Sunday, May 17, 2009

History in the making

The Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has just completed the largest hostage rescue mission in modern times with outstanding success. Last of the civilian human shield that protected the LTTE leadership thus far is now being evacuated from the conflict zone as we speak. Irresponsible international media reports that maintain 30000 civilians are still trapped inside LTTE held territory will soon have to eat their words. DefenceNet can confirm that almost all civilians held hostage by the tigers have now been rescued by the army. Search & rescue operations are continuing in search of the injured who are unable to move out.

Several tiger armories located in the new war zone close to civilian shelters are now blaze. The LTTE controlled territory in Mullaithivu district has now shrunk to less than 1square kilometer.


  1. I have been visitor to this blog. Thank you for your service in keeping us expats informed on the developments in our lone war against terrorism.

    May the blessings of the triple gem be with our forces and let us never forget the many of our armed forces who made the ultimate sacrifice or permanently disabled by this war.

    Please don't forget to contribute to the charity funds created to help our heros and their children. This is the least we can do as we are sitting in our sofas and they die for us. As time passes by and we get on with our lives and get busy, and we are not as emotionally fired up about the issue, we may not remember to contribute, so now is the best time.

  2. Defence Net team,

    Thank you for all the hard work.

    Theruwan Saranai.

  3. Defencenet..

    Thanks for your reports through out ...well done SLA...



  4. defencenet

    those three sites doing very honorable service for the country over eelam war. i don't know all of those things run by same team. but we are proud on you.


  5. Thanks DN...hats off to your team for all the efforts to keep us uptodate...

  6. DN team,

    Thank you very much for the service rendered.

  7. dear team,
    We thank you, the first blogger to publish reliable information on the sri lankan war.
    may the triple gem bless you!

  8. Defencenet,
    I checked your blog, several times,everyday since I was introduced to your site a long ago.
    You have done a great service to us, Sri Lankans.
    I hope we can recognize you one day for the your services.
    You and others like you, makes us a little more proud than we already are as Sri Lankans.
    Truth prevails!
    Good luck and see you around.
    Bohoma Isthuthi!!!

  9. Thanks defence net. we could not be with our heroes or support them physically. But you have done a good job to connect mentally, all those who truly love our motherland with our forces.

  10. Good job defencenet. Your updates were great. However, I fear you will have to keep on reporting till a paradigm shift occurs in the thinking of people in our country. eg The logo of the Army on this article is only in Sinahala. How can a Tamil feel that it is his/her army?

  11. Voice in the Desert,
    "The logo of the Army on this article is only in Sinahala. How can a Tamil feel that it is his/her army?"

    What you say is true. This blog being accessible to international visitors, it could give the wrong message specially at a time like this. It was the LTTE that was defeated, not the Tamils. Removed the logo for now.

  12. DefenceNet

    Thanks for being a reliable source of info throughout this sad episode of our nation.

  13. DN,

    Thanks for the news. Any idea about the fate of the LTTE leaders?

  14. DNA analysis take time. Probably there are samples at gentech DNA analysis lab in Narahenpita, and the govt need verification of results from at least 2-3 other labs from other countries. Even to plan this experimet requires a day in Sri Lanka , to gather a meeting of DNA experts in SL and decide on the experimet.
    If there are 10 or so bodies 10 or so DNA samples have to be prepeared takes about 4-5 hrs depending on the number of staff you have in the lab. You dont want too many people handling these top secret samples, so its probably the head of the lab and one or two other high level confidents.

    Samples could be sent to commerical labs in other counties in annonymity to obtain a DNA profle, these will serve as the control.

    After extracting the DNA other analysis takes about 3-4 hrs, if you are sending samples in anonymity you will have to wait till they go through the line and come back, which might be 24-48 hrs the standard time for DNA profile generation in a commercial lab.

    Once all analysis results have been gathered they can be comperead to the known DNA profile of prabakaran which is present in India and SL (Late Maj. Mtuthaliff recoved prabas tissue sample).

    This analysis takes about 30 mins.

    So you can see to leave no stone unturned its at least 48 hrs.

  15. Regarding the DNA samples, all you have to do is to check whether the captured body's DNA samples are matching with any Pig's DNA sample.

    That'll prove whther or not it's Vessa Pille's

    You can find any Pig's DNA from a pork shop.

  16. Hi Defencewire,
    There are stories on Praba`s fate. I think SLDF did not still find any information regarding Pig`s fate. Am I correct

  17. DN,
    Thanks for your contribution!

  18. Sri Lankan Tamil population in pre '83 was about 12%. However, the percentages in senior public & private sector employment, commercial sector, education, university students, etc., were disproportionately in favour of the minority Tamils. In 1983 the chief of Police and several immediately under him were Tamils.

    The Sri Lankan Tamils were a PRIVILEDGED MINORITY who enjoyed rare privileges most minorities in the world did not enjoy. For example, even larger minorities (more than 12%) in most countries in the world did not enjoy a law where only the minority could buy land/property in certain parts of that country. The Tamil people had these privileges. They were not suffering from any type of ill-treatment the majority were not suffering (due to failures of successive governments and corruption).

    Alas, greed wanted more; without being satisfied with their extravagant lot even the majority people did not enjoy, some Tamil leaders used a imaginary "discrimination" problem to divide the nation and build their own empires. This is basically how it all started.

  19. Disturbing footage of war:

    Please see what is the real result of war. This happens to fighters on both sides.

    You may celebrate, but you are doing it on these people's dead bodies.


  21. Any attempt to hack is illegal. The IP address should be logged, traced (using online tracing tools) and reported to the originating ISP. Use the comments as evidence, if needed.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Everywhere you look, you see KP being quoted as the LTTE's head of international relations. I don’t think these guys have a clue who KP really is. Anybody reading today’s papers and blogs would think he invited the media to his office and issued these statements.

    Whenever we refer to KP on a blog comment, we should remind the audience about his past, and the fact that the Interpol wants him.

    “Selvarasa Pathmanathan, alias Shanmugam Kumaran Tharmalingam, alias Kumaran Pathmanadan or simply KP is none other than the long time key arms procurer of the LTTE, on whom INTERPOL has issued a red corner notice in connection with Rajiv Gandhi assassination in 1991”

    KP - INTERPOLKP - WikipediaKP - MOD

  24. Derana Says,
    in a BREAKING NEWS >>
    Some Senior Leaders of ltte have killed last night & Army is in the process of Identification...

    They said to Wait for more Info....

    DN Team > Thank You All For the Great work You all have done..

  25. Yes that's true..
    They have found the body of Praba's Son, Charles Anthony..

  26. Pottu, soosai & others are beleived to be in a bus trying to escape & The Army is having a fierce battle with the Loyal ltters who r trying to protect them..
    Source >> Neth FM
    just glad that had a OFF day today !!!


    Nadeshan, Pulidevan and Ramesh ALSO DEAD...!

  28. DN,

    thanks for the updates.

    SLDFs made us all proud.

    UN's rep had to hide in a toilet to call that arms dealer/international terrorist KP!!!

  29. I am crying.. I am crying..

    Happy tears!

    Happy tears!


    Guys please determined to look after the families of our war heroes!

  30. Almost an year ago, Selvarasa Pathmanathan, alias K.P, then the "provisional" head of the LTTE, announced the formation of what he described as a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. (

    KP appointed the then legal advisor to the LTTE, Rudrakumar Viswanathan, to head a committee set up to work out the details of this so called transnational government.

    Today, KP is enjoying caviar at the expense of the Sri Lankan government at Visumpaya, which earlier housed the current Minister of External Affairs, G.L.Peiris and before him, the former leader of the opposition and then speaker of the parliament, bon vivant Anura Bandaranaike.

    In KP´s absence, Rudrakumaran just got himself elected as the CEO of the re-branded provisional government, now called a "Transnational Constituent Assembly of Tamil Eelam".

    The whole sordid saga of this election process, where Rudrakumaran appointed his close friend and business partner, Ramsey Clark to oversee his own election, is reported in detail ( by D.B.S Jeyraj, whose insider information provides illuminating details of the power struggle between Rudrakumaran and other LTTE factions to take control of the pot of gold KP left behind.

    What he leaves out are or course the sordid details like how Rudra appointed friends and family to all the country working groups, or how the so called Independent Election Commissioners were all former or current associated of Rudra and his cohorts. While groups opposing Rudra did manage to get at least a handful of their supporters elected, more than 85% of the members of this fake government (for a country that does not exist) are all Rudra faithfuls, simply stuffed in there to give Rudra a semblance of authority and respectability, so he can go with his hand-out to get the hand-outs from friendly governments, NGO´s and of course, the collection from the much pressed Tamil Diaspora.

    Young Obi2canibe, a student of the East Anglia University, born in Jaffna and who is proud to identify himself as from Tamil Eelam, has been good enough to give us a detailed list of those who were seeking to be elected to this fake government and those who were finally elected here:

    All of these are in one way or another connected to an ruthless terrorist organization banned in many countries around the world. Now that we have these names out in the open, we need to find more details of who these people are and then bring them to notice of the proper authorities.

    Please help the people of Sri Lanka and its diaspora around the world to get rid of this scrooge once and all. Go to the wikipedia page, look at the names, if you have any information concerning any one of these, post them here or send us a private email at Lankans Against terro with the details. Please remember to give us any URL´s, and any published documentation which we can attribute so the information is credible and stands inspection.

    Join us in publicizing this page, our twitter account ( our user page ( and our anti-terrorism group page ( We will soon start petitions to be sent to governments, letters to major western newspapers and will start a major advertising campaign here in Facebook.

    We need every bit of help. Make it count!

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