the concession of oil payments.What do you think the German govt fx would have asked us to do assuming they have oil?
ReplyDeletedude are an idiot? the little girl is Tamilselvans daughter. She wanted to wear LTTE outfit at her daddys funeral to honor him.
so bugger off already about the childsoldiers shit, hillbilly.
I hope the sri lankan government does the pre-mature mistake by calling Germans for Nazis in a official statement. That would be good for the creation of Eelam.
ReplyDeleteSri Lankan,
ReplyDeleteThis is true. But at the same time at the end of the day, we'll still owe something to someone and when we do and the worlds powers shifts they'll be the new west. Bit off topic there.
But anyway, it's still scary, because let's admit it, they've got the biggest baddest guns and for all we know they can do pretty much anything with their political muscle.
Like the invasion of certain countries.
It's blatantly obvious, that they bully us to show the world that they care about human rights abuses. But when the human rights abuses are done by them they stay quiet, no ending wars for the sake of humanity.
ReplyDelete[LTTE supremo Prabhakaran comes out of bunker only at night
Colombo, Feb 13: LTTE supremo Vellupillai Prabhakaran lives in a sprawling air-conditioned bunker complex located 30 feet below the ground, and comes up to the surface only at night to avoid detection, a report said on Wednesday.
Prabhakaran's "extravagant underground bunker is constructed as per his instructions and equipped with air-conditioning and power generators," a newspaper reported, showing a sketch of the alleged bunker mapping.
The bunker is 30-feet deep and divided into two sectors. It has a tunnel which connects to a similar bunker complex, and the rebel leader's room is tucked way in the lower-most floor has two exits, the sketch shows.
A typical day for Prabhakaran, who suffers from hypertension, begins at 5 am when he is served a cup of tea without sugar or milk and is briefed about the battle front at 6.30 am, the report said quoting sources.
"From a powerful radio set Prabhakaran gives instruction to his field commanders though he himself would not talk directly, and asks his confidante to do the talking. If he thinks that communications are not secure, he would insist on communicating through satellite phones at night," it said.
Not in the best of health, the rebel leader's breakfast is simple and is again accompanied by tea without sugar or milk. "Three doctors attend to Prabhakaran and they continuously monitor his health conditions as he suffers from hypertension. His blood pressure is checked twice during the day," it said.
For lunch, his aide prepares food without salt which he "doesn't like at all", but is compelled to eat due to his health.
"He has become a vegetarian because of his illness," it said adding "he has light dinners -- mostly kurakkan (cereal grass whose seed yield somewhat bitter flour) and some gravy". ]
defencenet is this true?
We have to do what we can to survive. It's a dog eat dog world.
ReplyDeleteMost of the pictures from Recently conducted Army Displays
Publish Your Comment
ReplyDeletemore here
ReplyDeleteWe have to give our forces all the material and financial support we can afford.In the iraq/iran war..when the iranian army was marching to meet the iraqi army.there were people linning the streets and offering soldiers things like eggs,bread anything..To those asian-caucasians this is funny but this shows the dediation of their people to their forces.Dont ask me how i know.:)
ReplyDeleteIt is true that we will owe something to somebody but we have to accept the precious freindship of countries like IRAN because it is offered at a time when some of these rich countries are more interested in the LTTE supporting tamil diasphora vote.
Included in this precious friend list are Japan and yes France.
ReplyDeletei forgot ITALY..sorry
ReplyDelete"LTTE fired at church: Official"
How Rayappu Joseph accepts it was LTTE. But strangely the reader is left feeling it was the govt and the army to blame. I have extracted key sentences that does the trick. This is typical of their propaganda which the immature govt propaganda still haven't mastered.
- there are Army camps surrounding the church
- not a main parish church but a sub church
- service has not been held there since the abrogation of the ceasefire agreement.
- no one had been allowed to visit the church
- killing of innocent people all over the country, no matter who is behind them
ReplyDeleteWhen Thallady church was attacked, the pastor and all the civilians escaped unhurt; six poor soldiers got killed.
An unholy chain of events on a holy place - the parish priest has some explaining to do other than condemning the incident.
- It was quite strange to request the army to clean their church in a middle of war.
ReplyDelete- While the cleaning was going on, none of the priests were at the location supervising the cleaning.
- They chose (sacrificed?) a "sub-church" not the main one.
- The shells fired from 15km away accurately hit the target (Predtermined?).
They have a track record of making use of the good nature of the soldiers to attack them in return.
The sinking of a Navy vessel off Mannar shores also similar. They alerted the Navy pretending to need help but blew up the vessel as it got close. The lesson here is, even if you see one of them bleeding and gasping for air somewhere along the road, just ignore.
If that church has been used as a murderous trap to kill the soldiers, then it is OK by me to raise that place to the ground and even God has favoured me with many virtues in life because of my honest and straight forward attiude,after all that place is house meant to murder people, defending ones country against terror. Churches can be rebuilt but not lives lost.
ReplyDeleteYou're wasting time....shyam never accepts logical explanations and facts. Once he gets an idea into his head it stays there, no matter what the evidence against it are
Greets patriots…
ReplyDeleteNow this is the type of news that makes me want to open that $400/bottle Champaign!
[Sri Lanka military says 475 Rebels killed in last two weeks]
Feb 13 (CP) Colombo- Sri Lanka military spokesman Brigadiar Udaya Nanayakkara today said within the last two-week period 475 Tamil Tiger rebels were killed in battles between the security forces and the rebels in the North.
Addressing a media briefing this morning in Colombo the spokesman said in the period between Jan 30th and Feb 12th 475, LTTE terrorists were killed and many more injured. He put security forces losses at thirty nine killed and 178 injured. ]
Now even if we discount the MOD given 475 figure by 50% (due to certain embellishment that’s bound to creep into MOD counts), I would still celebrate!
Any RW=LTTE supporting skunks here who are skeptical of what is being declared by MOD should remember how the LTTE KIA counts kept coming in from MOD when the East was being liberated and how they were holding the same skepticism as now. LTTE hardcore lepers too kept denying, denying through their media outlets until it was game over!
Either way, RW=LTTE pathetic skunks, you can go your way and we patriotic Sri Lankans will go our way! However, do not try to dump a crass piece of horse-shit about LTTE claims or MOD claims in any of the sites that yours truly (and humbly) OaO Asithri visits as he is bound to have a retort for you with facts – basically an unpleasant castration exercise!
OaO Asithri
Renegade to the half-bred Mongrel:
ReplyDelete[David blacker,c'mon dude,don't get provoked by arse's like arse-i-try(hehe)..you are much better than that!!comeback & blog @ defnet.. :)]
My my...how touching! Wow! LMSSAO!
Renegade (who used to come here as “Rifart” earlier until his LTTE cover was blown away as he was constantly fishing for classified SLDF info here) yo, you filthy LTTE excreta-maggot…where have you been worm? You speak of “arse”…LMSSAO!!! You came to the right shop leper…OaO Asithri is the grandmaster of arse-busting of LTTE supporting maggots like you (yes, some of us have seen through your bogus criticism of LTTE and bogus praise of the SLDF as we have had discussions about it in another blog) and the story I have from SLN SBS about that kind of “escapade” involving your kind will make you pi-pi in your panties! Let me know when you want to buy me a drink in NY and chat…I’ll gleefully tell you all about it Maggie!
Well until then, yes, continue to gobble the phallus of the half & ill-bred, RW=LTTE supporting mother-pimp!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
p.s. DefenseNet: My apologies for this “flavored” of response as I had to respond to this “Renegade” with equal flavor (as you can discern from his post). Patriot, I respect you and your effort to keep this commendable blog running and would certainly not do anything to disrupt it willfully. There are some wimpy pansies here (RW caliber) who come complaining to you after they themselves use the “flavored” language…but you can bet that yours truly OaO Asithri will never be so! Unlike these pinky momma’s boy-pimps, OaO Asithri is quite able to look after himself (i.e. as someone who has been threatened with death by LTTE agents in the UK/US and basically has confronted them boldly and told them to “get lost” …well not in those words, but err…I will cease & desist now…LOL)
ReplyDeletechamal ;
ReplyDeleteYov.. show me some evidence in the above comments I've posted...Are you copy and post same sort of comments every time ahhh.....? Did u watch the SIRASA news yesterday they to said about the arrests on tamils....Then how youpeople save the tamils ahh...!
GOSL couldn't save the tamils in south but they saying; they gonna liberate the tamils in north thats bullshit we are not fools ok ...
1st of all gov can't even save their own sinhala people you know ..thats why they giving guns to the village people, it makes them to get killed and no one condemned if anything happen coz they are armed men
Asithri ;
ReplyDeleteDude i just wanna ask you .. according to the SLA they have killed(At least by saying) more than the total which SL intelligent provided ..i think only VP and son are fighting in the wanni and others are dead.... then why don't they march in
Sri Lanka Police in Maradana, Colombo, is embarked upon issuing time stipulated temporary residential 'visas' to all Tamils living in their police jurisdiction while Mukaththuvaram police insists the Tamil residents in their area to provide their personal bank account details in addition to other information, Attorney-at-Law Sumanthiran told the panel of Judges of the Colombo High Court Wednesday. Appearing on behalf of Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC), the Attorney pointed out that it was against the Sri Lankan law for the police to collect such particulars or to limit the time of residence. He added that the procedure will be counted as a gross violation of human rights.
ReplyDelete..."..i think only VP and son are fighting in the wanni and others are dead.... then why don't they march in"...
ReplyDeleteYour pontificating response to me about what war is and how precious a soldier’s life is not needed. What I addressed (albeit with some colorful notions I admit) was your unsubstantiated assertion that Gen. Sarath Fonseka lied about the SLA casualties vis-à-vis the ops that were carried out in the East to liberate that region. What proof have you presented to corroborate that assertion?
Besides, in capital letters you asked that MOD casualty figures not be believed and then again, although I will concede there may be some embellishments of figures up/down from MOD, where is you evidence that MOD claims cannot be believed wholesale? Where is your substantiations thereof?
So, once again, I am not interested in you pontifications, but real facts. If you have no facts, then I would say you should shut your bloody gab as otherwise you can come across as a filthy LTTE leper masquerading here as a “concerned Sri Lankan” (and there are many such here and that’s what they do…prattle all day long about war casualties without facts or results! Keep in mind at least MOD can show tangible results – over 65% of LTTE occupied territory captured in two years!)
OaO Asithri
I know this is not a political forum, but some politics are integral to the issue at heart.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is that some really influential former UNP bureacrats are now firmly behind the govt's push to deal with the international community. Things will change, and soon.
."The good news is that some really influential former UNP bureacrats are now firmly behind the govt's push to deal with the international community. Things will change, and soon."
ReplyDeleteTropical Storm, its good news indeed, hope the UNP will give its full support (even temporoarly) to the Government in its war efforts without finding fault with every move the Government makes in this line. They can fight the Government on other fronts but not the war effort otherwise they are no different to the TNA fellows.
ReplyDelete“i think only VP and son are fighting in the wanni and others are dead... then why don't they march in”
Well, Malathi brigade too got “MBRLvaporized” so our SLA dudes are not horny anymore and feel less motivated.
Now how’s that for an answer to your idiotic, self-denial question?
OaO Asithri
Hay Boss,
ReplyDeleteJust tell me why the original pic was edited to remove the little girl from the pic and published ?? Just after the world saw the tiger kid and the authers realised the mistake ?? Can you she any areticle in TH or somewhere that the TS' daughter was present to pay last respect to her dad ??
Come on with facts men..
ReplyDelete[hope the UNP will give its full support (even temporoarly) to the Government in its war efforts without finding fault with every move the Government makes in this line. They can fight the Government on other fronts but not the war effort otherwise they are no different to the TNA fellows.]
Well said mate. MR GOSL is the only one we have had since this war began that decisively started liquidating the LTTE MF’s and although we admire the MR GOSL for it, it nevertheless must be held accountable for the governance of the country and once this war is over soon we will reserve the right to boot it out of power if It is deemed it is not capable in a non-war climate governance of the country (e.g. it must demonstrate it can compete in this global economy we live in today). We must not be blindly into “party-politics” (the curse of our nation! That is the single most cause why we have this LTTE terrorism today!)
OaO Asithri
Asithri ;
ReplyDeleteDude according your reports all the LTTE are died and there is no one expect VP and his son...then why are worrying about Malathi brigade , and Snipers.
LTTE snipers trigger down 8 SLA on yesterday in PANDIVIRICHARU for the day ... thats bad have to get some traning
ReplyDeleteCan you show any areticle in TN or somewhere that the TS' daughter was present to pay last respect to her dad ??
Hay Shyam,
ReplyDeleteAccording to your reports, LTTE also have gunned down or blasted more than a brigade of SLA, wonder how they are fighting without manpower, Why the govt if not pressurised by the relatives of dead SLA' to stop war and give EElam ??
True Asithri, like what happened to Churchill, after the war if the people feel that they are not capable we should kick them out.
ReplyDeleteI dont know much about military strategy etc, but could someone please tell me how long it would take our planes to go and drop a few bombs from the time they are informed to do so.
ReplyDeleteJust curiouse how much explosives & sorties it will take to bombard every inch of Wanni?
Because Germany has said they are going to ask EU & US to stop garment imports from srilanka to push us to stop the war
I think then the best way is to bombard the entire wanni in 24 hrs kill every one including the animals & win the war within 24 hrs so then these HR violations & dragging war will be finished once for all?
If Hitlar killed 6 million jews in Germany, aapprox 300,000 lives is wanni will be less as per thier standards
ReplyDeleteDo you have any info as to why Hilary.C returned TRO funds for her election campaign.Was it something to do with the sinhala community in the U.S.Your comments will be greatly appreciated.
David did not say that Gen Fonseka lied its just that he did not release the info as far as i remember.If you read his posts he also said that RW the pansy just did not appreciate the strategic victory of the army in thoppi and as a result made these stupid comments about it being just a "jungle".If David ever had a party it is not RW=pansy but the ARMY.
I hope you have joined with other SLankans with similar interests where you are.This will give you a measure of protection and also allow you do accumulate a large quantity of info easyly.This info you gather will be vital in the future because i hope that people from the forces read this blog.
ReplyDeleteMatara Ayiya said its within 6-10 minutes.
Defencenet, can F7 takeoff from other Airbases (Ratmalana, A'Pura,etc.)???
asithri, did you see these phoney pictures? http://www.puthinam.com/full.php?2b34OOA4b3dM6Dp24d01Vog2a03O4AAb4d24ImA4e0d60Mtjce0cf1e02cceUcYU3e
ReplyDeleteapprently, by shaym lol..if true, i say you and i go down to the next cricket match and tak eon all these phoney mythical supporters by buying couple of egg cartons and wearing shirts that says "TE in TN (The new Tamil Eelam in Tamil Nadu" bunch of dumb falkers!
srilankan, lots of people, including organizations like spur as well as sri lankan diplomat in washington d.c. has complained about the remarks and have reported the incidents of TRO/campaign to FBI. If you look all over youtube, there are comments made by sri lankans about how hilary doesnt understand terrorism and is taking money from errorist group LTTE.
ReplyDeleteall in all, this is what has contributed to taking the names down of the big ltte supporters. Few came from tamil doctors who are peelam supporters..
SL ;
ReplyDeleteHa ha you are a great joker...ya thats what we need to just do some in the next cricket match...good luck
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your comments.Greatly appreciated bro.Like i always say we need many more sinhalese overseas to counter these LTTE mf's(borrowed:)) in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteTreat them as cancer patients who going to die within 6-7 months and let them to enjoy their life as much as possible. :)
srilankan, no problem. I can assure you i am doing my all to counter these ltte mfs here in the U.S. at the time.
ReplyDeleteSL ;
ReplyDeleteHey did u watch the match ah...?we were more than 250 ok ...we just wanna let the other people about srilanka thats our mission not the numbers and almost we reached the goal ..
ReplyDeleteIN U.S tamils EELAM supporters are more than you guys.....and the cricket match is going on in AUS ok....
ReplyDeleteIt said the Council "strongly condemns the continuing recruitment and use of children in armed conflict" and "is concerned with the widespread use and systematic use of rape and other forms of sexual violence against children particularly girls in situations of armed conflict."
- Radhika Koomaraswami
No wonder LTTE girls have started carrying condoms. They have become sexual slaves for LTTE "Lt Colonels".
SL ;
ReplyDeleteYa ya we supported the SL team ...thats true ..we are not against for the players ok ...i love srilanka cricket team and supporting them..we were there to not to discourage the players ok ..you got that... If you ask any tamil they will definitely supporting SL cricket team ok..so plz don't bring the racism in sports
Oi Sham,
ReplyDelete/* tamils E-ELAM */
See that 'E' infront? That stands for 'Electronic' or 'Virtual' i.e. only on found on the Internet on WikiPedia etc.
ReplyDeletewhat those phoney peelam supporters are doing is disrupting the sri lankan cricket by having phoney red shirts with half of sri lanka on it lol...They are lucky the sri lankan crowd have yet breaten them up, and your sayign dont bring racism? lol what did you eat for breakfast? Garbage?
ReplyDelete"Hey did u watch the match ah...?we were more than 250 ok ...we just wanna let the other people about srilanka thats our mission not the numbers and almost we reached the goal .."
yes, the tamils from india been trying to reach that goal for the last 30yrs without no luck because why? because its a tamilhomeland in sri lanka is a MYTH.
enough with yoru garbage.
shaym, thats right, YOU LOVEEEEEEEEEE "SRI LANKA" cricket team...haahaha say it loud, say it proud baby! SRI LANKA, ONE COUNTRY, ONE NATION, UNDER ONE FLAG!!!
ReplyDeleteSL ;
ReplyDeleteYeahh thats true always srilanka is one country and EELAM is another country thats what we loved to ...
GUYS .. reminder abt the goon sham...
ReplyDeleteComments with racist remarks, personal attacks and misinformation will be deleted. Replying to any such comment will only encourage the saboteurs to post more. We request all our readers to ignore such postings and continue the discussion without diverting from the theme of the blog.
ignore him until DN get the chance to erase his stupid remarks abt peelam..
ReplyDeleteOn DefenceWire..very interesting news about tiger infilteration into trinco.
Can you kindly shed some light on this article from defencewire..as you see it..Seems like the army campaign is working..We need to appoint a military commander.It is great news about these new defence commitees.
Attack is the Best Defence ;
ReplyDeleteAre you blind... is there any racism comments ahhh?...you know thats you are wrong and your ideology is wrong ok . thats why you couldn't tolerate my comments ..
If any one against to GOSL and your ideology are terrorists or LTTE thats what ur THEORY rite..!
ReplyDeletenice profile picture :)
Sri Lanka says kills 50 rebels in northern clashes
ReplyDeleteThax man ..
hey guys whats the SLAF mission today ...got news that SLAF was flying many times in the morning ....any related news about this
ReplyDeleteSri Lanka accuses international rights groups of bias towards LTTE
Cathay Pacific to resume Flights to Colombo
India’s assurance to Sri Lanka on economic support
hello Guys,
ReplyDeleteWe have again starting to forget the rules in this blog..
Sometimes ignoring is a bliss...
Just look at an earlier thread and you would find out. just look at this thread and you would see the difference.. Ignore any one who is trying to argue on behalf of EELAAM. Because noe of the right thinking guys here want an eelaam.
If defence net conducts a poll it would reveal these facts...
I was at the cricket game and saw those clowns running around in the red shirts. Told one of them that the map needed to be updated :)
ReplyDelete@all guys & saduni(you are not a stranger)
lets all be friends !!
ReplyDeletenice joke :)
I hope the navy is hunting for those LTTE cadres who purchased food from shops in trinco..Strange(thankgod) they did not kill the shop owners and steal all their provisions. does this mean that this murderous filth have decided to be "good boys" because finally they have realised they are going to DIE and even takingoff clothes at german airports is not going to help them?.
ReplyDeleteYou do remind me the Teletubies with your group hug.. :)
Hey Tamils,
ReplyDeleteIts better you holding pEelam flag than "Indiavukku soooththu kudukaama"
Lankatruth says
ReplyDeleteSLA's 58 Division captured tiger camp in adampan east today morning
Ananda College evacuated, police fears suicide attack
ReplyDeletePolice are currently evacuating the students of Ananda College after it was reported that a suspected suicide cadre was in the surroundings. The police are investigating the area.
ReplyDeleteI live in a European capital. Don't worry too much about the German threat. The Europeans are not renowned for taking bold decisions. If America said the same thingm, then they meant buisness, but not Europeans.
The Europeans may try that; it has the usual pattern that ranges from subtle diplomacy to mild intimidation. Then they go into quiet mode until the next lobby digging up their ears.
They will never go as far as imposing full sanctions. This is what happened with Iran and even Sudan. The so-called threat of sanctions is always looming, but never takes place.
The countries that form the European Union are never a united front. Their foreign policies do not work in unision. If the French and the British see eye to eye on any issue, it is as unrealistic as Mathivathini restoring her lost-virginity to VP, back to her teenage years.
The problem with the Europeans is their way of looking at things; they look at an issue from all the angles - add them up and they exceed 360 degrees - and that in turn, force them to see a justification in any activity - rape, cannibilism, torture, terrorism, bank robbery. Otherwise, how on earth can anyone account for the presence of nasties by the millions, in their capitals? Any rogue has the potential to go through a strange metamorphosis to become a freedom fighter, when arrived in Europe.
There is some good thing coming out of this mode of thinking, though. They never take harsh measures against any regime; just diplomatic threats to stir up sentiments of the lobbies, that are many and induce fear among their blind followers. They are partially successful in that. Look at the headlines of UNP-backing media, about sanctions. How silly are these folks!
European politicians are not living in a real world; the liberal establishment has elevated them, a few inches off the ground. Their own citizens now feel like taking things into their own hands - a coded warning for mob rule.
These are people who once upon a time blew their tops about the human rights record of China. The very people are now form a stampede in pumping the investments into the very country, they once used to loathe.
We must follow in China's footsteps folks; stand firm with what you believe in. The threats and fear just crumble; I am sure this is the what MR doing right now. Let's cheer him up.
lankanews ;
ReplyDeleteAdamban east ...hheheheh u kidding haa..?
Any related info about ur post
ReplyDeleteThat News item was in dailymirror.lk
time was 2.08 pm.
surprisingly they have removed it now. I don't know why..
ReplyDeleteYou are indeed a pretty good entertainer..reminds me of a birthday party i went to,when i was small,there was this clown that was hired..red hair,big red nose..unfortunately he got severely harassed(translation:beaten up),by the kids,coz however much he tried acting funny,he was not!!-just plain,damn stupid-just like you asithri!!..
Defencenet,i seriously cannot beleive your double-standards..on the one hand,you delete racist,foul posts of the boss,shyam but conveniently chose to ignore foul,rotten mouth asithri(foreign mervin silva)..
ReplyDeleteforeign mervin silva... hehehehe ..thats real funny man..;))
ReplyDelete"Defencenet,i seriously cannot beleive your double-standards..on the one hand,you delete racist,foul posts of the boss,shyam but conveniently chose to ignore foul,rotten mouth asithri(foreign mervin silva).."
Please read our reply to DB on the previous thread. No one is given special treatment.
Our policy towards racist comments has been tough as you say. And our policy towards personal attacks has not been that strict.
But it is unfair to call that 'double standards' and claim that we favor certain individuals in the blog.
Usually a personal attack involves two people. If we deleted the posts of one and let the other continue posting, then that would be double standards. Have we ever done that?
Besides we do not know any of you personally. What good would it do to us if we have 'favorites' here?
Anyway we never intended to be a morale police when we started DefenceNet. We merely wanted to give out information, not to moderate a forum filled with unwanted comments.
It is sad that the situation has come to this.
the only alternative is to block the users (if possible) I understand that u have better things to do than just read every post and moderate based on racism personal attacks.... and the list goes
ReplyDeleteAttack is the Best Defence,
ReplyDeleteWe would have done that long ago if we could. Unfortunately blogger has its limitations.
ReplyDeleteThen pls inform participants, even regularly, to avoid comments which deviate from the main focus.
I see an improvement in commenting these days than about 2-3 weeks ago. Comments what we currently having is I think at an acceptable level. although I wish if those also to diminish if possible.
ReplyDeleteThe following text is visible above the comment box so that everyone can see that every time they post:
"Comments with racist remarks, personal attacks and misinformation will be deleted. Replying to any such comment will only encourage the saboteurs to post more. We request all our readers to ignore such postings and continue the discussion without diverting from the theme of the blog."
yes there has been some improvement. But there is room for lots more in that regard.
ReplyDeletePlease don’t give credit to various fringe and insignificant committees for Clintons refusing or refunding ltte money. It was a much formal approach that persuaded them to change their stand and let them take credit for it and we know who or what persuaded them, which we can’t reveal at the moment.
Every person who comment to this blog should know that this blog is viewed not only by them but also there are more ppl they just read. This is like an Iceberg.
ReplyDeletethere are so many, I repeat, So many ppl read this blog.
They are coming here to get to know what is happening in the war and related matters.
Both "Shyam" and "Renegade" are the same.
ReplyDeleteThis LTTE sh*thead earlier came in the name of Rifard into this forum, fishing for SLDF info.
Still, this LTTE sh*thead doing the same thing asking questions about SLDF confidential information.
Beware of this Shemale.
ReplyDeleteDefencenet & slpower are right
everybody should behave well
we are not children
ReplyDeleteWhat is this Radha base???
people are using two id's ?
ReplyDeletey is that ? its weired
ReplyDeleteYou nearly started a verbal duel with me, while responding to one of my posts, in the previous thread; you just challenged a tiny piece of text, taken out of context and literally took the whole argument off the track - completely irrlevant direction on middleast politics. The post was about the efficiecny of air attack by the Israeli Air Force before Arial Sharon went into a coma.
In the presence of facts, you backed down. It was just emotional ha hoo followed by self-cooling.
So, your behaviour is little-less-than that of a gentleman too.
You cannot group theboss, Shyam and the likes as sensible folks; they are outright racists and shockingly ignorant. Their brand of nationalism is on a par with Nazism and we all know what it got in the end - endless humiliation for the German nation on a perpetual scale.
There were two occasions where the administrator did not answer two of my questions; may be, he didn't see them or he didn't have access to a computer when he saw them. They are perfectly valid reasons and do not amount to cold-shouldering. However, if it is not the case, he can make it clear why it was a deliberate act, rather than an accident.
On principle, I always reply those who comment on my posts; there are guys who answer my questions eagerly as soon as they have the answers and I appreciate that very much. There are guys, who just can't stand a different opinion and just try to intimidate you by behaving as thugs; I know the language they understand and they have been dealt with accordingly.
We must respect the questions of others; we should not laugh at the command of English, if someone makes mistakes in this foreign language. We must encourage them to contribute, not ridicule them. The same does not apply to people who think they know better than most.
So, the demand of equal treatment for theboss, Shyam & Co is not realistic; they are just here to provoke; if they open a can of worms, I spray them with the right antidote - if I can find a few minutes of course. I am proud of putting my hand up and to admit being a bad guy with a colourful language, if the circumstances stimulate me for that. Most Sri lankans love to be branded as whiter-than-white and I chose to be different.
So, renegade watch your step, mate.
good question B#1
ReplyDeletei was just going to ask :)
SRI LANKA AIR FORCE fighter craft in another surprise aerial attack on one of the major LTTE military bases in PURAVILKULAM, northeast of VISHWAMADUKULAM, MULLAITHIVU this morning (14) at about 10.30 a.m. destroyed the LTTE’s “Radha” Military Base completely, pilots confirmed.
The air sortie conducted on receipt of precise intelligence and information came in the wake of a series of setbacks being meted out to terrorists in WANNI and MANNAR sectors. Air Force pilots confirmed the destruction of this major military base as a result of the aerial attacks.
Lankan Navy Chief seeks cooperation to check LTTE
ReplyDelete"What is this Radha base???"
It's an LTTE training and logistics base. Some times visited by senior cadres as per MI.
"There were two occasions where the administrator did not answer two of my questions; may be, he didn't see them or he didn't have access to a computer when he saw them."
Apologies mate. Wasn't intentional. What were the questions that were ignored?
People use multiple accounts to either back their own theory (while showing that they have support from the 'public') or merely to disrupt the blog.
theboss, Shyam and the likes,
ReplyDeleteWhat did I say to you yesterday - a catalogue of surprises by the SLAF. This is the first one.
Since you have little brains, please note, a catalogue by definition, is referring to a collection, not just one!!!!
thanks for the answer defencenet
ReplyDeleteDefencenet has posted a new story !
Dear Defencenet,
ReplyDeleteThe remark noted; no ill-feelings. My instinct was right - it was not intentional.
Please carry on with your good work.
you have an army of constructive contributors behind you, when a need arises!
ReplyDeleteCool picture....just one question: Why's the tiger crying?
ReplyDeleteThanks. We sometimes (in fact msot of the time nowadays) don't have the time to read through all the posts.
When this happens some questions may get ignored. We apologize in advance.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteguys....i dun wish to offend nyone but then...lets all be neutral and jus discuss military affairs n stuff or affairs regarding the post... throwaway those racial comments....