Sunday, March 22, 2009

Army deploys Task Forces 5, 6, and 7

The Sri Lanka Army has deployed three additional Task Forces to the Wanni theater of battle. Newly raised TF 5, 6 and 7 are currently placed in defensive mode in areas recently captured from the LTTE. TF5 is deployed in Tunukkai/Mallavi, TF6 in Pooneryn and TF7 in strategic Elephant Pass – the doorway to Jaffna peninsula. The army has four more task forces deployed in the Mullaithivu region; TF2, TF3, TF4 and TF8. These are placed in offensive/semi-offensive mode and are actively used in the battle to free remaining area and civilians held by the LTTE. In addition to the deployment of Task Forces, two new brigades were added to the army’s 59 division (59-4 and 59-5).

With the recent changes, the army now has 8 task forces and 7 divisions (61 and 56 divisions based in Mannar and Vavuniya) leading the war against LTTE. Task Forces have lesser number of troops than a full division and are formed with a particular goal (task) in mind. These are later converted to divisions as more brigades/troops are added. For example the Task Force 1 which was raised back in 2007 is now known as the 58 division. In addition to task forces and divisions, decimating LTTE’s frontlines are troops from 1,2,3,4 Special Forces regiments who have done an invaluable service throughout the 4th Eelam War.


  1. DefenceNet ,

    thanks for update after long time .

    why we need these new task forces now ?

    We are almost completeing the war

  2. DN,
    I also ask the same question? Why do you need more task forces? War is almost over. Do you need task forces to kill more innocent people?

    Genocide evident

  3. The handle Civilain is a terrorist sympathizer. Please be aware !

  4. TigerKiller,
    One goal would be to prevent guerrilla style attacks launched by infiltrated tiger teams. Presences of SLA will also prevent tigers from re organising in captured areas.

    War will be over when every civilian taken hostage by LTTE is freed and when every LTTE operative (local and abroad) are wiped from the face of this planet. Till then go post your BS elsewhere.

  5. Velavan Master said

    This is an outrage! TNA MP abandons sole representatives

    sinhala blogger Velavan master & sinhala media reporting moda banda propaganda

    here is the truth

    S. Vino Noharathalingam, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Vanni parliamentarian, released a report to the media Sunday in which he condemns and rejects certain malicious misreporting and misrepresentation of his speech in the Sri Lanka Parliament Thursday, making himself clear on his unwavering commitment to the struggle of the Tamil Nation.

    The following is the English translation of his media report:

    Media Release

    Parliament 22.03.09

    I am obliged to clear the doubts and sate the truth related to the controversies that had risen following my speech in the Parliament last Thursday. I notice that some media institutions and websites, giving prominence to the speech, have distorted it in an attempt to blemish my firm political stance and that of Tamil National Alliance (TNA). They had, twisting the words and expressions in my speech, said that I am going to join the government.

    I condemn and reject this in the strongest terms making myself absolutely clear and assert that there is no truth whatsoever in the distorted reporting.

    I have been consistent in raising my voice for my people and to protect and preserve the Tamil Nation. My sincere efforts will continue unwavering without loosing direction. I have, then and now, stuck to the firm political policies of the TNA and Tamil Eealam Liberation Organization (TELO). Under any circumstance, I will not avail myself to be a party to any historical treachery. I have unassailable faith in this conviction.

    People living in our country and outside it need not harbour the slightest doubt in my steady conviction. I request them to reject all false propaganda against me. I pledge that I would struggle unrelentingly along with TNA to achieve the political aspirations and the ethnic right of the Tamil Nation.

    (sgd) S. Vino Noharathalingam Member of Parliament Wanni district

  6. defencejoker

    made up story for the moda banda internet gang

    good putha

  7. Civilian- the innocent people are killed by your evil mf gote father Prabakeran.
    Task forces are there to kill the LTTE animals.

    so shut the fuck up you pro LTTE animal.

  8. Read this you CIVILIAN the innocent tamil killer

    LTTE continues shelling fleeing IDPs: 1055 seek protection with security forces- Mullaittivu
    A total of 1055 civilians sought protection with security forces on Saturday (March 21), fleeing from LTTE terrorists amidst heavy artillery and mortar fire directed from the declared No Fire Zone.

    According to military reports received, 308 men, 376 women, 371 children including 161 girls were rescued by troops of the 58 Division now operating in general area Iranapalai.

    The injured civilians due to heavy LTTE artillery and mortar attacks were shifted for immediate medical attention at the general hospital in Vavuniya.

    LTTE terrorists now cornered in a mere 25 land stretch are continuing to target those fleeing from its hostage in clear desperation, of sensing probable defeat by military, a defence official said.

  9. if we actually did what these asses are accusing us of doing, the war might have been over in a year or so, maybe even less with much much lower casualties to our guys.

    So why bother with replying to idiots who think that prabha's d*ck is the next best thing to sliced bread ?

  10. Defencenet,

    It seems that defending Mulathivu-Nandikadal area is going to be assigned to 59th division once the Eelam goes to 0 km^2?

  11. DN,
    Thank you for the post. Please try to bring some commentary once a week at least.

    How much money have you given towards LTTE? Assumed you wont get your capital / returns unless try to save those diying terrorists.
    Since you are one of the terrorists who is out of Sri Lanka, work some extra hours and send few books to Vanni. Not to forget you are one of those terrorists who is responsible for taking lives away from most of Tamilians in North.
    Therefore you do owe them big time.

  12. Except for the award winning theatrics which we were expecting anyway, and the self roasting of a coupla stupid porkies, Tamilnadu really didn't do anything to help the wanni monkeys. The number of 'death fasts' lasting two days with plenty of 'water' in between, always ended in laughable drama being delivered by the same fuckfaced nattami political circus monkeys. Whether any of this impressed Velu,who obviously must be a hardcore believer in results, will probably never be known.

    For most who haven't watched how the game was played out, hopefully someday there would be an expose of true facts surrounding international politics that led to the 'final war' culminating in a different military politico doctrine in barely known far corner of the world. THe key factors and actors would be an increasingly wary US+India axis which weighed in on a situation getting out of control with European manipulations leading to terrorism becoming a winning formula.
    The story would be incredible, if only all facts were known.

  13. To Civilian-

    The reason behind why the army is implementing more task forces is simple. It is NOT to kill innocent people you retard...why not go to Sri Lanka and see all the IDPs camps and see where the new divisions are placed...that way you can see the ground reality instead of posting such rubbish on this forum such as "SLA killing innocent people"

    1- To defend and hold the captured areas which is considered a vital base(s) to the army and of strategic importance

    2- To prevent any further LTTE infiltration into the base...even one LTTE rat can cause a nuisance should he succeed in launching a suicide attack in a captured base i.e. Pooneryn, Mallavi.

    3- The additional task forces will defend those strategic bases until every single LTTE %#$$#@$ are wiped clean from SL. Even as we speak, they are securing every street, every corner and flushing out any LTTE mole rat, clearing mines.

    4- Even after the war is all over...the SLA will stay on full alert in every corner in SL to prevent any of LTTE operatives from regrouping

    If you still do not believe in us then not waste your time on this forum ...

    as DN said...go post your BS somewhere else

    That's all i'm going to say.


    God Bless the Sri Lankan Army and the innocent people

  14. Civlians Said
    I also ask the same question? Why do you need more task forces? War is almost over. Do you need task forces to kill more innocent people?

    Genocide evident

    If the govt wanted to eliminate all the tigers in the shortest time, they could do it in 24 hours by systemetically carpet bombing the entire 25Km^2 area. The only thing preventing this approach are the civilian hostages taken by the LTTE.

    If you asshole has any regard to the civilian suffering you should start putting whatever preassure on the LTTE to release them ASAP. I hope you rot in hell for encouraging LTTE to keep hostages to protect the leaders

  15. TF's are required, or even divisions. The offensive divisions cannot cover all the ground and also there can be suicide type breeches by the LTTE. Hence the backing of additional forces are requred as of now. Once the 25km is over the force is required for clearence and establihment of civilian life. Anyway, a country Sri Lanka should have a much better (In the sense of numbers and equipment) navy and Air Force. They must keep the current strength of the Army intact. It is a good idea to have a good defence strategy.

  16. All,
    Please be vigilent.
    Watch out for each other.

    Will try our best to share some info with you soon.

  17. Canada shows their stripes to the world

    ||::CeylonDefence::|| updated

    Click here

  18. I fully back the idea of strengthning the armed forces, specially the Army. However, I would also like to see our Army being given mandotory swimming lessons, as part of their training.
    This is a need felt by many in the Army!

  19. Civilian,

    You say "DN,
    I also ask the same question? Why do you need more task forces? War is almost over. Do you need task forces to kill more innocent people?

    In your above statement, does "more innocent people" mean LTTE?

    LTTE said "Wanga Machan Wange .. didn't they?"

  20. Civilian I heard that your sister was the suecide bomer who killed innoecnt childrens & parents while they tried to escape from LTTE animals.

  21. STF....

    No man?

    My sis is in PTK. Go and catch her. She will show u a nice view of her.

    NOLTTE=Peace said...

    Let your newly formed Task forces kill the civilians. Lets see the reaction.

    Dw and DN is giving u a BS. And u All "Royal College" modays have to believe it. No choice...

  22. (none) Civilian,

    Have you been smoking weed?

    Check what I have said!

    Your civilians =LTTE don't they?

  23. This is BS .... genocide my ass look at the photos of ltte placing mortar unit,fuel dumps,truck & bunker right in the middle of civilian refugees.Propaganda does only so far ! VP & his idiots are scared S--- , now that they face a bullet thru the head v. soon when those poor SLA soldiers from villages get their hand on these morons after all these yrs. of BS abt. Tamileelam.Ya ltte should be really lucky YOU can fool folks sometimes....but, not all the time.

    Task forces are needed to keep maintain post battle order of Reconstruction & resettlement ? Got it ?
    So ltte can kiss my ass !

  24. For the benefit of the dumb wanni munkies;

    The proven road to instant glory-

    Light yourself up. self-immolation puts a grand finale to an otherwise miserable, sub-human existance, eviscerated by hatred and other corrosive attitudes. It gives you the instant recognition that is craved by the average monkeys in tamilnadu and elsewhere. It even gets your name in the papers, not just in the obetuaries column.

    Just imagine; your own day of media glory, for a few moments know, kinda frying moments. Nothing much to worry about. But if yo are worried, there's always the little cyanide vial you can get from uncle velu's bulk distributors.

  25. what vellavan master said was true.

    only thing is this particular TNA MP (like many other jokers) is pressurised by the LTTE.

    remember the 2007 budget?? it was a tight race and about 5 TNA crappies from the east didn't vote against!!! what was the excuse??? TMVP guys had threatened them. LOL!!

    if you look at the emergency debate voting only 17 or 18 TNA crappies vote against it. what about the rest???

    its the same lot. are they threatened EVERY MONTH by TMVP??

    don't trust what TNA crap say. they are UNDER threat from the LTTE WORLDWIDE. they have no way out and cannot speak out. must be regretting joining the TNA!!!

  26. BTW TNA (TAMIL national aliens) is the biggest racist party in SL parliament.

  27. Killers,
    Stop Killing Civilians.

    March 22 killings

  28. DN..Good comment there to this LTTE now..this fellow civilian has a few minutes to relax before he LTTEs a caucasian canadian puss..So he needs to post a comment that would draw the attention of other bloggers and compel them to comment until he is "bored" and needs a Caucasian canadian why dont we just ignore him?.afterall this fellow is a foreigner.and nothing to do with SLanka..We wish him a wonderful time in "paradise" not jus now but in say 20 yrs..

  29. Two helicopters of the SLAF are reported to have a close shave; this is a blessing in disguise. We now know they have them in their possession and plenty of time to take enhance the precautionary measures that are already in place.

    The air arm of the Tigers is the most unfortunate of all; it has been in the business of revealing itself - and at the crucial time.

    For a believer in suprestiton like me, these are clear signs the Tigers have run out of their luck and it is only matter of time, as DefneceNet, quite clearly said, before being wiped out.

    The close-shaves, as far as the Forces are concerned, tell us the presence of guardian angels protecting our motherland.

    This w***** - Civilian - doesn't know how to distinguish between death and murder, let alone genocide. He must be a son of a refugee, who cashed in on the plight of innocent civilians in Vanni for his personal advantage, tries to fool the liberal western audiences for ever.

    He must understand these people have had enough of the Third-World grivances, especially at a time, the Tigers even rob them of their simple right to use a credit card at a retail outlet.

    The abuse of the terms like Tamil and genocide has gone their sell-by-date. The people are worried these idiots may demand similar things on the western countries too, starting from an equall footing for the language.

    You had sympathy of the world and the Tigers ruined it. Blowing up innocent women and children and equate that with liberation struggle, whatever that means, and you are history.

    Civilian, you need a good woman mate. Have some fun with her and you can get rid of this irriating spirits inside you with a gush of seminal liquid.

  30. Ladies, chena boys and Qrious,
    For those who are intested, we have updated the .

  31. Ranil

    They usually are. And by engaging them, we also end-up cross eyed, and staring up THEIR ass hole.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hi Folks,

    This is a Superb Cartoon that summarizes HRW information, which the esteemed UN as well as the US Senate rely on.

    Great work!
    HRW Nudity

    Guys, please send this cartoon to everyone concerned!

    I wish this was published in Defence.LK too!

  34. My comment at Sandeshaya Canada

    This cartoon summarizes the reality crystal clearly.

    The danger is HRW, AI, Innercity Press, BBC etc rely on LTTE disseminated false figures and propaganda.

    The thought to be esteemed UN and UNHRC also are relying on LTTE disseminated/Tamilnet origined false propaganda whether they came from HRW or Innercity Press or BBC where roots trace back to LTTE.

    The world has never seen this scale of misinformation that are poured through hundreds of channels by LTTE, and the world is getting confused day by day as they have no prior experience of such barrage.

    LTTE is so organized that it has made its tentacles in every major Human Rights, Social Justice, and other International Governmental and none-governmental organizations. Even the UN is not spared.

    LTTE has virtually hijacked MPs of various countries dangling their voter bases and feeding them with the same LTTE origin misinformation. We have seen many salivating MPs going to market for LTTE in many countries (Canada, UK, Norway, France, Switzerland, Germany, Australia etc).

    All and all this cartoon tells most of the story. Please keep it up!

    HRW Nudity

  35. Civilian,

    Mate, we didn't misunderstand you, but just showed our annyoyance at your cliche - civilian deaths.

    As you can see, no one here celebrates the plight of the civilians. It is hurtful to see them being blown up whether it is by accidental fire by the army or deliberate shooting by the LTTE.

    As that is the case, your reminders of the obvious doesn't cut any ice with any of us. Of course, you are powerless to stop the LTTE violence against your own people.

    However, my army has made me proud of them by their conduct of the operation by rescuing them. I particularly admire the way they handle the little Tamil kids: the kids are really cute and chubby despite being exposed to endless dangers.

    The aid agencies have to eat their words now; there is no famine in Vanni and the credit goes to those Tamil parents for looking after their kids so well.

    Vanni is not another Ethiopia. However, it had the potential to be another Somalia, if the Sea Tigers are not cut down to size. They could have turned to sea piracy - a very lucrative trade, according to Somalians.

  36. Defnet, is there way ya can comment on the 52 Indian Army Medic(RAW & Special Forces) unit in the northern coast ? What heck do we need those jackasses when we have 140000 troops ? Arent these the same idiot who got us into this mess 20yr ago ? I dont like this fellas ! It's a power play & intel mission.

    Anyway,thank u guys Defencenet for all the info al these yrs. cuz, We all stuck together here all these time.Dunno how all this will end but, it comforting to know atleast a few lankans are banded by one mission.....countering ltte Progaganda abroad.

    BTW: do you realise, 2 Zlin 143's are still unaccounted for & 2 Robinson choppers.This SA 14 manpads shot they took on those 2 bell 212 dustoff, evidence ltte idiots still have some goods hidden among the civilian camps.

    But, I like Loneranger comments on SLA counter ops for ltte tiger rebels last stand plans. Good work.

    Also, I always fly Srilankan airlines !!!

  37. Civilian
    Just a bit of warning to you and if you are in the county I think and if you are not talking crap here about the Sri Lankan Airlines, to withhold any information is an very serious criminal offence. If you know of any such plot I would advise you to inform the proper authorities in your country of domicile. Even by chance if any such disaster happens you will be accused of complicity which is very serious and you will be easily tracked down. So is your statement genuine?

  38. kEVIN...

    Honestly that is my personnel opinion. U know about the LTTE better than me. Ltte would do any thing to achieve their goal.

    People all over the Diaspora Tamil world trying to boycott Sri lankan Airlines.
    Most Diaspora Tamils are protesting against SL airline and SL goods.

    So just to be careful that’s all.

    Even some one was planning to do any thing, normal public will never know.

    That was the friendly advice to u guys. In case any thing happens. that’s all.

  39. This is a joke right..this idiotic LTTE thaamil EELANG? bastard giving us advice..i guess he is a 40+ yr old in an authoritative job in "paradise"..not some idiotic kid...why is this fellow interested in all civilians?...thats a monumental surprise..anyway some good news..4 pandihutthans have pleaded guilty in the there anyway for us to pay some men behind bars to take care of these bastards arses and expand them in diameter i wonder

  40. Defence net

    1. Could I know about the strength of regiment of SLA (eg- 1GR) ,company strength of that regiment and strength full division (How many brigades need to be full division)

    2. What are the tasks of SF1,SF2,SF3and SF4 and their strength
    actually there should not give actual values.only just get the idea

  41. Ladies and Chena boys,
    New article now available.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Civilian
    Your guys are using RPGs to harass civilians?
    Is it a new sadistic act I wonder?Poor woman let her rest in peace and bloody disgusting.

  44. Civilian said...

    "See this picture ..."

    You may wish to check some facts before you publish this type of information. An RPG has a very short, limited range. Either this women is a front line combatant or she was hit well behind the lines when a weapon malfunctioned.

    You have either proved that wounded tigers become civilians when they reach areas staged to take photographs, or you have proved that the tigers are using civilians as shields.

    Which do you think you have proved?

  45. we need more task forces

    only employment in SL is join army


  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Kevin & Out sider,

    The reason I posted the link for picture is that let you know the real war situation.

    We couldn’t even continue to see the picture more than 10 sec. Imagine how difficult and pain for that lady.

    I know you can argue that LTTE is doing that and LTTE supporters can argue that Army is firing RPG.

    I do not go for either side. Both sides are war mongers and this should stop now.

    If not this is going to be worse. For sure lot of innocent civilians going to die or hurt.

    One thing you have to remember that

    "Terrorism is not the answer for Terrorism”

  48. Civilian said...

    "The reason I posted the link for picture is that let you know the real war situation.

    And, do you know the real situation in the Wanni? I doubt it.

    "I do not go for either side. Both sides are war mongers and this should stop now."

    The fact is that I have never seen anything on you blog asking the ltte to stop placing the civilians in harms way. Your only criticism is against the SLA. Because of this obvious bias you have lost your credibility - if you ever had any.

  49. This appeared sometime ago on Asian Tribune. I’ve changed A9 to A35.
    ( Come-on Tamilnet TV, how about posting a clip of ol’ Red eyes singing this song…)

    My Way or No Way
    By Vellupillai Prabhakaran (with apologies to Frank Sinatra)

    And now the end is near, and so I face the final curtain,

    My friends, I'll say it clear,

    I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.

    I've lived a life that's full of horrors; I've killed kids, and
    blown up mothers,

    And more, much more than this, I did it my way.

    Regrets I have a few, but then again, too many to mention,

    Just because I regret, don't mean I accept blame, aint no exceptions,

    I planned each atrocity,

    Each careful bombing, along the by-way.

    And more, much more than this, I did it my way.

    Yes there were times, I'm sure you knew,

    When I bit off more than I should chew,

    But thru' it all, when there was doubt,

    I ate and ate, and became quite stout

    I hid underground, and curled up small, in my little hide-away.

    I've killed, I've doped and pillaged, I've had my fill,

    My share of losing, and now, as tears subside,

    I find it all so terrifying.

    To think I did all that, and may I say, not in a shy way

    Oh, no, oh no not me, I did it my way.

    Now they are closing in, what have I got,

    Deluded diaspora, are they happy, no they're not

    Guided bombs, MBRLS, a dreaded rain of steel,

    They keep coming down, although I kneel.

    The record shows, I'm taking blows, up & down the A-35 highway

    …. I did it my way….

    - Asian Tribune -

  50. LTTE has few functional submersibles/underwater logistics vehicales.

    They use these to expatriate family members of the leaders as well as use to smuggle in the weapons to the NFZ.

    Sri Lanka should quickly rent/lease some Underwater Surveillance Equipment in order to counter this threat.

    It is understood that there are about 600 hardcore LTTE cadres left in the NFZ.

  51. Ok so ltte still has on Zlin 143 left
    & everyone wants SLA to stop the onslaught ...ok ! Any body out there understand who we are dealing with ? Ltte faggorts destroyed all dreams of normalcy with this eelam BS !

    Am I missing something here ? most of these ltte supporters abroad lie in their immigration papers 9 out of 10 !
    Do ya believe anything they say....BS ! I really hope we wipeout all the hardcore ltte & ALL the top brass left.Now that's the only way to end this ---- !

    BTW : Fly Sri Lankan cuz, all my tech buddies love it !
    As for all you ltte diaspora.....Kiss my Ass !


  52. heavy fighting going on

    more than 200 moda banda's gone to hell

    1 week deadline....3 day deadline...48 hour deadline...24 hour deadline... hahahahahaha

  53. "WipeLTTE said

    Watch Live Srilankan Armed Force TV"

    another pukavahini ?

    huk huk


  54. sinhala state tv report:

    sinhala president Mahinde orders tigers to surrender

  55. Cracks Appear in Tamil Diaspora

    According to my man who can smell things miles away, cracks started appearing in once-powerful figures of the Tamil Diaspora.

    Some attribute it to the famous Basil Factor. In addition to that, these powerful figures know very well the game is over now and are said to seeing boomerangs in their nightmares: what they had been saying against the government and its forces have the potential to haunt them very badly, when the civilians opens up their hearts in the absence of rifle butts floating over their heads.

    Fraud associated with the collection of massive funds, the disappearanc of monitoring mechanism and the scenario of prosecution by reluctant donors and the western governments for being the members of a banned outfit have done their bits to petrify the faint-hearted folks.

    Negotiations have got off to a steady start for a reconciliation - the only sensible scenario at this stage.

    We may see the effects of unthinkable in the coming weeks. As a preparation for the inevitable, these folks may be wrestling with their little conscience for the damage done to the very community they say, they are fighting for.

  56. qrious,

    nice to read your posts after a long lapse.

  57. " is 41% more lethal than; writers deserve promotion"

  58. --SF ambush kills 17 infiltrators--

    ||::CeylonDefence::|| updated

    Click here

  59. Gazette Notice issued by The Hon. El Presidente Velupilski Prabiskuliski-

    Da Golorious Repukbalic mono Ethnic Supremacist eeland will hereafter be known as the Golorious Repukbalic of the Seththupochistan, extending from the southern tip of Sri Lanka to the northern tip of Siberia...

    Everybody and his brother who don't like it get out..or else..

  60. Moshe, thanks mate.

    Mahen, I must admit I do read your blog.

  61. Our Friend-in-Need is Indeed in Deep Trouble

    Pakistan came to our resue when the brutes laid siege to Jaffna theatre while providing us with much-needed MBRL for the decimation. Since then, it has been equivocal in helping us in many ways. Its involvement on many fronts made India to readjust its strategy in the region while striking a balance between appeasing Tamil Nadu and saving its own territorial integrity.

    Unfortunately, the events that happen in Pakistan are very ominious indeed. Taliban is virtually on the doorstep of every major city.

    Most of my Pakistani friedns who hail from these cities fear the worst. The Taliban has infiltrated every strata of the society. The liberal-minded are threatened by the hard-liners and then effectively cornered.

    The attack on Lahore today is not surprising nor did it come out of the blue.

    Even commercial capitol Karachchi is in trouble despite being its very cosmopolitan nature. Peshawar in the North-West Frontier province is already in Taliban hands.

    Unfotunately, decades of corruption and nepotism are taking its toll on the security forces. Poor discipline and lack of proper leadership are making things worse.

    Losing a good friend like Pakistan is bad enough. Losing a nuclear-armed neighbour is nightmarish for the whole region, especially for an organization that thrives on martydom.

    "Something more than a miracle is needed to stem the tide," says my man with a long beard who speaks Pasthun.

  62. Qrious,
    There is another article there for you.

  63. Unleash the Ops Combine – for Pakistan

    Qurious, agree totally about the terrible situation facing Pakistan. They have an example to follow from Sri Lanka's terrible battle against the JVP in the 1980s.

    The Ops Combine concept -- and there's really no way to disguise this, extra-judicial actions. Or in plain English, abductions and disappearances to break the Talibs operating in urban areas. Perhaps some of our guys involved in planning and implementing the anti-JVP campaign could assist the Pakistanis? This would be a suitable payback for all the help given to us by various Pakistani governments.

    This article in 'The Island' makes the same point:

    Successive Sri Lankan governments have shown a tendency to do whatever it takes, even if it means NOT playing by the Queensbury rules, to win wars against terror. Abductions, gangland style executions, unlawful arrest – all that has been used by Sri Lankan governments to deal with terrorism and that shows their resolve and commitment to quell terror if necessary by even using the methods of the very terrorists they were fighting.

    The choice facing Pakistan is very simple. Abide by 'human rights' bollocks and ensure that a medieval Taliban regime takes power with all the horrors that this will bring or fight dirty and ruthlessly and destroy the Talibs.

  64. Oh, Eelam has definitely been achieved, in London.

    "The car in front is Eelam". (with apologies to Toyota)

    This was spotted near Biggin Hill airport in Kent, England on 25th May 2009. Perhaps Eelam has finally been achieved?

    To see the pix, go here:

    I don't know how many times it has to be made clear to Eelamtards. If you want Eelam, you've got to get to Sri Lanka and fight for it. It's no use moaning and complaining for it in the UK. I realise that the 'fighting for it' option isn't looking particularly attractive, especially if you're settled comfortably in the West.

  65. Dangerous Facets of Modern Journalism

    The bunch of western journalists and their local bootlickers are keeping a low profile at present, after blowing up what is left of their credibility.

    They over-played the genocide-card and exaggerated the number of Tamil Civilians trapped by many folds.

    As the truth is about to be seen, they must be scratching their heads to come up with justification for series of lies that they spread in the name of freedom of speech.

    Most of the folks, quite rightly, are of the view that the beasts have bought these volatile species with pen.

    In fact, Tamil Diaspora do not need to spend or pay millions of dollars to win the loyalty of these scribes. It is much more less than we all thought: a sumptuous meal in an exclusive restaurant may have done the trick.

    The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, the man with blond hair who doesn't mind being appeared eccentric sheds some light on the dark world of journalism. They mayor himself was once a jouralist in the broadsheet English dailies.

    The mayor recollects - with horror - the way senior jouralists showed him
    how to tamper with a resaurant bill to claim the inflated expenses: all he has to do was to declare that he had lunch or dinner with so and so, the contacts.

    The mayor went on to say that one journalist stretched out this tendency too far by claiming the need of a lownmover, while actually living in a 4th floor flat without a garden!

    No wonder, Tigers knew how to win them over cheaply. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working for the Tigers; noone takes any notice of what is going on.

    It is high time the Tigers claimed their money back. They can threaten journalists with exposure.

  66. I came across this Tamil Tiger TV Station primarily broadcast from India:

    Euro TV

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. A Classic Case of A Drowning Man Clutching at A Straw - Finding Solace among Arundathi's Pubic Hair

    The proud Tigers have not stopped its lobbying game yet; it keeps lobbying the famous, the controversial, the pious and at last the poets as well.

    We hear statements released by these pathetic individuals from time to time and that's it.

    Last week it was Jessie Jackson, who was a Reverand until got caught up in an extra-marital affair, a few years ago. The Almighty has forgiven him to carry on his mission and part of it was extended to pay lip service on behalf of terroists - and then just go quiet.

    Earlier on it was Desmond Tutu who carried the can on behalf of the terrorists. His divine eye didn't see the suffering of African migrants at the hands of South African mobs: some of them were even burnt alive; chopped to death and women were raped.

    When nothing changed the ground situation, the Tigers tried playing their ultimate card - warming up to a poetess.

    Arundathi Roy, the Christian writer from Kerala, is the latest darling who talks on behalf of the beasts.

    Roy is good at both poetry or prose and dismantling the fragile social structure of India too. She is openly advocating the break-up of Kashmir from India and take a leading role in so many issues - and just for the sake of them and publicity.

    Her activities, ranging from the protest organized agaist Narmada Dam project to globalization, have just made her a hate figure among moderate Indians. When the seams of these protests disappear, a faint stain emerges at the boundaries - the latent hatred towards the Hindus.

    At the eleventh hour, the Tigers are prepared to go to any length to save the skin - and the lates move came as no surprise. They are prepared to beg of all these people make statesments while putting on a brave face to their very countrymen.

    They can save both money and skin, if they turn local and go to MR on all fours. At least, it works and everything else has failed.

    So, it is not brave of Tigers to clutch at Arundathi's pubic hair: they are for the weaker men with poetic instincts, not for seasoned fighters to hang on.

    On the other hand, it is much more humiliating than sending thousands of emails to Naive Pillai, who put her foot in it, by disclosing it as a factor to determine the humanitarian issue.

    If Tigers are a bit more ambitious, they can cajole Arundathi to become a human bomb - at least to blow up the Narmada Dam, that she vehemently opposed.

    After all, Nadesan warned India against their stance taken on the Tamil issue and of course consequences too.

    Turning to a woman whose sell-by-date is long gone is yet another desperate step for shameless beasts who still love to be known as liberators.

    I am sure when the Tigers are wiped out, the spectacle may give Arundathi the much needed impetus to write another novel on Velupillai Prabakaran.

    I propose the following title:

    The Dog of Petty Things, to match her hyped-up earlier piece - The God of Small Things.


  69. புலிகளின் அரண்களை உடைத்து நுழைய 7 நாட்களாக சிங்களப்படை கடும் சமர்: முறியடிக்கப்பட்ட புதுக்குடியிருப்புச் சமரில் 1,412 படையினர் பலி; 6,123 பேர் காயம்

    முல்லைத்தீவு மாவட்டத்தில் புதுக்குடியிருப்பு வட்டாரத்தில் உள்ள இரணைப்பாலை, ஆனந்தபுரம் ஆகிய பகுதிகளில், விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் முன்னரங்க அரண்களை உடைத்து நுழைவதற்காக சிறிலங்கா படையினர் கடந்த ஏழு நாட்களாய் எடுத்த பாரிய முன்னேற்ற முயற்சி தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளால் முறியடிக்கப்பட்டு படையினருக்கு பாரிய இழப்புக்கள் ஏற்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளன.

    இது தொடர்பாக தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் வன்னி சமர்-கட்டளைப்பீட வட்டாரங்களின் தகவல்களை மேற்கோள் காட்டி 'புதினம்' வன்னிச் செய்தியாளர் தெரிவித்ததாவது:

    புதுக்குடியிருப்பின் கிழக்குப் பகுதியில் இரணைப்பாலை, ஆனந்தபுரம் ஆகிய பகுதிகளின் ஊடாக பாரிய முன்னேற்ற தாக்குதல் சிறிலங்கா படையினரால் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகின்றது.

    இந்த முன்னேற்ற முன்நகர்வு நடவடிக்கைகளுக்கு எதிராக விடுதலைப் புலிகள் கடந்த 7 நாட்களாக தொடர்ந்து நடத்தி வரும் முறியடிப்புத் தாக்குதல்களில் இதுவரை 1,412 சிறிலங்கா படையினர் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர். 6,123 படையினர் படுகாயமடைந்தும் உள்ளனர்.

    இதற்கிடையில் விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் படையணிகளுக்கு எதிராக சிறிலங்கா படையினர் ஏவும் எறிகணைகள் மற்றும் வான்குண்டுகள் பல சிறிலங்கா படையினர் மத்தியிலேயே வீழ்ந்து வெடிப்பதாலும் படையினர் தரப்பில் கணிசமான அளவு இழப்புக்கள் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளதாகவும் தகவல்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.

    இதனால், களமுனையில் கடுமையான நெருக்கடிகளை சிறிலங்கா படையினர் எதிர்கொண்டுள்ளனர்.

    moda banda want nirvana but they got a free ride to hell courtesy of tiger cubs


  70. sinhalam say tigers are finished, tiger leaders are dead/injured

    the $1 million question is who is killing the banda army ?

    ghosts ? Hmm....

  71. Theruwan all our brave troops..

  72. More bad news for the eelamists: Qrious is back on DefenceNet, with a daily column.


  73. Now then with this moderation in DW..the peelamists would get even more frustrated...cos even the cyber space is getting restrcited for them...

    I think Peter will get a real shock when he sees the 'moderation' part..

    feel sad about Peter, Upul et al..better you peelamists find another peelam joint to get rid of your frustration...

    DN better start moderating..else they would start the Monkey dance in here..

    hak hak hak...

  74. During last week’s LTTE Rally in Melbourne, Praba’s photo was openly displayed as the leader of eelam.

    Why don’t we distribute his Interpol poster at our protest -on the 4th of April in front of Victorian Parliament- so that the good citizens of Melbourne will get to know the hidden talents of this Great Statesman.

    I think we should also do the same during LTTE protests – handover Praba’s Interpol poster to Police officers on duty, and emailing it to the relevant police forces.

  75. Well, fellas now is the time to use Red Arrow & GPU for decapitation strikes on all ltte leaders.It's the only way these parasites will ever go away !

    Cut the head off while ya can ! Good job Navy & also AF on destroying the lttet 130mm !

  76. Greetings everybody on the important day of three celebration, the Thalaivar Day, Mahabooru Day, an Diaspora Day. Is it coincident that toda is ViCoSa day also?

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Well mates,

    Rama's affair - there are many false news going around pointing fingers at him.

    As understood, MI has transferred caught LTTE Laptops (mainly for HDD), and Digital Camera's to the Army Computer/Media Unit for analysis, and since Rama happened to travel in the same vehicle that transferred the equipment (as Rama's clips also are edited and used by the same Army Media and Computer Division), Rama has caught in the middle.

    Police has made the findings a huge issue - this is in much lesser scale, but similar to Udugampola affair. The Police have contacted media before they contact relevant authorities. The action of certain Police personnel should be investigated for possible treason and leaking security info to media without permission.

  80. Mathivathini Gives Birth to Her Fourth Child

    Information is trickling in; Mrs Prabhakaran has gone into labour inside a tent at an undisclosed location to give birth to a prince. For security reasons, the humble location was prefered to a well-fortified bunker.

    It has a ring of little Jesus too with the exception of sheep being replaced with goats.

    MI believes an ex-Australian nurse was in attendance to make the delivery safe, while taking into account the relatively advancing age of Mrs Prabhakaran.

    The family watchers believe that the child will, most probably, be named following the well-established tradition among the Prabhakarans - naming after martyrs.

    In this context, the prince is highly likely to be named Thamil Chelvam, who has earned the nikname in the spirit world as the Bunker Buster.

    Despite the never-ending gunfire in the vicinity, both the mother and child are reported to be doing well, with his older siblings giving the new-arrival plenty of cuddles.

    The family watchers got the wind of pregnancy even before the fall of Killinochchi, but kept it secret not to discredit the family.

    The reason is simple: the process of child-making cannot be initiated without the fun associated with it and parents run into trouble for seeking after fun in the middle of a war.

    This is an ominous sign, though. The arrival of the prince indicates the determination of his dad to spread his doctrine for more decades to come through his offspring.

    My sarong-clad man in Wanni who scratches the back of his head on seeing strangers, informs me that Prabhakarans actually anticipated triplets. So, there is a bit of disappointment too, for not getting exactly what they wanted.

    However, the beautiful prince has removed the air of gloom.

    Prabhakarans are reported to be busy with linking the prince with a suitable deity - and for obvious reasons.

    Qrious wishes the little one the best of luck, on behalf of the majority community of the land!

  81. Thanks Qrious.

    Check Tamilnet, there’s a picture of little Thamil Chelvam. He looks cute wearing that necklace: a Good Luck Charm from the ex-Australian nurse?

  82. Rifard,

    This is very interesting. Why do I get the feeling that as we inch towards to this unbelievable victory, some elements are trying to sabotage things? I can't believe that SKR would be so stupid as to try to keep LTTE-owned laptops & other hardware. He must've known that MI will need to examine their hard disks for valuable info.

    Who in the Police contacted the media? It can't be too difficult to ascertain which Police officers would've known about the contents of vehicles passing through checkpoints etc.

    Who are these 'elements'? Is it local, foreign, sleeper LTTE agents trying to discredit the GOSL?

    The various LTTE stooges and rats must be living in an absolute state of terror, knowing that when MI start to process documents captured from the LTTE, slowly and surely their names will leak out.

    Perhaps MI could offer an amnesty to LTTE agents to surrender, co-operate (and keep living) now rather than wait for a white van to arrive, perhaps next year? :)

  83. I think all peelamists are enjoying their day today...

    any way dont read too much and get puzzled ok...just keep it simple to the monkey dance..

    Peelamists Puzzled???

    hak hak hak...

  84. Charles Anthony is Injured

    VP passed away of heart attack

    Pottu Amman is leading the movement

    April fool dumb Sinhalese
    You will always remembered as dumb fucks by many Tamils

  85. dude all the eelamist who blogg here are living a good life

    they want to take revenge on dumb Sinhalese

    that is why they blog here

    hehe :)

    how many bodybags so far?

  86. Yes Sri,

    "how many bodybags so far?"

    Thamil Chelvam made some comment about 50,000 body bags if SLA steps in to Vanni. What I heard is that we already have used 500,000 body bags. You may confirm these numbers with Editor: Monkeynath at Puligal. Yes, that is one editor who spen more time in others blogs.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. ....................

    --SLAF pounds on 130mm artillery piece of LTTE--

    ||::CeylonDefence::|| updated

    Click here


  90. [You will always remembered as dumb fucks by many Tamils]

    The irony is that we dumbfucks have been easily and continuously outfox the superior Tamils, making them to plead their IC gods, who are also screwing the Tamils...!

    So sad... sad.

    While your relatives in Wanni are begging for food, shelter and used clothing from the Army, you seem to have found this place to vent your sadness!

    Wow… the Kill More - Achieve More formula will soon be patented by the innovative Sri Lankans.

  91. Guys,

    What's up with DW? Any idea anyone?

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Guys
    This not the time to defend that reporter for smuggling out those laptops. We are not in the position to give him the benefit of the doubt of his actions instead we must commend the sentries who were vigilant. This guy is an intelligent person holding a responsible job and being a famous ‘celebrity’ at the front can be used by the terrorists desperate enough to smuggle vital items out or in. This not the time to compromise on security and he would have been smuggling instructions from vanni to the Diaspora abroad or to their commanders or contacts in the south or he is just a villain.
    When I visited those areas often the humble sentry who can see this danger always complained that they were cowed towed by the vips and cronies demanding them to let them through and were unhappy about it but keep mum because refusing or displeasing a such a person could get him transferred to the front or even worse. Now that these brave guys are in the front it can’t get any worse than do their job thoroughly as demanded. I am glad that this guy was stopped and disciplined if found guilty. We need 100% dedication when people are putting their lives on the line. If he was a military man and I am the commander then I would take him out shoot him. During the Japanese attack on Colombo to stop the looting notices were displayed saying’ Looters will be shot on sight’ At Kirillapona in 1957 looters were shot and discipline was restored immediately. What he had done is inexcusable and will be a lesson to others. Or you will have Prabakaran given a lift to Katunayake.

  95. RFard…

    ‘Rama's affair - there are many false news going around pointing fingers at him.’
    There must be some truth or he could take the accusers for defaming him. One must remember there’s no smoke without a fire. I hope he is innocent of these allegations for his sake. Why should anyone accuse him unnecessarily as he is no politician?

  96. Is this blog also moderated by the admin?

  97. Now, sakkiliyas are throwing goo at each other:

    "It is not only the fratricidal war among Tamils in Sri Lanka that is responsible for the dream of Tamil Eelam not being achieved; it is also a similar war among those who support the cause in Tamil Nadu, Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi said. He said he had said many times that the main reason for the struggle not yielding the desired result was the war among the Tamils in the island nation. "




  98. Ha ha ha ha, take a look at this guys:

    Tamil Eelam has tactically withdrawn to cyberspace, they even have a "Jaffna Yard" named after Scotland Yard. Good for a few laughs, enjoy!

  99. [TamilNet, Wednesday, 01 April 2009, 13:37 GMT]
    Col. Jindrich Hacker, Czech Military Attache to Sri Lanka and India, arrived at Palaali Military airport Tuesday in a Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) aircraft where he discussed the security situation in Jaffna peninsula with Sri Lanka Army (SLA) key officials, sources in Jaffna said. The Military Attache visited Jaffna town Wednesday heavily escorted by SLA where he visited Jaffna Public Library and the town.

    Time is ripe to get more MBRLs to blast the heads off of Tamil terrorists and their coolies....

    More weapons, ammunication, systems and WHITE VANS are the need of the hour.

    Never forget that the weapons we recovered so far from the Tamil terrorists are just a drop in the ocean... compared to the shipments they have smuggled in.

    Every square inch of NE must be dug... by the civilians there, in order to find the hidden arms.

    Because... Tamil terrorists have taken our resolution 'Elaam over our deadbody', seriously. That's why they killed so many Sri Lankans... and continue to do so.

  100. Lament for Eelamtards..

    Looking at the bodies of slain LTTE cadres (shown in recent Rana Bimen reports), now sacrificing their lives in a completely futile attempt to halt the SLA, I was reminded of this famous poem by T.S. Eliot, written after the First World War.

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

    Substitute 'the world' with 'Eelam' and you get the picture. What a complete and utter waste of young lives.

  101. There is some breaking news available for you all.

  102. THE media reports that the son of the LTTE's chief has been injured. Some say he is critically injured, while others quoting unverified intelligence sources claim the injuries to be superficial.

    It is no secret that the LTTE leader's modus operandi had always been to look after his own family very well, while committing all others to fight for his now defunct day dream of an ethnic pure Tamil homeland. Thousands of kids were abducted from schools while his kids attended foreign schools and univesities. Given the above scenario and the fact that there is ample opportunity for his family to live to a ripe old age in luxury from wealth stashed away abroad, it is highly unlikely that Velupillai would risk his own son's life in a fight to the death. Especially into one in which the outcome is now a foregone conclusion.

    Thus the reason to create a valid excuse to get Charlie the pussy, Velu's heir apparent out of the battle field and into a safe location. Charlie is the smart type who can even think for himself. So it is quite possible that he even shot himself in the arm, to make it look very real.

    The bottom line is the LTTE top honchos are getting set to make thier escape, while the rank and file who were denied basic human dignity for almost all their lives by these barbarians, will be made to die in a futile effort to stall the Sri Lankan military juggernaut.

    The grand finale of the crazy eelam dream will not be any different to what it has been all along. When the smoke clears, what will remain of the relentless racist tribal tamil terrorism will be a collection of destroyed lives and dead bodies. In the long term, the vast number of cemetaries dotted across the landscape will be the lasting evidence of the thousands who died to deliver the day dreams of an illiterate criminal turned mass murderer.

  103. April Fools

    Mathivathini dreamt of producing another April fool on 1st of April, as her vision, I interpreted as much as possible yesterday.

    It didn't materialize that way. Instead, her oldest - and favourite - got injured and languishing in a make-shi t hospital.

    There is no news about Nadesan and his funny statesments.

    Cyanide-swallowing loyalty is in short supply - except for ignorant bloody fools.

    Prabha, who loves to be seen as the greatest military strategist since Napoleon, pinning his last hope on only thing he is good at - manipulation.

    I think nature prepares the brute for a slow painful protracted death. Psychlogical death is just part of it.

    If he is caught alive, he should be striped naked and sat on bench of ants while applying honey on his body.

    I wish the government declared a day of salvation when the beast is killed.

    The future generations can make a replica of this monster and burn it to celebrate the end of the rascal. In England, people burn the effigy of a chap named Guy Falkes who tried to burn down the Houses of Parliament - and then got caught.

    I will train my future kids to light up a candle at the very place he linked up with Mathivathini.

  104. SLDFs have changed gears into the harvesting mode completely.

    according to toiletnet ONLY civilians die which is hilarious!! i'm sure MOST casualties are tigers.

    did you notice that MOST photos of "civilians" injured or killed are taken away from the place of injury/death???

    why on earth is that?? tigers can have the PUNNAKKU effect MORE on the die-arse-pora if TN shows the damage to property, etc. so why not show the place of the attack??

    it is bcos,

    1. it gives away LTTE hide-outs for SLDFs to attack in future
    2. it proves the targets were LTTE hideouts
    3. it confirms the accuracy of SLDF attacks
    4. it will certainly show LTTE dead bodies and destroyed weapons (this makes the LTTE die-arse-pora WEEP)

  105. This is Skunk work of UK against Sri Lanka in UN. These Brits are the thieve and pirates who committed many atrocities in Sri Lanka and robbed our wealth over 150 years. Instead of taking care of their own monkey business, they try to pork their stinky hands in Sri Lanka. I sincerely hope that such unsavory Brits will rot in hell for this hostile act against Sri Lanka. Before talking about democracy they should learn to respect the democratic will of Sri Lankans, not the murderous ambitions of LTTE terrorists. Either way, Brits seems to be creating more countries not very friendly with them.

  106. sam,

    britain is a classic example of countries following "one man's terrorist is another man's ff".

    it has MANY terrorists housed there. its like swiss bank accounts in swwitzerland.

    it is an additional source of foreign income for britain to keep terrorists.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. LTTE toilet suck-kill-ayyas are panicking that their only sympathisers from britain are going to be tough.

    from toiletnet,
    "SL High Commission in UK differentiates Tamil students from Sri Lankans"

    complete BS!!

    what happened was pro-LTTE SAKKILIYAS targeted tamil students in UK to bombard them with LTTE propoganda. this was highlighed by our deputy HC which is fantastic.

    now the UK authorities are taking the matter VERY SERIOUSLY as it is ILLEGAL to promote TERRORISM in UK!!

    looks like the only tiger sympathiser is going to change its mind.

    obviously this has angered toiletnet SO MUCH!!

    for the purpose of ESCAPING criminal liability ONLY, they try to bring pro-LTTE tamil sections under "Sri Lankans". other times they are "tamil elam ppl".

    this is like the other BS allegation that SL is the only country that bombs its own citizens. so this means even that cripple (tamil chelva) was a SL citizen and he admits !!!


    but ONLY WHEN bombs fall on them!!

    funny inconsistant arseholes.


    when LTTE supporters are fcuked-up, they become sri lankans.

    we know what to do!!

  109. Moshey, SamP, et al,

    What happened with DW?

    I see the blog is stuck in mud ;-))

    Did the thalathel fucking LTTE sakkiliyas do something to sabotage it - given that it was forum that was celebrating the imminent liquidation of the last LTTE whorebitch and not only our patriots were there, but yes, even LTTE Tamils were visiting there to get news of the conflict outside of Tamilnet garbage (and DW site would have it with pics/videos to show them that LTTE was all but liquidated now)?

    So, the question is did the LTTE motherfuckers sabotage the DW site?

    OaO Asithri

  110. Hey Qrious...

    Greets mate...good to see you...I enjoyed reading your last post.

    Keep 'em coming brother....

    OaO Asithri

  111. OAOA,

    administrators have started to moderate comments in DW but that happens once a day for a few hours only.

    partly due to LTTE MFs' nonsense.

  112. Moshey

    Bro, I don't know about that DW being "moderated once a day for few hours" but the flipping blog is now stuck at 303 count for the last so many hours.

    Let me know if that is not how you see it...which might indicate a problem with my own connection or oh no, not again, not the filtering/monitoring of my www connection by those "authorities" who are out to narrow down their lists of LTTE motherfuckers (who attack me like how bees flock to nectar-flowers! :-)) as I know they are building quite a database. Soon some of these LTTE motherfuckers will not be able to board a plane as they will be in the "no-fly" list I am told.

    OaO Asithri

  113. OAOA,

    yes it is stuck at 303. this count was 200 something yesterday and it jumped to 303 last night.

    we can wait and see what happens tonight. if it goes up, then something is happening. else a stuff up.

    re: DB about MFs

    that's good news. desperation can lead to many things. hijacking a plane is the easiest and MOST attractive they could do.

  114. Asithri, No-Mess thank you mates and good to see you back here again, as well.

    I am not surprised at the static state of the DW.

    I don't post anything on DefenceWire, because I always had this lingering doubt about its consistent support for our struggle. However, I do visit it, read it and absorb as much as my commmonsense permits me to do so.

    The stance taken by the DW fluctuates dangerously from time to time - sadly, from one extreme to another, with a brief pause at bewilderment; 55-glorification at the expense of 58-crucifixion is a case in point. Picking on the SLAF from time to time is another.

    Commanders may have their faults; but we have to look at the bigger picture. Any fool can command a unit thanks to his seniority - and we have been there before; what matters is the combination of vision, bravery and dedication. Only a handful of commanders in any army in the world posses that.

    It is ridiculous to underestimate the role played by Brig Shavendra Silva. He brought thunder upon the Tigers at lightning speed that changed the military landscape completely - and for ever.

    I think even Gen Fonseka is surprised at his achievements and the speed at whic he did them.

    It is inevitable that the gifted men and women reach the pinnacle of their careers the very thing breeds envy among some in the field.

    I have a very good friend of mine who is a cousin of Brig Prasanna Silva. When Prasanna Silva was taken by helicopter to Presiden's house for a reconciliation - withdrawl of his retirment papers over an issue of special forces with Gen Fonseka - I was next to my friend when he was on the phone to the great officer, who at that time was eating cakes at the Temple Trees.

    Brig Prasanna Silva deeply cares about the soldiers and hates to see them being injured. He is highly innovative and gives top priority to the welfare men under his command.

    A few years ago, on seeing the quality of dhal curry for soldiers in a canteen, he is reported to have thrown it on the floor in disgust - a way back, when the army was at the hands of the faint-hearted.

    It is not a patriotic job to highlight the trivial matters on a public forum, especially when the Tiger sympathaisers are hell bent on discrediting the army and the government.

    The major units are functionning smoothly for a single collective goal and the leadership of Gen Fonseka is too strong to derail that.

    The credit of the success goes to the President for the political leadership, Gota for administrative leadership and the three commanders for technical leadership. This is the best team we ever had and the result is there to see.

    We come here for a reason. DefenceNet always takes a patriotic line with regard to news reporting and is not obsessed with striking a balance that never exits.

    We know how the media moguls do their business while repeating the non-sensical balance reporting - it is blatant bias towards the terrorists.

    I have my doubts about anyone who wishes to be seen balance-minded while trying to be patriotic at the same time. It is being patriotic first and then balance-minded once the country is free from terror - not the other way round.

  115. Moshe, Asithri, and Qrious,

    DW was infested with terrorists before he started moderating it. He did it once in the past and roled it back after terrs left. You can get some idea who Defencewire is by looking at the photos he uses here which are done by a reputed cameraman and his academic style of writing; and hence his not necessarily military thinking. However, moderation makes it very static unless he can man it 24rs a day. Hopefully we are not that far off from vanquishing LTTE.

  116. Sam,

    I strongly feel that bastard, Peeter must be kicked out.

    He behaves like a brat - doing everything just to annoy people, in the most disgusting way. I am sure he is a victim of credit crunch, and after contributing to it in the first place. My hunch is based on the free time at his disposasl judging by the time he spends on DW; he is always there.

    The funny thing is that he hates the Sinhalese yet fond of hanging around with the very people, he loathes.

    He has, as he claims, his own blog and comes to these sites to promote it, which is even funnier.

    My understanding is he has a problem of mixing with his own people - may be on the basis of caste or religion or combination of both.

    Anyway, Peeter is not the sort of guy I would take to a pub for a pint, even if I am a Tamil.

    Blog Administrtors have a duty to pay back the loyalty of bloggers. If they wait until the posts run into thousands, it is not fair by the contributers and readers.

    Sometimes, boredom can lead to in-fighting.

  117. I have noticed that both peeter and Bahirav have problems in mingling with low cast Tamils.

    High cast tamils must be made to live side by side of low cast Tamils to promote intra-communal harmony.

    In regard to DW,I guess that chap should have just deleted unwanted comments instead of applying manual moderation. 24/7 moderation is only possible if the author is unemployed or underemployed just like that monkey who calls him/her/itself badrinath!

  118. Unconfirmed report, Tiger big shot gone...

  119. Now then...this is an interesting turn of events...

    Don't send us home...

    me confused..why would someone refuse to go home??...

    "Home is the most important place in the world"- IKEA

  120. ohh no!!! not again..Peelmists are puzzled yet again...

    High commission Genocide

    hak hak hak...

  121. 53rd division wiped out. Quick delete this before the modayas see it:

    CASIR launched an assault on SLA front-line positions on Sunday night.

    SLA positions along an 8km stretch were taken out by the teams.

    Small teams of CASIR Unit fighters led by Col. Bhanu infiltrated behind SLA lines in the PTK area, boxing the 53rd division in the areas between PTK Sivan temple, Irainapallai Junction, Irainapallai Town and Ananthapuram.

    SLA's 53rd Division is now effectively out of action. The 57th Division, which was meant to be rearguard, is not at the front lines.

    The situation as on Wednesday was the 55th continues to attempt to breakout of Challai, 58th is attempting to link-up with 55th, and 57th is taking up new positions with the help of TF8. The 59th is stagnant.

    Only 55th and 57th are full divisions. 58th is back to its task-force size following the Mar. 2nd strike by Col. Lawrence's team. 59th has not been in offensive operations since Col. Vithusha's team decapitated that division south of PTK in the Feb. 2nd strike.

  122. We have updated:


  123. 53rd division needs donations of blood. Maybe we should organize a blood donation event:

  124. Badrinath said,

    53rd division wiped out.

    damn..I think this was posted yesterday...but it got updated only today

    hak hak hak...

  125. CASIR Unit fighters led by Col. Bhanu

    casiya unit??? bhanu now using casiya..why no cognacs in puthu beach now??? hak hak..

    I it will be the 'ganja unit' in action..

    hak hak hak...

  126. British celebrities, MPs endorse Mercy Mission to Vanni

    Lets see how GOSL play this one.

  127. (The Sri Lanka Customs is unhappy with a presidential directive that for security purposes the Navy too would examine all sea cargo entering the country.

    The presidential directive was issued solely for security purposes, Director General of Customs (DCG) Sarath Jayatillkeke said yesterday.

    Customs sources are questioning whether this was a move to duplicate their duties or was solely for security reasons.)

    Oh common Customs Officers!. Dont be so selfish. You dont want to share your spoils with the Navy guys.

  128. DW comments will appear only after the moderator approves them.Hence the comments is stuck at 303.
    I think DW logs in and approves the comments,maybe,once in a day.So you suddenly see a surge of comments and then rest of the comments have to wait until DW approves them.

    Bhadri,Good report.But you forgot to add "Happy April Fool's day" at the end of the post

  129. I'm not suprised DW took the stance of moderating all comments.

    The blogg had lost the plot recently.
    Brash pyromaniacal rhetorics thrown around.
    It will not take long for DN to take the same stance when you get bloggers in a 'raised sarong'mode.

  130. Jay said,

    Lets see how GOSL play this one.

    and next he goes and answer the question by himeself...

    presidential directive that for security purposes the Navy too would examine all sea cargo entering the country.

    hak hak...

  131. Jay,

    Even though it may not be desired, in order to survive, you have to be in 'raised sarong mode' too.

    Check what happened with LTTE. We were under the jack boot of LTTE for nearly 30 years. Now we are in the 'raise sarong mode' against them thanks to our great leadership. As soon as we came to the 'raised sarong mode', see what happened to the 'roaring tigers' who said Sinhalese will learn the lesson of their lives? When the Lion came to 'raised sarong mode', now Tigers are running with their tail hiding under their crotch.

    In Sinhalese, there is a saying call "Ae Ae Kewum Walata Ae Ae Keselgedi!"

  132. Jay,

    "British celebrities, MPs endorse Mercy Mission to Vanni"

    Celebrities ad MPs of Britain are not citizens of Sri Lanka. Also being a celebrity or MP in Britain does not grant them the right to violate international maritime law. Furthermore, a British celebrity or MP does not mean jack schitt when it comes to sovereignty of Sri Lanka. Any illegal attempt to intrude in to Sri Lankan territorial waters will be dealt with appropriate power. If you want to know how it is going to happen, read international maritime laws. If you want to get a jump start, please read how SL navy destroyed 10 LTTE ships 1000 nautical miles out in international waters. By the way, that you very much in advance for sending the animal feed for farms in Sri Lanka.

  133. Jay,

    national security trumps every thing. We have elected a president to safeguard our nation from various threats and he has the constitutional right to take many measures to counter any threats. Custom officers on the other hand are not elected but appointed by the people of Sri Lanka and they have no ability to go above the peoples will.

  134. Sam P
    I assume you and GOSL think arms are being smuggled in on the Mercy Mission.

    Independent (credible) third parties are to sign off on all containers.
    Without divulging any further information.
    I'm very confident the aid will reach the innocent people in Vanni.
    I just hope the GOSL dont get themselves into a pickle over this.

  135. Sam P said..
    "national security trumps every thing"

    Need i say any more?

  136. Yes!

    Aid will reach civilians, but after checking the ship and each and every container thoroughly!

  137. Jay,

    Third parties or not, food or weapons, nobody has the right to enter Sri Lankan territory by force. You can't come in to the Sri Lankan territory without the permission from the government of Sri Lanka, irrespective of your intentions. If you don't understand this international standard, ask the coast guard service or the navy in the country you live in right now.

  138. No LTTE= Peace
    I could'nt agree with you more.

  139. Ladies, chena boys and Qrious,

    Please feel free to read some front line news.

  140. I forgot to comment.

    According to the escaped civilians, LTTE loot half of the aid sent to IDPs.

    So, half of the aid sent by Wanga Machan will reach IDPs. Which half is the question.

  141. Sam P
    Think you mis-understood.
    The Mercy Mission has no intention to enter SL Territorial waters without permission. (although SL seems to turn a blind eye when vessels from the US Pacific Command enters SL territory without permission).

    Let's say MM will acieve its aims. ie provide humanitarian aid to the innocent civilians caught in this conflict.
    My concern is not GOSL but the LTTE. The logistics of distributing this aid to the civilians without hindrance from the LTTE.

  142. Mahen,

    nice post...

    but what can u say about the pottu story,2 billion story...etc..??

  143. (According to the escaped civilians, LTTE loot half of the aid sent to IDPs.)

    I assume these civilians were interviewed by Govt funded organisation. It must be true.

    Sarcasm apart, process will be put in place so that the aid reaches the needy and not the grubby hands of the terrorist.

  144. ....................

    ||::CeylonDefence::|| updated

    Click here


  145. Jay,

    How do you know about US Pacific Command entering illegally in to SL waters? Are you the SLN liaison with USN? Can you support your claim by some means? Now for the record, anybody helping innocent civilians anywhere in SL within the laws of Sri Lanka and without meddling with our internal matters are welcome.

  146. Sam P

    There were many reports of these infringements. Reported months after the incident.

    "without meddling with our internal matters"
    Any kind of humanitarian aid in the north is seen as meddling with internal matters. Its got worse recently.
    I spent over 9 months in SL (North and South) soon after the Tsunami on relief work. I know exactly how the the Govt Authorities treated the aid for the Southerners and the Northerners.

  147. he he he...

    Wanga Machaan mission is and excellent opportunity for the proud Sri Lankans to stay firm... and refuse anything forced on Sri Lankans.

    It will be terrible MISTAKE to allow this operation to succeed and create a bad precedent.

    I'm sure the president will PASS THIS TEST (TOO).

  148. Jay,

    You did not corroborate your USN story. Instead you are drifting elsewhere. You try to make a point with conjecture and now you are just babbling.

  149. Gringo,

    You have a point too!

    On the other hand, we want to look after the IDPs in the best possible ways too.

    Yes, this Wanga Machan is being forced up on us by the LTTE fronts in the UK to show us their strength in the name of Humanitarian Operation.

    .. and as rightfully speaking, no one should force us any 'humanitarian operation'.

    As you mentioned, if we allow this Wanga Machan, it will set a bad precedence!

    If I were the President, I would wait until the ship comes to Sri Lankan territorial waters, then confiscate the ship for entering Sri Lankan sovereign waters without permission, and unload the ship and distribute the goods through RedCross to IDP.

    As for the ship, we Sri Lanka will own it from then onwards.

    Remember, LTTE blew one of our supply ships few months back? This ship would pay that debt!

  150. NOLTTE=Peace...

    If one lesson Sri Lankans have thoroughly learned during the past 25 years, that is how to pass, when Tamil terrorists and their sponsors test us, one after another.

    Now that we know how to pass their tests... we should upgrade ourselves... to give them OUR own high standard 'tests'... challenging them to pass.

    Or else... we will be doomed.

  151. Freedom fighters or ???

    3500kg chemicals!!!

    Pachcha*** something captured…

    PTTE going in circles

    Operations Beyond FDL in Thevaveddi

    Death traps to civilians


    hak hak hak….

  152. Patriots,

    Have we heard anything from Iqbal Athas (mia) recently? I want to see how he down plays our victories and glorify Mr. Prabakaran's losses like shown below in his typical ranting.

    "Yes, SLA came this far but finishing off the remaining 20 km^2 will never happen since Mr. Prabakaran is a military genius we can never match. All what SLA did was to attack LTTE's political centers. The LTTE unimaginable military power is concentrated on the other side of line-x (currently x=Challai Lagoon and soon the Bay of Bengal). I am taking the right side of the war since I don't give a shit about the country I was born and I love Mr. Prabakaran."

    Monkey Iqbal Athas,

    We like to hear you blather every once in a while. Please go to the nearest internet cafe in Thailand and try to chime in.

    Sam Perera

    PS: you have a permanent place in the list of "Scum of Sri Lanka." After the war we may even have a skunk competition select the top most scummy. I will personally mail your application package if you give my your address.

  153. A Green Thought

    When this menace is over, we must celebrate the birthday of the monster - 27th November, I think - in our own way and in style.

    I am not saying that the day should be declared a holiday, for two reasons: Sri Lankans enjoy too many holidays in the calender; the monster did not have an any holiness, to be honoured by a holiday.

    I prefer the English treatment - the burning of Guy Falkes effigy on bonfire - who failed to blow up the parliament and became the most hated figure, next to Hitler.

    Velupillai Prabhakaran has earned enough wrath from the Sinhalese and Muslims for three decades and from the ordianry Tamils during the past few months to be qualified for a treatment of that sort.

    The effigy must be made from waste products: banana skins, sily-sily bags, worn-out knickers of our women whom the brute used to blow up, used condoms, to name but a few.

    A tiny birthday candle can be placed where his penis was, to trigger off the slow-burning the very process he subjected us to, for well over thirty years - that made us an impotent nation.

    Of course every journey starts with a tiny little step. The idea is still in embryonic stage. But if we contemplate on this humble thought, it will slowly permeate into our collective national psyche. It will be a matter of time before it really catches on.

    So, guys plesae meditate upon this idea in the name of freedom to roam free in our motherland.

    Let's dream of the burning the effigy of Prabha on 27 Nov, every year.


    Mahen, I read your blog today.

  154. re: blue horizon-2 UAV

    there is some OLD bullshit still floating about the blue horizon-2 UAV.

    this BS is as old as early 2007.

    1. the BS.....

    "Controversy surrounds government moves to purchase an Israeli built Blue Horizon II UAV system at a cost of over US$ five million by the Sri Lanka Air Force based on an unsolicited offer.

    The controversy stems from allegations that the system is untested and had been decided upon without calling for other offers.

    An inspection tour to verify its suitability ended in tragedy when a member of the Sri Lanka Defence delegation conducting a performance test died in Israel last week.

    Dr. Munindradasa a technical and UAV expert died last Tuesday (12) in a Tel Aviv hospital, following an attack of pneumonia.

    The four member delegation including Professor Munidradasa were staying at the Marina Hotel in Tel Aviv when he was found ailing by other members of the delegation.

    The Professor was taken in an ambulance following an examination by a doctor to the Icholov Hospital near the city centre.

    Dr. Munindradasa was attached as a senior lecturer to the Department of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering of The Moratuwa University,

    He was in Israel to conduct a performance test on the Blue Horizon together with recently promoted Air Commodore PB Ratnayake, Squadron Leader KGDN Jayasinghe and the local agent for the Blue Horizon UAV system Arjuna Gunawardena.

    Earlier EMIT Aviation Consult Ltd Israel carried out a presentation of the Blue Horizon II UAV system in October 2005.

    The Commander of the Air Force had appointed a six member team to evaluate their system and based on the recommendations of the evaluation team, a delegation of four officers were sent to carry out an in depth evaluation including on site evaluation.

    A team comprising Group Captain PB Ratnayake, Wing Commander M.D.J Wasage, Squadron Leader K.G.D.N Jayasinghe and Flt Lt WMA Warnasooriya were in Israel from March 4 - 15, 2006 to physically inspect and evaluate the BHII system.

    However the team had been unable to carry out endurance altitude and range testing due to aerodrome restrictions reportedly imposed by the Israel authorities. Defence experts say these are vital parameters and some sources allege EMIT Aviation has little experience in the field.

    However the TEC had recommended the purchase of the Blue Horizon system subject to a performance test of the vital parameters in Israel prior to release of the first 50% of the payment. It was to this end the team including Dr. Munindradasa had left to Israel on June 7 but due to his untimely death the vital performance test was not carried out.

    Meanwhile experts question why despite awaiting the test results, a tender has already been called on June 1, 2007 to purchase a colour day observation payload for Blue horizon II UAV system. Experts asked why the Air Force had already made moves to purchase the system despite the TEC recommendations which called for a second performance test of the vital parameters such as endurance range and altitude."

    2. the truth (somewhat)

    3. the analysis

    ALL the sources that talk about the "INAPPROPRIATENESS" (my arse) of the bh-2 are anti-SL starting from the sundry leader, tamillcanadian, tamilnet, tamillnation, tamilldaily.....


    3.1. why they are trying VERY HARD to show that this HIGHLY EFFECTIVE UAV was corruption????

    the same happened with the MiG-27 deal!!

    it is FEAR of annihilation of the LTTE, NOTHING else.

    3.2 why did the LTTE destroy PART of our surveillence capability in the ABB attack???

    there was a beechking super pro and 2 blue horizon-2 UAVs. IF (i mean IF) they were sooooo bad and were bought ONLY for corruption, why on earth destroy them????

    3.3 we bought 2 of them and 2 were destroyed in the AAB terror attack. so essentially the cost per unit was $5m/4 = $1.25 m to us. this is damn CHEAP for a UAV with so much capabilities.

    3.4 why bring this up NOW???
    bcos SLAF UAVs are CRITICAL in killing top tigers ANYDAY these days!!! this is another attempt to try and cause disputes HOPING (in vain) that it will lead to the non-functioning of these UAVs!!! LOL!

    have a look at this

    judge for yourself!!

  155. LTTE's desperation as never seen b4!!

    from toiletnet.

    "We recognise that the LTTE is a terrorist organisation and that the government of Sri Lanka has a need to root out the threat from terrorism. But the over-riding need is for an immediate end to the tragic humanitarian crisis."

    this was part of miliband's statement. toiletnet unashamedly reproduces it.

    never mind the terrorist label, save the "civilians" seems LTTE desperate plea now.

  156. Dear Sam Perera,

    You are trying to implicate a reputed defence journalist for what you wrote yourself.

    He never writes the type of things you attribute to him. Your insult with the initial "M" with "Monkey" is racially derogative. Look above how I refer you.

    I wish to end all communication with you. Wish you well and good bye.

  157. Moshe Dyan,

    The story of that UAV is not that rosy. It was a disaster according to my sources. More of it will be available when this informal news blackout ends.

    Until then believe what you want. This is a country where you have to be on your guard for pointing out corruption. Look who is happy when objective defence reporting ends.

  158. Monkey Iqbal Athas,

    "You are trying to implicate a reputed defence journalist for what you wrote yourself.

    He never writes the type of things you attribute to him. Your insult with the initial "M" with "Monkey" is racially derogative. Look above how I refer you.

    I wish to end all communication with you. Wish you well and good bye."

    I could care less about the way you address me, specially when you use the same to call the worst terrorist world has ever seen. What I care about is you demoralizing Sri Lankan people with your fake defence analysis, yet claiming to be a "reputed" journalist. You need to fess up to your crappy cooked up defence reports and LTTE biased reports one day if you ever plan to get out of the hole you dug for your self. Regardless, your own anti Sri Lankan acts will haunt you for the rest of your life.

    Adios little monkey!

  159. mia,

    FYI, objective defence reporting has just begun in SL.

    i don't beileve you are iqbal athas; i never did. i rather think you are a worse piece of shit, a slut-manager (wesapala). you may or may not be.

    but iqbal or pigbal as i call him is not a defence analyst. he's just a journalist and ANYONE can be a journalist if he can write.

    from MY sources in the SLAF, the bh-2 UAVs are working as they are supposed to work. you may have something against israel which is racism in my book.

    but i'm with you in exposing corruption IF done irrespective of who is in power.

  160. Patriots,

    LTTE loses two battle hardened leaders Amuthab & Gobith

    This is what I call good kills, perhaps the best after taking Charles down. Well done my brothers on taking down the real hardcore members.

  161. I hold British meddlers responsible for letting a ship get out of their country when the shipper clearly states the intent to break laws in some other place. With or without the face change of the crew and goods, any attempt to illegally enter our waters shall be dealt with our laws. If it means sinking the ship, so be it. I hope that we can hold Britain liable fr the acts of aiding international terrorists.

  162. My earlier unconfirmed report now confirmed.

  163. ["If it means sinking the ship, so be it."]

    Please sink it. That would be the best out come for LTTE.

  164. I cannot believe the naive comments about a humanitarian mission.
    My aim is to get the essential items to the innocent civilians. I dont give a damn about the GOSL or the LTTE.

    I have no further comments to make on this untill mission is accomplished.
    Have a nice day!


    Article from The Age- Australia
    written by Arundhati Roy.

    Over the top headline.

  166. Monkeynath,

    The best or not, the only outcome for LTTE is to get killed in acts of terror against the people of Sri Lanka. On the positive side, all of you can join the deceleration of Eelam party with Balaraj, Veeramani, Nagulan, Shankar, Charles, Selvan, Amuthab, and Gopith.


    Is this the one taken out by SLAF on 31st March.Some people had cleverly argued that there was a timelag of 30 mins between the surveillance and the attack.

    If yes,then brilliant strike by SLAF

  168. How to deal with the LTTE's 'relief' ship in three easy steps

    1. Stop & board the ship in SL territorial waters. Escort it under guard to Trinco.

    2. Confiscate & distribute any useful supplies to civilians escaping from the NFZ and to those civilians still living in IDP camps. Arrest the ship's company, fine them for illegal entry into SL. If they can't pay the fine, straight to jail.

    3. If they can pay, deport them and ensure they pay for their own airfares.

    See how easy it is to deal with Eelamtards?

    The LTTE relief ship is NOT safe from being boarded by SLN in International Waters.

    If any Eelamtards believed that the good ship Vanga Machan :) is safe from being boarded in international waters, off the coast of SL, think again.

    "...Under the relevant treaties, any State can board a ship on the high seas if the ship is suspected of piracy, transporting slaves, or broadcasting illegally. A ship and its occupants can be arrested for piracy and illegal broadcasting by a warship of any State."

    Educate yourself here:

    The GOSL can certainly make a credible case that this ship is suspected of all three of those suspect activities. The ship may even take on-board unknown supplies (weapons?) from other LTTE vessels in a mid-ocean transfer.

    As for the sheer arrogance of some British Eelamtard called Graham Williamson giving the GOSL assurances that the goods have been checked by a 'third party'... so what? His assurances should be treated with the contempt they deserve.

    Back to the (rapidly shrinking) drawing board, for you Eelamtards.

    I can only presume that the Eelam struggle is really scraping the barrel for recruits if this sort of ill thought out relief mission is the best that can be arranged. Part of the reason is that the Eelamtards never imagined that their 'struggle' would get to this humiliating situation.

  169. I am glad that STF had confronted the terrorists in Lahuga areas and we have been told they still come to Siamanduwa to buy provisions. There must be a sizeable amount of rebels hold up in that jungle stretching all the way to Yala.If amthe Prez.I would not go to places like Tissa and Katharagama as their infiltrations are high in those areas as the locals are forced to co exist with the infiltrations.

  170. Indian said...

    Is this the one taken out by SLAF on 31st March.


    Yes. The barrel seems intact for the most part. Nothing left of the tractor.

  171. MIA,

    How is your life in Thailand?

    Looks like they also undergoing much trouble these days?

    What is your perspective on them? Do you see any relevance to Sri Lankan security, mainly in the context that KP seems to be based in Thailand, and there is a considerably significant operations base of LTTE?

  172. Blogger MIA said...
    .........This is a country where you have to be on your guard for pointing out corruption.


    Every country has corruption. Sri Lanka is not an exception. However, there has been no high level corruption involving military procurement under the present government.

    This is the first government to create a state logistics monopoly to procure all government weapons.

  173. CASC said...
    (However, there has been no high level corruption involving military procurement under the present government.)

    Basil R will love you for that comment.

  174. Jay,

    I am not talking about Basil.

    Basil has no involvement in military procurement. All I am saying is that the Defence Secretary and the service chiefs are not involved. There may be lower ranks involved but it is not officially sanctioned or tolerated.

    Many years ago I met General Algama. He told me how he was enticed on a procurement mission to China.

    There will never be another situation where the Government buys 40,000 mortars from an arms dealer only to have it delivered to the LTTE.

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. These are very beautiful photos. Perhaps, Editor Monkeynath will share the feeling with me.

  177. CASC and NOLTTE=peace,

    Blogger mia had a different agenda in his "reporting." If you read his columns in ST in the past,

    (1) He calls Velu the Mr while not addressing any government minister or official like that.

    (2) He consistently downplayed anything what we have achieved.

    (3) He consistently glorified what LTTE did even in the face of defeat.

    (4) He cooked up stories to dramatize or fictionalize his reporting (check AAB attack story for his minute to minute commentary).

    (5) He admitted in my confrontation with him that he is taking the right side, i.e. LTTE.

    (6) When we took Kilinochchi, he said that we have taken only LTTE's political bases not military bases and lets wait and see if we can take LTTE military bases east of A9.

    (7) Very recently in this blog, he tried to paint General Fonseka's efforts to expand our military as an attempt to militarize Sri Lanka. Luckily, the readership is not gullible enough to swallow his wild allegations.

    In summary, what he did was not objective or unbiased reporting. On the pretext of exposing corruption, what he mostly did was to demoralize our soldiers and people in our war against LTTE terror. Just like those garden variety of NGOs and INGOs who are here to brake our will and ability to survive against the LTTE separatist terror. Given his ability to reach a wide audience in Sri Lanka his writings had very detrimental effects on our war against LTTE terrorists, which he knew pretty well, and that is what make him a scum of Sri Lanka together with other infamous scum.

  178. (There will never be another situation where the Government buys 40,000 mortars from an arms dealer only to have it delivered to the LTTE)
    I agree or instances where arms dealers sell to the highest bidder (GOSL or LTTE)

    Basil is the CFO of Rajapakse Inc.
    He is not called Mr 10% for nothing.

  179. [ Sam Perera said...
    These are very beautiful photos. Perhaps, Editor Monkeynath will share the feeling with me.

    Editor monkeynath may say,

    "Sri Lanka Army set fire on their own artilary and published in their website"


    "Small teams of LTTE set fire on SLA artilary and puplished them as belongs to LTTE"

    ha ha ha

    I'm still lauging for his cardboard box analysis once. (Actually the boxes were inside steel container or something and video came late. Before the video, this monkey spent whole day making a report and analysing pictures published on His fellow dumb diaspora jump up and down and made him genius)

    ha ha ha

  180. Sam Perera,

    Very nicely put.

    If he is indeed the same journalist, then its best for him to be like DBJ Jeyaraj and live in Canada or UK and write stupid stuff. There are plenty of diaspora people who would welcome him in those countries.


    Another article by Rajiva W the Secretary of something called ..oh yes Co-ordinating the Peace Process.

    Rajiva appears punch-drunk at his eloquence and ridiculaously self indulgent as usual.

  182. Jay,

    Since I have lived through these things so let me give you a brief history of corruption where people at the highest level were involved.

    1970s: Bandaranayakas selling their provate land before the land nationalization act.

    1970s: JR Jayaywardene buying the last production run of Lockheed Tristar jets for Air Lanka so that family member gets a commission

    1980s: Premadasa gifting prime state land in Nuwara Eliya to son-in-law (Prime Acerage in Upperlake Road Nuwara Eliya, Overlooking the N-Eliya lake) to do his private flower business.

    1990s: Chandrika expropriating 200 acres of private land in Colombo and gifting it to her friend for a golf course and apartments. Selling Air Lanka at no cost to Emirates Air for which she has received gifts in-kind including a villa in a well known vacation spot. Gifting one of the most profitable subsidiaries of the petroleum corporation (Lanka Marine Services) to John Keels Ltd.

    Thus far what ever the Rajapakse brothers have done is very mild compared to what has happened under the previous regimes.

  183. Jay,

    At this time, I have to agree with you about Prof. Rajiva on this article

    Oh.. he should think him as an Ambassador being the Head of Government Peace Secretariat.

    I know he like to talk about his true feelings being an honest personality (and I agree on what he has said in the article though). However, being an Ambassador of Sri Lanka, I expect him to be more diplomatic in his writings.

  184. Miliband castigates Lanka-Daily Mirror

    This British monkey,

    (1) Thinks that Sri Lanka is a British colony.
    (2) Thinks that Britain is a world power like they used to be in 20th century.
    (3) Has no idea of the damage British's did to my homeland in 150 year of occupation.
    (4) Has no idea how much wealth Britain stole from Sri Lanka in 150 year.
    (5) Does not know that he has to respect other countries sovereignty.
    (6) Does not know that Sri Lankans don't give a tiny rats ass about his BS.
    (7) Does not know that his powers end at the borders of UK.
    (8) Needs to be given diplomatic middle finger soon to put him in his right place.

  185. Most of the top level politicians in Sri Lanka are corrupted. This is valid for most of them from so many years.


    the previous ones DID corruption in mass scale + DID NOTHING in terms of LTTE problem.
    Or they tried but failed. So the final out come is always minus.


    MR & Brothers (let's say PVT LTD) done an excellent job on the war.


    I dont mind even if there were/are corruptions done by them.

  186. Jay,

    Will say the Defence Procurement of Sri Lanka is Rs. 40 Billion for a 10 year period from when the MR government was instated. 10% of it would be Rs. 4B = about US$37M.

    Even if we pay this amount as a fee to "Rajapaksa Company" for "eliminating LTTE terrorism" from Sri Lanka, it is well over worth it.

    If I had money, and if I can pay $500 million to eliminate LTTE, I will happily make that investment. It is a great investment and a BARGAIN!!!

    In fact the return that Sri Lanka would gain from LTTE cancer would be much much more than $500M. So, $37M is peanuts compared to the return!!

  187. Slpowers,

    "MR & Brothers (let's say PVT LTD) done an excellent job on the war.


    I don't mind even if there were/are corruptions done by them."

    Had I known the out come of so called Mihindu-Koti agreement in that time, I too would have chipped in some money to bribe LTTE. Perhaps, this is the best bribe somebody ever got to get the wiped out. Other people get bribes to survive but Velu is getting them to get killed. What a bribe it was.

  188. Karunanidhi receives 'death threats allegedly by LTTE'- Daily Mirror, LK

    Karunanidhi receives death threat

    Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Friday received a death threat allegedly from the banned LTTE, police said.

    Police said a letter carrying the symbol of the proscribed outfit issuing the death threat was received at Karunanidhi's Gopalpuram residence.

    Following the threat, security has been stepped up for the Chief Minister, who already is in the 'Z plus' category.

    "A case has been filed with the Central crime branch of the city police which is probing the matter.

    Police officials said the Union Home Ministry had already warned of a terror threat to Karunanidhi from LTTE, which is engaged in what is been termed as the "last ditch battle" in Sri Lanka. (PTI)

    LTTE may be asking to Pay Back the money (or else)!!

    Huh Hoo Karunabudhi.. you slept with dogs and now do not shout about ticks!!!!

  189. Sam Perera,

    It is like VP telling, give me fiver and whack my head!!!

    Hoh ho!


  190. .

    A good example of Dhitta Dhamma Vedaniya Kamma is the death threats received by Karunanidhi!

    When are we going to hear from "Waiko the Psycho" and "Nedu-Maran"??

    Karunanidhi's daughter may be scraping the bottom of her handbag now to pay back the monies she received!

  191. NOLTTE=Peace,

    It is like VP telling, give me fiver and whack my head!!!

    If not anything else, this should go down in the human history as the best buyout ever.


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