Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Air raids target LTTE positions in Paranthan, Kilinochchi

A minor explosion was reported a short while ago in Rathmalana area today (29th). It appears that an electric transformer was the target of the explosion. The transformer itself was undamaged in the incident. There were no casualties and no arrests have been made so far.

Meanwhile in the northern front, Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) flew 5 bombing sorties on LTTE targets in Paranthan and Kilinochchi. The air sorties were made as ground troops inching closer to Paranthan continued to face heavy resistance from LTTE cadres. Two of the sorties were flown in the morning, two in the afternoon and then another one in the evening. Exact LTTE casualties in these aerial raids are not available as of now. Despite LTTE resistance, SLA units have now advanced up to 2.5km from Paranthan junction.

Meanwhile the LTTE has handed over 17 bodies of SLA soldiers fallen in Mullaithiv battles today. Around 30 soldiers from the army’s 59 division were killed in fierce fighting at location 5-6km south of Mullaithiv town on the 27th.

In other news around 250 Police Special Task Force (STF) personnel passed out after completing training today. The passing out parade was held at Katukurunda STF training base.


  1. under-age kids in the SLA GOV Army

  2. "LTTE abducts 16 children from Catholic Church run orphanage - Dharmapuram"


    "The LTTE has called all students in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts who have completed the recent GCE Ordinary Level examination to join combat training, latest military intelligence reports said.

    According to these reports, over 8,000 students sat for the GCE Ordinary Level Examinations in these two districts Defence Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella told yesterday’s media briefing on the current security situation."


  3. Under Major General Chandrasiri, 2000 people in Jaffna have been killed by the SLA and hundreds more have gone missing. Who will dare raise a voice against the pointing gun of the SLA in Jaffna?? These people were forced to assemble in one place under the gun point and the SLA thrust slogan boards onto these unsuspecting, life fearing people.
    A place under an occupation army will do what ever the army tells them to do, to save their lives. This is exactly what happened in Jaffna the other day.
    On the issue of LTTE asking all O/L candidates in Vanni to take up training:
    The ministry of defence had to find an elaborate story to cover up the revelation of the usage of 'child soldiers' by the SLA and have done a pathetic job in doing so.
    Face the reality, dear Sinhalayas; The LTTE are the accepted and SOLE representatives for the free Tamil people in Vanni. They will fight till we, the Thamizhs of Eezham reach our goal of our free Thamil Eezham! No mater how many lies you guys try to muster up, they all will fall like dry leaves in a violent storm.

  4. Awasan Satana - Sri Lanka War Situation Report 29/12/2008 (Video)

    click here

    Troops Capture Periya Paranthan (Rupavahini video)
    click here

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. see the link below

    is he Theleepan? he looks like very tired....?


  7. peccko, "Under Major General Chandrasiri, 2000 people in Jaffna have been killed by the SLA" Source please.

    The 8000 LTTE child soldier news item was before the LTTE claims of having found one SLA such, so cannot have been a response to the LTTE claim.

    Pecko, why should anyone support the dictatorial "sole representative" (undemocratic statement by definition) LTTE that allows no freedom of speech, association, or movement in the territory it controls? Can you say anything good the LTTE has brought the tamils to compensate a hereditary dictatorship lacking any rights and liberties, racist education, suicide bombers, child soldiers, and lacking economic development?

  8. child soldiers are here


  9. It is heartening to see the way the Tamil population in Jaffna mingles with the armed forces. The recent “Future Minds of Jaffna” exhibition, which SL Army played a huge role, was attended by half of the total Jaffna population. This is unprecedented.

    click here for the video

  10. ltte is smart enought to make fake IDs don't worry my friend...we have to investigate what happened...

  11. ltte is smart enought to make fake IDs don't worry my friend...we have to investigate what happened...

  12. FYI


    was updated earlier in the day.

  13. Congress assures Pranab will be sent to Lanka

    The Congress Party in India has assured Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi that External Affairs Minsiter Pranab Mukherjee would soon visit Sri Lanka to discus the Tamil issue, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

  14. Defent...pleez answer me..is it true two ships unloaded off Mullaitivu unscathed ? Is that why, ltte idiots are lobbing Mortat & arti at our boys ? Huh ? talk to me fellas ?

    But, I cant wait to see where those morons hid those Zlins ?

    Nice Post DF....Happy New Year !

  15. Lankaputhra,

    Theepan is the one in Civil Clothes!

  16. @ NoLTTE=peace

    reply to your comment at Sakkili's blog

    I want to let them know how bad is this. It was them who started this in defence blogs using arabic letters.

    LTTP MF Basterds...

  17. LTTE used battle tanks in Iranaimadu counter attack ... In ma view its just a practice for the LTTE and it clearly show that the SLPA never gonna stand front of the Eelam force when the start the offensive

  18. SLPower,

    If a dog bit you, do not bite the dog back!

    Whack it on the head ;-)

    Counter their false propaganda, and destroy their fairy world!

    We do not need to resort to cheap stuff...

    This is my humble request!

  19. LTTE has one T55 battle tank and one or two smaller ones (APCs) that they captured from us about 10 years back (as I could remember)..

    They also have two Buffels that they use to transport their VIPs.

  20. 400, 1000, 800, e.t.c SLA killed (before ceasefire)

    Now.. 50, 80 150, 210, SLA killed.

    Dear Lord the great military of Tamils the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam is so much superior to SLA while having less man power, less fire power, less weapons...

    Seems the only thing tipping the scale in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam favour is the Intelligience and Innovation that is inherent in Tamils.

    If the Tigers were to have the same advanced weapons the SLA has now (tons of weapons/defence from America, Canada, Europe, Pakistan, India...)

    ..SLA would be wiped out in a matter of days .LOL. LOL...

    Lucky for you racist mtherfkrs you are placed in power over the Tamil homeland and sinhala land by your old colonial masters... which has led to you being the "DEFAULT" government which later removed all political Tamil and sinhala opponents.

    However, many things are changing and actions are already in place...some of which you scum is aware of.

    Your only hope is to weaken the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam before Tigers start using their own arsenal of weapons, hard-core Tigers against you scum.

    If you are thinking the massive resistance right now is from hard-core battle-hardened Tamil Tigers .... you must wipe your nose with a tissue for being stuck up ur own ass for so long.

    When all defensive measures are over and the sufficient situation prevails within the SLA... you will see these fighters in Action.

    May the Triple Gem stay lodged up in every Sinhala Racist SLA ass. I hear many broken and smelly Gems are being shipped back to Colombo.. ha ha ha...

    SHARP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  21. Rajaratakai,
    "Defent...pleez answer me..is it true two ships unloaded off Mullaitivu unscathed ? Is that why, ltte idiots are lobbing Mortat & arti at our boys ? Huh ? talk to me fellas ?

    As per intel reports, yes they did manage to unload some new cargo. But two of the medium sized vessels (large than a fishing trawler) were destroyed by the navy. However tigers seem to have manage to acquire a large amount of arty shells.

    "But, I cant wait to see where those morons hid those Zlins ?"

    Since there are no hangars detected in any of the 3 captured airstrips, it's believed the planes are stored in safehouses far away and transported to airfields using land vehicles.

  22. Guys,

    It the intelligence reports are as accurate as we wish them to be, the top Tiger commanders are not for committing suicide.

    Soosai's reported refusal to fight, Pottu's lethargy and Bhanu's reported arrest show they are as eager as we are for a post-war life - of course, in their usual way; money and men are essential to maintain that life-style.

    If the big brute is eliminated, this organization will not survive a month, if not years. The soonert the SLAF gets him the better for exhausted commanders of Tiger hireachy.

    Velu's trick of holding the sagging morale is giving them the impression that he got something up in his sleeve to fight back; he did use the trick in the past, when there were boys from the East for his unceasing waves - something that may have contributed to the cult like status. That source has now dried up. So, the possibilities for performing tricks are not many.

    His South Indian contacts are not very reliable; just rabble rousers with no one to take them seriously. He may still dream of achieving his goal - until the last minute. Towards the end, the mind of revolutionaries goes hay wire. Hitler dreamt of victory even when the Red Army were on his doorsteps in Berlin.

  23. I have followed Jehan Perara for quite some time. Once I thought he was working for LTTE getting paid on daily basis. Those good old days he was acting like a King Maker, and lived like an Elite NGO King telling us that LTTE is the savior of whole Sri Lanka.

    Now suddenly he has come down to give the message that everything that the GOSL do to militarily defeat LTTE is fruitless. Now he has encroached Daily Mirror to put up his grim (the NGO) views.

    Here is one of his recent comments,

    " The question is whether victory in conventional warfare by the government, and the retaking of northern territory, will also eliminate the LTTE’s guerilla and terrorist capacity. If the answer is yes, then the conditions of uncertainty, instability and the need for a military presence that accompanies life in many parts of the country will come to an end with the end of the northern battles. The military defeat of the JVP and the elimination of its militant leadership nearly two decades ago ended the JVP’s armed challenge to the state, which was by guerilla and terrorist warfare. If the defeat of the conventional military capacity of the LTTE leads to a crumbling of its guerilla and terrorist capacities, a life free of assassinations and bombings can begin anew in the New Year.

    The memory of the defeat of the JVP may give hopes of a similar end to the LTTE’s challenge to the state. But international experience indicates that identity-based rebellions are more tenacious in their grip over societies than class-based ones, to which category the JVP insurrection belonged. In identity-based conflicts, on the other hand, the struggle polarizes communities from top to bottom. In the case of the Tamil rebellion a large and powerful Tamil diaspora that supports the LTTE cannot be neutralized by military methods as they live abroad. Like the past years, this New Year too is unlikely to bring peace through war."

    That is why we need "unconventional" methods to deal with terrorists. Those are called "Counter Terrorism Methods". Those are the exact methods that Dr. Jehan Perera and clan want to prevent taking place.

    The bottom-line is we should understand who the real-enemies of the nation are and apply appropriate measures to countering their ill actions.

  24. Qrious,

    It is a good leadership quality to keep up the morale of a team, even when it is clear that the ship is sinking. It allows a leader to squeeze the last bit of juices from his men and women.

    Brutus is doing the same trick. LTTE is being a world-wide cult, it is important to maintain that status-quo to protect his rear-end.

    The "Cults" do not use mind. They follow others. They do not "think" nor "analyse". They just follow.

    Brutus told the same thing when we were about to take up Jaffna. He said that the Sinhala Army would be totally defeated if we came to take Jaffna. As soon as he was defeated, he changed the message and vowed to fight.

    It took some time for him to build up collapsed supporter morale. It would be the same now too. He will tell the same thing. Shifting the message from one to the next.

    When Army declared war in the East, he told everyone that if the Army comes to take East, he will teach a good lesson.

    Then he told the same thing about "Madu". We saw what happened.

    Then he told the same thing about Poonakerei. That's gone!

    Then he shifted the message to Killi saying that the Sinhala Army will have the Shock of its life if they come to Killi.

    Now we are not only beating Kill bushes but his Mulative Bush too. Once we took over those towns, if he was alive, he will change the message and vow to "fight back", and will ask for more money from the 'naive' die-ass-pora, and the lives from the innocent families too.


  25. within 2 years 10,000 sla got killed, 25,000 wounded .. gov related news came out..

  26. Defnet, isnt it time we made an Amphib landing right in Mullaitivu dead on ? Then ltte faggorts would have to give up Paranthan & Iranmadu huh ? Cuz Fatass VP WILL escape from Mullaitivu ....cut it off !!! Right ?

  27. Terrorists to face another shocking maneuver from Army 59 Div

    [Click to magnify/shrink]

    Heavy clashes have been reported between Army infantrymen and the terrorists in the North of Mulliyawali from 9 AM to 2.30 PM on Monday (Dec 29) as troop extended their forward boundaries further northwards. Intercepted terrorist radio transmissions have confirmed heavy damages to the terrorists during these clashes.

    Meanwhile, troops of 592 Brigade operating in the western flank of the 593 Brigade has made further headway on their flanking movement. Infantrymen of 12 Sri Lanka Light Infantry (12 SLLI) and the 14 Gajaba Regiment (14 GR) attacked terrorist groups in the North of Karurelankandal and Kulamuripu areas during daytime yesterday as they extended their forward boundaries further northwards of the A-34 road (Mankulam- Mullaittivu)

    Troops 591 Brigade engaged in a northward move along the Alampil- Mullaittivu road confronted with a group of terrorists in the South of Chilawatte area around 9, last morning.

    Army 59 Division is currently operating closest to the LTTE's main military bastion in Mullaittivu town. The strategic focus of the Wanni counter terrorist operation shifted from the Kilinochchi front to the Mullaittivu front once troops gained total control over the western shores of the island. At present, LTTE terrorists are mainly confined to a triangular shaped area edged by the A-9 road from the West, A-34 road from the South and the northeastern coastal belt stretching from Mullaittivu to Nagarkovil.

  28. Army closing in on Paranthan, Kilinochchi

    Ranil Wijayapala

    The Security Forces are poised to launch a major breakthrough with troops closing on isolated strongholds as Task Force I troops both in Paranthan and Kilinochchi areas confronted the LTTE in the remaining terrain of the Jaffna-Kandy Highway, military sources from Wanni battlefront told the Daily News yesterday.

    “The situation is extremely fragile to the LTTE as they fast shift their cadres in the Jaffna front where the LTTE had kept many of their assets to defend the Paranthan and Kilinochchi fronts as of yesterday evening,” troops now close on the A9 road from North of Kilinochchi, he added.

    Sources also said the next 24 hours was delicate as troops are poised to cut off the A9 road from North of Kilinochchi and Paranthan.

    “Security Forces are closing on to Elephant Pass too as the Task Force I is in the process of creating a wider front towards A-9 road from the North of Kilinochchi to launch the fall of most important grounds in Kilinochchi to cut Tiger links with the Jaffna front,” sources added.

    The Task Force I troops, under the command of Brigadier Shavendra Silva managed to capture Kamalakadukulam, two kilometers west of Paranthan and Thadduvankoddy in the North West of Paranthan amidst stiff resistance from the LTTE.

    “Intercepted radio transmissions confirmed that 40 Tiger cadres were killed and 30 wounded in the fierce battles that erupted from early hours of yesterday. The Task Force I troops managed to recover six Tiger bodies during search and clear operations,” sources added.

    The LTTE never expected such a swift move towards North of Kilinochchi and Paranthan as the Task Force I troops had taken only 30 days to advance 22 km from Pooneryn to Paranthan with Pooneryn captured on November 15.

    They had to stop military operations for two weeks due to inclement weather conditions.

    According to military sources, the 57 Division troops operating South of Kilinochchi also made strategic moves towards Kilinochchi after passing the Tiger earth bund which was the major obstacle.

  29. Can somebody shed light on this organization ?

    OfERR — Organisation for Eelam Refugees Rehabilitation

    To me, it looks like another LTTE front-end organization that has been set-up to capture all the Sri Lankan refugees entering India.


    Any insights? Thoughts?

  30. NoLtte=peace, thanks for the comment mate.


    Mr Nadesan has changed his tune again - ready for peace talks. The Cliche is back - tactical withdrawl.

  31. I am now against Douglas Devananda.

    National Anthem should be sung in Sinhalese because its Sri Lankan national anthem and also it should be sung in the south of the Island not in north.

    Douglas can sing these songs when he has good time with his mistress.

  32. ''The high price of Sri Lanka’s war'' by
    Ranjith Jayasundera in Sunday Leader

    AS the government's war against the LTTE enters the bloodiest phase in the country's history, our research has found that the costly war of attrition is irreparably scarring an entire generation of Sri Lanka's youth.

    AS the government's war against the LTTE enters the bloodiest phase in the country's history, our research has found that the costly war of attrition is irreparably scarring an entire generation of Sri Lanka's youth.

    The Sunday Leader has obtained a draft copy of a study circulated for peer review by Dr. Rohan M. Jayatunge and army psychiatrists that provides some insights into the trauma that soldiers faced after combat before 2008, a year in which over 1,200 soldiers have been killed from just six divisions.

    According to the scientific study, there is a severe spread of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) amongst soldiers who have served in combat in the north and east and survived to tell the tale.

    The paper, titled Psychological Management Of Combat Stress - A Study Based On Sri Lankan Combatants, reveals that over 17,000 soldiers were killed in combat up to 2001, and interestingly enough, it also claims a similar number of LTTE cadres killed in the same period, indicating a 1:1 kill ratio.

    Further, the army claims to have killed over 9,000 Tigers in 2008 to date. Coupled with media reports of over 350 civilians killed in combat this year, Eelam War IV has cost Sri Lanka over 10,500 lives in 2008, the highest number of people killed in any one year during the conflict's 25 year history.

    It must be remembered that even these figures are only accurate up until the end of October, when the military officially stopped giving out casualty figures for its own losses or those of the LTTE for "security reasons."

    In the last month however, it is well known that gruelling battles have taken place with heavy casualties on both sides as the army pushes harder to surround and capture Killinochchi, and bridge the gap between its forces in Muhamalai and those on the northern tip of the country's mainland.


    In one particularly fierce three day bout of fighting, Defence Watch Spokesman and SLFP (M) Parliamentarian Mangala Samaraweera told journalists that over 200 soldiers had been killed in fighting, between November 15 and 18 alone.

    Never in any one month this year has the government ever admitted that it lost more than 200 soldiers, thus the increase in intensity of the combat action in the month of November, with the budget debate looming, and many deadlines having been missed for the capture of Killinochchi, is alarming.

    The Sunday Leader's journalists researched the available data on conflict related deaths in Sri Lanka since 1994 and the data confirms that the country has just endured the bloodiest year in its 25 year history of waging and surviving war.

    The second bloodiest year in the conflict was 1995, when Jaffna was recaptured by the army, with the deaths of approximately 5,000 soldiers and LTTE cadres in total. This is less than half as many as had been killed by November 2008, when the army's casualty count began to skyrocket as losses peaked by coincidence on President Rajapakse's birthday, just days after he awarded a one year extension to Army Commander Sarath Fonseka.

    We have no choice but to await with baited breath the final tally of men, women and children who would have been laid to rest this year by the war. What is remarkable is that the government has managed to hide the human cost of the battle by maintaining tight control of what is published in the media.


    However, several excerpts from the yet-unpublished military trauma report show that this war is not as glamorous as the government makes it out to be in its glitzy recruitment and propaganda campaign. Rarely enough do we stop to think of the trauma undergone by the families of soldiers who lost loved ones in this campaign, and never at all does the level of stress undergone by war survivors occur to anyone.

    The report highlights the experience of a 32 year old lance corporal who witnessed a fellow soldier die in a landmine explosion. "Even though he managed to escape without a single injury, he saw how his friend died in the blast. His depressive features appeared as survival guilt, self blame, hopelessness, grief and bereavement."

    There is also another account of a private who witnessed his best friend, another soldier in his unit, being killed in a sniper attack. "After the confirmation" of the death, the private "was ordered to bury the body," but felt that the body was warm to the touch, possibly due to hot weather.

    "After some years he had an irrational feeling that he buried the man alive," the report said, before spiralling into depression. The report is jam-packed with similar instances of surviving soldiers having their lives wrecked for good by what they experienced in the 'glorious' liberation crusade.


    A lieutenant who witnessed seven soldiers explode due to an incoming enemy mortar and became schizophrenic, a sergeant who lost a leg and became violent and addicted to cannabis, and a captain who served for 20 years being "exposed to heavy combat" who felt a "misfit to civil society" and found it "uneasy to work with civilians," are the stories scattered throughout the study.

    All of these examples are from soldiers who were in combat prior to 2008, which has now turned out to be the most deadly year in the history of the war by the government's own statistical killing claims.


    Most importantly, this was before the armed forces were committed to a war of attrition over a year-long campaign in which over 1,200 of their own were slain and over 7,000 permanently maimed and scarred. At least some senior officers will recall and recant the fact that several hundred soldiers did not have to die to capture Pooneryn in 1992, and also that the capture was inconsequential as the base was recaptured by the LTTE but one year later.

    They will also remember that Killinochchi was captured by the army in 1996 without 1,000 soldiers dying trying, and that Madhu - and its now infamous shrine - was also captured in 1999.

    In that campaign as in this one, the army held Jaffna and attempted to corner the LTTE into the Mullaitivu jungles, before they sprang out of nowhere and wreaked havoc across the island, seizing both Madhu and Killinochchi - and everything in between - in a blitzkrieg of Nazi proportions.

    Although the Tigers may not have such a capability any longer, they need not strike so hard in order to cripple the country, a fact that has now been lost on every major political party in the country including the UNP, which just announced its tacit support for the war in its bloodiest ever phase.

    The Tigers need do little more than let the country drag itself further into debt with the cost of its war, while believing they are closer to success, and inflict maximum casualties upon the army and terrorise Colombo with suicide bombs, to bring Sri Lanka to a position where barely a country will turn to help.

    With every nation in the world reeling from the shockwaves of the global economic crisis it is unlikely that there will be any country willing to come to the aid of an island that is pursuing an internationally condemned war of attrition and territory as its first priority.


    The recent accusations that the air force has been using cluster bombs against civilian targets in the Wanni, would also prove devastating if it can be proven. To its credit, the government has denied the allegation, and the LTTE and its proxies have been unable to find any evidence of actual unexploded cluster 'bomblets' that such weapons always leave behind.

    Alongside the revelation made by Mangala Samaraweera in parliament that the air force has dropped over 14 kilotonnes of explosives in the Wanni this year, if cluster bombs were to be used, Sri Lanka's air force would set a second world record.

    The SLAF already holds the unenviable record of being the first, only and thus most frequent dropper of bombs on its own citizens, and the government would gain little from being seen in the eyes of the world as having used cluster munitions on a refugee camp as alleged by some NGOs and the LTTE.

    Factors such as this are what bring memories of how the United States lost the war in Vietnam not in the Viet Cong jungles but in the living rooms of Americans at home who witnessed the brutality that the war inflicted to all sides, and pressured that government to abandon Vietnam.

    The lines that the army is now holding are stretched across several hundred kilometres and with every advance the terrain becomes more favourable to the LTTE due to their familiarity with the combat environment.

    As the campaign gets longer, the troops on the frontline will become wearier and a lot of them must already be under immense psychological stress from prolonged exposure to combat conditions. The study of military combat stress says as much.

    "The percentage of study subjects whose responses met the screening criteria for major depression, generalised anxiety, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was significantly higher after serving" in the north and east.


    "There was a strong reported relation between combat experiences such as being shot at, handling dead bodies, knowing someone who was killed or killing the enemy, and the prevalence of PTSD," the study concluded, adding finally that there was "a significant risk of mental health problems especially regarding combat related PTSD."

    These are exactly the kind of poor conditions that the late Major General Janaka Perera warned would imperil the military campaign should it drag on for months through the monsoon and beyond.

    In order to maintain its popularity and war fever in the south, the government would have to prevent the LTTE from repeating their Eelam War III performance of materialising out of the Mullaitivu jungles and smashing through army lines like so many dominoes.

    For the sake of the next thousand soldiers who are now on the front line, we can only hope that the military leadership is as competent at protecting its own as it is at marketing and fighting wars of words and propaganda.



    May 28, 2007

    Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka

    "The LTTE has 4,000 cadres in the north. They are not its best cadres. If they lose 2,000 cadres, they are finished."
    December 30, 2007

    Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka

    "LTTE has 3,000 cadres remaining. Military plans to kill them within six months. Our daily target is to kill at least 10 LTTE terrorists."
    January 11, 2008

    Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka

    "My term of office is coming to an end this year and I will not leave this war to the succeeding army commander."
    February 10, 2008

    Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka

    "They are an organised force with a lot of experience. They have thousands of fighters. I do not conduct the war looking at deadlines and timeframes. The LTTE has around 5,000 fighters. This time when we take Kilinochchi, we will not leave it after a while. But we must realise that the offensive is going to take time."
    February 19, 2008

    Mahinda Rajapakse

    "We would have cleared them out of the remaining areas long ago but we also had to ensure no civilians were killed. I would say, in a year and a half, we might be able to do it."
    February 22, 2008

    Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara

    "But we have never said that we will finish them off. We have never set deadlines. We are fighting a terrorist organisation, not a conventional war." "The more we weaken them, then the more they will come into negotiations. It is not possible to wipe them out."
    June 2008

    Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka

    "4,000 - 5000 Tigers remain."
    "They have lost that capability, although they are fighting with us, not in the same manner like earlier. They had the defensive lines, we couldn't move even one km for two or three months. That kind of resistance is not there any more."

    "May be a maximum of one year from now onwards the LTTE should lose large areas." "They should not be able to maintain their present control over the population, to be able to resist the army in the way they are resisting now. They would have to lose all that capability."
    "Even if we finish the war, capture the whole of the north, still the LTTE might have some members joining them."
    "There are people who believe in Tamil nationalism. The LTTE might survive another even two decades with about 1,000 cadres. But we will not be fighting in the same manner. It might continue as an insurgency forever."

    September 12, 2008

    Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka

    11,000 Tigers killed since July 2006. Only 4,000 Tigers remain.

  33. Now it is time for 'intense' counter-terrorism operations in the South!

  34. SLPAF targets civilian once again killed 4 and wounded another 15....


    So guys just get ready to welcome the new year with a BREAKING NEWS....

  35. Gringona:
    The 25+ years of "warnings, Reports and Concerns" have worked to roll, very slowly but steadily, the wheel of world's diplomatic community's opinions to change in favour of the Eelam Tamizhs. You will soon see the effects of it.
    You will not even have anyone's shoulder to cry on when a decisive punch from the LTTE shatters the Sri Lankan state.

  36. Aney whining pettho...

    [The 25+ years of "warnings, Reports and Concerns" have worked to roll, very slowly but steadily, the wheel of world's diplomatic community's opinions to change in favour of the Eelam Tamizhs.]

    The bitter truth that's truly hurting you is... ability of our present leaders effectively LOCALIZE the previously INTERNATIONLIZED (fake) 'Tamil' cause.

    More than the military achievements, more than the culling of LTTE pigs, more than the areas we liberated, in my eyes, this is the single most important, invaluable and powerful achievement to the GOSL's credit.

    LTTE coolies look dumbfounded without any noise from any quarter...

    [You will soon see the effects of it.
    You will not even have anyone's shoulder to cry on when a decisive punch from the LTTE shatters the Sri Lankan state.

    Now is the time to show!

    in case you didn't notice... we no longer give more than 'hoot'...'hoot'... to the threats of Tamil terrorists... we know culling them openly in front of Hotel International Community... works like magic.

  37. Shyam,

    It's good that at least you can contend by saying, wow LTTE had so little resources while the SLDF has massive redundant resources so LTTE lost but could have won on equal grounds.

    Don't fool yourself.

    LTTE matches or even could surpass the GOSL and SLDF overall considering some of the following factors.

    -kill civilians (using bus bombs, car bombs, any number of other types of bombs, bombs bombs and bombs etc.) with impunity which is one of the most compelling strengths the terror LTTE used which GOSL/SLDF cannot and will not.
    -Funds (and Tax free at that) by hundreds of millions per year collected by hook or crook from diaspora, raised from fraudulent activities such as credit card scams, drug running, and probably other various illegal activities.
    - SLDF has to manouver safegaurding civilians and civilian property which the LTTE pays scant regard to and gets away with even without so much as a slap on the wrist.(barring civilian casualties by SLDF that are UNINTENTIONAL and UNAVOIDABLE[sorry, prosecuting the war is not negotiable])
    -LTTE had the luxury of entering in to peace accords, cease fires and flouting them blatantly to their extreme advantage.
    -LTTE has the financial capability to raise lobbying forces to it's advantage.
    -LTTE can forcefully use it's own people as cannon fodder preserving trained cadre for latter stages of a war.

    - Others should be able to continue this if required..


  38. (wood)peccko

    "very slowly but steadily, the wheel of world's diplomatic community's opinions to change in favour of the Eelam Tamizhs."

    I thought this has deteriorated.
    Can you back up your opinion with real facts?

    Didn't you just loose your position regarding this in Canada?

    Aren't world leaders now saying nations now have a legitimate RIGHT to protect themselves against Terrorism?

    Don't think you are bit hallucinating?

  39. peccko and other pro-LTTE Tamils.

    If I were you, I'd stop posting garbage here and spend that time to learn more Sinhalese.

    Here is a business idea: Start selling Sri Lanka flags. Most Tamils in NE will be happy to display them outside their homes after liberation. Those Eelam flags are being recycled now.

  40. Puli

    " ''The high price of Sri Lanka’s war'' by
    Ranjith Jayasundera in Sunday Leader "

    Thanks for posting this nice and Loooong article.

    The good news is that many of now have the access to the web and give us the link next time. Days of copying and pasting long articles on blogs are over.

  41. Tamils should revolt against LTTE for forcefully sacrificing their kids for a losing war!

    They know they are losing, but still forcefully recruit kids!

  42. (wood)peccko

    " You are showing classical mind set of a Genocidal oppressor race by asking the Tamils to learn Sinhala."

    If you can learn English, why not Sinhala? This will make your stay in Sri Lanka enjoyable with trouble free for your lifetime :)

    This was my statement:
    "Aren't world leaders now saying nations now have a legitimate RIGHT to protect themselves against Terrorism?"

    Here is your response:
    "Exactly! That is why we have a legitimate RIGHT to protect ourselves from Sinhala State Terrorism"

    Here is a problem pecco, you are not a nation. You are the Terrorists!!!!!!.

    Whether you like it or not, we will rehabilitate you.

  43. Defnet...no comes the fun part SLA is uncovering all kinds of suprises.Have ya seen the airstrip in Muliyawalli ?
    It's paved tooo crap, did SLAF bomb it ! Loneranger has great sat photo ?

    Also did SLA take out the Ltte T55 captured 10yrs. ago near Paranthan last week ?
    But, I like that video from SLNavy attack on the ltte trawler off N.E. Jaffna !

  44. DN and patriots,

    wish you a happy and peaceful new year.

    DN, we appreciate your informative analyses. you deserve a big thank you.

    may 2009 be the year of DOOM for peaceful tamil elamists and violenet tamil elamists alike!!

    paranthan - what a way to start a year! may god bless all our security forces.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I wish a Happy New Year to all patriots... and, remember the service, the bravery, the sacrifices and of course the VICTORIES of the SLDF, with gratitude.

    What a proud example our defence secretary and army commander have been to us, even after they were wounded in terrorist attacks of the Tamil terrorists!!! RAW COURAGE!

    Wow... Sri Lankan youngsters must be itching with that 'get up and go' feeling to join SLDF and serve and protect Motherlanka! There's no better time for that, than NOW!

    Yes... this is our version of 'change' we can not only believe in… this the ‘change’ we were waiting for.

    Kill more and achieve more. There’s no better day to promise us… to hunt down and kill Tamil terrorists to the last one, THAN TODAY.

  47. Now that Paranthan has fallen, E'Pass' historic day seems getting close.

    Potential air strip here
    9.436991, 80.407653

    Also, nice of the Israelis and the Pals to go at each other with the kitchen sink.

    And the FBI says the LTTE had connections with Al-Quida and LeT, also could facilitate a LeT attack from LTTE held areas on India.

  48. Nolte

    Re; eelam refugee thing, the monkeys are now struggling to find things they can write their name on. Having been kicked out from almost an informal UN presence when Kofi Annan and the gook squad ran the UN by a very vengeful US and EU, the fckers have to invent things to maintain teh myth of statehood. To have refugees, a nation must exist. These are the last withering sighs and squirms of a dying desease.

    More information is now being unearthed abt a strong connection between the LTTE and the guys who attacked Mumbai. And another with the Al Quida in Afghanistan. This information is starting to piss off the two major powers that matter to SL; India and the US.

    funky monkey in the toilet pit claiming Indian support is hallucinating. India may even participate in an extraction offensive to scalp the sob. The indians are in dire need of a militarily significant move right now which shows they have balls.

  49. These victories come at a cost. In this case, the cost is risk.

    The SL forces now in Paranthan area are vulnerable to a three sided attack.They are now perched in land that can be hit from two sides in the rear, from Killinochchi and Mullaitivu, while the front can be assaulted from EPass area.
    A prolonged hold up in that area without neutralizing E'Pass soon would increase that risk since the LTTE would have the ability to hit the logistics trail from behind.

    That does not necessarily mean doom or isolation of the troops since they can be accessed from Kilali if necessary.

    In any case, this is the endgame folks. Increased hostilities in Israli-Pal theatre and Indo-Pak area will shadow what happens to the world's most ruthless terrorist group. Most would only be glad one problem is being solved by the Sri Lankans, without any cost to the over-burdened US tax payer.

  50. Wishing all the very best for all the bloggers and thier families!!

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