Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Two pronged LTTE offensive beaten back : Parappakandal

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched a pre dawn offensive in the hope of overrunning army defenses north of Parappakandal, Mannar today. Heavy fighting erupted when Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers manning newly constructed defenses in the area resisted the LTTE advance. Fighting which started at 1.30AM lasted till 5AM. The two pronged LTTE operation, lead by two of LTTE's senior leaders Sornam and Laxshman, was halted dead on its tracks by the soldiers of the 57th division. According to intelligence sources more than  20 LTTE cadres have perished in this battle. Army resumed its advance towards Adampan town center immediately after the battle.

The latest setback for the LTTE in Mannar front comes days after it lost the second defence line in the strategically important Uyilankulam region. Uliyankulam is one of the entry points into LTTE controlled Wanni heartland.

Meanwhile a group of LTTE cadres who had infiltrated into Buttala attacked an army checkpoint along the Buttala-Kataragama main road today at 11.00AM. 3 SLA soldiers who were on guard duty at the time were killed in the attack. No LTTE casualties have been reported so far.


  1. Why are they resorting to attack civilians, blast transformers? Because tigers are scared to face our lion army.
    We have fought them for the last 30 years. Our country has not become like Ethiopia, somalia,or liberia. Our Sri lankans are a resiliant breed, Our mother lanka can take any amount of beating. We have gone through much more difficult periods. This country and people who live here are unique in that sense. We have all the faith in our sri lankan forces. They are marching forward to anihilate sun god`s tiger terrorist.

  2. well said nandimithra..very well said.theruvan saranai to our brave boys.
    How is it possible for LTTE cadres to come to south and kill 3 troops at will anytime they want?..i thought there some kind of security commitees to protect each village?.This can olny mean that there are LTTE cells in this area..we should flush these guys out

  3. Some good news. They must have thought they can easily run army defences and recapture their FDL. Well they thought wrong. Good to hear army is holding their defences.

    Defencenet, are we laying mines and boobytraps on captures FDL?

  4. I have a deep respect for the LTTE's ability in offensive operations. (I think they suck at defensive ones)
    The fact that the SLA have repulsed this attack rather easily, is very encouraging. Looks like the SLA have got their game together... good news for us...

  5. Defencenet

    Just an idea - has the Ministry of Defence considered setting up a website of LTTE casualties?

    I was thinking in the lines of a website with headshots of the LTTE dead, date and place of deaths etc.

    Just purely for humanitarian grounds so the relatives can identify their dead conclusively.

    They could even publish their last letters etc.

    Misguided as some of the individuals were, there are also conscriptees whose families deserve to know the fate of their sons, daughters, fathers and mothers, and dare I say, children, and grandparents.

    They are still our countrymen, and deserve some respect in death, which they never got from their so called sole representatives.

  6. sldf,
    Well the LTTE think this is the early 80's..when they used to butcher soldeirs,cutoff soldiers hands and legs after dragging them to this fu**er simon garders "LTTE area".Some sadists in wanni has been showing LTTE child soldiers these wonderful "movies" of their fantastic battles in the early 80's-90's..after which they tell the kids..go kill the "singhala hamudave gonnu"..these are the consequences..

  7. sldf,
    It is not a good idea to mine our FDL..this area is full of mines..we need to remove them not add to their number..besides if we have to retreat for tactical purposes in the midst of battle our soldiers may get caught to our own mines.
    well said.

  8. As we expected LTTE tried their next action, attack in large formations. LTTE will continue to use this style of attack, at some level with some minor success. This kind of attack is ideal situation for our forces to do mass scale destruction to the enemy.
    Our southern commander has been replaced by the government. I feel it is very good decision and it is proven that we have good political and military leadership after 20 years.

  9. This was a kind of attack I feared of for some time. Being able to beat them like that shows Sarath Fonseka has done his home work proper. Added to that they have two of their senior cadre overlooking the operation proves they are pretty much on the back foot.
    But still we have to keep watch. Good work SLA!

  10. Sri Lanka's Return to War: Limiting the Damage(REPORT)


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Defencenet/guys


    40+ LTTE DIE

    3 out of the 9 LTTE attack teams disappear

    LTTE vehicles destroyed


    any info ???


  13. I like to finish this mess quick

    All 5 fronts 5K each advance constantly for 3 days

    Now you will kill not just infantry but also their hard-core cadres

    Then they will officially flee into jungles

    SLA is just giving time for LTTE to regroup and be innovative

    for example to my knowledge LTTE is having fun now, how can they put up a fight? they should always be on the run and on defensive mode

  14. seems like a human wave style large scale attack involving lot of firepower same as unceasing waves ...
    This was wut the LTTE vp undergarment lickers were saying for few weeks here about the LTTE's surprise. According to current information LTTE has received walioya kind of a beating here....sarath fonseka has done the homework I guess.....
    According to the info that I received, few LTTE canter lorries transporting carders to the battlefield have been hit even bore unloading their cargo ... any infor abt this guys....pls add...

    DN, thnx for the reply to my question mate....when u have time pls post an aritcle abt this sniper story.(sniping was a gud desert for tamilnet for the past month.. he he )

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Found these on a blog:

    It says those are MiG27s parked at night.

    High resolution version here:

    Those are not SLAF flights rt? IAF maybe?

  18. so the ltte carried all their dead and injured ha? lol

    these blogs are more like version II and III. wait for to break first news and then only you guys follow it up with proper grammar and spelling.......and of course added spice yum!

  19. Somebody mentioned a unceasing wave kind of attack. Those kind of attcks are unlikely with the man power problem the ltte facing. They are obviously economising. How long is the question.

    [People like 'ponna Siva' should go and help them rather than wasting his time defecating in our blog]

  20. mottapala, spare these LTTE sympathizers a thought....
    remember, denial is part of the grieving process. lol... so they are going to cry and shout about how this blog is lying to everyone.
    If this blog is an outright lie and an enforcement mechanism for, it make you wonder what they are doing here in the first place eh?

  21. Its a crying shame Tamilnet is speechless about this encounter!!.. Hmmm.. i wonder why??..

    Doesn't "Mannar Command" have anything to report, or more, retort!!.. not even a yelp.. :-)))

    Pavam.. :-)))

  22. Thw worst mistakes done by LTTE is not killing Rajive. They are,

    1.defeating the pon's[RW]
    2. trying to kill SF

    What goes around comes around!
    'freedom for tamils not so far away'

  23. "As we expected LTTE tried their next action, attack in large formations."

    Actually if you read Defencewire's post it seems LTTE are trying to emulate the small team attacks of SLA (or at least return back to them since I guess small team attacks is an original guerilla forte) they used 9 smaller teams etc.

  24. DN,

    Any news on whether SLA pushing to Adampan? any progress? please comment when you have the time.

  25. Defencenet,
    Can you confirm why SLAF is not doing night air raids to keep the tigers sleepless and confused? Night air raids should keep tigers on the edge around the clock! Make it much easier SLA to crack the 2nd and 3rd FDLs of Tigers.

  26. Defencenet you had missed my question before...
    can these f-7g's be used at night? both as counter air threat and offensive attack at night?

  27. Joe,

    F-7G's has the capability to intercept and neutralize enemy threats at night. However, it's not going be an easy task. Pilots will have to be trained for the task.

  28. Defencewire says:
    "3 out of the 9 Tiger teams were reported missing."

    Defencenet, can you confirm this?

    Thanks for the update. As usual pro-LTTE media is silent. Wonder why? :D

  29. Defnet,
    Did ltte idiots use child soldiers for this or regular units for this illfated thrust ?

    Do they use vehicales to get to our FDL's ?

  30. srilankan,
    "How is it possible for LTTE cadres to come to south and kill 3 troops at will anytime they want?..i thought there some kind of security commitees to protect each village?.This can olny mean that there are LTTE cells in this area."

    Not only there are civil defence committees, but there are several thousand troops deployed in the area. But if you are an infiltrator, you would probably sneak in unnoticed using lush jungle terrain as cover. It is very hard to stop each and every such infiltrations. And locals who engage in illegal activities in the region are allegedly helping the infiltrators which makes their job a tad more easy.

    "Defencenet, are we laying mines and boobytraps on captures FDL?"

    only when we plan to maintain the line for a long time.

    "Just an idea - has the Ministry of Defence considered setting up a website of LTTE casualties?"

    As far as we are aware, currently there are no plans for creating such a site. But interesting suggestion.

    "As we expected LTTE tried their next action, attack in large formations."

    This was different than their usual human wave attack. They used 9 smaller teams, each consisting of 15-20 guerrillas (which of course got owned big time).

    "This was a kind of attack I feared of for some time. Being able to beat them like that shows Sarath Fonseka has done his home work proper."

    Yes the army has definitely learned from its mistakes. Last time LTTE tried anything in this scale, we lost territory which we fought for days in one night.

    20 LTTE KIA is only the confirmed death count. Actual figure may be more than twice that figure.

    "All 5 fronts 5K each advance constantly for 3 days
    Now you will kill not just infantry but also their hard-core cadres
    Then they will officially flee into jungles"

    It is too much of a risk to take, specially when the current strategy is working well. SLA is highly likely to end up with a colossal number of casualties in this type of rushed move.

    "Those are not SLAF flights rt? IAF maybe?"

    Definitely IAF


    "so the ltte carried all their dead and injured ha? lol
    these blogs are more like version II and III. wait for to break first news and then only you guys follow it up with proper grammar and spelling.......and of course added spice yum!"

    Now you seem to be one of our brighter readers. You've spotted us for the fakes we are and of course you have found out that we are clones of
    We are amazed (in a good way) at your intelligence. Keep it up mate.

    "Any news on whether SLA pushing to Adampan? any progress? "

    We've made progress but not in Adampan yet. Slow and steady...

    "Can you confirm why SLAF is not doing night air raids to keep the tigers sleepless and confused?"

    They are doing it whenever possible. Some of the recent air raids were carried out early morning. Main reason for lack of air support is the resource constraints we mentioned earlier.

    In other news Mi-24s have been helping soldiers in the Mannar front during past two days- CAS role.

    "Defencenet you had missed my question before...
    can these f-7g's be used at night? both as counter air threat and offensive attack at night?"

    First of all sorry for missing the question. Did not have the time to check all comments in that thread. Yes the new F-7Gs are capable of air to air combat at night. Night time ground attack is theoretically possible but its highly unlikely they will ever be used for GAC role. Their primary use will be as interceptors.

  31. rajarata,
    "Did ltte idiots use child soldiers for this or regular units for this illfated thrust ?"

    Majority of LTTE casualties in this instance were elite cadres.

  32. here's another logical answer

    whats with the heading? you say its parappakandal. SLA has been at this place for months now and last week claimed to have advanced and taken a 600m bunker line or something. and it was said to be south of adampan.

    now its parappakandal? doesnt that mean SLA have withdrawn from their defences they got just 2 days ago?

    at least be creative enough to say the fighting was at parappukadanthan which is like north of giant tank.

    liar liar pants on fire they say haha

  33. Sivarassaiah,
    1. You have no idea of the geography of the region.
    2. You haven't read the article properly.

    Quote from our article:
    "launched a pre dawn offensive in the hope of overrunning army defenses north of Parappakandal , Mannar today.

  34. "taken a 600m bunker line or something. and it was said to be south of adampan."

    The name is Uliyankulam.

  35. "The LTTE spokesman for Mannar Command did not answer repeated calls from TamilNet seeking comment about todays fierce Battle in the Mannar Area!!"..

    What a Joke!!.. :-)

  36. sldf,
    ""3 out of the 9 Tiger teams were reported missing."

    Defencenet, can you confirm this?"

    It's what LTTE radio transmissions have revealed. Casualty count of 20 is excluding these cadres.

  37. Now its uyilankulam?

    man, when did that go? that was many moons ago that SLA captured the uyilankulam road block. this was the last block to the madhu shrine.

    going backwards?

    here's the link

    [In the Northeast of Uilankulama, troops engaged terrorists' defence between 5.30.a.m to 4.p.m and captured the defences line comprising of three bunkers, one strong point and about 600m long trench line]

    it says north east of uyilankulam.

    lying are we? haha

  38. Sivarassaiah ;

    Nice catch man ....

  39. Way to go SL forces. Get theose elite terrorists, then the game is 90% over. Keep up the good work.

    This should be the highlight for your weekly summary, unless Big pig get hit tomorrow.

  40. Sivarasaiiah,

    "Now its uyilankulam?

    man, when did that go? that was many moons ago that SLA captured the uyilankulam road block. this was the last block to the madhu shrine.

    going backwards?"

    dude first of all read the article.

    Quote from our article:
    "The latest setback for the LTTE in Mannar front comes days after it lost the second defence line in the strategically important Uliyankulam region. Uliyankulam is one of the entry points into LTTE controlled Wanni heartland."

    In the world we know, first and second defence lines are meters apart.

    Anyway get a map and look those areas up. At least get a rough idea of what you are typing here.

  41. DN-
    Mate, I thought we have decided to ignore the brain washed piglets.

  42. cakeboy, setting up a website of LTTE casulaties with pics will be like shooting yourself in the foot.
    When the SL conflict is reported abroad, the casualty figures are always: "x no. of government soldiers and y no. of TAMILS (fighters)". The website would seen as glorifying the 'genocide' of the 'evil sinhalese' against the 'innocent' tamils.

    I firmly believe that the MOD should report accurate SLDF casualties while downplaying LTTE deaths. All these human rights ppl go on about the worsening conflict purely referring to the huge LTTE casualty figures. The MOD are playing right into their hands atm

  43. DefenceNet,
    Many thanks for your comments.

  44. perein,
    Our mistake. We thought sivarassaih's claims were based on ignorance and were trying to logically prove they were wrong.
    But after seeing two of his last posts, it's evident that they are based on bullshit.

  45. SLA thrashes LTTE offensive attempt: 30 terrorists killed - Mannar

    Sri Lankan Army thrashed a pre-dawn LTTE offensive attempt in general area North of Parappakandal, Mannar killing at least 30 LTTE terrorists in early hours this morning, February 20.

    According to Wanni military sources, heavy fighting lasted till 5 a.m. when SLA troops successfully counter attacked an LTTE offensive movement towards the newly consolidated defences at Parappakandal.

    Four soldiers were also received injuries in this confrontation, military sources said.

    How the LTTE made an offensive ?they said that there are Land mines ...isn't that work for LTTE ahh

  46. of course im looking at a damn map and uyilankulam is right by the A14 to anuradhapura. it is pretty close to the south bank of giants tank.

    are you teling me SLA were all this time trying to wrestle control of the A14?

    good thing your devoted followers wint questioning you, but me being tamil, noo way. i will question you.

  47. DN-
    You do not have to prove what you are writing to most of us mate.

    Do not get any of these piglets to get to you.

  48. According to the ..all the LTTE carders are killed in Mannar ...hahaha ? now the KIA rebells are increasing as like prices in SL ... common man ...? but the SLA captured some places and found 7 bodies of LTTE for last 2 weeks ... no weapons ...!

    Are you guys still in dream ahh ?

  49. thats a good logical point by shyam as well. i remember defencenet saying the area is mined inch by inch.

    were the ltte air dropped?

  50. Perein,
    bro..i just could not resist that just shows you what some of these reporters think of us.Sadly David makes a lot of sense about creating a website for LTTE casualties.

  51. "How the LTTE made an offensive ?they said that there are Land mines ...isn't that work for LTTE ahh"

    Ok this is getting lame.
    LTTE to tread on their own land mines? What do you think they are? Morons? ahhh.

    "but me being tamil, noo way. i will question you."

    How do we know that you were a Tamil or a Sinhalese or something else? You IP doesnt tell that. get rid of this mentality mate. It's the root of racism.

  52. perein,

    dont let them question you?

    how gullible are you? if defencenet says go jump off a cliff would you do that?


    learn to question each and everyone. i question tamilnet's claim sometimes after that cluster bomb photos were put out. that was poor poor work. i am too bloody interested in what's happening in my country. why cant i know? is it because i am tamil?

  53. And that will be our last comment to sivarasiaah and shyam regarding this incident. You are free to believe what you choose to believe .

    If you don't believe us, don't bother to read DefenceNet. Its that simple.

  54. Can we track/re-trace their route(s) in to avoid the mines, IEDs etc. all the way to the town?

  55. Perein,
    defensewire has got a pic of 2 LTTE field marshalls? these guys dont look like kids.According to the LTTE's canadian operations command the LTTE cadres became easy targets due to the lack of bata slippers.

  56. [your IP doesnt tell that]

    Tamils have different IPs now? this is getting absurd. since when did blogger allow IPs to be displayed?

    this discussion can be ended in a simple manner. simply point out a map where the hell the fighting is going on. You say uyilankulam........then in next post said uyilankulam region when all the time defence says north east of uyilankulam.

    why so much contradictions?

  57. Thanks defnet for the reply mate !Londonistan good point ya made mate... that's why I earliar if ltte morons use APC's.

    It's like an electrician who knows where the wires are these idiots know where they laid own IED's.

    Hey,Siva your mamma made a mistake with ur name & forgot to add Asshole at the end !
    Pardon my french fellas it's February and I'm a little Chilly.... know what I mean ?

  58. I wonder if anyone has noticd this.
    Since the bomb blasts that took place during the independence day celebrations,the LTTE media spokesperson Rasiah Ilanthirayan is no longer cited in any media reports. Several news reports said that he could not be contacted. I wonder if he got knocked out in one of the bombing raids.

  59. Comment by Defencewire,
    At least 20 tigers were killed when the Sri Lanka Army's 57 Division whacked the living daylights off a team of 150 heavily armed elite Tamil Tiger soldiers at dawn in North Uylankulam (general area Parappakandal) today. The actual figure could be as many as 55 Tigers either killed or seriously wounded. Three soldiers were also killed in the attack.

    The Mannar Parappakandal area was captured on the 18th by troops from the 57 Division moving westwards from Vavuniya. The LTTE's early morning mission, which lasted over 4 hours was to regain control of the area. Troops also engaged LTTE tractors which were brought in to rescue injured cadres.

    The Tigers, led by 'Col' Swarnam and at least one 122mm artillery gun and 80mm mortar, split into 9 teams and attempted to storm 57 Division units scattered across the Parappakandal SLA front, but were heavily beaten back.

    They could not find a clearly demarcated SLA defence-line, which they had so masterfully stormed in Oyatha Alaikal(Ceaseless Waves) I,II,III and IV prior to 2002 . 3 out of the 9 Tiger teams were reported missing. SLA believes the survivors of these three teams were either severely wounded or lost inside the jungles, unable to regroup.

    This was the second defeat suffered by Swarnam in recent times since the fall of Mutur, during which operation he suffered serious injuries and was bed-ridden for a while. Swarnam is still rated higher than Bhanu, who became a 'Colonel' after one significant attack before 2002.

    In addition to Swarnam, the Tigers have deployed Bhanu and Jeyam in Mannar but this was the first occasion that a senior tiger leader had personally supervised a coordinated attack against troops in the Mannar front in almost 6 months.


    little light humour on why the Sinhalease hate the Tamils!!.. :-)


    There was a tamil woman who was baking a white chocolate cake for her little tamil son..

    She turned her back.. the little boy took the white chocolate and rubbed it into his face and said..

    "Look amma im sinhalease!!.."

    The mother slapped him and said..

    "Dont you ever say that in this house!!.. go tell your appa what you said!!.."

    The little boy with all this chocolate on his face went up to his dad..

    "Look appa im sinhalease!!.."

    The daddy slapped him..

    "Dont say this, go to your perri appa!!.."


    "Im sinhalease perri appa!!.."

    He slapped him..

    "Go back to your amma!!.."

    The mother sat him down and said..

    "Siva!!.. now what have you learned today??.."

    and Siva said..

    "Ive learned that ive been sinhalease for 5 mins and already i hate you tamil people!!.."


    Its JOKE!!.. Relax!!.. :-)))

  61. srilankan-
    What about DSI ? slippers then mate :)

  62. Siva, blogger doesnt show ip by default. But there are 3rd party addons that can be installed to track user activity.
    P.S- so all jackasses who use multi accts are just kidding themselves lol.

  63. it was an excellent idea to target the air ambulances(tractors) dispatched by LTTE's northern command.I hope the MI-24's blasted these to pieces..i mean pieces.We need to find ways of trapping the 3 groups that are possibly hiding in the jungles..IT is possible that these guys may have deliberately dispersed to create "terror" attacks at a later date.

  64. Perein,
    bro to wear need to be a Lt-colonel..perk of the job you know:)..I miss the educational comments by Revi and mahathanamutta..on LNP..probably at the Newyork..

  65. Shyam,

    I am one of those who always answer your questions, when majority of bloggers chose to ignore you.

    Now, mate it is time to pay it back in kind.

    I have a question for you. Can you give me a very simple answer? When you reply in simple English, I can understand it well.

    What stops Mr Prabhakaran from sending his younger son, Balachandran and daughter, Duwaraka to front line duties, especially at a time Vanni parents have to assign a second family member for the task?

    Please, don't ignore me; I never ignore you, mate.

  66. The India Today article says that one reason the LTTE leadership is not as effective today is because they have become fat portly middle aged men in their 40s and 50s.

    "It hasn’t helped that its top leaders are either in their forties or fifties, making it a middle-aged army— a far cry from the young, battle-hardened guerrilla force that could once strike back with great ferocity and win big battles against the Sri Lankan Army. Prabhakaran himself is around 53 years old, has become portly, and is said to be suffering from ailments that possibly include diabetes."

  67. lighting struck tower,

    you humour me.

    if IP tracking was possible then why go the hard way of trying to look for account numbers?

    anyway more success and more dilemmas for SLA haha

    Hambantota Area Commander Brigadier Sudantha Ranasinghe has been removed with immediate effect today and Colonel Devendra Perera had been appointed to the post. Colonel Perera will be in charge of both Army and police in the area.

  68. qurious,
    Very good question the blood in their veins different to the conscripted LTTE child soldiers..
    The main reasons the LTTE beat our army was that we had jackasses whose singular ambition was to stay in power and used the LTTE to this end when it benefitted them.

  69. Defencenet,

    i think sivarassia's questions need answered. sometime back we had maps that showed SLA offensives. LTTE offensive must also be shown on maps. as you know people have little or no news of the battle financed by them. you are doing a great job by filling that vacuum.

    another thing is why didn't we use SLAF to support SLA? according to defence news our mi-24 squadran with about 10 heli.s are NOT USED AT ALL; may be for cost constraints. Then why did we buy them; and why we buy 3 more?

    no doubt SLA beat the shit out of the tigers but SLAF could have caused more casualties.

    also the immediate commencement of a new offensive is very good; attack is indeed the best defence.

    one other thing about elam war 4 is that SLA has NOT lost its captured territory (captured with the intention of building SLA defences) unlike in previous wars.

  70. moshedayan,

    thank you.

    if im the one in the losing side, then why run away from my questions saying they are silly and absurd?

    whats there to lose in answering my questions?

  71. Srilankan

    Very true. Now we have dynamic senior, junior and middle ranking officers. All promoted on merit. The KDA has the best and brightest in Sri Lanka. On the other hand, the LTTE has become a family enterprise with VP and his cronies.

  72. cakeboy,

    i answered this in a previous post.

    if you look at US, UK, Aussi, etc. "defence ministry" websites, they have no news about their wars or VERY VERY little.

    they are all PR devices only.

    MOD should also follow suit.

    being a poor and feable country we cannot glorify the war. whatever clumsy the reasons are the IC don't like killing tigers (and SLA).

    it is good if MOD stops publishing
    casualties or discount them like over a dozen died, etc. but civilian casualties, damages to civil property must be elaborated.

    we should stay below the westerners' radar and KILL as many tigers we possibly can. we can count the numbers WHEN THE DEAL IS DONE!

  73. is it so wrong to ask questions over from the author of this site? why not make this place more amicable to the other side of the coin?

    instead of pure racist hating filth, i posed simple questions and they were dished out as being comical.

    look into your hearts people. if you dont know, then say so. could have saved some effort and time.

  74. casc,
    As far as you know is there a mechanism to bring charges of treason against some of these politicians?

  75. Man this is great news

    for all those people who said that we are only gaining victories against child soldiers, and that if elite cadres attack the soldiers shall fall
    is this enough to make you shut the hell up.

  76. Tamilnets conspicuous silence in reporting this notable battle that occurred in a general area North of Parappakandal, Mannar is intensely revealing!!..

    It has now been over 24hrs since this battle took place.. Tamilnet hasn't uttered a syllable!!..

    The SLA has been re-consolidating its outer defences in and around the Parappakandal area since this afternoon..

    Suffice to say the LTTE got a bloody nose today.. thus far 3 bodies have been recovered by SLA clearing units.. Lets see what happens next.. :-)

  77. That seems to have been a nice pull in and slaughter. The body count reduces the terrorist density within the infested areas of the jungles and when we get close to Killinochchi, there'll be less to be turned into seththupochchis.

    DN; Is it possible to drive a wedge between Mullaititu and K'chchi for mop-up ops?

  78. sivarasiah

    Your kind has worked hard to earn the wrath of the majority of the country and the contempt of the world.

    Arrogance of the idiot and fool always ends up turning into pleas for sympathy.

    Your kind sowed the seeds of chaos and now you reap the whirlwind.

    Enjoy the ride, its a one way to hell.

  79. Tropicalstorm,
    Very Well said bro very well said..

  80. Snipers again:

    One of the attacks at 8.15 pm!

    Can you provide any details about the sniper rifles used by army? Wikipedia says they use Dragunov and PSG-1, but I have seen others.
    And what is the range these attack are taking place?

  81. I for one believe that we should entertain the LTTE supporters for as long as they don’t post hatred racist comments as boss or upul. Also, when someone questions the posts, it is always better to reply since the same question may arise in the minds of lay people like us, who may not be that familiar with defense strategies, locations etc.

    However, of course when and if defencenet has the time. After all, he IS doing a great service which is in addition to his actual work.

    We should allow these guys to write (as I said, for as long as they are not abusive!) which should also work as a reflection of our neutral, cultured manner of dealing with dissidents. Will definitely be a plus point, if and when any other 3rd party looks in to the dialogues.....

    Well guys, that’s what I think.

  82. Thushanthi,

    We should allow these guys to write (as I said, for as long as they are not abusive!) which should also work as a reflection of our neutral, cultured manner of dealing with dissidents. Will definitely be a plus point, if and when any other 3rd party looks in to the dialogues.....

    I have to agree with you. The Jaffna crowd have a habit of provoking the Sinhalese to react very badly. Most of their politicians are also of the same caliber, with the exception of Dougy and Sangi of course. But you must not forget even Sangi used to incite racial hatred among Jaffna youth in his prime.

    We are more cultured than these primitive savages. Our responses should reflect this.

  83. Cakeboy,

    Your suggestion about dead LTTE men and women is a great idea. Their parents one day deserve to know the fate of their misguided loved ones.

  84. All,
    if you look at the comments, we did answer sivasasaiah's questions the best we can.
    And no we cant include a map right now due to following reasons:
    1. We are using mobile ane have no access to windows live maps as of now.
    2. We do not act upon sivarasaiah's command.

    Ltte operation was two pronged, which means there were two fronts involved.

  85. re. the website, I myself totally agree with moshe dyan and disagree with no-ltte=peace and cake boy. No matter what human rights issues are involved and I totally empathize with the parents as well as the dead ltte cadre, I think in a war like this, propaganda plays the most important role, other than actual successful attacks. Maybe sometimes more than that!

    Learn from the western countries!!!

  86. DN

    "if you look at the comments, we did answer sivasasaiah's questions the best we can. "

    You don't need to waste your time with LTTE supportes / LTTE himself .

    I think they rae trying hard to make you guys busy and drag your attention to other directions . so don't caught up with those cheap tactics .

    keep up your good work !!!! . don't distract becuase of jokers .

  87. DefenceNet
    appreciate for your post and replies...

    (1) i saw some video footage of the battle on TV... there were mechanized units involved... is this true? 'cos i dunno if rupavahini was showing library footage... any mechanized units involved in this?

    (2) SLA units who resisted the LTTE attack are SI (as per previous post) units?

    you said "Majority of LTTE casualties in this instance were elite cadres."

    (3) how many elite do they have?

    (4) are they heavily armed?

    (5) if they are so elite then what was the reason for their losses? 'cos i'm sure they know how to retreat...

    (6) their regular units and leaders retreated, right?


  88. Revy = Puli = Sivarasaiah

    Rifard = Renegade = Shyam

    Silva = Ram

    :-) LOL! You can understand their mentality.


    Great work man.. I love to read your posts.

  89. Shehal, it was most probably library footage. Reason for their loss is desperation and under estiamation. They need this area so badly. They have around 1.5-2k elites. And yes these guys are better trained, armed and wear better gear compared to child recruits.

  90. BBC reporting many terrorist dead. Should try to keep the dead count in the Sinhala media only. Idle HR groups may get excited start to meddle with things.

  91. Srilankan said...
    As far as you know is there a mechanism to bring charges of treason against some of these politicians?

    I know what you mean. Some of the things that happened in the past were criminal, like exposing the Athurugiriya safe house and the subsequent killing of DMI personnel was a heinous crime.

    Once this war ends, I think MR will bring about a big change in Sri Lanka politics. The people will give him the mandate to clean up the system. The traditional two party system will end. Some of our politicos will no doubt have to pack their bags and leave the country.

  92. Businessman who aided tigers to attack Colombo Port shot dead

    (LankaTruth: 20th February 2008 12.30 S.L.T )

    ‘Koti Christi’, the businessman from Negombo who had supplied fishing crafts to tiger terrorists to launch an attack on Colombo Port has been shot dead.

    He was shot dead at his residence at Kudapaduwa in Negombo at about 10.30 p.m. yesterday by an unknown gang.

    The victim, a trawler owner, was identified by intelligence services as the person who had supplied fishing crafts to tiger terrorists to sail along the sea adjacent to Pamunugama and launch an attack on Colombo Port.

    He was detained for more than a year and was released a few days ago

  93. DN,

    Why don't you kindly show a map and answer an impending doubt regarding your latest report. if you don't know the answer as the guy said say so...

    Ignoring insightful questions like this hurts your credibility badly. Then claiming oh this guy is LTTE supporter, so I am not answering his question is quite damning indeed. This will only get claps from your gullible seals who will clap to anything your write...

  94. I am never hearing negative reports from DN or DW. Why is that ? I am curious ? Is it because SLA is superhuman since Fonseka tookover ? Get real people...

  95. MosheDyan, Thushathi, Blackhawk

    I respectfully disagree with your comments

    I think by having a website of this nature, highlighting the LTTE war dead the following objectives can be achieved

    1. For humanitarian reasons to provide some closure to the relatives of the cadres as detailed before

    for reasons of war,

    2. To make a clear distinction to human rights orgs, and western governments between alleged civillian deaths and LTTE conscriptees, if we hightlight their date and place of death.

    This will bite us in the backside in the future in any international courts where the remnants of the LTTE, or the diaspora can claim these to be civillian casualties (and not conscripted cadres).

    Above all we need some record of those who died due to the forced conscription by the LTTE, or the GOSL will hold itself open to false accusations further down the line. Time has a habit of confusing and distorting memories...

    3. To demoralise the enemy - reported numbers mean nothing. They are disputed by the LTTE and the diaspora on a regular basis.

    Having photographic evidence of the dead (headshots only) with name, date and place of death etc. it will bring home to them the reality of war.

    The Geneva conventions do have some protocols about displaying the war dead. However the manner I outline is a convenient loophole if you like.

    As for Moshe's comments about the USA, UK etc not displaying the dead - they have nothing to win propaganda wise by doing so with a largely indifferent public.

    But they have everything to lose by holding themselves open to requests by the powerful civil liberty or anti-war lobbies to display their own dead.

    Our case is somewhat different.

    4. We can clearly highlight the practice of the LTTE in conscripting women, old people and children in their war. Can you get anything more effective than a photo of dead child or an old woman?

    - apologies for being a bit cold here, but in my defence, I was not so cold to send them to the frontline in the first place.

    Personally I think you set too much store on criticism by western governments.

    As long as we can clearly highlight the dead were LTTE conscriptees or cadres who were killed in battle and not innocent civillian, they will not care a rat's wobbly left tit about it.

    IF the human rights organisations start screaming blue murder, we can always ask why were these women, old people and children on the frontline in the first place? - and we have the evidence to prove it....

  96. Casc,
    Many thanks for your comments.I wish the same also.I am not sure if we should let these guys off scott free when this is over.

    not for casc
    If the past is anything to go by..when this started in mavil aru..LNP was full of these LTTE supporters because it was full of they had some like minded people to natter with.The question that comes to mind is:Are these fellows on this blog because the dam has burst on LNP..or.. a "mavi aru" has happened at LNP?.It is kind of DefenceNet to even tolerate these goons here..because to be honest these guys bring really bitter,harrowing and tragic memories to me.
    About the website for dead LTTEs.. now that is the job for the commanderIC..of thaamil eeelamm..not the govt of slanka since he has estabished his own country..(according to simon gardner,peter apps..etc).So he should devote some of the time he spend molesting 12y.o girls and sodomising young men to actually take a few minutes to issue instructions to someone to do the job.??.How about he recuits child soldiers in the presence of that fat Bi**h arbour so she can keep count in a nice folder named vps elite armoured divisions?..

  97. Everyday we hear oh SLA advancing 10 cm, 20 cm gainning palmyrah tree here and there. No picture, no verifiable evidence except parroted blog reports similar to, no negative news ??? Such garbage has been repeated for the past 30 years and in the end what ? Did your troops who got training from american green barrets and navy seals manage to defeat Tigers ? NOooo.

  98. @ casc,

    This is a good example to all the other traitors who betray the mother Lanka....

    Sri Lanka has to enable the death penalty and hang all the traitors in public.....who help LTTE terrorist to fulfill their attacks on economy and on civilians…….

  99. Heay Upul and Siva,
    I actually have no idea about locations of Parappakandaal, Uilankulam and Adampan. But it was clear that LTTE who tried to re-capture the area they lost some days back, had to return with heavy deaths and casualties. This is the news of importance. Not the map.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. td, while you can say what you want to say, I want to see evidence rather than bull crap, out of context file photos and lousy evidence. Is that too much to ask ? How gullible are you folks ? Hasn't 30 years of this crap taught people anything ???

  103. Upul, the areas where fighting occured are clearly mentioned in the article. Read it while taking note of text in bold. Then get a map and find the areas. We sure as hell arent going to dance to your tune and post a map. (Read why we cant post a map in previous comment.) If you believe it then do otherwise dont. We dont care either way.

  104. if DN can't seem to treat all readers of this blog EQUALLY, then it sure shows what progressive lanka really means. It further confirms that it is impossible for Tamils to coexist with Sinhalese in an artificial British creation called Sri Lanka.

  105. Oh, Now I understood,
    LTTE is a supreme force and it is unbeatable. So anything the DN or DW or say that they confronted with LTTE and killed this much that much is utter bulshit. So the liberation of East, starting from Mavil Aru, via Muttur, Verugal, Kadiraveli, Vararei and ultimately Thoppigala is a nighmare of the GOSL. LTTE havent gone back an inck of their strongholds.

  106. extreme,
    I agree with you.This fellow i am sure had enough money before he engaged in this activity.i am sure he was not starving on the street without a house to live in while his wife was dying of leukemia.I think his problem was he wanted to be JR ewing of Srilanka.Serves him right.may his soul rot in hell!!

  107. DN why wasting ur valuable time to answer LTTE bootlickers. U have advised us and nw I have made it clear that I wont be reply to these VP underwear licker's comments. As u said earlier these idiots are brainwashed so no matter how u try they will not believe. (Imagine them addressing that diebetic pigheaded bull a "sun goad" that sums up their stupidity. EVen though we respect Denzil , Janaka sarath fonseka etc... I have never seen a comment like comparing them to GODs from any SLA supporting blogger. THIS CLEARLY states the difference between them and us... DONT WASTE ur valuable time PLS USE IT TO POST MORE ARTICLES on DN I really respect ur views and most of the other guys do the same)

    ITs damn tempting to reply to these baberic idiots(easy pray same as makkal padei) but its useless ...

  108. [if DN can't seem to treat all readers of this blog EQUALLY, then it sure shows what progressive lanka really means. It further confirms that it is impossible for Tamils to coexist with Sinhalese in an artificial British creation called Sri Lanka.]


    For those tamils who cannot/could not co-exist with the sinhalese - they left 25 years ago, just like mummy and daddy, and probably will never return.

    So stop your bleating, dry your eyes and go back to LNP, or lose that chip on your shoulder and start using your brain.

    Otherwise I think the Brown turd over in LNP will happily have you there - him being 'unbiased' and all ;-)

  109. speaking about equality..Dont the forcibly conscripted children have a right to go to school and attend the university of waterloo/mcmaster/mcgill as well?.since EQUALITY is the objective how about pulling finger out of A**E and going to killi to take up the issue with this CIC of thaaamil eelam as well instead of engaging in ll this BS over here?

  110. we can see the impossibility of co-existance bu just seeing the Colombo city, Capital of Sri Lanka. It has the majority of Non Sinhalese. Tamils and the bigger portion. But they live in peace and harmony. They do not want Eelam. Even a few tamil families in suberbs also live with dignity and They only pressurised when they are used by the LTTE for terrorist matters. Otherwise no tamil people face any problem that other communities do not face.

  111. cakeboy,
    well said mate.Mind you this artificial creation of Slanka suited some because it gave them an opportunity to immigrate to greener pastures in 1948..wonder if they are still that green?

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. SriLankan

    Exactly... let me give you this example

    The book 'ATM Interworking in Broadband Wireless Applications' was dedicated to the memory of Vaithilingam Sornalingam, better known as Colonel Shankar, who the LRRP blew up a few years ago.

    And who was the author of this book.... a chap called Muthuthamby Sreetharan

    and guess where Mr Sreetharan was educated for free...a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

    this is just one example. There are many scumbags the world over such as this who got their free education in Sri Lanka, and now seek it's destruction, engaging in a fake struggle

    line them up on the streets and shoot them I say

  114. Relax folks. We have a map.
    WARNING: The hosting service places adult ads around img. Its the best we could find. Sorry about that.

  115. No negative news from DN. ("Two pronged LTTE offensive beaten back : Parappakandal"-this is not negative?) Too bad.

    DN is not answering questions. May be DN is working on a tution class with all the maps, digital vedios, live chat from parappakandal, uliyankulam, adampan, parampan, pappadakkal, kutipudduppam, etc.

    No negative news, No answers for tigers. So DN is loosing it's crdibility. (But number of tigers are incresing? or is it same tiger?)

    Tigers can make a phone call to rassaihillantherian and ask all the questions why bother DN (and us)?

  116. Yeh I have also seen few buggers from the Colombo and Moratuwa uni who got their degrees free of charge, even obtained mahapola scholarship and immigrated to Europe and started working against the motherland. It's pathetic.....wut else can we say!!!

  117. cakeboy,
    Thanks for your comments.I know exactly what you mean bro.

  118. Extreme, thanks mate for uploading it there.

  119. Found this online the specs for the newly acquired F-7G aircraft


    With the success of F-7MG/PG series export fighter, Chengdu quickly developed its domestic equivalent J-7G with similar design upgrades. The J-7G is equipped with an I/J-band KLJ-6E Lieying (“Falcon”) pulse-Doppler fire-control radar allegedly based on the Israeli EL/M2001. A new one-piece front windscreen replaced the original three-piece design for better cockpit visibility. Other improvements include a new Type III IFF, an indigenous zero-height, zero-speed ejection seat, and improved electronic countermeasures (ECM) suite.

    The J-7G firs flew in June 2002 and entered the PLAAF service in 2004. The J-7G production is expected to last for few years before the J-10 and J-11B fighter can enter service in significant numbers. 16 examples of the J-7G fighter were delivered to the PLAAF 37th Air Division (serial number 5XX8X) based at Urumqi, Xinjiang. An additional 32 aircraft were delivered to the PLAAF 12th Division (serial number 2XX3X) in November 2006. An unarmed version designated J-7GB replaced the earlier J-7EB in the PLAAF August 1st Aerobatic Demonstration Team.


  121. guys should play Command and Conquer zero hour.... hahahaha... well its a pretty good strategy game wher you make you build up your base and go to war hahahha....

    if im not wrong ther was this FPS game pretty long ago.. which had the Tigers and srilankan army in it...called
    "Global Operations"
    its a pretty good game i mean pretty stable and stuff.. and decent... you guys shld try it out... can download it via torrents....

    i guess some ppl are also making a game based on the srilanka situation....

  122. @defencenet

    Thanks for the image.really appreciate it

  123. Sivarasaiya/Shyam must have enjoyed the 'maps' posted by Defencenet & extreme.

  124. noltte=peace

    "Rifard = Renegade = Shyam",

    Get your HEAD checked,seriously!!

  125. Defencenet,from earlier thread

    Can you please confirm whether our other SAAR-4 boat,Nandimithra is operational or not?..Also,are there any plans to purchase any new missile boats in the near future,or go on adding FAC's,gunboats & other smaller craft to the inventory..


  126. Defencenet,guys

    Have the SLA entered adampan town,or are they positioned on the outskirts?..if its confi,don't answer..:)

  127. Qrious ;

    Sorry for the late reply i just seen your comment dude....

    VP's son Charls already in the field and he is old enough to fight (According to the International Law) but he is not in the Battle field he is inside of their intelligent & Air wing for their Intelligent (In charge IT field and using some kind of software to crack the SLA organizations data base ..its according to the DAILY MIRROR ) ...

    Other two are now in Vanni and still schooling as like other students ...when the EU banned LTTE they returned to home...

    Only the SLA says that LTTE using the kids ...but even UN also said that LTTE stopped using kids on FDLS

  128. ☛ ආයුබෝවන් / வனக்கம் / welcome ♫ ♬ ♪

    It is a pleasant early-spring morning here in the part part of northeren hemisphere where I live. It is bloody frosty outside and the fingers are a bit numb, yet I managed my grab my laptop to drop a line or two for you, folks. It takes a while to energize the anatomy in entirety; up until then, I am writing this little piece with my usual greeting bringing down the curtain of racial-divide.

    I notice that there are some posts here, with the subtle accusation of bias and racism. I totally disagree with that. I hardly see any post, directing hatred or insults against Tamil people here, at present. If it was the case, I would have been, one of those who rise against it, at the first very first sight of it.

    Some guys are insisting on giving out the negative news too, in equal measure. For what? We are not here to formulate a PhD thesis for research purposes. Nor are we here to play the role of a media organization to make a meal out of peoples' misery.

    Defencenet is giving out negative news - the losses suffered by the forces at the battlefront - in the right quantity. That is more than enough. What it does not do is, the glorification of the losses and blowing them out of proportion while dwarfing the gains at the battlefront, to appease a certain audience who are waiting in the wings to grab the opportunity to celebrate in the arena of a particular political platform. That perfectly resonates with the sentiments of the majority of the folks who visit this blog and take a bit of their valuable time to contribute to it. In short, this blog is for those who really love the motherland to be free from the cluthes of terrorism, for good. So, folks, buruying the bad news in the graveyard of good news is a must, before the corpse of pessimism will stink. Who wants to keep a carcass on display until eternity?

    Of course, we don't want this blog to be flooded by negative news. There is plenty of good news to drown them without trace. So, why not doing it when it needs to be done.?

    We are, as a nation, technically at war. During that period, the morale of people and soldiers must be on a high. I think we must do more to amplify that noble sentiment. In fact, we are doing less, while taking into account the sensitivities of our Tamil folks on board.

    Nazis used music bands to devastating effect: just listen to a piece of music played during Nuremburg rallies; even pubic hair, that is normally reserved by nature to respond only to a particular stimulation, stand on its head on hearing it, let alone hair in hand and limbs - false arousal in disguise; Churchill's war time rhetoric "We will never surrender," kept the nation of England in the warmth of victory when the odds were heavily against it.

    People did not dance on platforms invented by intelligentia at the time of gloom. The reaction was instinctive and it worked perfectly well in the grim circumstances. Ask an Englishman or an Engliswoman how they survived the blitz during Nazi air raids. They will tell you the simple truth: Just ignore the bad things that hurt and look at the good things over the fence of uncertainty. We, at defencent do the same, in a different decade, of course.

    The end justifies means, folks.

    NOLTTE=Peace, thanks for compliments, mate.

  129. what rubbish if that whore dwarharaka and that fellow balla? are going to return home men..i am sure both have multiple nationalities just in case..dont worry we know where they are..and that is not the north..

  130. who do think are here..ltte child soldiers?

  131. Srilankan ;

    Where are those two kids of Vp's ahhh.....?then you can use the interpol to arrest them and investigate na...! As you guys did to the School girl wounded in the air raid @ Sencholai ....And the CID killed her by torture in the name of investigation....even though she came with RED CROSS ahhh...

  132. We see more tamed tigers blogging the blog now than in the past..

    Now, claims 92 LTTE caders dead..

  133. HRW to push for more sanctions against LTTE and TMVP..

  134. Hi mate Shyam,

    You haven't ignored me; nor do you have any hard feelings towards me. See, the Sinhalese and Tamils can live in harmony, forgetting the ugly past.

    I am very pleased with it.

    Thank you for the reply; I remember the contents of your reply and even share with the rest of the folks, if you permit. The time dely in replying indicates you have done a bit of research too, to find out the three individuals in question. You have taken pains on my behalf.

    Take care.

  135. The Sri Lanka Army (SLA) Thursday launched a fresh cordon and search operation in areas surrounding Buttala-Kathirkaamam (Kataragama) road and other suburbs following the killing of three SLA soldiers by an unidentified group of persons.

    Another new search opperation ah... what ever the funny thing is the LTTE killed 3 SLA in few minures after; The police said that the area is secured ....

  136. Nice work with the map defencenet, great labels lol:
    "Elite footprints of LTTE cadres"
    "Fighting occurred somewhere in this region"
    "Image taken by defencenet spy satellite"
    The 'intelligent' questions have been well answered.

  137. I could not hold my laugh after seeing the map. Welldone mate.


    LTTE diehards are now resorting to whinging..That is the only thing they can do when their super human LTTE leaders are getting kiled by the SLDF.

    Velu's must be the most worried man in Vanni...Too many funerals within the last couple of months rocked the LTTE boat.

  139. cakeboy,

    arguing with a civilised guy is a pleasure. your views are well taken mate.

    "1. For humanitarian reasons to provide some closure to the relatives of the cadres as detailed before"

    no; their relatives will never come to see this site or anything from it

    "2. To make a clear distinction to human rights orgs, and western governments between alleged civillian deaths and LTTE conscriptees, if we hightlight their date and place of death."

    we can take video and still images and store; i agree. but we should NEVER display them in a web page, etc. A recorded footage can achieve everything you mentioned

    "3. To demoralise the enemy - reported numbers mean nothing. They are disputed by the LTTE and the diaspora on a regular basis.

    Having photographic evidence of the dead (headshots only) with name, date and place of death etc. it will bring home to them the reality of war."

    no. that will only increase their hatred towards the army; this is the reality mate. do you really think the likes of upul, retard(!), revy, etc., etc. don't know this? they know better than us. but they are SO braindead that they believe that is the way to go.

    "As for Moshe's comments about the USA, UK etc not displaying the dead - they have nothing to win propaganda wise by doing so with a largely indifferent public.

    But they have everything to lose by holding themselves open to requests by the powerful civil liberty or anti-war lobbies to display their own dead.

    Our case is somewhat different."

    but almost all defence ministries around the world follow this practice; all their media are for PR stuff; not for glorifying their military victories

    "4. We can clearly highlight the practice of the LTTE in conscripting women, old people and children in their war. Can you get anything more effective than a photo of dead child or an old woman?"

    as i said before, agree. but we need not display these in a website, etc. we must keep the video footage and show it ONLY to relevant people

  140. Tangara,

    Your observations are not short of admireres; thanks mate.

  141. idiots enjoying and they are happy with their lies and ... they proud about not to answer the question ... this is what they did in the peace talks hahahahaha.....laugh well guys and enjoy your foolishness

  142. Extreme,

    We enjoyed the MAP..
    Keep them comming...

  143. Your points are well made, moshe. And they are correct too, in my view

  144. idiots enjoying... so why didn;t u leave idiots to enjoy and mind ur own business u great intelligent? kindly leave the idiots and find ur intelligent friends on an eelam blog. U repeatedly come and comment on an idiot's place thus making u more idiot....

    sorry I was tempted to reply the soft target...

  145. Defencenet/Guys,

    New post on


    "Fighter pilots have confirmed that the targets were accurately hit."
    Does this mean that the arty gun was taken out or only the place where it was were destroyed? It's not clear......can you give some more details on this defencenet?

  146. "IS IT BECAUSE I IS Sinhalese"

    little light humour on why the Tamils hate the Sinhalese!!.. :-(


    There was a Sinhalese woman who was baking a white chocolate cake for her little tamil son..

    She turned her back.. the little boy took the white chocolate and rubbed it into his face and said..

    "Look ammi im a Tamil!!.."

    The mother slapped him and said..

    "Dont you ever say that in this house!!.. go tell your thaththi what you said!!.."

    The little boy with all this chocolate on his face went up to his dad..

    "Look thaththa im tamil!!.."

    The daddy slapped him..

    "Dont say this, go to your Lokuthththi!!.."


    "Im tamil Lokuthththi!!.."

    He slapped him..

    "Go back to your ammi!!.."

    The mother sat him down and said..

    "Putha!!.. now what have you learned today??.."

    and Putha said..

    "Ive learned that ive been Tamil for 5 mins and already i hate you Sinhalese people!!.."


    Its JOKE!!.. Relax!!..

    Can Rite storries like this dude. Reality is something different.

    The war is not with sinhalese or with Tamils.

    Its just because of politics. War is with GOSL & LTTE. ordinary people thinks Ltte fighting against SINHALESE.

    sinhalese and tamils can live to gether, are living to gether. will live together its not that.

    War third class POLITICIANS. these ppl dont want to give solutions to LTTE. just as basic if they treated tamils well or find out their requirement and srverd their needs. Tamils too fight for terrorism. but GOSL doesnt wanna do that.

    DN ur comment pls.

  147. shyam i said this to million times before change your gay profile pic then come and talk to us

  148. Dev,
    You are right and wrong,

    We tamils and sinhales can live together in peace and harmony - 100% aggreed. thats what happening in mst part of the couldtry except North.

    This war is not between tamils and sinhalese but politics - 100% agreed. get the same explanation above.

    Ppl dont want to give solution to LTTE - There you are wrong in two ways. The GOSL is giving the solution in right way. I think it is transferred well these days.
    And the solution you presume is not for the LTTE as LTTE is none of the Tamils. Tamils live in all over the country does not get anything because of LTTE except unnecessary suspicion and the other related concequences.
    Pleased with your knoledge and understanding


    Sorry for the politics,
    Only India is standing between a seperate Tamil state and Sri Lanka.

    The Sinhalese liberators, the JVP want Indian goods banned in this country and they also want government to abandon the APRC and provide No credible solution to the conflict.

    I know you guys, divide on the JVP issue, I see the JVP as the biggest threat to this country after LTTE.

    The day Sri Lankans will vote JVP to form a government, expect India and IC to divide this country in no time.

  150. 67 LTTE cadres, 3 soldiers killed in Lanka clashes


  151. DN,
    I have seen how police helicopters in UK using thermal cameras for tracking culprits who break the law. Thay allways use it in low light levels and they are excellent in showing guys hiding in various places. Cant we use that kind of stuff in our choppers and then attck them?

  152. I dont understand all this talk about setting a website etc. about LTTE casualitis so they that teir kit and kin could visit one day and mourn. Do LTTE respcet human rights. No they dont. What did they do to hundreds of policemen who surrendered. Murdered in cold blood. What did we do if catch a LTTE'r or a suppoerter who was caught smuggling stuff. We produce them in court. And the judge bails him out and they simply dissapears.

    What we should have done was to kill them on the spot and keep silent about that. We can be civilized if we are fighting with a civilised group.

    'a a kehel gediyata a a banis'

    We should ban the LTTE and introduce death penalty to LTTE supporters.

    There is a lot of background work going on in the IC by the NGO's. They are trying their best to introduce R2P in SL.

  153. Guys,

    The blog is a bit idle with not much breaking news. The air strikes are not bolts from the blue; you have been informed about a catalogue of surprises.

    I am someone with this unique syndrome; I cannot live with boredom. I know you guys agree with me, but are reluctant to admit as I do.

    My man with the crystal ball, tells me a tale about something that happened in Vanni, with regular intervals, which you guys cannot claim to have known before me.

    VP is knows as a notorious guerilla leader and even the Oxford dictionary has a definition for his organization; but little known is the fact, that he had a softer side too. He used to play the role of a matchmaker in the organization too, my man says, with his latest insights, through his crystal ball.

    For instance, Sasirekha who later desankritised her name to something with the suffix 'chelvi,' was paired up with Thamil Chelvan who desankritised his original name 'Dinesh.' Thamil Chelvam claimed to have come to know it, just four days before this fortunate events - getting married to someone from a very high caste - that was taboo for where he hailed from. That is beside the point any way.

    VP was intrumental in fixing the marriages of three serving senior leaders on the same day, according to my man with this menacing ball. Since they are still alive their names are withheld along with their spouses, for security and moral reasons.

    The marriages took place in Vanni same day, exactly the same way funerals take place in the same location today.

    However, there was one man who could not keeping his nosy streak for eavesdropping at bay, even on this memorable event - it was the dreaded intelligent chief Pottu.

    He bugged the bedrooms of three seniors while the honeymoons were in progress. Guess what he did next; he not only analyzed it to detail, but summoned the three female souls to his office, calling for explanation the behaviours that turned out not to be the same.

    The first in the queue was senior leader A's wife; she was asked to explain as to why she cried during that night. "Annan, asked me to cry when I am in pain," replied the hapless girl, highlighting her brotherly affection for VP. Then came the second wife and was asked to explain as to why she smiled during the honeymoon. " Annan, asked me to smile when I am joyful," replied the pretty woman. Then came the time for the third woman, who had to explain her silence during the honeymoon:"Annan, asked me not to make any noise when something is in my mouth," replied the woman that left the brute blushing in shame, who was notorious, only for trunning red in rage!!

    The reply so shocked Pottu to the core that you will never see him in a photograph, standing next to a woman any more - especially, if she has been on her honeymoon, folks.

    Don't thank Qrious for the revelation, but thank my-man-with-the-ball in thought, for the same.

  154. Great Map DN . As a long time reader of this blog , I have observed that day by day these eelamist jokers are getting really psychotic as well as neurotic . DN you guys are doing an excellent job . Please keep up the good work .


    Defencenet-the map taken by defencenet spy satellite!..lolz

  156. Dev;

    These people never gonna understand the early 1971 the Tamils were against for state kind of solution they just asked to equal rights in everything ..but the sinhala politicians didn't agree with it even though they are the majority ..i don't know why they didn't agree with it ..if they are the majority then they can be president but they didn't because it shows they didn't trust themselves .....

    But now they forced the tamils to fight for a separate home land ... and still the srilnkan politicians didn't change that ... i don't know why ...

    Sinhalese are the majority and all of them will vote for sinhala why don't they get change shows racism i think.....

    (Sorry to mention in early 1971 only the people who got educated are able to vote ...according to this tamils hold most votes)

  157. some one pls correct me ..if i am wrong

  158. Shyam,

    If you don't indulge in what both zoolgogists and object-oriented programmers call polymorphism, we are proud of you, your collective change in tone, style and attitude.

    I am sure, the folks in here, are ready to take you on board as one of their own.

    So, don't let self-imposed hindrance of being a Tamil, get in the way.

  159. Hi DN,
    Any news on the fresh offensive towards Adampan junction?

  160. @guys

    march is just days away !

    big push in march ??

    any ideas ?

  161. This is taking long

    I want the leaders be killed

    I dont want to see/hear infantry being killed

    That is a quick solution

    Just kill VP and some other key leaders. Rest will surrender.


    Just kill MR and few of his brothers, god knows how many he has.

    bottom line is infantry is being put to fight and watched and comented on by ppl outside

    They should go play Age of the Empire or any other war crafts game instead of playing with lives of poor people.

    LTTE abducts childs and grow them to certain age then let them fight in the front line, of course after mad brainwashing that they have no choice but to fight.

    MR is doing the same with high unemployment rates and targetting poor villages to raise his (n+1)th division at all time.

  162. Sri Lankan Tamil separatists hail Kosovo's independence declaration


  163. Five held for trying to smuggle materials to Lanka


  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. //Off Topic//

    German mob brutalises Sri Lankan man


    be very carefully in Germany !

    skin heads are everywhere !

    tamil/sinhala or any other
    you get attacked & they try to kill you

  166. I heard, VP lost his leg and Pottu is the New leader now.

    ITN news

    DN any truth or any news regarding?

  167. "if they are the majority then they can be president but they didn't because it shows they didn't trust themselves ....."

    'They didn't trust themselves' what? What the hell does this mean? Can somebody tell me what he's trying to say?

  168. "I heard, VP lost his leg and Pottu is the New leader now"
    I don't think sun goat will hand down his leadership to anyone else even if he loses his neck, as long as he's alive. BTW, not sure if ITN can be trusted.....these are the same people that said army has reached the outskirts of Killinochi. But we'll wait and see.

  169. ITN news is really a JOKE

    always talking about ranil & trying 2 show the government as GOD

    LOL !

    they live in another world

    most SL media are bias

    lets wait & see what dnet has 2 say

  170. ITN is the Tamilnet of GoSL only a few things they say are right
    man i'm so sick of them talking of athi garu janadipathi all the time

  171. but ranil is a person who should be hated by all patriots

  172. ITN fail to show the corruption of politicians and they maked sri lankan people hate the two words mahinda chinthanaya

  173. @Senkadagala Sinhaya

    are you a singer(your picture) ?

  174. thats not me thats a rapper called Immortal Technique I'm just a stdent

  175. Okey,
    All set now. Hold your helmets hard SLA, for, you are gonna face a terrible cyclone that has been brweing for a while now, pretty soon. Most of you will be sucked in by it and succumb to it. The upside is you may not be buried in some masss grave off Mannar, but be given full military respects by the LTTE, who will have to do the honours when your top brass refuses collect your bodies.

  176. this is the exact optimism that the sinhalese majority had during the late nineties during those operations to liberate vanni, what happened in the end? The SLA abandoned with over 6000 KIA and eventually lost the strategic elephant pass and yet the sinhala public wants to get fooled over and over again, did u hear what your infaous forer president chandrika said a few days ago-The tigers can't be defeated ilitarily, i guess she finally learned her lesson. MR and Gothabay will soon follow my friends.

  177. sorry for the spelling istakes in the previous posts, infamous, former and militarily

  178. abarip,
    Thanks about your advise. we have faced your terrible cyclone when we were in the east.
    But it was just a wind and now people of east feel it.
    So, please live in your dreams and we wellcome that kind of thinking. If top leaders of LTTEs also having
    this kind of thinking pattern our SLA's brave soldiers would have very much easy task.
    So...keep up your thinking pattern.
    By the way we know how to respect the dead persons, not like LTTE barbarians. So, please give your kind attention little tamil children those who are going to sacrifice their lives to satisfy whims of megamolic leader.

  179. Thiru,
    we don't bother spelling mistake, but when you compare to all previous leaders with MR and Gotabaya, you are doing great mistake. Good thing is your never agree that and understand it. Funny thing is that you will say the same thing in six month time, but with another tone.
    Please keep up your thinking pattern for at least another few months. If LTTE leaders are thniking the same way our SLA heros would have much easy task ahead. but unfortunately it is not. this barbarian leaders are well verse with war situation. Anyway at least we have good, skilled enemy to fight with, not like day dreamers...

  180. Why these LTTE bootlickers are so interested in SLA and poor singhala people. If u dont believe DN , well thats fine WHY keep filling crap here WHY.??????????
    THis is not a place to worship LTTE heroics and as a part of the singhala majority, I believe in decimating the LTTE so kindly u great maweers kindly leave the poor singhala community and go somewhere else and post where ur ideas are respected.

  181. 'terrible cyclone'

    can't see any cyclone coming in the next few days in Sri lanka
    (latest weather report)

  182. Tamil Tiger UN sanctions demand


    Update: 95 killed in Sri Lanka, Air Force bombs LTTE strong hold


  183. Shyam said..
    (Sorry to mention in early 1971 only the people who got educated are able to vote ...according to this tamils hold most votes)
    February 21, 2008 7:13 PM

    Sri lanka is the second country in Asia to get universal adult franchise, that is the right of all men and women to vote. That right was received in 1931. See list of countries and when they received universal adult franchise.

    1901 Australia
    1906 Finland
    1907 Austria
    1913 Norway
    1915 Denmark
    1918 Canada
    1918 United Kingdom
    1918 Austria
    1918 Czechoslovakia
    1918 Germany
    1918 Hungary
    1919 Poland
    1919 Luxembourg
    1919 The Netherlands
    1920 United States
    1921 Sweden
    1922 Lithuania
    1922 Republic of Ireland
    1923 Romania
    1925 Newfoundland
    1931 Sri Lanka (as Ceylon)
    1931 Spain

  184. Dear SLA supporters,
    Tsun Tsu said:
    "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare"
    Tigers know very well that the truth of these wise words will dawn on you sooner or later. They are playing the waiting game. The movement has grown in all aspects particularly on the psychological front. They are able to hold their nevres and remain militarily austere. Apparently and indeed, unsurprisingly, you and the SLA's hierarchy are taking this for a sign of weakness and are enthusiastically indulging in bombast and bambardment, respectively. There is also a sanscrit verse which says that a great man is as soft as a flower and as hard as a thunderbolt - which goes to show that 'gentleness' can only belong to the strongest. This wisdom is clearly lost on you and thank god, not on the LTTE. The LTTE is not worried about the claims of the SLA and are calmy going about doing their business. It is really funny to see you guys develop on the theory of VP's injury and make a song and a dance about it. That claim was ever so casually dismissed by Nadesan and Ilanthiyaran and still today we see you dwelling on it. We actually are not complaining about it as we'd dearly love you to spend your time energy on a non existant matter. But I write these words to bring you back to reality in a hope that you'd spend your time constructively.

  185. abarip,

    So, enlighten us please, why hasn't VP made a public appearance for nearly 3 months now? Not even a public statement as far as I know, why is this?

  186. Well said CASC! Sometimes I wonder from where do these tiger supporters dig up their “facts”.

    @ abadip
    Man that’s scary. Looks like the LTTE’s advance strategy of losing territory has fooled all of us, and here I was wondering what made them give up so much territory in the last couple of years. Surely it’s not because the SLA is handing their a$%^s to them on a platter. :)

  187. abarip,

    Who's "Tsun Tsu"?

    Sun Tzu however said "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare."

    And he was spot on! But right back at ya mate....

    Why is LTTE prolonging this war? According to Sun Tzu, they won't gain anything from a protracted war either. Why don't they come out and obliterate SLA and put an end to all this suffering?

  188. @Parakrama

    one reason:

    VP is very busy

    it is not easy to be a leader of an organisation that has 1000's of members

  189. guys

    Tamil Eelam calling code is

    thank god for satellite phones

  190. LKDOOD,

    Thanks mate! Now it all makes sense!

    He must be a busy & nervous man especially as some of those members have been recruited against their will!

    So never mind public appearances & press releases, he’s gotta watch his a**!

    This on top of the ever present threat of DPU attacks & SLAF sending him a gift or two...I really feel sorry for him!

  191. parakrama,
    insiders say that the elite divisions under the LTTE canadian command are on their way..They are accompanied by the aircraft carriers EELAM Prapararan and EELAM bata slipper lets get ready to migrate to the richest country.

  192. Srilankan said...
    ...insiders say that the elite divisions under the LTTE canadian command are on their way..

    he he very funny bro

  193. Parakrama,
    Let me explain why LTTE is prolonging this war.
    LTTE's war is not funded by its domestic revenue. LTTE and the majority of the people living in their ambit depend on an external economy to wage the war and to manage thier livelihoods. This source of income, is unhindered by this war. In fact the worse the war gets the more the the diaspora gives. On the other hand, the GOSL depends on foreign aids and its domestic economy to wage this costly war and provide its populace their livelihood. These two sources are seriously affected by a prolonged war. Already, the flow of foreign aid has significantly diminished. Japan, Sri Lanka's single biggest doner is dependable but is under tremendous pressure. A prolonged war will definitely culminate in drying up the resources that are directly connected to it. This is what the LTTE is aiming to achiove. It is pretty obvious to see if you have a clearer vision. Just behold this picture:
    Say at the end of this year the GOSL hasn't achived its goal of capturing Wanni. The IC loses hope and patience. LTTE strikes a hard blow. Pretty scary, dont you think?


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